Exemple #1
func (env *maasEnviron) deviceInterfaceInfo(deviceID instance.Id, nameToParentName map[string]string) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
	interfaces, err := env.deviceInterfaces(deviceID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	interfaceInfo := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
	for _, nic := range interfaces {
		nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
			InterfaceName:       nic.Name,
			InterfaceType:       network.EthernetInterface,
			MACAddress:          nic.MACAddress,
			MTU:                 nic.EffectveMTU,
			VLANTag:             nic.VLAN.VID,
			ProviderId:          network.Id(strconv.Itoa(nic.ID)),
			ProviderVLANId:      network.Id(strconv.Itoa(nic.VLAN.ID)),
			Disabled:            !nic.Enabled,
			NoAutoStart:         !nic.Enabled,
			ParentInterfaceName: nameToParentName[nic.Name],

		if len(nic.Links) == 0 {
			logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no links", deviceID, nic.Name)
			interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)

		for _, link := range nic.Links {
			nicInfo.ConfigType = maasLinkToInterfaceConfigType(string(link.Mode))

			if link.IPAddress == "" {
				logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no address", deviceID, nic.Name)
				interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)

			if link.Subnet == nil {
				logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q link %d missing subnet", deviceID, nic.Name, link.ID)
				interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)

			nicInfo.CIDR = link.Subnet.CIDR
			nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(link.Subnet.Space, link.IPAddress)
			nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(link.Subnet.ID))
			nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(link.ID))
			if link.Subnet.GatewayIP != "" {
				nicInfo.GatewayAddress = network.NewAddressOnSpace(link.Subnet.Space, link.Subnet.GatewayIP)
			if len(link.Subnet.DNSServers) > 0 {
				nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(link.Subnet.Space, link.Subnet.DNSServers...)

			interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
	logger.Debugf("device %q has interface info: %+v", deviceID, interfaceInfo)
	return interfaceInfo, nil
Exemple #2
func (s *AddressSuite) TestNewAddressOnSpace(c *gc.C) {
	addr1 := network.NewAddressOnSpace("foo", "")
	addr2 := network.NewAddressOnSpace("", "2001:db8::123")
	c.Check(addr1, jc.DeepEquals, network.Address{
		Value:     "",
		Type:      "ipv4",
		Scope:     "public",
		SpaceName: "foo",
	c.Check(addr2, jc.DeepEquals, network.Address{
		Value:     "2001:db8::123",
		Type:      "ipv6",
		Scope:     "public",
		SpaceName: "",
Exemple #3
func (s *instanceTest) TestAddressesViaInterfaces(c *gc.C) {
	// We simulate an newer MAAS (1.9+) which returns both ip_addresses and
	// interface_set for a node. To verify we use interfaces we deliberately put
	// different items in ip_addresses
	jsonValue := `{
			"hostname": "-testing.invalid",
			"system_id": "system_id",
            "interface_set" : [
              { "name": "eth0", "links": [
                  { "subnet": { "space": "bar" }, "ip_address": "" },
                  { "subnet": { "space": "bar" }, "ip_address": "" }
              ] },
              { "name": "eth1", "links": [
                  { "subnet": { "space": "storage" }, "ip_address": "" }
               ] },
              { "name": "eth3", "links": [
                  { "subnet": { "space": "db" }, "ip_address": "fc00::123" }
               ] },
              { "name": "eth4" },
              { "name": "eth5", "links": [
                  { "mode": "link-up" }
               ] }
			"ip_addresses": [ "anything", "foo", "" ]
	obj := s.testMAASObject.TestServer.NewNode(jsonValue)
	inst := maasInstance{&obj}
	// Since gomaasapi treats "interface_set" specially and the only way to
	// change it is via SetNodeNetworkLink(), which in turn does not allow you
	// to specify ip_address, we need to patch the call which gets a fresh copy
	// of the node details from the test server to avoid manging the
	// interface_set we used above.
	s.PatchValue(&refreshMAASObject, func(mo *gomaasapi.MAASObject) (gomaasapi.MAASObject, error) {
		return *mo, nil

	expected := []network.Address{
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("bar", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("bar", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("storage", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("db", "fc00::123"),

	addr, err := inst.Addresses()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(addr, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemple #4
func (s *relationUnitSuite) TestNetworkConfig(c *gc.C) {
	// Set some provider addresses bound to both "public" and "internal"
	// spaces.
	addresses := []network.Address{
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("internal", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("internal", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", "fc00::1"),
	err := s.wordpressMachine.SetProviderAddresses(addresses...)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	_, apiRelUnit := s.getRelationUnits(c)

	netConfig, err := apiRelUnit.NetworkConfig()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(netConfig, jc.DeepEquals, []params.NetworkConfig{
		{Address: ""},
		{Address: ""},
Exemple #5
func (s *unitSuite) TestNetworkConfig(c *gc.C) {
	c.Skip("dimitern: temporarily disabled to pass a CI run until it can be fixed like its apiserver/uniter counterpart")

	// Set some provider addresses bound to both "public" and "internal"
	// spaces.
	addresses := []network.Address{
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("internal", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("internal", ""),
		network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", "fc00::1"),
	err := s.wordpressMachine.SetProviderAddresses(addresses...)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	netConfig, err := s.apiUnit.NetworkConfig("db") // relation name, bound to "internal"
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(netConfig, jc.DeepEquals, []params.NetworkConfig{
		{Address: ""},
		{Address: ""},

	netConfig, err = s.apiUnit.NetworkConfig("admin-api") // extra-binding name, bound to "public"
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(netConfig, jc.DeepEquals, []params.NetworkConfig{
		{Address: ""},
		{Address: "fc00::1"},

	netConfig, err = s.apiUnit.NetworkConfig("unknown")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `binding name "unknown" not defined by the unit's charm`)
	c.Assert(netConfig, gc.IsNil)

	netConfig, err = s.apiUnit.NetworkConfig("")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "binding name cannot be empty")
	c.Assert(netConfig, gc.IsNil)
func (suite *maas2EnvironSuite) TestAllocateContainerAddressesSingleNic(c *gc.C) {
	vlan1 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5001,
		mtu: 1500,
	vlan2 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5002,
		mtu: 1500,
	subnet1 := fakeSubnet{
		id:         3,
		space:      "default",
		vlan:       vlan1,
		gateway:    "",
		cidr:       "",
		dnsServers: []string{"", ""},
	subnet2 := fakeSubnet{
		id:         4,
		space:      "freckles",
		vlan:       vlan2,
		gateway:    "",
		cidr:       "",
		dnsServers: []string{"", ""},

	interfaces := []gomaasapi.Interface{
			id:         91,
			name:       "eth0",
			type_:      "physical",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan1,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id:        436,
					subnet:    &subnet1,
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{},
			children: []string{"eth0.100", "eth0.250", "eth0.50"},
	deviceInterfaces := []gomaasapi.Interface{
			id:         93,
			name:       "eth1",
			type_:      "physical",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "53:54:00:70:9b:ff",
			vlan:       vlan2,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id:        480,
					subnet:    &subnet2,
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{},
			children: []string{"eth0.100", "eth0.250", "eth0.50"},
	var env *maasEnviron
	device := &fakeDevice{
		interfaceSet: deviceInterfaces,
		systemID:     "foo",
	controller := &fakeController{
		machines: []gomaasapi.Machine{&fakeMachine{
			systemID:     "1",
			architecture: arch.HostArch(),
			interfaceSet: interfaces,
			createDevice: device,
		spaces: []gomaasapi.Space{
				name:    "freckles",
				id:      4567,
				subnets: []gomaasapi.Subnet{subnet1, subnet2},
		devices: []gomaasapi.Device{device},
	env = suite.makeEnviron(c, nil)

	prepared := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "436",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	result, err := env.AllocateContainerAddresses(instance.Id("1"), prepared)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	expected := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "53:54:00:70:9b:ff",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "93",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "4",
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5002",
		ProviderAddressId: "480",
		InterfaceName:     "eth1",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("freckles", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("freckles", "", ""),
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("freckles", ""),
	c.Assert(result, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
func (suite *maas2EnvironSuite) TestStartInstanceNetworkInterfaces(c *gc.C) {
	vlan0 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5001,
		vid: 0,
		mtu: 1500,

	vlan50 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5004,
		vid: 50,
		mtu: 1500,

	subnetPXE := fakeSubnet{
		id:         3,
		space:      "default",
		vlan:       vlan0,
		gateway:    "",
		cidr:       "",
		dnsServers: []string{"", ""},

	exampleInterfaces := []gomaasapi.Interface{
			id:         91,
			name:       "eth0",
			type_:      "physical",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan0,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id:        436,
					subnet:    &subnetPXE,
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
					id:        437,
					subnet:    &subnetPXE,
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{},
			children: []string{"eth0.100", "eth0.250", "eth0.50"},
			id:         150,
			name:       "eth0.50",
			type_:      "vlan",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan50,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id: 517,
					subnet: &fakeSubnet{
						id:         5,
						space:      "admin",
						vlan:       vlan50,
						gateway:    "",
						cidr:       "",
						dnsServers: []string{},
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{"eth0"},
			children: []string{},
	var env *maasEnviron
	machine := newFakeMachine("Bruce Sterling", arch.HostArch(), "")
	machine.interfaceSet = exampleInterfaces
	controller := &fakeController{
		allocateMachine: machine,
		allocateMachineMatches: gomaasapi.ConstraintMatches{
			Storage: map[string][]gomaasapi.BlockDevice{},
	env = suite.makeEnviron(c, nil)

	params := environs.StartInstanceParams{}
	result, err := testing.StartInstanceWithParams(env, "1", params)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	expected := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "436",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "437",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         1,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "150",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "5",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             50,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5004",
		ProviderAddressId:   "517",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.50",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
	c.Assert(result.NetworkInfo, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemple #8
func (s *interfacesSuite) TestMAAS2InterfacesNilVLAN(c *gc.C) {
	vlan0 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5001,
		vid: 0,
		mtu: 1500,

	subnetPXE := fakeSubnet{
		id:         3,
		space:      "default",
		vlan:       vlan0,
		gateway:    "",
		cidr:       "",
		dnsServers: []string{"", ""},

	exampleInterfaces := []gomaasapi.Interface{
			id:         91,
			name:       "eth0",
			type_:      "physical",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       nil,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{&fakeLink{
				id:        436,
				subnet:    &subnetPXE,
				ipAddress: "",
				mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{},
			children: []string{"eth0.100", "eth0.250", "eth0.50"},
	machine := &fakeMachine{interfaceSet: exampleInterfaces}
	instance := &maas2Instance{machine: machine}

	expected := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "436",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),

	infos, err := maas2NetworkInterfaces(instance, map[string]network.Id{})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(infos, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemple #9
func (s *interfacesSuite) TestMAAS2NetworkInterfaces(c *gc.C) {
	vlan0 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5001,
		vid: 0,
		mtu: 1500,

	vlan50 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5004,
		vid: 50,
		mtu: 1500,

	vlan100 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5005,
		vid: 100,
		mtu: 1500,

	vlan250 := fakeVLAN{
		id:  5008,
		vid: 250,
		mtu: 1500,

	subnetPXE := fakeSubnet{
		id:         3,
		space:      "default",
		vlan:       vlan0,
		gateway:    "",
		cidr:       "",
		dnsServers: []string{"", ""},

	exampleInterfaces := []gomaasapi.Interface{
			id:         91,
			name:       "eth0",
			type_:      "physical",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan0,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id:        436,
					subnet:    &subnetPXE,
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
					id:        437,
					subnet:    &subnetPXE,
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{},
			children: []string{"eth0.100", "eth0.250", "eth0.50"},
			id:         150,
			name:       "eth0.50",
			type_:      "vlan",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan50,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id: 517,
					subnet: &fakeSubnet{
						id:         5,
						space:      "admin",
						vlan:       vlan50,
						gateway:    "",
						cidr:       "",
						dnsServers: []string{},
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{"eth0"},
			children: []string{},
			id:         151,
			name:       "eth0.100",
			type_:      "vlan",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan100,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id: 519,
					subnet: &fakeSubnet{
						id:         6,
						space:      "public",
						vlan:       vlan100,
						gateway:    "",
						cidr:       "",
						dnsServers: []string{},
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{"eth0"},
			children: []string{},
			id:         152,
			name:       "eth0.250",
			type_:      "vlan",
			enabled:    true,
			macAddress: "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
			vlan:       vlan250,
			links: []gomaasapi.Link{
					id: 523,
					subnet: &fakeSubnet{
						id:         8,
						space:      "storage",
						vlan:       vlan250,
						gateway:    "",
						cidr:       "",
						dnsServers: []string{},
					ipAddress: "",
					mode:      "static",
			parents:  []string{"eth0"},
			children: []string{},

	subnetsMap := make(map[string]network.Id)
	subnetsMap[""] = network.Id("3")
	subnetsMap[""] = network.Id("0")

	expected := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "436",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "437",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         1,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "150",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "5",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             50,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5004",
		ProviderAddressId:   "517",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.50",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         2,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "151",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "6",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             100,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5005",
		ProviderAddressId:   "519",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.100",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         3,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "152",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "8",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             250,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5008",
		ProviderAddressId:   "523",
		ProviderSpaceId:     "3",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.250",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             newAddressOnSpaceWithId("storage", network.Id("3"), ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      newAddressOnSpaceWithId("storage", network.Id("3"), ""),
	machine := &fakeMachine{interfaceSet: exampleInterfaces}
	instance := &maas2Instance{machine: machine}

	infos, err := maas2NetworkInterfaces(instance, subnetsMap)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(infos, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemple #10
func (s *interfacesSuite) TestMAASObjectNetworkInterfaces(c *gc.C) {
	nodeJSON := fmt.Sprintf(`{
        "system_id": "foo",
        "interface_set": %s
    }`, exampleInterfaceSetJSON)
	obj := s.testMAASObject.TestServer.NewNode(nodeJSON)
	subnetsMap := make(map[string]network.Id)
	subnetsMap[""] = network.Id("3")
	subnetsMap[""] = network.Id("0")

	expected := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "436",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
		ProviderAddressId: "437",
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         1,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "150",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "5",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             50,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5004",
		ProviderAddressId:   "517",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.50",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         2,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "151",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "6",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             100,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5005",
		ProviderAddressId:   "519",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.100",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:         3,
		MACAddress:          "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:                "",
		ProviderId:          "152",
		ProviderSubnetId:    "8",
		AvailabilityZones:   nil,
		VLANTag:             250,
		ProviderVLANId:      "5008",
		ProviderAddressId:   "523",
		ProviderSpaceId:     "3",
		InterfaceName:       "eth0.250",
		ParentInterfaceName: "eth0",
		InterfaceType:       "802.1q",
		Disabled:            false,
		NoAutoStart:         false,
		ConfigType:          "static",
		Address:             newAddressOnSpaceWithId("storage", network.Id("3"), ""),
		DNSServers:          nil,
		DNSSearchDomains:    nil,
		MTU:                 1500,
		GatewayAddress:      newAddressOnSpaceWithId("storage", network.Id("3"), ""),

	infos, err := maasObjectNetworkInterfaces(&obj, subnetsMap)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(infos, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemple #11
var exampleParsedInterfaceSetJSON = []network.InterfaceInfo{{
	DeviceIndex:       0,
	MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
	CIDR:              "",
	ProviderId:        "91",
	ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
	AvailabilityZones: nil,
	VLANTag:           0,
	ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
	ProviderAddressId: "436",
	InterfaceName:     "eth0",
	InterfaceType:     "ethernet",
	Disabled:          false,
	NoAutoStart:       false,
	ConfigType:        "static",
	Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
	DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
	DNSSearchDomains:  nil,
	MTU:               1500,
	GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
}, {
	DeviceIndex:       0,
	MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
	CIDR:              "",
	ProviderId:        "91",
	ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
	AvailabilityZones: nil,
	VLANTag:           0,
	ProviderVLANId:    "5001",
	ProviderAddressId: "437",
	InterfaceName:     "eth0",
Exemple #12
// maasObjectNetworkInterfaces implements environs.NetworkInterfaces() using the
// new (1.9+) MAAS API, parsing the node details JSON embedded into the given
// maasObject to extract all the relevant InterfaceInfo fields. It returns an
// error satisfying errors.IsNotSupported() if it cannot find the required
// "interface_set" node details field.
func maasObjectNetworkInterfaces(maasObject *gomaasapi.MAASObject, subnetsMap map[string]network.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
	interfaceSet, ok := maasObject.GetMap()["interface_set"]
	if !ok || interfaceSet.IsNil() {
		// This means we're using an older MAAS API.
		return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("interface_set")

	// TODO(dimitern): Change gomaasapi JSONObject to give access to the raw
	// JSON bytes directly, rather than having to do call MarshalJSON just so
	// the result can be unmarshaled from it.
	// LKK Card: https://canonical.leankit.com/Boards/View/101652562/119311323

	rawBytes, err := interfaceSet.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot get interface_set JSON bytes")

	interfaces, err := parseInterfaces(rawBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	infos := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
	for i, iface := range interfaces {

		// The below works for all types except bonds and their members.
		parentName := strings.Join(iface.Parents, "")
		var nicType network.InterfaceType
		switch iface.Type {
		case typePhysical:
			nicType = network.EthernetInterface
			children := strings.Join(iface.Children, "")
			if parentName == "" && len(iface.Children) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(children, "bond") {
				// FIXME: Verify the bond exists, regardless of its name.
				// This is a bond member, set the parent correctly (from
				// Juju's perspective) - to the bond itself.
				parentName = children
		case typeBond:
			parentName = ""
			nicType = network.BondInterface
		case typeVLAN:
			nicType = network.VLAN_8021QInterface

		nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
			DeviceIndex:         i,
			MACAddress:          iface.MACAddress,
			ProviderId:          network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface.ID)),
			VLANTag:             iface.VLAN.VID,
			InterfaceName:       iface.Name,
			InterfaceType:       nicType,
			ParentInterfaceName: parentName,
			Disabled:            !iface.Enabled,
			NoAutoStart:         !iface.Enabled,

		for _, link := range iface.Links {
			switch link.Mode {
			case modeUnknown:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigUnknown
			case modeDHCP:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigDHCP
			case modeStatic, modeLinkUp:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigStatic
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigManual

			if link.IPAddress == "" {
				logger.Debugf("interface %q has no address", iface.Name)
			} else {
				// We set it here initially without a space, just so we don't
				// lose it when we have no linked subnet below.
				nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(link.IPAddress)
				nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", link.ID))

			if link.Subnet == nil {
				logger.Debugf("interface %q link %d missing subnet", iface.Name, link.ID)
				infos = append(infos, nicInfo)

			sub := link.Subnet
			nicInfo.CIDR = sub.CIDR
			nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.ID))
			nicInfo.ProviderVLANId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.VLAN.ID))

			// Now we know the subnet and space, we can update the address to
			// store the space with it.
			nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, link.IPAddress)
			spaceId, ok := subnetsMap[string(sub.CIDR)]
			if !ok {
				// The space we found is not recognised, no
				// provider id available.
				logger.Warningf("interface %q link %d has unrecognised space %q", iface.Name, link.ID, sub.Space)
			} else {
				nicInfo.Address.SpaceProviderId = spaceId
				nicInfo.ProviderSpaceId = spaceId

			gwAddr := network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, sub.GatewayIP)
			nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(sub.Space, sub.DNSServers...)
			if ok {
				gwAddr.SpaceProviderId = spaceId
				for i := range nicInfo.DNSServers {
					nicInfo.DNSServers[i].SpaceProviderId = spaceId
			nicInfo.GatewayAddress = gwAddr
			nicInfo.MTU = sub.VLAN.MTU

			// Each link we represent as a separate InterfaceInfo, but with the
			// same name and device index, just different addres, subnet, etc.
			infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
	return infos, nil
Exemple #13
func maas2NetworkInterfaces(instance *maas2Instance, subnetsMap map[string]network.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
	interfaces := instance.machine.InterfaceSet()
	infos := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
	for i, iface := range interfaces {

		// The below works for all types except bonds and their members.
		parentName := strings.Join(iface.Parents(), "")
		var nicType network.InterfaceType
		switch maasInterfaceType(iface.Type()) {
		case typePhysical:
			nicType = network.EthernetInterface
			children := strings.Join(iface.Children(), "")
			if parentName == "" && len(iface.Children()) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(children, "bond") {
				// FIXME: Verify the bond exists, regardless of its name.
				// This is a bond member, set the parent correctly (from
				// Juju's perspective) - to the bond itself.
				parentName = children
		case typeBond:
			parentName = ""
			nicType = network.BondInterface
		case typeVLAN:
			nicType = network.VLAN_8021QInterface

		vlanTag := 0
		if iface.VLAN() != nil {
			vlanTag = iface.VLAN().VID()
		nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
			DeviceIndex:         i,
			MACAddress:          iface.MACAddress(),
			ProviderId:          network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface.ID())),
			VLANTag:             vlanTag,
			InterfaceName:       iface.Name(),
			InterfaceType:       nicType,
			ParentInterfaceName: parentName,
			Disabled:            !iface.Enabled(),
			NoAutoStart:         !iface.Enabled(),

		for _, link := range iface.Links() {
			switch maasLinkMode(link.Mode()) {
			case modeUnknown:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigUnknown
			case modeDHCP:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigDHCP
			case modeStatic, modeLinkUp:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigStatic
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigManual

			if link.IPAddress() == "" {
				logger.Debugf("interface %q has no address", iface.Name())
			} else {
				// We set it here initially without a space, just so we don't
				// lose it when we have no linked subnet below.
				nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(link.IPAddress())
				nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", link.ID()))

			if link.Subnet() == nil {
				logger.Debugf("interface %q link %d missing subnet", iface.Name(), link.ID())
				infos = append(infos, nicInfo)

			sub := link.Subnet()
			nicInfo.CIDR = sub.CIDR()
			nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.ID()))
			nicInfo.ProviderVLANId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.VLAN().ID()))

			// Now we know the subnet and space, we can update the address to
			// store the space with it.
			nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space(), link.IPAddress())
			spaceId, ok := subnetsMap[string(sub.CIDR())]
			if !ok {
				// The space we found is not recognised, no
				// provider id available.
				logger.Warningf("interface %q link %d has unrecognised space %q", iface.Name(), link.ID(), sub.Space())
			} else {
				nicInfo.Address.SpaceProviderId = spaceId
				nicInfo.ProviderSpaceId = spaceId

			gwAddr := network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space(), sub.Gateway())
			nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(sub.Space(), sub.DNSServers()...)
			if ok {
				gwAddr.SpaceProviderId = spaceId
				for i := range nicInfo.DNSServers {
					nicInfo.DNSServers[i].SpaceProviderId = spaceId
			nicInfo.GatewayAddress = gwAddr
			nicInfo.MTU = sub.VLAN().MTU()

			// Each link we represent as a separate InterfaceInfo, but with the
			// same name and device index, just different addres, subnet, etc.
			infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
	return infos, nil
Exemple #14
func (env *maasEnviron) deviceInterfaceInfo2(deviceID string, nameToParentName map[string]string) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
	args := gomaasapi.DevicesArgs{SystemIDs: []string{deviceID}}
	devices, err := env.maasController.Devices(args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	if len(devices) != 1 {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected response requesting device %v: %v", deviceID, devices)
	interfaces := devices[0].InterfaceSet()

	interfaceInfo := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
	for _, nic := range interfaces {
		vlanId := 0
		vlanVid := 0
		vlan := nic.VLAN()
		if vlan != nil {
			vlanId = vlan.ID()
			vlanVid = vlan.VID()
		nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
			InterfaceName:       nic.Name(),
			InterfaceType:       network.EthernetInterface,
			MACAddress:          nic.MACAddress(),
			MTU:                 nic.EffectiveMTU(),
			VLANTag:             vlanVid,
			ProviderId:          network.Id(strconv.Itoa(nic.ID())),
			ProviderVLANId:      network.Id(strconv.Itoa(vlanId)),
			Disabled:            !nic.Enabled(),
			NoAutoStart:         !nic.Enabled(),
			ParentInterfaceName: nameToParentName[nic.Name()],

		if len(nic.Links()) == 0 {
			logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no links", deviceID, nic.Name())
			interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)

		for _, link := range nic.Links() {
			nicInfo.ConfigType = maasLinkToInterfaceConfigType(link.Mode())

			subnet := link.Subnet()
			if link.IPAddress() == "" || subnet == nil {
				logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no address", deviceID, nic.Name())
				interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)

			nicInfo.CIDR = subnet.CIDR()
			nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(subnet.Space(), link.IPAddress())
			nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(subnet.ID()))
			nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(link.ID()))
			if subnet.Gateway() != "" {
				nicInfo.GatewayAddress = network.NewAddressOnSpace(subnet.Space(), subnet.Gateway())
			if len(subnet.DNSServers()) > 0 {
				nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(subnet.Space(), subnet.DNSServers()...)

			interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
	logger.Debugf("device %q has interface info: %+v", deviceID, interfaceInfo)
	return interfaceInfo, nil
Exemple #15
func newAddressOnSpaceWithId(space string, id network.Id, address string) network.Address {
	newAddress := network.NewAddressOnSpace(space, address)
	newAddress.SpaceProviderId = id
	return newAddress
Exemple #16
func (s *interfacesSuite) TestMAASObjectNetworkInterfaces(c *gc.C) {
	nodeJSON := fmt.Sprintf(`{
        "system_id": "foo",
        "interface_set": %s
    }`, exampleInterfaceSetJSON)
	obj := s.testMAASObject.TestServer.NewNode(nodeJSON)

	expected := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		NetworkName:       "juju-private",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearch:         "",
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		ExtraConfig:       nil,
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       0,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		NetworkName:       "juju-private",
		ProviderId:        "91",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "3",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           0,
		InterfaceName:     "eth0",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		DNSServers:        network.NewAddressesOnSpace("default", "", ""),
		DNSSearch:         "",
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("default", ""),
		ExtraConfig:       nil,
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       1,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		NetworkName:       "juju-private",
		ProviderId:        "150",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "5",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           50,
		InterfaceName:     "eth0.50",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
		DNSServers:        nil,
		DNSSearch:         "",
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("admin", ""),
		ExtraConfig:       nil,
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       2,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		NetworkName:       "juju-private",
		ProviderId:        "151",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "6",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           100,
		InterfaceName:     "eth0.100",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
		DNSServers:        nil,
		DNSSearch:         "",
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("public", ""),
		ExtraConfig:       nil,
	}, {
		DeviceIndex:       3,
		MACAddress:        "52:54:00:70:9b:fe",
		CIDR:              "",
		NetworkName:       "juju-private",
		ProviderId:        "152",
		ProviderSubnetId:  "8",
		AvailabilityZones: nil,
		VLANTag:           250,
		InterfaceName:     "eth0.250",
		Disabled:          false,
		NoAutoStart:       false,
		ConfigType:        "static",
		Address:           network.NewAddressOnSpace("storage", ""),
		DNSServers:        nil,
		DNSSearch:         "",
		MTU:               1500,
		GatewayAddress:    network.NewAddressOnSpace("storage", ""),
		ExtraConfig:       nil,

	infos, err := maasObjectNetworkInterfaces(&obj)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(infos, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemple #17
// maasObjectNetworkInterfaces implements environs.NetworkInterfaces() using the
// new (1.9+) MAAS API, parsing the node details JSON embedded into the given
// maasObject to extract all the relevant InterfaceInfo fields. It returns an
// error satisfying errors.IsNotSupported() if it cannot find the required
// "interface_set" node details field.
func maasObjectNetworkInterfaces(maasObject *gomaasapi.MAASObject) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {

	interfaceSet, ok := maasObject.GetMap()["interface_set"]
	if !ok || interfaceSet.IsNil() {
		// This means we're using an older MAAS API.
		return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("interface_set")

	// TODO(dimitern): Change gomaasapi JSONObject to give access to the raw
	// JSON bytes directly, rather than having to do call MarshalJSON just so
	// the result can be unmarshaled from it.
	// LKK Card: https://canonical.leankit.com/Boards/View/101652562/119311323

	rawBytes, err := interfaceSet.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot get interface_set JSON bytes")

	interfaces, err := parseInterfaces(rawBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	infos := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
	for i, iface := range interfaces {
		nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
			DeviceIndex:   i,
			MACAddress:    iface.MACAddress,
			ProviderId:    network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface.ID)),
			VLANTag:       iface.VLAN.VID,
			InterfaceName: iface.Name,
			Disabled:      !iface.Enabled,
			NoAutoStart:   !iface.Enabled,
			// This is not needed anymore, but the provisioner still validates it's set.
			NetworkName: network.DefaultPrivate,

		for _, link := range iface.Links {
			switch link.Mode {
			case modeUnknown:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigUnknown
			case modeDHCP:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigDHCP
			case modeStatic, modeLinkUp:
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigStatic
				nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigManual

			if link.IPAddress == "" {
				logger.Warningf("interface %q has no address", iface.Name)
			} else {
				// We set it here initially without a space, just so we don't
				// lose it when we have no linked subnet below.
				nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(link.IPAddress)

			if link.Subnet == nil {
				logger.Warningf("interface %q link %d missing subnet", iface.Name, link.ID)
				infos = append(infos, nicInfo)

			sub := link.Subnet
			nicInfo.CIDR = sub.CIDR
			nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.ID))

			// Now we know the subnet and space, we can update the address to
			// store the space with it.
			nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, link.IPAddress)

			gwAddr := network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, sub.GatewayIP)
			nicInfo.GatewayAddress = gwAddr

			nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(sub.Space, sub.DNSServers...)
			nicInfo.MTU = sub.VLAN.MTU

			// Each link we represent as a separate InterfaceInfo, but with the
			// same name and device index, just different addres, subnet, etc.
			infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
	return infos, nil