Exemple #1
func (f *CPUFingerprint) Fingerprint(cfg *config.Config, node *structs.Node) (bool, error) {
	if err := stats.Init(); err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("Unable to obtain CPU information: %v", err)

	modelName := stats.CPUModelName()
	if modelName != "" {
		node.Attributes["cpu.modelname"] = modelName

	mhz := stats.CPUMHzPerCore()
	node.Attributes["cpu.frequency"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", mhz)
	f.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] fingerprint.cpu: frequency: %.0f MHz", mhz)

	numCores := stats.CPUNumCores()
	node.Attributes["cpu.numcores"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", numCores)
	f.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] fingerprint.cpu: core count: %d", numCores)

	tt := stats.TotalTicksAvailable()
	node.Attributes["cpu.totalcompute"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", tt)

	if node.Resources == nil {
		node.Resources = &structs.Resources{}

	node.Resources.CPU = int(tt)

	return true, nil
Exemple #2
// dockerClients creates two *docker.Client, one for long running operations and
// the other for shorter operations. In test / dev mode we can use ENV vars to
// connect to the docker daemon. In production mode we will read docker.endpoint
// from the config file.
func (d *DockerDriver) dockerClients() (*docker.Client, *docker.Client, error) {
	if client != nil && waitClient != nil {
		return client, waitClient, nil

	var err error
	var merr multierror.Error
	createClients.Do(func() {
		if err = shelpers.Init(); err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[FATAL] driver.docker: unable to initialize stats: %v", err)

		// Default to using whatever is configured in docker.endpoint. If this is
		// not specified we'll fall back on NewClientFromEnv which reads config from
		// the DOCKER_* environment variables DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY, and
		// DOCKER_CERT_PATH. This allows us to lock down the config in production
		// but also accept the standard ENV configs for dev and test.
		dockerEndpoint := d.config.Read("docker.endpoint")
		if dockerEndpoint != "" {
			cert := d.config.Read("docker.tls.cert")
			key := d.config.Read("docker.tls.key")
			ca := d.config.Read("docker.tls.ca")

			if cert+key+ca != "" {
				d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: using TLS client connection to %s", dockerEndpoint)
				client, err = docker.NewTLSClient(dockerEndpoint, cert, key, ca)
			} else {
				d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: using standard client connection to %s", dockerEndpoint)
				client, err = docker.NewClient(dockerEndpoint)
			client.HTTPClient.Timeout = dockerTimeout

		d.logger.Println("[DEBUG] driver.docker: using client connection initialized from environment")
		client, err = docker.NewClientFromEnv()
		if err != nil {
			merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors, err)
		client.HTTPClient.Timeout = dockerTimeout

		waitClient, err = docker.NewClientFromEnv()
		if err != nil {
			merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors, err)
	return client, waitClient, merr.ErrorOrNil()
Exemple #3
// NewExecutor returns an Executor
func NewExecutor(logger *log.Logger) Executor {
	if err := shelpers.Init(); err != nil {
		logger.Printf("[FATAL] executor: unable to initialize stats: %v", err)
		return nil

	exec := &UniversalExecutor{
		logger:         logger,
		processExited:  make(chan interface{}),
		totalCpuStats:  stats.NewCpuStats(),
		userCpuStats:   stats.NewCpuStats(),
		systemCpuStats: stats.NewCpuStats(),
		pids:           make(map[int]*nomadPid),

	return exec