Example #1
// Partial derivative of F (some function of env) with respect to Mu_h;
// T and V held constant.
func dFdMu_h(env *tempAll.Environment, F envFunc) (float64, error) {
	ct := 0
	// G gets F given Mu_h (allow x to vary; constant Beta)
	G := func(Mu_h float64) (float64, error) {
		ct += 1
		// save the environment state before changing it
		// (don't want one call of F to affect the next)
		oD1, oMu_h, oX, oMu_b := env.D1, env.Mu_h, env.X, env.Mu_b
		env.Mu_h = Mu_h
		// fix free variables2
		eps := 1e-9
		_, err := D1F0XSolve(env, eps, eps)
		if err != nil {
			return 0.0, err
		vF, err := F(env)
		if err != nil {
			return 0.0, err
		// restore the environment
		env.D1, env.Mu_h, env.X, env.Mu_b = oD1, oMu_h, oX, oMu_b
		return vF, nil
	h := 1e-4
	epsAbs := 1e-5
	deriv, err := solve.OneDimDerivative(G, env.Mu_h, h, epsAbs)
	//fmt.Println("dF_dMu ct", ct)
	return deriv, err
Example #2
func SolveNoninteracting(env *tempAll.Environment, epsAbs, epsRel float64) (vec.Vector, error) {
	env.F0 = 0.0
	env.Mu_h = 0.3
	env.Beta = 50.0
	system, start := NoninteractingSystem(env)
	solution, err := solve.MultiDim(system, start, epsAbs, epsRel)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return solution, nil
Example #3
// For use with solve.Iterative:
func CritTempStages(env *tempAll.Environment) ([]solve.DiffSystem, []vec.Vector, func([]vec.Vector)) {
	vars0 := []string{"D1", "Mu_h"}
	vars1 := []string{"Beta"}
	diffD1 := tempPair.AbsErrorD1(env, vars0)
	diffMu_h := tempPair.AbsErrorBeta(env, vars0)
	system0 := solve.Combine([]solve.Diffable{diffD1, diffMu_h})
	diffBeta := AbsErrorBeta(env, vars1)
	system1 := solve.Combine([]solve.Diffable{diffBeta})
	stages := []solve.DiffSystem{system0, system1}
	start := []vec.Vector{[]float64{env.D1, env.Mu_h}, []float64{env.Beta}}
	accept := func(x []vec.Vector) {
		env.D1 = x[0][0]
		env.Mu_h = x[0][1]
		env.Beta = x[1][0]
	return stages, start, accept