// Update merges remote object state into database database, overwritting values. // ID must be the same as session. func Update(c *echo.Context) (int, interface{}) { reqid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 64) attid, _ := c.Get("digitsID").(int64) if reqid == attid { var profile models.ProfileUpdate var err error // Bind body to profile data err = c.Bind(&profile) if err != nil { return msg.BadRequest(err) } // Valdate profile data err = validator.Validate(profile) if err != nil { return msg.BadRequest(err) } // If email is written, require confirmation again if profile.Email != "" { profile.RequiresConfirm = true } // Execute update log.Printf("Awaiting for [Profile = %d] update", reqid) err = mangos.Execute(collection, func(c *mgo.Collection) error { return c.Update(bson.M{"_id": reqid}, bson.M{"$set": profile}) }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Cannot update [Profile = %d]: %s", reqid, err) return msg.InternalError(err) } log.Printf("Updated Profile ->\n%s", msg.Detail(profile)) return msg.Ok("updated") } return msg.Forbidden("the id does not belongs to user") }