func waitForFilteredReplication(t *testing.T, expectedErr string, initialStats *pbq.RealtimeStats, broadcastStatsFunc func() *pbq.RealtimeStats) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient(), time.Second)
	vp := NewVtctlPipe(t, ts)
	defer vp.Close()

	// source of the filtered replication. We don't start its loop because we don't connect to it.
	source := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, pbt.TabletType_MASTER,
		TabletKeyspaceShard(t, keyspace, "0"))
	// dest is the master of the dest shard which receives filtered replication events.
	dest := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, pbt.TabletType_MASTER,
		TabletKeyspaceShard(t, keyspace, destShard))
	dest.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer dest.StopActionLoop(t)

	// Build topology state as we would expect it when filtered replication is enabled.
	ctx := context.Background()
	wr.SetSourceShards(ctx, keyspace, destShard, []*pbt.TabletAlias{source.Tablet.GetAlias()}, nil)

	// Set a BinlogPlayerMap to avoid a nil panic when the explicit RunHealthCheck
	// is called by WaitForFilteredReplication.
	// Note that for this test we don't mock the BinlogPlayerMap i.e. although
	// its state says no filtered replication is running, the code under test will
	// observe otherwise because we call TabletServer.BroadcastHealth() directly and
	// skip going through the tabletmanager's agent.
	dest.Agent.BinlogPlayerMap = tabletmanager.NewBinlogPlayerMap(ts, nil, nil)

	// Use real, but trimmed down QueryService.
	testConfig := tabletserver.DefaultQsConfig
	testConfig.EnablePublishStats = false
	testConfig.DebugURLPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("TestWaitForFilteredReplication-%d-", rand.Int63())
	qs := tabletserver.NewTabletServer(testConfig)
	grpcqueryservice.RegisterForTest(dest.RPCServer, qs)

	qs.BroadcastHealth(42, initialStats)

	// run vtctl WaitForFilteredReplication
	stopBroadcasting := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(stopBroadcasting)
		err := vp.Run([]string{"WaitForFilteredReplication", "-max_delay", "10s", dest.Tablet.Keyspace + "/" + dest.Tablet.Shard})
		if expectedErr == "" {
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("WaitForFilteredReplication must not fail: %v", err)
		} else {
			if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErr) {
				t.Fatalf("WaitForFilteredReplication wrong error. got: %v want substring: %v", err, expectedErr)

	// Broadcast health record as long as vtctl is running.
	for {
		// Give vtctl a head start to consume the initial stats.
		// (We do this because there's unfortunately no way to explicitly
		//  synchronize with the point where conn.StreamHealth() has started.)
		// (Tests won't break if vtctl misses the initial stats. Only coverage
		//  will be impacted.)
		timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Millisecond)

		select {
		case <-stopBroadcasting:
		case <-timer.C:
			qs.BroadcastHealth(42, broadcastStatsFunc())
			// Pace the flooding broadcasting to waste less CPU.
			timer.Reset(1 * time.Millisecond)

	// vtctl WaitForFilteredReplication returned.
Exemple #2
// InitAgent initializes the agent within vttablet.
func InitAgent(
	tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias,
	dbcfgs *dbconfigs.DBConfigs,
	mycnf *mysqlctl.Mycnf,
	port, securePort int,
	overridesFile string,
) (agent *tabletmanager.ActionAgent, err error) {
	schemaOverrides := loadSchemaOverrides(overridesFile)

	topoServer := topo.GetServer()
	mysqld := mysqlctl.NewMysqld(mycnf, &dbcfgs.Dba, &dbcfgs.Repl)

	statsType := stats.NewString("TabletType")
	statsKeyspace := stats.NewString("TabletKeyspace")
	statsShard := stats.NewString("TabletShard")
	statsKeyRangeStart := stats.NewString("TabletKeyRangeStart")
	statsKeyRangeEnd := stats.NewString("TabletKeyRangeEnd")

	agent, err = tabletmanager.NewActionAgent(topoServer, tabletAlias, mysqld)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Start the binlog player services, not playing at start.
	agent.BinlogPlayerMap = tabletmanager.NewBinlogPlayerMap(topoServer, &dbcfgs.App.ConnectionParams, mysqld)

	// Action agent listens to changes in zookeeper and makes
	// modifications to this tablet.
	agent.AddChangeCallback(func(oldTablet, newTablet topo.Tablet) {
		allowQuery := true
		var shardInfo *topo.ShardInfo
		var keyspaceInfo *topo.KeyspaceInfo
		if newTablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
			// read the shard to get SourceShards
			shardInfo, err = topoServer.GetShard(newTablet.Keyspace, newTablet.Shard)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Cannot read shard for this tablet %v: %v", newTablet.Alias, err)
			} else {
				allowQuery = len(shardInfo.SourceShards) == 0

			// read the keyspace to get ShardingColumnType
			keyspaceInfo, err = topoServer.GetKeyspace(newTablet.Keyspace)
			switch err {
			case nil:
				// continue
			case topo.ErrNoNode:
				// backward compatible mode
				keyspaceInfo = topo.NewKeyspaceInfo(newTablet.Keyspace, &topo.Keyspace{})
				log.Errorf("Cannot read keyspace for this tablet %v: %v", newTablet.Alias, err)
				keyspaceInfo = nil

		if newTablet.IsRunningQueryService() && allowQuery {
			if dbcfgs.App.DbName == "" {
				dbcfgs.App.DbName = newTablet.DbName()
			dbcfgs.App.Keyspace = newTablet.Keyspace
			dbcfgs.App.Shard = newTablet.Shard
			if newTablet.Type != topo.TYPE_MASTER {
				dbcfgs.App.EnableInvalidator = true
			} else {
				dbcfgs.App.EnableInvalidator = false
			// Transitioning from replica to master, first disconnect
			// existing connections. "false" indicateds that clients must
			// re-resolve their endpoint before reconnecting.
			if newTablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER && oldTablet.Type != topo.TYPE_MASTER {
			qrs := ts.LoadCustomRules()
			if newTablet.KeyRange.IsPartial() {
				qr := ts.NewQueryRule("enforce keyspace_id range", "keyspace_id_not_in_range", ts.QR_FAIL_QUERY)
				err = qr.AddBindVarCond("keyspace_id", true, true, ts.QR_NOTIN, newTablet.KeyRange)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warningf("Unable to add keyspace rule: %v", err)
				} else {
			ts.AllowQueries(&dbcfgs.App, schemaOverrides, qrs, mysqld)
			// Disable before enabling to force existing streams to stop.
		} else {


		// See if we need to start or stop any binlog player
		if newTablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
			agent.BinlogPlayerMap.RefreshMap(newTablet, keyspaceInfo, shardInfo)
		} else {

	if err := agent.Start(mysqld.Port(), port, securePort); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// register the RPC services from the agent

	return agent, nil
Exemple #3
// InitAgent initializes the agent within vttablet.
func InitAgent(
	tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias,
	dbcfgs *dbconfigs.DBConfigs,
	mycnf *mysqlctl.Mycnf,
	port, securePort int,
	overridesFile string,
) (agent *tabletmanager.ActionAgent, err error) {
	schemaOverrides := loadSchemaOverrides(overridesFile)

	topoServer := topo.GetServer()
	mysqld := mysqlctl.NewMysqld(mycnf, &dbcfgs.Dba, &dbcfgs.Repl)

	statsType := stats.NewString("TabletType")
	statsKeyspace := stats.NewString("TabletKeyspace")
	statsShard := stats.NewString("TabletShard")
	statsKeyRangeStart := stats.NewString("TabletKeyRangeStart")
	statsKeyRangeEnd := stats.NewString("TabletKeyRangeEnd")

	agent, err = tabletmanager.NewActionAgent(topoServer, tabletAlias, mysqld)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Start the binlog player services, not playing at start.
	agent.BinlogPlayerMap = tabletmanager.NewBinlogPlayerMap(topoServer, &dbcfgs.App.ConnectionParams, mysqld)

	// Action agent listens to changes in zookeeper and makes
	// modifications to this tablet.
	agent.AddChangeCallback(func(oldTablet, newTablet topo.Tablet) {
		allowQuery := true
		var shardInfo *topo.ShardInfo
		var keyspaceInfo *topo.KeyspaceInfo
		if newTablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
			// read the shard to get SourceShards
			shardInfo, err = topoServer.GetShard(newTablet.Keyspace, newTablet.Shard)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Cannot read shard for this tablet %v: %v", newTablet.Alias, err)
			} else {
				allowQuery = len(shardInfo.SourceShards) == 0

			// read the keyspace to get ShardingColumnType
			keyspaceInfo, err = topoServer.GetKeyspace(newTablet.Keyspace)
			switch err {
			case nil:
				// continue
			case topo.ErrNoNode:
				// backward compatible mode
				keyspaceInfo = topo.NewKeyspaceInfo(newTablet.Keyspace, &topo.Keyspace{})
				log.Errorf("Cannot read keyspace for this tablet %v: %v", newTablet.Alias, err)
				keyspaceInfo = nil

		if newTablet.IsRunningQueryService() && allowQuery {
			if dbcfgs.App.DbName == "" {
				dbcfgs.App.DbName = newTablet.DbName()
			dbcfgs.App.Keyspace = newTablet.Keyspace
			dbcfgs.App.Shard = newTablet.Shard
			if newTablet.Type != topo.TYPE_MASTER {
				dbcfgs.App.EnableInvalidator = true
			} else {
				dbcfgs.App.EnableInvalidator = false

			// There are a few transitions when we're
			// going to need to restart the query service:
			// - transitioning from replica to master, so clients
			//   that were already connected don't keep on using
			//   the master as replica or rdonly.
			// - having different parameters for the query
			//   service. It needs to stop and restart with the
			//   new parameters. That includes:
			//   - changing KeyRange
			//   - changing the BlacklistedTables list
			if (newTablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER &&
				oldTablet.Type != topo.TYPE_MASTER) ||
				(newTablet.KeyRange != oldTablet.KeyRange) ||
				!reflect.DeepEqual(newTablet.BlacklistedTables, oldTablet.BlacklistedTables) {
			qrs := ts.LoadCustomRules()
			if newTablet.KeyRange.IsPartial() {
				qr := ts.NewQueryRule("enforce keyspace_id range", "keyspace_id_not_in_range", ts.QR_FAIL_QUERY)
				err = qr.AddBindVarCond("keyspace_id", true, true, ts.QR_NOTIN, newTablet.KeyRange)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warningf("Unable to add keyspace rule: %v", err)
				} else {
			if len(newTablet.BlacklistedTables) > 0 {
				log.Infof("Blacklisting tables %v", strings.Join(newTablet.BlacklistedTables, ", "))
				qr := ts.NewQueryRule("enforce blacklisted tables", "blacklisted_table", ts.QR_FAIL_QUERY)
				for _, t := range newTablet.BlacklistedTables {
			ts.AllowQueries(&dbcfgs.App, schemaOverrides, qrs, mysqld)
			// Disable before enabling to force existing streams to stop.
		} else {


		// See if we need to start or stop any binlog player
		if newTablet.Type == topo.TYPE_MASTER {
			agent.BinlogPlayerMap.RefreshMap(newTablet, keyspaceInfo, shardInfo)
		} else {

	if err := agent.Start(mysqld.Port(), port, securePort); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// register the RPC services from the agent

	// start health check if needed

	return agent, nil