Exemple #1
// retrieveLatestCharmInfo looks up the charm store to return the charm URLs for the
// latest revision of the deployed charms.
func retrieveLatestCharmInfo(st *state.State) ([]latestCharmInfo, error) {
	// First get the uuid for the environment to use when querying the charm store.
	env, err := st.Model()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	services, err := st.AllServices()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	client, err := NewCharmStoreClient(st)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	var charms []charmstore.CharmID
	var resultsIndexedServices []*state.Service
	for _, service := range services {
		curl, _ := service.CharmURL()
		if curl.Schema == "local" {
			// Version checking for charms from local repositories is not
			// currently supported, since we don't yet support passing in
			// a path to the local repo. This may change if the need arises.

		cid := charmstore.CharmID{
			URL:     curl,
			Channel: service.Channel(),
		charms = append(charms, cid)
		resultsIndexedServices = append(resultsIndexedServices, service)

	results, err := charmstore.LatestCharmInfo(client, charms, env.UUID())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var latest []latestCharmInfo
	for i, result := range results {
		if result.Error != nil {
			logger.Errorf("retrieving charm info for %s: %v", charms[i].URL, result.Error)
		service := resultsIndexedServices[i]
		latest = append(latest, latestCharmInfo{
			CharmInfo: result.CharmInfo,
			service:   service,
	return latest, nil
Exemple #2
// fetchAllDeployedCharms returns a map from service name to service
// and a map from service name to unit name to unit.
func fetchAllDeployedCharms(st *state.State) (map[string]*charm.URL, error) {
	deployedCharms := make(map[string]*charm.URL)
	services, err := st.AllServices()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, s := range services {
		url, _ := s.CharmURL()
		// Record the basic charm information so it can be bulk processed later to
		// get the available revision numbers from the repo.
		baseCharm := url.WithRevision(-1)
		deployedCharms[baseCharm.String()] = baseCharm
	return deployedCharms, nil
Exemple #3
// fetchAllServicesAndUnits returns a map from service name to service,
// a map from service name to unit name to unit, and a map from base charm URL to latest URL.
func fetchAllServicesAndUnits(
	st *state.State, unitMatcher unitMatcher) (
	map[string]*state.Service, map[string]map[string]*state.Unit, map[charm.URL]string, error) {

	svcMap := make(map[string]*state.Service)
	unitMap := make(map[string]map[string]*state.Unit)
	latestCharms := make(map[charm.URL]string)
	services, err := st.AllServices()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	for _, s := range services {
		units, err := s.AllUnits()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, err
		svcUnitMap := make(map[string]*state.Unit)
		for _, u := range units {
			if !unitMatcher.matchUnit(u) {
			svcUnitMap[u.Name()] = u
		if unitMatcher.matchesAny() || len(svcUnitMap) > 0 {
			unitMap[s.Name()] = svcUnitMap
			svcMap[s.Name()] = s
			// Record the base URL for the service's charm so that
			// the latest store revision can be looked up.
			charmURL, _ := s.CharmURL()
			if charmURL.Schema == "cs" {
				latestCharms[*charmURL.WithRevision(-1)] = ""
	for baseURL, _ := range latestCharms {
		ch, err := st.LatestPlaceholderCharm(&baseURL)
		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, err
		latestCharms[baseURL] = ch.String()
	return svcMap, unitMap, latestCharms, nil