Exemple #1
// GapInStream is called by TCP layer when a packets are missing from the tcp
// stream.
func (mc *Memcache) GapInStream(
	tcptuple *common.TcpTuple,
	dir uint8, nbytes int,
	private protos.ProtocolData,
) (priv protos.ProtocolData, drop bool) {
	debug("memcache(tcp) stream gap detected")

	defer logp.Recover("GapInStream(memcache) exception")
	if !isMemcacheConnection(private) {
		return private, false

	conn := private.(*tcpConnectionData)
	stream := conn.Streams[dir]
	parser := stream.parser
	msg := parser.message

	if msg != nil {
		if msg.IsRequest {
		} else {

	// If we are about to read binary data (length) encoded, but missing gab
	// does fully cover data area, we might be able to continue processing the
	// stream + transactions
	inData := parser.state == parseStateDataBinary ||
		parser.state == parseStateIncompleteDataBinary ||
		parser.state == parseStateData ||
		parser.state == parseStateIncompleteData
	if inData {
		if msg == nil {
			logp.WTF("parser message is nil on data load")
			return private, true

		alreadyRead := stream.Buf.Len() - int(msg.bytesLost)
		dataRequired := int(msg.bytes) - alreadyRead
		if nbytes <= dataRequired {
			// yay, all bytes included in message binary data part.
			// just drop binary data part and recover parsing.
			if msg.isBinary {
				parser.state = parseStateIncompleteDataBinary
			} else {
				parser.state = parseStateIncompleteData
			msg.bytesLost += uint(nbytes)
			return private, false

	// need to drop TCP stream. But try to publish all cached trancsactions first
	return private, true
Exemple #2
func requiresCounterpart(tuple *icmpTuple, msg *icmpMessage) bool {
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 4 {
		return icmp4PairTypes[msg.Type]
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 6 {
		return icmp6PairTypes[msg.Type]
	logp.WTF("icmp", "Invalid ICMP version[%d]", tuple.IcmpVersion)
	return false
Exemple #3
func isError(tuple *icmpTuple, msg *icmpMessage) bool {
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 4 {
		return icmp4ErrorTypes[msg.Type]
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 6 {
		return icmp6ErrorTypes[msg.Type]
	logp.WTF("icmp", "Invalid ICMP version[%d]", tuple.IcmpVersion)
	return true
Exemple #4
func isRequest(tuple *icmpTuple, msg *icmpMessage) bool {
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 4 {
		return !icmp4ResponseTypes[msg.Type]
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 6 {
		return !icmp6ResponseTypes[msg.Type]
	logp.WTF("icmp", "Invalid ICMP version[%d]", tuple.IcmpVersion)
	return true
Exemple #5
func humanReadable(tuple *icmpTuple, msg *icmpMessage) string {
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 4 {
		return layers.ICMPv4TypeCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint16([]byte{msg.Type, msg.Code})).String()
	if tuple.IcmpVersion == 6 {
		return layers.ICMPv6TypeCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint16([]byte{msg.Type, msg.Code})).String()
	logp.WTF("icmp", "Invalid ICMP version[%d]", tuple.IcmpVersion)
	return ""
Exemple #6
func extractTrackingData(icmpVersion uint8, msgType uint8, baseLayer *layers.BaseLayer) (uint16, uint16) {
	if icmpVersion == 4 {
		if icmp4PairTypes[msgType] {
			id := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(baseLayer.Contents[4:6])
			seq := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(baseLayer.Contents[6:8])
			return id, seq
		} else {
			return 0, 0
	if icmpVersion == 6 {
		if icmp6PairTypes[msgType] {
			id := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(baseLayer.Contents[4:6])
			seq := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(baseLayer.Contents[6:8])
			return id, seq
		} else {
			return 0, 0
	logp.WTF("icmp", "Invalid ICMP version[%d]", icmpVersion)
	return 0, 0
Exemple #7
func (mc *Memcache) InitDefaults() {
	if err := mc.Ports.Init(11211); err != nil {
		logp.WTF("memcache default port number invalid")
	mc.handler = mc