/* *****************  MAIN FUNCTION  ************************ */
func main() {

	/* ****************    OVR INIT CODE  ***************** */

	if err := glfw.Init(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("failed to initialize glfw")

	defer glfw.Terminate()

	//create an HMD for reference.
	var hmd C.ovrHmd = nil

	// find number of headsets
	hmdCount := (int)(C.ovrHmd_Detect())
	// print headset count
	fmt.Printf("Found %d connected Rift device(s)\n\n", hmdCount)

	// grab the first headset
	if hmdCount > 0 {
		for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {
			hmd = C.ovrHmd_Create((C.int)(i))
			//Print headset name

	//if there is no headset connected, create a new debug.
	if hmd == nil {

		fmt.Println("Unable to open rift device\n Creating debug device.\n")
		hmd = C.ovrHmd_CreateDebug(C.ovrHmd_DK2)

	//Starts the sensor device
	if C.ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking(hmd, C.ovrTrackingCap_Orientation|C.ovrTrackingCap_Position, 0) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("Unable to start Rift head tracker\n")


	//extendedMode := C.ovrHmdCap_ExtendDesktop & hmd.HmdCaps

	//positioning of window and size of window
	var outposition mgl32.Vec2
	outposition[0] = (float32)(hmd.WindowsPos.x)
	outposition[1] = (float32)(hmd.WindowsPos.y)

	//TODO: Change this to output at chosen resolution, not necessarily native pg. 76 Oculus Rift in action
	var outsize mgl32.Vec2
	outsize[0] = (float32)(hmd.Resolution.w)
	outsize[1] = (float32)(hmd.Resolution.h)

	//print position and sizes to console
	fmt.Printf("Rift position:\t\t %f \t %f \nRift Size:\t\t %f \t %f \n\n", outposition.X(), outposition.Y(), outsize.X(), outsize.Y())

	monitors := glfw.GetMonitors()
	var riftIndex int
	//loop over the monitors
	for index, element := range monitors {
		//print the monitor positions
		posX, posY := element.GetPos()
		fmt.Printf("Monitor Position:\t\t %d \t %d\n", posX, posY)

		if float32(posX) == outposition.X() && float32(posY) == outposition.Y() {

			riftIndex = index

	//Get video mode of monitor
	mode := monitors[riftIndex].GetVideoMode()
	outsize[0] = float32(mode.Width)
	outsize[1] = float32(mode.Height)

	/* ***************************************************** */

	// *************  OPENGL / GLFW INIT CODE  ************** */

	glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Decorated, 0)
	glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Resizable, glfw.False)
	glfw.WindowHint(glfw.ContextVersionMajor, 4)
	glfw.WindowHint(glfw.ContextVersionMinor, 1)
	glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OpenGLProfile, glfw.OpenGLCoreProfile)
	glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OpenGLForwardCompatible, glfw.True)

	window, err := glfw.CreateWindow(int(outsize.X()), int(outsize.Y()), "LinuxVR", nil, nil)
	window.SetPos(int(outposition.X()), int(outposition.Y()))

	if gl.Init(); err != nil {


	//Print OpenGL Version to console
	version := gl.GoStr(gl.GetString(gl.VERSION))
	fmt.Println("OpenGL Version", version, "\n\n")

	//keyboard input callback

	/* **************************************************** */

	previousTime := glfw.GetTime()
	totalTime := 0.0000

	/* *******************   MAIN LOOP  ******************** */

	for !window.ShouldClose() {


		time := glfw.GetTime()
		elapsed := time - previousTime
		previousTime = time
		totalTime = totalTime + elapsed

		//get current head state
		state := C.ovrHmd_GetTrackingState(hmd, 0)
		orientation := state.HeadPose.ThePose.Orientation

		//convert to go type float32
		var q mgl32.Quat
		q.W = (float32)(orientation.w)
		q.V[0] = (float32)(orientation.x)
		q.V[1] = (float32)(orientation.y)
		q.V[2] = (float32)(orientation.z)

		//publish tracking information once a second
		if totalTime >= 1 {
			fmt.Printf("w: %f X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", q.W, q.X(), q.Y(), q.Z())
			totalTime = 0

		//basic opengl things


		//Swap buffers

		//Poll for events (keyboard, resize, etc)


	/* *****************  OVR SHUTDOWN  ******************** */

Esempio n. 2
File: ovr.go Progetto: postfix/ovr
func (hmd *Hmd) GetTrackingState(absTime float64) TrackingState {
	return newTrackingState(C.ovrHmd_GetTrackingState(hmd.hmdRef, C.double(absTime)))