func initializeFlags() { flag.Set("logtostderr", "true") flag.BoolVar(&options.CleanKeystore, "clean", false, "Clean-up keystore and start over?") flag.StringVar(&options.EtcdHost, "etcd_host", "", "Hostname or IP address where Etcd is listening on") flag.Uint64Var(&options.LeaderTTL, "ttl", 10, "Leader health-check interval in seconds") flag.BoolVar(&options.MemberElectable, "electable", true, "Is member elegible for leader?") flag.Uint64Var(&options.MemberTTL, "member_ttl", 30, "Member health-check interval in seconds") flag.StringVar(&options.PgHost, "pg_host", "", "Hostname or IP address where PostgreSQL server is listening on") flag.IntVar(&options.PgPort, "pg_port", 5432, "TCP port where PostgreSQL server is listening on") flag.Parse() }
func initFlags(c *config) { pflag.StringSliceVar(&c.etcdServers, "etcd-servers", []string{}, "The comma-seprated list of etcd servers to use") pflag.StringVar(&c.key, "key", "", "The key to use for the lock") pflag.StringVar(&c.whoami, "whoami", "", "The name to use for the reservation. If empty use os.Hostname") pflag.Uint64Var(&c.ttl, "ttl-secs", 30, "The time to live for the lock.") pflag.StringVar(&c.src, "source-file", "", "The source file to copy from.") pflag.StringVar(&c.dest, "dest-file", "", "The destination file to copy to.") pflag.DurationVar(&c.sleep, "sleep", 5*time.Second, "The length of time to sleep between checking the lock.") }
func initFlags(c *config) { pflag.StringVar(&c.etcdServers, "etcd-servers", "", "List of etcd servers to watch (http://ip:port), comma separated. Mutually exclusive with -etcd-config") pflag.StringVar(&c.etcdConfigFile, "etcd-config", "", "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with -etcd-servers.") pflag.StringVar(&c.key, "key", "", "The key to use for the lock") pflag.StringVar(&c.whoami, "whoami", "", "The name to use for the reservation. If empty use os.Hostname") pflag.Uint64Var(&c.ttl, "ttl-secs", 30, "The time to live for the lock.") pflag.StringVar(&c.src, "source-file", "", "The source file to copy from.") pflag.StringVar(&c.dest, "dest-file", "", "The destination file to copy to.") pflag.DurationVar(&c.sleep, "sleep", 5*time.Second, "The length of time to sleep between checking the lock.") }
func initFlags(c *config) { pflag.StringSliceVar(&c.etcdServers, "etcd-servers", []string{}, "The comma-seprated list of etcd servers to use") pflag.BoolVar(&c.etcdSecure, "etcd-secure", false, "Set to true if etcd has https") pflag.StringVar(&c.etcdCertfile, "etcd-certfile", "", "Etcd TLS cert file, needed if etcd-secure") pflag.StringVar(&c.etcdKeyfile, "etcd-keyfile", "", "Etcd TLS key file, needed if etcd-secure") pflag.StringVar(&c.etcdCafile, "etcd-cafile", "", "Etcd CA file, needed if etcd-secure") pflag.StringVar(&c.key, "key", "", "The key to use for the lock") pflag.StringVar(&c.whoami, "whoami", "", "The name to use for the reservation. If empty use os.Hostname") pflag.Uint64Var(&c.ttl, "ttl-secs", 30, "The time to live for the lock.") pflag.StringVar(&c.src, "source-file", "", "The source file to copy from.") pflag.StringVar(&c.dest, "dest-file", "", "The destination file to copy to.") pflag.DurationVar(&c.sleep, "sleep", 5*time.Second, "The length of time to sleep between checking the lock.") }