Example #1
func NewTimestampAggregator(query *parser.SelectQuery, _ *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var durationPtr *int64

	if duration != nil {
		newDuration := int64(*duration / time.Microsecond)
		durationPtr = &newDuration

	return &TimestampAggregator{
		timestamps: make(map[string]map[interface{}]int64),
		duration:   durationPtr,
	}, nil
Example #2
func (self *QueryEngine) executeCountQueryWithGroupBy(query *parser.SelectQuery, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	self.aggregateYield = yield
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	self.isAggregateQuery = true
	self.duration = duration
	self.aggregators = []Aggregator{}

	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if !value.IsFunctionCall() {
		lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
		initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
		if initializer == nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
		aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
		if err != nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
		self.aggregators = append(self.aggregators, aggregator)

	for _, elem := range query.GetGroupByClause().Elems {
		if elem.IsFunctionCall() {
		self.elems = append(self.elems, elem)

	self.fillWithZero = query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero


	err = self.distributeQuery(query, func(series *protocol.Series) error {
		if len(series.Points) == 0 {
			return nil

		return self.aggregateValuesForSeries(series)

	return err
Example #3
func Filter(query *parser.SelectQuery, series *protocol.Series) (*protocol.Series, error) {
	if query.GetWhereCondition() == nil {
		return series, nil

	columns := map[string]bool{}
	getColumns(query.GetColumnNames(), columns)
	getColumns(query.GetGroupByClause().Elems, columns)

	points := series.Points
	series.Points = nil
	for _, point := range points {
		ok, err := matches(query.GetWhereCondition(), series.Fields, point)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if ok {
			filterColumns(columns, series.Fields, point)
			series.Points = append(series.Points, point)

	if !columns["*"] {
		newFields := []string{}
		for _, f := range series.Fields {
			if _, ok := columns[f]; !ok {

			newFields = append(newFields, f)
		series.Fields = newFields
	return series, nil
Example #4
func NewPointFilter(query *parser.SelectQuery, queryColumnNames []string) *PointFilter {
	columns := map[string]bool{}
	getColumns(query.GetColumnNames(), columns)
	getColumns(query.GetGroupByClause().Elems, columns)
	return &PointFilter{columns: columns, queryColumnNames: queryColumnNames, where: query.GetWhereCondition()}
Example #5
func (self *QueryEngine) executeCountQueryWithGroupBy(user common.User, database string, query *parser.SelectQuery,
	yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	aggregators := []Aggregator{}
	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if value.IsFunctionCall() {
			lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
			initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
			if initializer == nil {
				return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
			aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			aggregators = append(aggregators, aggregator)
	timestampAggregator, err := NewTimestampAggregator(query, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	groups := make(map[string]map[Group]bool)
	pointsRange := make(map[string]*PointRange)
	groupBy := query.GetGroupByClause()

	err = self.distributeQuery(user, database, query, func(series *protocol.Series) error {
		if len(series.Points) == 0 {
			return nil

		var mapper Mapper
		mapper, err = createValuesToInterface(groupBy, series.Fields)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, aggregator := range aggregators {
			if err := aggregator.InitializeFieldsMetadata(series); err != nil {
				return err

		currentRange := pointsRange[*series.Name]
		for _, point := range series.Points {
			value := mapper(point)
			for _, aggregator := range aggregators {
				err := aggregator.AggregatePoint(*series.Name, value, point)
				if err != nil {
					return err

			timestampAggregator.AggregatePoint(*series.Name, value, point)
			seriesGroups := groups[*series.Name]
			if seriesGroups == nil {
				seriesGroups = make(map[Group]bool)
				groups[*series.Name] = seriesGroups
			seriesGroups[value] = true

			if currentRange == nil {
				currentRange = &PointRange{*point.Timestamp, *point.Timestamp}
				pointsRange[*series.Name] = currentRange
			} else {

		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return err

	fields := []string{}

	for _, aggregator := range aggregators {
		columnNames := aggregator.ColumnNames()
		fields = append(fields, columnNames...)

	for _, value := range groupBy.Elems {
		if value.IsFunctionCall() {

		tempName := value.Name
		fields = append(fields, tempName)

	for table, tableGroups := range groups {
		tempTable := table
		points := []*protocol.Point{}

		var _groups []Group

		if !query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero || duration == nil {
			// sort the table groups by timestamp
			_groups = make([]Group, 0, len(tableGroups))
			for groupId, _ := range tableGroups {
				_groups = append(_groups, groupId)

		} else {
			groupsWithTime := map[Group]bool{}
			timeRange, ok := pointsRange[table]
			if ok {
				first := timeRange.startTime * 1000 / int64(*duration) * int64(*duration)
				end := timeRange.endTime * 1000 / int64(*duration) * int64(*duration)
				for i := 0; ; i++ {
					timestamp := first + int64(i)*int64(*duration)
					if end < timestamp {
					for group, _ := range tableGroups {
						groupWithTime := group.WithoutTimestamp().WithTimestamp(timestamp / 1000)
						groupsWithTime[groupWithTime] = true

				for groupId, _ := range groupsWithTime {
					_groups = append(_groups, groupId)

		fillWithZero := duration != nil && query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero
		var sortedGroups SortableGroups
		if fillWithZero {
			if query.Ascending {
				sortedGroups = &AscendingGroupTimestampSortableGroups{CommonSortableGroups{_groups, table}}
			} else {
				sortedGroups = &DescendingGroupTimestampSortableGroups{CommonSortableGroups{_groups, table}}
		} else {
			if query.Ascending {
				sortedGroups = &AscendingAggregatorSortableGroups{CommonSortableGroups{_groups, table}, timestampAggregator}
			} else {
				sortedGroups = &DescendingAggregatorSortableGroups{CommonSortableGroups{_groups, table}, timestampAggregator}

		for _, groupId := range sortedGroups.GetSortedGroups() {
			var timestamp int64
			if groupId.HasTimestamp() {
				timestamp = groupId.GetTimestamp()
			} else {
				timestamp = *timestampAggregator.GetValues(table, groupId)[0][0].Int64Value
			values := [][][]*protocol.FieldValue{}

			for _, aggregator := range aggregators {
				values = append(values, aggregator.GetValues(table, groupId))

			// do cross product of all the values
			_values := crossProduct(values)

			for _, v := range _values {
				/* groupPoints := []*protocol.Point{} */
				point := &protocol.Point{
					Values: v,

				// FIXME: this should be looking at the fields slice not the group by clause
				// FIXME: we should check whether the selected columns are in the group by clause
				for idx, _ := range groupBy.Elems {
					if duration != nil && idx == 0 {

					value := groupId.GetValue(idx)

					switch x := value.(type) {
					case string:
						point.Values = append(point.Values, &protocol.FieldValue{StringValue: &x})
					case bool:
						point.Values = append(point.Values, &protocol.FieldValue{BoolValue: &x})
					case float64:
						point.Values = append(point.Values, &protocol.FieldValue{DoubleValue: &x})
					case int64:
						point.Values = append(point.Values, &protocol.FieldValue{Int64Value: &x})
					case nil:
						point.Values = append(point.Values, nil)

				points = append(points, point)
		expectedData := &protocol.Series{
			Name:   &tempTable,
			Fields: fields,
			Points: points,

	return nil
Example #6
func (self *QueryEngine) executeCountQueryWithGroupBy(query *parser.SelectQuery, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	self.aggregateYield = yield
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	self.isAggregateQuery = true
	self.duration = duration
	self.aggregators = []Aggregator{}

	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if value.IsFunctionCall() {
			lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
			initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
			if initializer == nil {
				return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
			aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			self.aggregators = append(self.aggregators, aggregator)
	timestampAggregator, err := NewTimestampAggregator(query, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	self.timestampAggregator = timestampAggregator
	self.groups = make(map[string]map[Group]bool)
	self.pointsRange = make(map[string]*PointRange)
	self.groupBy = query.GetGroupByClause()

	err = self.distributeQuery(query, func(series *protocol.Series) error {
		if len(series.Points) == 0 {
			return nil

		var mapper Mapper
		mapper, err = createValuesToInterface(self.groupBy, series.Fields)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, aggregator := range self.aggregators {
			if err := aggregator.InitializeFieldsMetadata(series); err != nil {
				return err

		currentRange := self.pointsRange[*series.Name]
		for _, point := range series.Points {
			value := mapper(point)
			for _, aggregator := range self.aggregators {
				err := aggregator.AggregatePoint(*series.Name, value, point)
				if err != nil {
					return err

			self.timestampAggregator.AggregatePoint(*series.Name, value, point)
			seriesGroups := self.groups[*series.Name]
			if seriesGroups == nil {
				seriesGroups = make(map[Group]bool)
				self.groups[*series.Name] = seriesGroups
			seriesGroups[value] = true

			if currentRange == nil {
				currentRange = &PointRange{*point.Timestamp, *point.Timestamp}
				self.pointsRange[*series.Name] = currentRange
			} else {

		return nil

	return err
Example #7
func (self *QueryEngine) executeCountQueryWithGroupBy(query *parser.SelectQuery, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	self.aggregateYield = yield
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	self.isAggregateQuery = true
	self.duration = duration
	self.aggregators = []Aggregator{}

	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if !value.IsFunctionCall() {
		lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
		initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
		if initializer == nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
		aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
		if err != nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
		self.aggregators = append(self.aggregators, aggregator)

	timestampAggregator, err := NewTimestampAggregator(query, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	self.timestampAggregator = timestampAggregator
	self.groups = make(map[string]map[Group]bool)
	self.pointsRange = make(map[string]*PointRange)
	self.groupBy = query.GetGroupByClause()


	err = self.distributeQuery(query, func(series *protocol.Series) error {
		if len(series.Points) == 0 {
			return nil

		// if we're not doing group by time() then keep all the state in
		// memory until the query finishes reading all data points
		if self.duration == nil || query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero {
			return self.aggregateValuesForSeries(series)

		// otherwise, keep the state for the current bucket. Once ticks
		// come in for a different time bucket, we flush the state that's
		// kept in memory by the aggregators

		// split the time series by time buckets
		bucketedSeries := []*protocol.Series{}
		currentSeries := &protocol.Series{
			Name:   series.Name,
			Fields: series.Fields,
			Points: []*protocol.Point{series.Points[0]},
		currentBucket := self.getTimestampFromPoint(series.Points[0])
		for _, p := range series.Points[1:] {
			bucket := self.getTimestampFromPoint(p)
			if bucket != currentBucket {
				bucketedSeries = append(bucketedSeries, currentSeries)
				currentSeries = &protocol.Series{Name: series.Name, Fields: series.Fields}
				currentBucket = bucket
			currentSeries.Points = append(currentSeries.Points, p)
		bucketedSeries = append(bucketedSeries, currentSeries)

		for _, s := range bucketedSeries[:len(bucketedSeries)-1] {
			if err := self.aggregateValuesForSeries(s); err != nil {
				return err

		last := bucketedSeries[len(bucketedSeries)-1]
		bucket := self.getTimestampFromPoint(last.Points[0])
		if b, ok := self.buckets[*series.Name]; ok && b != bucket {

		self.buckets[*series.Name] = bucket
		return self.aggregateValuesForSeries(last)

	return err