Example #1
func (grm *goRoutineMap) Run(
	operationName string,
	operationFunc func() error) error {
	defer grm.lock.Unlock()

	existingOp, exists := grm.operations[operationName]
	if exists {
		// Operation with name exists
		if existingOp.operationPending {
			return NewAlreadyExistsError(operationName)

		if err := existingOp.expBackoff.SafeToRetry(operationName); err != nil {
			return err

	grm.operations[operationName] = operation{
		operationPending: true,
		expBackoff:       existingOp.expBackoff,
	go func() (err error) {
		// Handle unhandled panics (very unlikely)
		defer k8sRuntime.HandleCrash()
		// Handle completion of and error, if any, from operationFunc()
		defer grm.operationComplete(operationName, &err)
		// Handle panic, if any, from operationFunc()
		defer k8sRuntime.RecoverFromPanic(&err)
		return operationFunc()

	return nil
func (grm *nestedPendingOperations) Run(
	volumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName,
	podName types.UniquePodName,
	operationFunc func() error) error {
	defer grm.lock.Unlock()
	opExists, previousOpIndex := grm.isOperationExists(volumeName, podName)
	if opExists {
		previousOp := grm.operations[previousOpIndex]
		// Operation already exists
		if previousOp.operationPending {
			// Operation is pending
			operationName := getOperationName(volumeName, podName)
			return NewAlreadyExistsError(operationName)

		operationName := getOperationName(volumeName, podName)
		if err := previousOp.expBackoff.SafeToRetry(operationName); err != nil {
			return err

		// Update existing operation to mark as pending.
		grm.operations[previousOpIndex].operationPending = true
		grm.operations[previousOpIndex].volumeName = volumeName
		grm.operations[previousOpIndex].podName = podName
	} else {
		// Create a new operation
		grm.operations = append(grm.operations,
				operationPending: true,
				volumeName:       volumeName,
				podName:          podName,
				expBackoff:       exponentialbackoff.ExponentialBackoff{},

	go func() (err error) {
		// Handle unhandled panics (very unlikely)
		defer k8sRuntime.HandleCrash()
		// Handle completion of and error, if any, from operationFunc()
		defer grm.operationComplete(volumeName, podName, &err)
		// Handle panic, if any, from operationFunc()
		defer k8sRuntime.RecoverFromPanic(&err)
		return operationFunc()

	return nil