// When a test is skipped or fails, runtime.Goexit() is called which destroys the callstack.
// This means the name of the test case is lost, so we need to grab a copy of pc before.
func Report(t testing.TB) {
	// If the goroutine panics, Fatal()s, or Skip()s, the function name is at the 3rd callstack
	// layer.  On success, its at 1st.  Since it's hard to check which happened, just try both.
	pcs := make([]uintptr, 10)
	total := runtime.Callers(1, pcs)
	var name string
	for _, pc := range pcs[:total] {
		fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
		fullName := fn.Name()
		if strings.HasPrefix(path.Ext(fullName), ".Test") {
			// Skip the leading .
			name = string([]byte(path.Ext(fullName))[1:])
	if name == "" {

	defer allCaseInfos.lock.Unlock()
	allCaseInfos.Cases = append(allCaseInfos.Cases, &caseInfo{
		Name:    name,
		Passed:  !t.Failed() && !t.Skipped(),
		Skipped: t.Skipped(),
		Fatal:   t.Failed() && !strings.HasPrefix(name, "TestSoon"),
Example #2
// AfterTest snapshots the currently-running goroutines and returns a
// function to be run at the end of tests to see whether any
// goroutines leaked.
func AfterTest(t testing.TB) func() {
	orig := interestingGoroutines()
	return func() {
		if t.Failed() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
		// Loop, waiting for goroutines to shut down.
		// Wait up to 5 seconds, but finish as quickly as possible.
		deadline := timeutil.Now().Add(5 * time.Second)
		for {
			var leaked []string
			for id, stack := range interestingGoroutines() {
				if _, ok := orig[id]; !ok {
					leaked = append(leaked, stack)
			if len(leaked) == 0 {
			if timeutil.Now().Before(deadline) {
				time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
			for _, g := range leaked {
				t.Errorf("Leaked goroutine: %v", g)
Example #3
// WithTestServer creates a new TestServer, runs the passed function, and then
// verifies that no resources were leaked.
func WithTestServer(t testing.TB, chanOpts *ChannelOpts, f func(*TestServer)) {
	chanOpts = chanOpts.Copy()
	runCount := chanOpts.RunCount
	if runCount < 1 {
		runCount = 1

	for i := 0; i < runCount; i++ {
		if t.Failed() {

		// Run without the relay, unless OnlyRelay was set.
		if !chanOpts.OnlyRelay {
			noRelayOpts := chanOpts.Copy()
			noRelayOpts.DisableRelay = true
			withServer(t, noRelayOpts, f)

		// Run with the relay, unless the user has disabled it.
		if !chanOpts.DisableRelay {
			withServer(t, chanOpts.Copy(), f)
Example #4
// AfterTest snapshots the currently-running goroutines and returns a
// function to be run at the end of tests to see whether any
// goroutines leaked.
func AfterTest(t testing.TB) func() {
	orig := map[string]bool{}
	for _, g := range interestingGoroutines() {
		orig[g] = true
	return func() {
		if t.Failed() {
		// Loop, waiting for goroutines to shut down.
		// Wait up to 5 seconds, but finish as quickly as possible.
		deadline := timeutil.Now().Add(5 * time.Second)
		for {
			var leaked []string
			for _, g := range interestingGoroutines() {
				if !orig[g] {
					leaked = append(leaked, g)
			if len(leaked) == 0 {
			if timeutil.Now().Before(deadline) {
				time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
			for _, g := range leaked {
				t.Errorf("Leaked goroutine: %v", g)
Example #5
// AfterTest should be called (generally with "defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)")
// from each test which uses goroutines. This waits for all goroutines
// on a blacklist to terminate and provides more precise error reporting
// than TestMainWithLeakCheck alone.
// If a previous test's check has already failed, this is a noop (to avoid
// failing unrelated tests).
func AfterTest(t testing.TB) {
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&hasFailed) > 0 {
		t.Log("prior leak detected, leaktest disabled")
	if r := recover(); r != nil {
		// Don't bother with leaktest if we're recovering from a panic.
	if testing.Short() || t.Failed() {
		// If a test has failed, chances are it hasn't shut down cleanly, so
		// stop checking for leaks in this run altogether.
		atomic.StoreInt32(&hasFailed, 1)
	if r := recover(); r != nil {
	var bad string
	badSubstring := map[string]string{
		").readLoop(":                                  "a Transport",
		").writeLoop(":                                 "a Transport",
		"created by net/http/httptest.(*Server).Start": "an httptest.Server",
		"timeoutHandler":                               "a TimeoutHandler",
		"net.(*netFD).connect(":                        "a timing out dial",
		").noteClientGone(":                            "a closenotifier sender",
		"created by net/rpc.NewClientWithCodec":        "an rpc client",
		"created by net/rpc.(*Server.ServeCodec)":      "an rpc server connection",
		"(*Store).Start":                               "a store",
		"(*Range).Send":                                "a range command",
	var stacks string
	for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
		bad = ""
		stacks = strings.Join(interestingGoroutines(), "\n\n")
		for substr, what := range badSubstring {
			if strings.Contains(stacks, substr) {
				bad = what
		if bad == "" {
		// Bad stuff found, but goroutines might just still be
		// shutting down, so give it some time.
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
	atomic.StoreInt32(&hasFailed, 1)
	t.Errorf("Test appears to have leaked %s:\n%s", bad, stacks)
Example #6
// AfterTest should be called (generally with "defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)")
// from each test which uses goroutines. This waits for all goroutines
// on a blacklist to terminate and provides more precise error reporting
// than TestMainWithLeakCheck alone.
func AfterTest(t testing.TB) {
	if testing.Short() || t.Failed() {
	if r := recover(); r != nil {
	var bad string
	badSubstring := map[string]string{
		").readLoop(":                                  "a Transport",
		").writeLoop(":                                 "a Transport",
		"created by net/http/httptest.(*Server).Start": "an httptest.Server",
		"timeoutHandler":                               "a TimeoutHandler",
		"net.(*netFD).connect(":                        "a timing out dial",
		").noteClientGone(":                            "a closenotifier sender",
		"created by net/rpc.NewClientWithCodec":        "an rpc client",
		"created by net/rpc.(*Server.ServeCodec)":      "an rpc server connection",
		"(*Store).Start":                               "a store",
		"(*Range).AddCmd":                              "a range command",
	var stacks string
	for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
		bad = ""
		stacks = strings.Join(interestingGoroutines(), "\n\n")
		for substr, what := range badSubstring {
			if strings.Contains(stacks, substr) {
				bad = what
		if bad == "" {
		// Bad stuff found, but goroutines might just still be
		// shutting down, so give it some time.
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
	t.Errorf("Test appears to have leaked %s:\n%s", bad, stacks)
Example #7
func (m *MockStats) assertCallEqual(t testing.TB, expected *MockCallStats, actual *MockCallStats) {
	// Revisit these assertions if we ever need to assert zero or many calls to
	// End.
	require.Equal(t, 1, expected.ended, "Expected call must assert exactly one call to End.")
		expected.succeeded <= 0 && len(expected.failedMsgs) == 0,
		"Expectation must indicate whether RPC should succeed or fail.",

	assert.Equal(t, expected.succeeded, actual.succeeded, "Unexpected number of successes.")
	assert.Equal(t, expected.failedMsgs, actual.failedMsgs, "Unexpected reasons for RPC failure.")
	assert.Equal(t, expected.ended, actual.ended, "Unexpected number of calls to End.")

	if expected.verifyPeer {
		assert.Equal(t, expected.peer, actual.peer, "Unexpected peer used for the call")

	if t.Failed() {
		// The default testify output is often insufficient.
		t.Logf("\nExpected relayed stats were:\n\t%+v\nActual relayed stats were:\n\t%+v\n", expected, actual)
Example #8
// Destroy collects the logs and tears down the cluster.
func (f *Farmer) Destroy(t testing.TB) error {
	if f.LogDir != "" {
		defer f.logf("logs copied to %s\n", f.AbsLogDir())

	wd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		wd = "acceptance"
	baseDir := filepath.Join(wd, f.Cwd)
	if (t.Failed() && f.KeepCluster == KeepClusterFailed) ||
		f.KeepCluster == KeepClusterAlways {

		t.Logf("not destroying; run:\n(cd %s && terraform destroy -force -state %s && rm %s)",
			baseDir, f.StateFile, f.StateFile)
		return nil

	if err := f.Resize(0); err != nil {
		return err
	return os.Remove(filepath.Join(baseDir, f.StateFile))