Example #1
// sendOne invokes the specified RPC on the supplied client when the
// client is ready. On success, the reply is sent on the channel;
// otherwise an error is sent.
// Do not call directly, but instead use sendOneFn. Tests mock out this method
// via sendOneFn in order to test various error cases.
func sendOne(client *batchClient, timeout time.Duration,
	context *rpc.Context, trace opentracing.Span, done chan *netrpc.Call) {

	const method = "Node.Batch"

	addr := client.RemoteAddr()
	args := &client.args
	args.Replica = client.replica.ReplicaDescriptor

	if log.V(2) {
		log.Infof("sending request to %s: %+v", addr, args)
	trace.LogEvent(fmt.Sprintf("sending to %s", addr))

	if enableLocalCalls && context.LocalServer != nil && addr.String() == context.LocalAddr {
		if context.LocalServer.LocalCall(method, args, done) {

	reply := &roachpb.BatchResponse{}

	// Don't bother firing off a goroutine in the common case where a client
	// is already healthy.
	select {
	case <-client.Healthy():
		client.Go(method, args, reply, done)

	go func() {
		var timeoutChan <-chan time.Time
		if timeout != 0 {
			timeoutChan = time.After(timeout)
		select {
		case <-client.Healthy():
			client.Go(method, args, reply, done)
		case <-client.Closed:
			done <- &netrpc.Call{Error: newRPCError(
				util.Errorf("rpc to %s failed as client connection was closed", method))}
		case <-timeoutChan:
			done <- &netrpc.Call{Error: newRPCError(
				util.Errorf("rpc to %s: client not ready after %s", method, timeout))}
Example #2
// cleanupTxn is called when a transaction ends. The transaction record is
// updated and the heartbeat goroutine signaled to clean up the transaction
// gracefully.
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) cleanupTxn(trace opentracing.Span, txn roachpb.Transaction) {
	trace.LogEvent("coordinator stops")
	defer tc.Unlock()
	txnMeta, ok := tc.txns[*txn.ID]
	// The heartbeat might've already removed the record.
	if !ok {

	// The supplied txn may be newer than the one in txnMeta, which is relevant
	// for stats.
	txnMeta.txn = txn
	// Trigger heartbeat shutdown.
	txnMeta.txnEnd = nil
Example #3
// sendSingleRange gathers and rearranges the replicas, and makes an RPC call.
func (ds *DistSender) sendSingleRange(trace opentracing.Span, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
	trace.LogEvent(fmt.Sprintf("sending RPC to [%s, %s)", desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey))

	leader := ds.leaderCache.Lookup(roachpb.RangeID(desc.RangeID))

	// Try to send the call.
	replicas := newReplicaSlice(ds.gossip, desc)

	// Rearrange the replicas so that those replicas with long common
	// prefix of attributes end up first. If there's no prefix, this is a
	// no-op.
	order := ds.optimizeReplicaOrder(replicas)

	// If this request needs to go to a leader and we know who that is, move
	// it to the front.
	if !(ba.IsReadOnly() && ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.INCONSISTENT) &&
		leader.StoreID > 0 {
		if i := replicas.FindReplica(leader.StoreID); i >= 0 {
			order = orderStable

	// Increase the sequence counter in the per-range loop (not
	// outside) since we might hit the same range twice by
	// accident. For example, we might send multiple requests to
	// the same Replica if (1) the descriptor cache has post-split
	// descriptors that are still write intents and (2) the split
	// has not yet been completed.

	// TODO(tschottdorf): should serialize the trace here, not higher up.
	br, pErr := ds.sendRPC(trace, desc.RangeID, replicas, order, ba)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr
	// Untangle the error from the received response.
	pErr = br.Error
	br.Error = nil // scrub the response error
	return br, pErr
Example #4
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) heartbeat(txnID uuid.UUID, trace opentracing.Span, ctx context.Context) bool {
	proceed := true
	txnMeta := tc.txns[txnID]
	var intentSpans []roachpb.Span
	// Before we send a heartbeat, determine whether this transaction
	// should be considered abandoned. If so, exit heartbeat.
	if txnMeta.hasClientAbandonedCoord(tc.clock.PhysicalNow()) {
		// TODO(tschottdorf): should we be more proactive here?
		// The client might be continuing the transaction
		// through another coordinator, but in the most likely
		// case it's just gone and the open transaction record
		// could block concurrent operations.
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("transaction %s abandoned; stopping heartbeat",
		proceed = false
		// Grab the intents here to avoid potential race.
		intentSpans = collectIntentSpans(txnMeta.keys)
	// txnMeta.txn is possibly replaced concurrently,
	// so grab a copy before unlocking.
	txn := txnMeta.txn.Clone()

	ba := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
	ba.Txn = &txn

	if !proceed {
		// Actively abort the transaction and its intents since we assume it's abandoned.
		et := &roachpb.EndTransactionRequest{
			Span: roachpb.Span{
				Key: txn.Key,
			Commit:      false,
			IntentSpans: intentSpans,
		tc.stopper.RunAsyncTask(func() {
			// Use the wrapped sender since the normal Sender
			// does not allow clients to specify intents.
			// TODO(tschottdorf): not using the existing context here since that
			// leads to use-after-finish of the contained trace. Should fork off
			// before the goroutine.
			if _, pErr := tc.wrapped.Send(context.Background(), ba); pErr != nil {
				if log.V(1) {
					log.Warningf("abort due to inactivity failed for %s: %s ", txn, pErr)
		return false

	hb := &roachpb.HeartbeatTxnRequest{
		Now: tc.clock.Now(),
	hb.Key = txn.Key

	_, err := tc.wrapped.Send(ctx, ba)
	// If the transaction is not in pending state, then we can stop
	// the heartbeat. It's either aborted or committed, and we resolve
	// write intents accordingly.
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("heartbeat to %s failed: %s", txn, err)
	// TODO(bdarnell): once we have gotten a heartbeat response with
	// Status != PENDING, future heartbeats are useless. However, we
	// need to continue the heartbeatLoop until the client either
	// commits or abandons the transaction. We could save a little
	// pointless work by restructuring this loop to stop sending
	// heartbeats between the time that the transaction is aborted and
	// the client finds out. Furthermore, we could use this information
	// to send TransactionAbortedErrors to the client so it can restart
	// immediately instead of running until its EndTransaction.
	return true