func TestParseXml(t *testing.T) { input := "<foo></foo>" expected := `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <foo/> ` doc, err := ParseXml([]byte(input)) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } if doc.String() != expected { t.Error("the output of the xml doc does not match the expected") } expected = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <foo> <bar/> </foo> ` doc.Root().AddChild("<bar/>") if doc.String() != expected { t.Error("the output of the xml doc does not match the expected") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestParseHtml(t *testing.T) { input := "<html><body><div><h1></div>" expected := `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><body><div><h1></h1></div></body></html> ` doc, err := ParseHtml([]byte(input)) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } if doc.String() != expected { t.Error("the output of the html doc does not match the expected") } expected = `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head> <body><div><h1></h1></div></body> </html> ` doc.Root().FirstChild().AddPreviousSibling("<head></head>") if doc.String() != expected { println(doc.String()) t.Error("the output of the html doc does not match the expected") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func RunDocumentParseTest(t *testing.T, name string) (error *string) { var errorMessage string offset := "\t" defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) input, output, dataError := getTestData(name) if len(dataError) > 0 { errorMessage += dataError } doc, err := Parse(input, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { errorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("parsing error:%v\n", err) } if doc.String() != string(output) { formattedOutput := offset + strings.Join(strings.Split("["+doc.String()+"]", "\n"), "\n"+offset) formattedExpectedOutput := offset + strings.Join(strings.Split("["+string(output)+"]", "\n"), "\n"+offset) errorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%v-- Got --\n%v\n%v-- Expected --\n%v\n", offset, formattedOutput, offset, formattedExpectedOutput) testOutput := filepath.Join(name, "test_output.txt") ioutil.WriteFile(testOutput, []byte(doc.String()), os.FileMode(0666)) errorMessage += fmt.Sprintf("%v Output test output to: %v\n", offset, testOutput) } doc.Free() if len(errorMessage) > 0 { return &errorMessage } return nil }
func RunParseDocumentWithBufferTest(t *testing.T, name string) (error *string) { var errorMessage string offset := "\t" defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) input, output, dataError := getTestData(name) if len(dataError) > 0 { errorMessage += dataError } buffer := make([]byte, 500000) doc, err := Parse(input, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { errorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("parsing error:%v\n", err) } if string(doc.ToBuffer(buffer)) != string(output) { formattedOutput := offset + strings.Join(strings.Split("["+doc.String()+"]", "\n"), "\n"+offset) formattedExpectedOutput := offset + strings.Join(strings.Split("["+string(output)+"]", "\n"), "\n"+offset) errorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%v-- Got --\n%v\n%v-- Expected --\n%v\n", offset, formattedOutput, offset, formattedExpectedOutput) } doc.Free() if len(errorMessage) > 0 { return &errorMessage } return nil }
func TestInnerScript2(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) script := `<script>try { var productNAPage = "", suppressReviews = "false"; var bvtoken = MACYS.util.Cookie.get("BazaarVoiceToken","GCs"); //bvtoken=bvtoken.substring(0,bvtoken.length-1); $BV.configure("global", { userToken: bvtoken, productId: '531726', submissionUI: 'LIGHTBOX', submissionContainerUrl: window.location.href, allowSamePageSubmission: true, doLogin: function(callback, success_url) { MACYS.util.Cookie.set("FORWARDPAGE_KEY",success_url); window.location = ''; }, doShowContent: function(app, dc, sub, sr) { if (suppressReviews !== 'true' && app == "PRR") { MACYS.pdp.showReviewsTab(); } else if (productNAPage !== 'true' && app == "QA") { MACYS.pdp.showQATab(); } } }); if (suppressReviews !== 'true') { $BV.ui('rr', 'show_reviews', { }); } $BV.ui("qa", "show_questions", { subjectType: 'product' }); } catch ( e ) { }</script>` doc, err := Parse([]byte("<html><body><div><h1></div>"), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } h1 := doc.Root().FirstChild().FirstChild().FirstChild() h1.SetInnerHtml(script) if h1.String() != "<h1>"+script+"</h1>" { t.Error("script does not match") } doc.Free() }
func TestInnerScript(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) doc, err := Parse([]byte("<html><body><div><h1></div>"), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } h1 := doc.Root().FirstChild().FirstChild().FirstChild() h1.SetInnerHtml("<script>if (suppressReviews !== 'true' && app == 'PRR') { ok = true; }</script>") if h1.String() != "<h1><script>if (suppressReviews !== 'true' && app == 'PRR') { ok = true; }</script></h1>" { t.Error("script does not match") } doc.Free() }
func TestParseDocumentFragmentText(t *testing.T) { doc, err := Parse(nil, []byte("iso-8859-1"), nil, DefaultParseOption, []byte("iso-8859-1")) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("ok\r\n"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) return } if len(docFragment.Children()) != 1 || docFragment.Children()[0].String() != "ok\r\n" { println(docFragment.String()) t.Error("the children from the fragment text do not match") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestParseDocumentFragment(t *testing.T) { doc, err := Parse(nil, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("<div><h1>"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) return } if len(docFragment.Children()) != 1 || docFragment.Children()[0].String() != "<div><h1></h1></div>" { t.Error("the of children from the fragment do not match") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestParseDocument_CP1252(t *testing.T) { input, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./tests/document/encoding/input.html") if err != nil { t.Error("err:", err.Error()) return } doc, err := Parse(input, []byte("windows-1252"), nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("err:", err.Error()) return } out := doc.String() if index := bytes.IndexByte([]byte(out), byte(146)); index >= 0 { t.Error("the output is not properly encoded") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestEmptyDocument(t *testing.T) { expected := `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> ` doc, err := Parse(nil, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } if doc.String() != expected { println(doc.String()) t.Error("the output of the html doc does not match the empty xml") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func RunTest(t *testing.T, suite string, name string, specificLogic func(t *testing.T, doc *XmlDocument), extraAssertions ...func(doc *XmlDocument) (string, string, string)) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) //println("Initiating test:" + suite + ":" + name) input, output, error := getTestData(filepath.Join("tests", suite, name)) if len(error) > 0 { t.Errorf("Error gathering test data for %v:\n%v\n", name, error) t.FailNow() } expected := string(output) //println("Got raw input/output") doc, err := parseInput(input) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } //println("parsed input") if specificLogic != nil { specificLogic(t, doc) } if doc.String() != expected { badOutput(doc.String(), expected) t.Error("the output of the xml doc does not match") } for _, extraAssertion := range extraAssertions { actual, expected, message := extraAssertion(doc) if actual != expected { badOutput(actual, expected) t.Error(message) } } doc.Free() }
func TestSetValue(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) doc, err := Parse([]byte("<foo id=\"a\" myname=\"ff\"><bar class=\"shine\"/></foo>"), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } root := doc.Root() attributes := root.Attributes() if len(attributes) != 2 || attributes["myname"].String() != "ff" { fmt.Printf("%v, %q\n", attributes, attributes["myname"].String()) t.Error("root's attributes do not match") } child := root.FirstChild() childAttributes := child.Attributes() if len(childAttributes) != 1 || childAttributes["class"].String() != "shine" { t.Error("child's attributes do not match") } attributes["myname"].SetValue("new") expected := `<foo id="a" myname="new"> <bar class="shine"/> </foo>` if root.String() != expected { println("got:\n", root.String()) println("expected:\n", expected) t.Error("root's new attr do not match") } attributes["id"].Remove() expected = `<foo myname="new"> <bar class="shine"/> </foo>` if root.String() != expected { println("got:\n", root.String()) println("expected:\n", expected) t.Error("root's remove attr do not match") } doc.Free() }
func TestSearchDocumentFragment(t *testing.T) { doc, err := Parse([]byte("<div class='cool'></div>"), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("<div class='cool'><h1>"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) return } if len(docFragment.Children()) != 1 || docFragment.Children()[0].String() != "<div class=\"cool\"><h1></h1></div>" { t.Error("the of children from the fragment do not match") } nodes, err := docFragment.Search(".//*") if err != nil { t.Error("fragment search has error") return } if len(nodes) != 2 { t.Error("the number of children from the fragment does not match") } nodes, err = docFragment.Search("//div[@class='cool']") if err != nil { t.Error("fragment search has error") return } if len(nodes) != 1 { println(len(nodes)) for _, node := range nodes { println(node.String()) } t.Error("the number of children from the fragment's document does not match") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestParseDocument(t *testing.T) { expected := `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><body><div><h1></h1></div></body></html> ` expected_xml := `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <body> <div> <h1/> </div> </body> </html> ` doc, err := Parse([]byte("<html><body><div><h1></div>"), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } if doc.String() != expected { println("got:\n", doc.String()) println("expected:\n", expected) t.Error("the output of the html doc does not match") } s, _ := doc.ToXml(nil, nil) if string(s) != expected_xml { println("got:\n", string(s)) println("expected:\n", expected_xml) t.Error("the xml output of the html doc does not match") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestParseDocumentFragment2(t *testing.T) { docStr := `<html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head> <body> </body> </html>` doc, err := Parse([]byte(docStr), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("<script>cool & fun</script>"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) return } if len(docFragment.Children()) != 1 || docFragment.Children()[0].String() != "<script>cool & fun</script>" { t.Error("the of children from the fragment do not match") } doc.Free() help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) }
func TestParseDocumentFragmentBasic(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) doc, err := Parse(nil, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("parsing error:", err.Error()) return } root := doc.Root() if root != nil { println("root:", root.String()) } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("hi"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) doc.Free() return } if len(docFragment.Children()) != 1 { t.Error("the number of children from the fragment does not match") } doc.Free() }
func TestSearchDocumentFragmentWithEmptyDoc(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) doc, err := Parse(nil, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("parsing error:", err.Error()) return } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("<foo></foo><!-- comment here --><bar>fun</bar>"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) doc.Free() return } nodes, err := docFragment.Search(".//*") if err != nil { t.Error("fragment search has error") doc.Free() return } if len(nodes) != 2 { t.Error("the number of children from the fragment does not match") } nodes, err = docFragment.Search("//*") if err != nil { t.Error("fragment search has error") doc.Free() return } if len(nodes) != 0 { t.Error("the number of children from the fragment's document does not match") } doc.Free() }
func TestSetEmptyAttribute(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) doc, err := Parse([]byte("<foo id=\"a\" myname=\"ff\"><bar class=\"shine\"/></foo>"), DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("Parsing has error:", err) return } root := doc.Root() attributes := root.Attributes() if len(attributes) != 2 || attributes["myname"].String() != "ff" { fmt.Printf("%v, %q\n", attributes, attributes["myname"].String()) t.Error("root's attributes do not match") } root.SetAttr("", "cool") expected := `<foo id="a" myname="ff" ="cool"> <bar class="shine"/> </foo>` if root.String() != expected { println("got:\n", root.String()) println("expected:\n", expected) t.Error("root's new attr do not match") } root.SetAttr("", "") expected = `<foo id="a" myname="ff" =""> <bar class="shine"/> </foo>` if root.String() != expected { println("got:\n", root.String()) println("expected:\n", expected) t.Error("root's new attr do not match") } doc.Free() }
func TestParseDocumentFragment(t *testing.T) { defer help.CheckXmlMemoryLeaks(t) doc, err := Parse(nil, DefaultEncodingBytes, nil, DefaultParseOption, DefaultEncodingBytes) if err != nil { t.Error("parsing error:", err.Error()) return } docFragment, err := doc.ParseFragment([]byte("<foo></foo><!-- comment here --><bar>fun</bar>"), nil, DefaultParseOption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) doc.Free() return } if docFragment.String() != "<foo/><!-- comment here --><bar>fun</bar>" { t.Error("fragment output is wrong\n") doc.Free() return } if len(docFragment.Children()) != 3 { t.Error("the number of children from the fragment does not match") } doc.Free() }