// InsertTrack inserts track `t` at position `i` in the queue. func (q *Queue) InsertTrack(i int, t interfaces.Track) error { q.mutex.Lock() beforeLen := len(q.Queue) // An error should never occur here since maxTrackDuration is restricted to // ints. Any error in the configuration will be caught during yaml load. maxTrackDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%ds", viper.GetInt("queue.max_track_duration"))) if viper.GetInt("queue.max_track_duration") == 0 || t.GetDuration() <= maxTrackDuration { q.Queue = append(q.Queue, Track{}) copy(q.Queue[i+1:], q.Queue[i:]) q.Queue[i] = t } else { q.mutex.Unlock() return errors.New("The track is too long to add to the queue") } if len(q.Queue) == beforeLen+1 { q.mutex.Unlock() q.playIfNeeded() return nil } q.mutex.Unlock() return errors.New("Could not add track to queue") }
// Delete deletes the audio file associated with the incoming `track` object. func (yt *YouTubeDL) Delete(t interfaces.Track) error { if !viper.GetBool("cache.enabled") { filePath := os.ExpandEnv(viper.GetString("cache.directory") + "/" + t.GetFilename()) if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); err == nil { if err := os.Remove(filePath); err == nil { return nil } return errors.New("An error occurred while deleting the audio file") } } return nil }
// Execute executes the command with the given user and arguments. // Return value descriptions: // string: A message to be returned to the user upon successful execution. // bool: Whether the message should be private or not. true = private, // false = public (sent to whole channel). // error: An error message to be returned upon unsuccessful execution. // If no error has occurred, pass nil instead. // Example return statement: // return "This is a private message!", true, nil func (c *CurrentTrackCommand) Execute(user *gumble.User, args ...string) (string, bool, error) { var ( currentTrack interfaces.Track err error ) if currentTrack, err = DJ.Queue.CurrentTrack(); err != nil { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.common_messages.no_tracks_error")) } return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.currenttrack.messages.current_track"), currentTrack.GetTitle(), currentTrack.GetSubmitter()), true, nil }
// Execute executes the command with the given user and arguments. // Return value descriptions: // string: A message to be returned to the user upon successful execution. // bool: Whether the message should be private or not. true = private, // false = public (sent to whole channel). // error: An error message to be returned upon unsuccessful execution. // If no error has occurred, pass nil instead. // Example return statement: // return "This is a private message!", true, nil func (c *AddNextCommand) Execute(user *gumble.User, args ...string) (string, bool, error) { var ( allTracks []interfaces.Track tracks []interfaces.Track service interfaces.Service err error lastTrackAdded interfaces.Track ) if len(args) == 0 { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.no_url_error")) } for _, arg := range args { if service, err = DJ.GetService(arg); err == nil { tracks, err = service.GetTracks(arg, user) if err == nil { allTracks = append(allTracks, tracks...) } } } if len(allTracks) == 0 { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.no_valid_tracks_error")) } numTooLong := 0 numAdded := 0 // We must loop backwards here to preserve the track order when inserting tracks. for i := len(allTracks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if err = DJ.Queue.InsertTrack(1, allTracks[i]); err != nil { numTooLong++ } else { numAdded++ lastTrackAdded = allTracks[i] } } if numAdded == 0 { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.tracks_too_long_error")) } else if numAdded == 1 { return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.one_track_added"), user.Name, lastTrackAdded.GetTitle(), lastTrackAdded.GetService()), false, nil } retString := fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.many_tracks_added"), user.Name, numAdded) if numTooLong != 0 { retString += fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.num_tracks_too_long"), numTooLong) } return retString, false, nil }
// Execute executes the command with the given user and arguments. // Return value descriptions: // string: A message to be returned to the user upon successful execution. // bool: Whether the message should be private or not. true = private, // false = public (sent to whole channel). // error: An error message to be returned upon unsuccessful execution. // If no error has occurred, pass nil instead. // Example return statement: // return "This is a private message!", true, nil func (c *AddCommand) Execute(user *gumble.User, args ...string) (string, bool, error) { var ( allTracks []interfaces.Track tracks []interfaces.Track service interfaces.Service err error lastTrackAdded interfaces.Track ) if len(args) == 0 { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.no_url_error")) } for _, arg := range args { if service, err = DJ.GetService(arg); err == nil { tracks, err = service.GetTracks(arg, user) if err == nil { allTracks = append(allTracks, tracks...) } } } if len(allTracks) == 0 { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.no_valid_tracks_error")) } numTooLong := 0 numAdded := 0 for _, track := range allTracks { if err = DJ.Queue.AppendTrack(track); err != nil { numTooLong++ } else { numAdded++ lastTrackAdded = track } } if numAdded == 0 { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.tracks_too_long_error")) } else if numAdded == 1 { return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.one_track_added"), user.Name, lastTrackAdded.GetTitle(), lastTrackAdded.GetService()), false, nil } retString := fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.many_tracks_added"), user.Name, numAdded) if numTooLong != 0 { retString += fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.add.messages.num_tracks_too_long"), numTooLong) } return retString, false, nil }
// Execute executes the command with the given user and arguments. // Return value descriptions: // string: A message to be returned to the user upon successful execution. // bool: Whether the message should be private or not. true = private, // false = public (sent to whole channel). // error: An error message to be returned upon unsuccessful execution. // If no error has occurred, pass nil instead. // Example return statement: // return "This is a private message!", true, nil func (c *ForceSkipPlaylistCommand) Execute(user *gumble.User, args ...string) (string, bool, error) { var ( currentTrack interfaces.Track err error ) if currentTrack, err = DJ.Queue.CurrentTrack(); err != nil { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.common_messages.no_tracks_error")) } if playlist := currentTrack.GetPlaylist(); playlist == nil { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.forceskipplaylist.messages.no_playlist_error")) } DJ.Queue.SkipPlaylist() return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.forceskipplaylist.messages.playlist_skipped"), user.Name), false, nil }
// Execute executes the command with the given user and arguments. // Return value descriptions: // string: A message to be returned to the user upon successful execution. // bool: Whether the message should be private or not. true = private, // false = public (sent to whole channel). // error: An error message to be returned upon unsuccessful execution. // If no error has occurred, pass nil instead. // Example return statement: // return "This is a private message!", true, nil func (c *SkipPlaylistCommand) Execute(user *gumble.User, args ...string) (string, bool, error) { var ( currentTrack interfaces.Track err error ) if currentTrack, err = DJ.Queue.CurrentTrack(); err != nil { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.common_messages.no_tracks_error")) } if playlist := currentTrack.GetPlaylist(); playlist == nil { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.skipplaylist.messages.no_playlist_error")) } if currentTrack.GetPlaylist().GetSubmitter() == user.Name { DJ.Queue.SkipPlaylist() return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.skipplaylist.messages.submitter_voted"), user.Name), false, nil } if err := DJ.Skips.AddPlaylistSkip(user); err != nil { return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.skipplaylist.messages.already_voted_error")) } return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.skipplaylist.messages.voted"), user.Name), false, nil }
// Download downloads the audio associated with the incoming `track` object // and stores it `track.Filename`. func (yt *YouTubeDL) Download(t interfaces.Track) error { player := "--prefer-ffmpeg" if viper.GetString("defaults.player_command") == "avconv" { player = "--prefer-avconv" } filepath := os.ExpandEnv(viper.GetString("cache.directory") + "/" + t.GetFilename()) // Determine which format to use. format := "bestaudio" for _, service := range DJ.AvailableServices { if service.GetReadableName() == t.GetService() { format = service.GetFormat() } } // Check to see if track is already downloaded. if _, err := os.Stat(filepath); os.IsNotExist(err) { var cmd *exec.Cmd if t.GetService() == "Mixcloud" { cmd = exec.Command("youtube-dl", "--verbose", "--no-mtime", "--output", filepath, "--format", format, "--external-downloader", "aria2c", player, t.GetURL()) } else { cmd = exec.Command("youtube-dl", "--verbose", "--no-mtime", "--output", filepath, "--format", format, player, t.GetURL()) } output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { args := "" for s := range cmd.Args { args += cmd.Args[s] + " " } logrus.Warnf("%s\n%s\nyoutube-dl: %s", args, string(output), err.Error()) return errors.New("Track download failed") } if viper.GetBool("cache.enabled") { DJ.Cache.CheckDirectorySize() } } return nil }