Exemple #1
func DialURL(url, rootCACert, dnsResolvers string) ConnectionFactory {
	return func() (*amqp.Connection, error) {
		config, err := buildAMQPConfig(rootCACert, dnsResolvers)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return amqp.DialConfig(url, config)
Exemple #2
func (rpc *RPCServer) connect() {
	var err error
	for {
		rpc.connection, err = amqp.DialConfig(rpc.dsn, amqp.Config{Properties: amqp.Table{"product": "RPC/Server." + rpc.queueName}})
		if err != nil {
			rpc.log.Printf("Error connecting: %s", err)
		rpc.channel, err = rpc.connection.Channel()
		if err != nil {
			rpc.log.Printf("Error getting channel: %s", err)
		q, err := rpc.channel.QueueDeclare(
			rpc.queueName, // name
			false,         // durable
			false,         // delete when unused
			false,         // exclusive
			false,         // noWait
			nil,           // arguments
		if err != nil {
			rpc.log.Printf("Error declaring queue: %s", err)
		err = rpc.channel.Qos(
			1,     // prefetch count
			0,     // prefetch size
			false, // global
		if err != nil {
			rpc.log.Printf("Error setting QOS: %s", err)
		rpc.messages, err = rpc.channel.Consume(
			q.Name, // queue
			"",     // consume
			false,  // auto-ack
			false,  // exclusive
			false,  // no-local
			false,  // no-wait
			nil,    // args
		if err != nil {
			rpc.log.Printf("Error consuming: %s", err)
Exemple #3
func ExampleConfig_timeout() {
	// Provide your own anonymous Dial function that delgates to net.DialTimout
	// for custom timeouts

	conn, err := amqp.DialConfig("amqp:///", amqp.Config{
		Dial: func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
			return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, 2*time.Second)

	log.Printf("conn: %v, err: %v", conn, err)
Exemple #4
// Creates a new client, connecting to the AMQP URL specified.  A nil
// amqp.Config may be specified for default connection parameters.
func NewClient(url string, cfg amqp.Config) (*Client, error) {
	var err error

	c := &Client{
		responseChans: map[string]chan amqp.Delivery{},

	c.conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(url, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c.txChannel, err = c.conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c.rxChannel, err = c.conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rxQueue, err := c.rxChannel.QueueDeclare(
		"",    // name
		false, // durable
		true,  // autodelete
		true,  // exclusive
		false, // nowait
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c.rxQueueName = rxQueue.Name

	c.rxCh, err = c.rxChannel.Consume(c.rxQueueName,
		"",    // consumer
		true,  // autoAck
		true,  // exclusive
		false, // nolocal
		false, // nowait
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go c.responseHandler()

	return c, nil
Exemple #5
 * Dial connects to an amqp URL where it expects a rabbitMQ instance to be running.
 * Returns a multiplexable connection that can then be used to produce/consume on different queues
func Dial(config Config) RabbitHandler {

	if config.AmqpUrl == "" {
		config.AmqpUrl = LocalhostAmqpUrl

	conn, err := amqp.DialConfig(config.AmqpUrl, config.AmqpConfig)
	rabbitbeans.FailOnError(err, "Failed to connect to RabbitMQ")
	return &Connection{
Exemple #6
func DialURLWithBackoff(url, rootCACert, dnsResolvers string) ConnectionFactory {
	return func() (conn *amqp.Connection, err error) {
		config, err := buildAMQPConfig(rootCACert, dnsResolvers)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for i := 1; ; i++ {
			if conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(url, config); err == nil || i == 5 {
			log.Printf("AMQP connection failed, attempt %d", i)
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(i*3) * time.Second)
Exemple #7
func (r *RPCClient) connect() {
	var err error
	for {
		if r.connection == nil {
			r.connection, err = amqp.DialConfig(
					Properties: amqp.Table{"product": "RPC/Client." + r.name},
			if err != nil {
				r.log.Printf("Error connecting: %s", err)
		r.channel, err = r.connection.Channel()
		if err != nil {
			r.log.Printf("Error getting channel: %s", err)
			r.connection = nil
		r.queue, err = r.channel.QueueDeclare(
			"",    // name
			false, // durable
			true,  // delete when unused
			true,  // exclusive
			false, // noWait
			nil,   // arguments
		if err != nil {
			r.log.Printf("Error declaring a queue: %s", err)
Exemple #8
func (tc *testClient) connect() *amqpclient.Connection {
	internal, external := net.Pipe()
	go tc.s.OpenConnection(internal)
	// Set up connection
	clientconfig := amqpclient.Config{
		SASL:            nil,
		Vhost:           "/",
		ChannelMax:      100000,
		FrameSize:       100000,
		Heartbeat:       time.Duration(0),
		TLSClientConfig: nil,
		Properties:      make(amqpclient.Table),
		Dial: func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
			return external, nil

	client, err := amqpclient.DialConfig("amqp://localhost:1234", clientconfig)
	if err != nil {
	return client
Exemple #9
func initMQ(orig_ctx Context, try_proxy bool, proxy string) (ctx Context, err error) {
	ctx = orig_ctx
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("initMQ() -> %v", e)
		ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "leaving initMQ()"}.Debug()

	//Define the AMQP binding
	ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue = fmt.Sprintf("mig.agt.%s", ctx.Agent.QueueLoc)
	ctx.MQ.Bind.Key = fmt.Sprintf("mig.agt.%s", ctx.Agent.QueueLoc)

	// parse the dial string and use TLS if using amqps
	amqp_uri, err := amqp.ParseURI(AMQPBROKER)
	if err != nil {
	ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("AMQP: host=%s, port=%d, vhost=%s", amqp_uri.Host, amqp_uri.Port, amqp_uri.Vhost)}.Debug()
	if amqp_uri.Scheme == "amqps" {
		ctx.MQ.UseTLS = true

	// create an AMQP configuration with specific timers
	var dialConfig amqp.Config
	dialConfig.Heartbeat = 2 * ctx.Sleeper
	if try_proxy {
		// if in try_proxy mode, the agent will try to connect to the relay using a CONNECT proxy
		// but because CONNECT is a HTTP method, not available in AMQP, we need to establish
		// that connection ourselves, and give it back to the amqp.DialConfig method
		if proxy == "" {
			// try to get the proxy from the environemnt (variable HTTP_PROXY)
			target := "http://" + amqp_uri.Host + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", amqp_uri.Port)
			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", target, nil)
			if err != nil {
			proxy_url, err := http.ProxyFromEnvironment(req)
			if err != nil {
			if proxy_url == nil {
				panic("Failed to find a suitable proxy in environment")
			proxy = proxy_url.Host
			ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Found proxy at %s", proxy)}.Debug()
		ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: fmt.Sprintf("Connecting via proxy %s", proxy)}.Debug()
		dialConfig.Dial = func(network, addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
			// connect to the proxy
			conn, err = net.DialTimeout("tcp", proxy, 5*time.Second)
			if err != nil {
			// write a CONNECT request in the tcp connection
			fmt.Fprintf(conn, "CONNECT "+addr+" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: "+addr+"\r\n\r\n")
			// verify status is 200, and flush the buffer
			status, err := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
			if err != nil {
			if status == "" || len(status) < 12 {
				err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid status received from proxy: '%s'", status[0:len(status)-2])
			// 9th character in response should be "2"
			// HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
			//          ^
			if status[9] != '2' {
				err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid status received from proxy: '%s'", status[0:len(status)-2])
			ctx.Agent.Env.IsProxied = true
			ctx.Agent.Env.Proxy = proxy
	} else {
		dialConfig.Dial = func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
			return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, 5*time.Second)

	if ctx.MQ.UseTLS {
		ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Loading AMQPS TLS parameters"}.Debug()
		// import the client certificates
		cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(AGENTCERT, AGENTKEY)
		if err != nil {

		// import the ca cert
		ca := x509.NewCertPool()
		if ok := ca.AppendCertsFromPEM(CACERT); !ok {
			panic("failed to import CA Certificate")
		TLSconfig := tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
			RootCAs:            ca,
			InsecureSkipVerify: false,
			Rand:               rand.Reader}

		dialConfig.TLSClientConfig = &TLSconfig
	// Open AMQP connection
	ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Establishing connection to relay"}.Debug()
	ctx.MQ.conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(AMQPBROKER, dialConfig)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "Connection failed"}.Debug()

	ctx.MQ.Chan, err = ctx.MQ.conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {

	// Limit the number of message the channel will receive at once
	err = ctx.MQ.Chan.Qos(1, // prefetch count (in # of msg)
		0,     // prefetch size (in bytes)
		false) // is global

	_, err = ctx.MQ.Chan.QueueDeclare(ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue, // Queue name
		true,  // is durable
		false, // is autoDelete
		false, // is exclusive
		false, // is noWait
		nil)   // AMQP args
	if err != nil {

	err = ctx.MQ.Chan.QueueBind(ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue, // Queue name
		ctx.MQ.Bind.Key,    // Routing key name
		mig.Mq_Ex_ToAgents, // Exchange name
		false,              // is noWait
		nil)                // AMQP args
	if err != nil {

	// Consume AMQP message into channel
	ctx.MQ.Bind.Chan, err = ctx.MQ.Chan.Consume(ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue, // queue name
		"",    // some tag
		false, // is autoAck
		false, // is exclusive
		false, // is noLocal
		false, // is noWait
		nil)   // AMQP args
	if err != nil {

Exemple #10
func InitMQ(conf MqConf) (amqpChan *amqp.Channel, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("worker.initMQ() -> %v", e)
	// create an AMQP configuration with a 10min heartbeat and timeout
	// dialing address use format "<scheme>://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port><vhost>"
	var scheme, user, pass, host, port, vhost string
	if conf.UseTLS {
		scheme = "amqps"
	} else {
		scheme = "amqp"
	if conf.User == "" {
		panic("MQ User is missing")
	user = conf.User
	if conf.Pass == "" {
		panic("MQ Pass is missing")
	pass = conf.Pass
	if conf.Host == "" {
		panic("MQ Host is missing")
	host = conf.Host
	if conf.Port < 1 {
		panic("MQ Port is missing")
	port = fmt.Sprintf("%d", conf.Port)
	vhost = conf.Vhost
	dialaddr := scheme + "://" + user + ":" + pass + "@" + host + ":" + port + "/" + vhost

	timeout, _ := time.ParseDuration(conf.Timeout)
	var dialConfig amqp.Config
	dialConfig.Heartbeat = timeout
	dialConfig.Dial = func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
		return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
	if conf.UseTLS {
		// import the client certificates
		cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(conf.TLScert, conf.TLSkey)
		if err != nil {
		// import the ca cert
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(conf.CAcert)
		ca := x509.NewCertPool()
		if ok := ca.AppendCertsFromPEM(data); !ok {
			panic("failed to import CA Certificate")
		TLSconfig := tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
			RootCAs:            ca,
			InsecureSkipVerify: false,
			Rand:               rand.Reader}
		dialConfig.TLSClientConfig = &TLSconfig
	// Setup the AMQP broker connection
	amqpConn, err := amqp.DialConfig(dialaddr, dialConfig)
	if err != nil {
	amqpChan, err = amqpConn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
Exemple #11
// initBroker() sets up the connection to the RabbitMQ broker
func initBroker(orig_ctx Context) (ctx Context, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("initBroker() -> %v", e)
		ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "leaving initBroker()"}.Debug()

	ctx = orig_ctx
	// dialing address use format "<scheme>://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port><vhost>"
	var scheme, user, pass, host, port, vhost string
	if ctx.MQ.UseTLS {
		scheme = "amqps"
	} else {
		scheme = "amqp"
	if ctx.MQ.User == "" {
		panic("MQ User is missing")
	user = ctx.MQ.User
	if ctx.MQ.Pass == "" {
		panic("MQ Pass is missing")
	pass = ctx.MQ.Pass
	if ctx.MQ.Host == "" {
		panic("MQ Host is missing")
	host = ctx.MQ.Host
	if ctx.MQ.Port < 1 {
		panic("MQ Port is missing")
	port = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ctx.MQ.Port)
	vhost = ctx.MQ.Vhost
	dialaddr := scheme + "://" + user + ":" + pass + "@" + host + ":" + port + "/" + vhost

	if ctx.MQ.Timeout == "" {
		ctx.MQ.Timeout = "600s"
	timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(ctx.MQ.Timeout)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Failed to parse timeout duration")

	// create an AMQP configuration with specific timers
	var dialConfig amqp.Config
	dialConfig.Heartbeat = timeout
	dialConfig.Dial = func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
		return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
	// create the TLS configuration
	if ctx.MQ.UseTLS {
		// import the client certificates
		cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(ctx.MQ.TLScert, ctx.MQ.TLSkey)
		if err != nil {

		// import the ca cert
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ctx.MQ.CAcert)
		ca := x509.NewCertPool()
		if ok := ca.AppendCertsFromPEM(data); !ok {
			panic("failed to import CA Certificate")
		TLSconfig := tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
			RootCAs:            ca,
			InsecureSkipVerify: false,
			Rand:               rand.Reader}

		dialConfig.TLSClientConfig = &TLSconfig


	// Setup the AMQP broker connection
	ctx.MQ.conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(dialaddr, dialConfig)
	if err != nil {

	ctx.MQ.Chan, err = ctx.MQ.conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
	// declare the "mig" exchange used for all publications
	err = ctx.MQ.Chan.ExchangeDeclare("mig", "topic", true, false, false, false, nil)
	if err != nil {

	ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Sev: "info", Desc: "AMQP connection opened"}
Exemple #12
// InitAmqp establishes a connection to the rabbitmq endpoint defined in the configuration
func InitAmqp(conf MqConf) (p Publisher, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("InitAmqp failed with error: %v", e)
	var scheme, user, pass, host, port, vhost string
	if conf.UseTLS {
		scheme = "amqps"
	} else {
		scheme = "amqp"
	if conf.User == "" {
		panic("MQ User is missing")
	user = conf.User
	if conf.Pass == "" {
		panic("MQ Pass is missing")
	pass = conf.Pass
	if conf.Host == "" {
		panic("MQ Host is missing")
	host = conf.Host
	if conf.Port < 1 {
		panic("MQ Port is missing")
	port = fmt.Sprintf("%d", conf.Port)
	vhost = conf.Vhost
	dialaddr := scheme + "://" + user + ":" + pass + "@" + host + ":" + port + "/" + vhost

	timeout, _ := time.ParseDuration(conf.Timeout)
	var dialConfig amqp.Config
	dialConfig.Heartbeat = timeout
	dialConfig.Dial = func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
		return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
	if conf.UseTLS {
		// import the ca cert
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(conf.CACertPath)
		if err != nil {
		ca := x509.NewCertPool()
		if ok := ca.AppendCertsFromPEM(data); !ok {
			panic("failed to import CA Certificate")
		TLSconfig := tls.Config{
			RootCAs:            ca,
			InsecureSkipVerify: false,
			Rand:               rand.Reader,
		dialConfig.TLSClientConfig = &TLSconfig
		if conf.ClientCertPath != "" && conf.ClientKeyPath != "" {
			// import the client certificates
			cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(conf.ClientCertPath, conf.ClientKeyPath)
			if err != nil {
			TLSconfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
	// Setup the AMQP broker connection
	amqpConn, err := amqp.DialConfig(dialaddr, dialConfig)
	if err != nil {
	p.amqpChan, err = amqpConn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
	p.use_amqp = true
	p.mqconf = conf
Exemple #13
func (r *RabbitConnection) connect() (err error) {
	r.conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(r.ampq, amqp.Config{
		Heartbeat: 2 * time.Second,
		Dial: func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
			return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, 2*time.Second)
	//r.conn, err = amqp.Dial(r.ampq)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	r.ch, err = r.conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = r.ch.Confirm(false); err != nil {
		return err

	//r.ackChn, r.nackChn = r.Channel.NotifyConfirm(make(chan uint64, 1), make(chan uint64, 1))

	// Объявляем обменники
	for _, exchange := range r.exchanges {
		if err := r.ch.ExchangeDeclare(exchange.Name, exchange.Type, exchange.Durable, exchange.Autodelete, false, false, nil); err != nil {
			return err

	for key := range r.queues {

		_, err := r.ch.QueueDeclare(r.queues[key].Name, r.queues[key].Durable, r.queues[key].Autodelete, false, false, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Привязываем очередь к обменнику
		if len(r.queues[key].Exchange) != 0 {
			err = r.ch.QueueBind(r.queues[key].Name, r.queues[key].Key, r.queues[key].Exchange, false, nil)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		r.queues[key].inChan, err = r.ch.Consume(r.queues[key].Name, "", false, false, false, false, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		/*r.queues[key].queueMQ = &q*/
		r.queues[key].done = r.done
		go r.queues[key].listenQueue()

	err = r.ch.Qos(1, 0, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err


Exemple #14
func initMQ(orig_ctx Context) (ctx Context, err error) {
	ctx = orig_ctx
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("initMQ() -> %v", e)
		ctx.Channels.Log <- mig.Log{Desc: "leaving initMQ()"}.Debug()

	//Define the AMQP binding
	ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue = fmt.Sprintf("mig.agt.%s", ctx.Agent.QueueLoc)
	ctx.MQ.Bind.Key = fmt.Sprintf("mig.agt.%s", ctx.Agent.QueueLoc)

	// parse the dial string and use TLS if using amqps
	if strings.Contains(AMQPBROKER, "amqps://") {
		ctx.MQ.UseTLS = true

	// create an AMQP configuration with specific timers
	var dialConfig amqp.Config
	dialConfig.ConnectionTimeout = 10 * ctx.Sleeper
	dialConfig.Heartbeat = 2 * ctx.Sleeper

	if ctx.MQ.UseTLS {
		// import the client certificates
		cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair([]byte(AGENTCERT), []byte(AGENTKEY))
		if err != nil {

		// import the ca cert
		ca := x509.NewCertPool()
		if ok := ca.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(CACERT)); !ok {
			panic("failed to import CA Certificate")
		TLSconfig := tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
			RootCAs:            ca,
			InsecureSkipVerify: false,
			Rand:               rand.Reader}

		dialConfig.TLSClientConfig = &TLSconfig
	// Open a non-encrypted AMQP connection
	ctx.MQ.conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(AMQPBROKER, dialConfig)
	if err != nil {

	ctx.MQ.Chan, err = ctx.MQ.conn.Channel()
	if err != nil {

	// Limit the number of message the channel will receive at once
	err = ctx.MQ.Chan.Qos(7, // prefetch count (in # of msg)
		0,     // prefetch size (in bytes)
		false) // is global

	_, err = ctx.MQ.Chan.QueueDeclare(ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue, // Queue name
		true,  // is durable
		false, // is autoDelete
		false, // is exclusive
		false, // is noWait
		nil)   // AMQP args
	if err != nil {

	err = ctx.MQ.Chan.QueueBind(ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue, // Queue name
		ctx.MQ.Bind.Key, // Routing key name
		"mig",           // Exchange name
		false,           // is noWait
		nil)             // AMQP args
	if err != nil {

	// Consume AMQP message into channel
	ctx.MQ.Bind.Chan, err = ctx.MQ.Chan.Consume(ctx.MQ.Bind.Queue, // queue name
		"",    // some tag
		false, // is autoAck
		false, // is exclusive
		false, // is noLocal
		false, // is noWait
		nil)   // AMQP args
	if err != nil {

Exemple #15
func (q *AMQP) Connect() error {
	defer q.Unlock()

	q.headers = amqp.Table{
		"precision":        q.Precision,
		"database":         q.Database,
		"retention_policy": q.RetentionPolicy,

	var connection *amqp.Connection
	// make new tls config
	tls, err := internal.GetTLSConfig(
		q.SSLCert, q.SSLKey, q.SSLCA, q.InsecureSkipVerify)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// parse auth method
	var sasl []amqp.Authentication // nil by default

	if strings.ToUpper(q.AuthMethod) == "EXTERNAL" {
		sasl = []amqp.Authentication{&externalAuth{}}

	amqpConf := amqp.Config{
		TLSClientConfig: tls,
		SASL:            sasl, // if nil, it will be PLAIN

	connection, err = amqp.DialConfig(q.URL, amqpConf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	channel, err := connection.Channel()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to open a channel: %s", err)

	err = channel.ExchangeDeclare(
		q.Exchange, // name
		"topic",    // type
		true,       // durable
		false,      // delete when unused
		false,      // internal
		false,      // no-wait
		nil,        // arguments
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to declare an exchange: %s", err)
	q.channel = channel
	go func() {
		log.Printf("I! Closing: %s", <-connection.NotifyClose(make(chan *amqp.Error)))
		log.Printf("I! Trying to reconnect")
		for err := q.Connect(); err != nil; err = q.Connect() {
			log.Println("E! ", err.Error())
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	return nil
Exemple #16
// Loop should be run as condition for `for` with receiving from (*Client).Errors()
// It will manage AMQP connection, run queue and exchange declarations, consumers.
// Will start to return false once (*Client).Close() called.
func (c *Client) Loop() bool {
	var (
		err error

	if atomic.LoadInt32(&c.run) == noRun {
		return false

	conn, _ := c.conn.Load().(*amqp.Connection)

	if conn != nil {
		return true

	if c.bo != nil {
		atomic.AddInt32(&c.attempt, 1)

	// set default Heartbeat to 10 seconds like in original amqp.Dial
	if c.config.Heartbeat == 0 {
		c.config.Heartbeat = 10 * time.Second

	conn, err = amqp.DialConfig(c.addr, c.config)

	if c.reportErr(err) {
		return true

	atomic.StoreInt32(&c.attempt, 0)

	// guard conn
	go func() {
		chanErr := make(chan *amqp.Error)
		chanBlocking := make(chan amqp.Blocking)

		// loop for blocking/deblocking
		for {
			select {
			case err1 := <-chanErr:

				if conn1 := c.conn.Load().(*amqp.Connection); conn1 != nil {
				// return from routine to launch reconnect process
			case blocking := <-chanBlocking:
				select {
				case c.blocking <- blocking:


	ch, err := conn.Channel()
	if c.reportErr(err) {
		return true

	for _, declare := range c.declarations {

	for cons := range c.consumers {
		ch1, err := c.channel()
		if err == nil {
			go cons.serve(c, ch1)

	for pub := range c.publishers {
		ch1, err := c.channel()
		if err == nil {
			go pub.serve(c, ch1)

	return true