/* This is a helper function for find_paths(). It is used to find all possible paths between h1 and h2 starting at ssw. The resulting path is a "scramble" meaning that the set of links is a unique set of links that are traversed by one or more paths. The list of links can be traversed without the need to dup check which is beneficial for increasing/decreasing the utilisaition on the link. From a scramble, only end point queues can be set as the middle switches are NOT maintained. usr is the name of the user that the reservation is being processed for (project in openstack). The usr_max value is a percentage (1-100) that defines the maximum of any link that the user may have reservations against or a hard limit if larger than 100. */ func (n *Network) find_all_paths(ssw *gizmos.Switch, h1 *gizmos.Host, h2 *gizmos.Host, usr *string, commence int64, conclude int64, inc_cap int64, usr_max int64) (path *gizmos.Path, err error) { net_sheep.Baa(1, "find_all: searching for all paths between %s and %s", *(h1.Get_mac()), *(h2.Get_mac())) links, epsw, err := ssw.All_paths_to(h2.Get_mac(), commence, conclude, inc_cap, usr, usr_max) if err != nil { return } path = gizmos.Mk_path(h1, h2) path.Set_scramble(true) path.Set_bandwidth(inc_cap) path.Add_switch(ssw) path.Add_switch(epsw) lnk := n.find_vlink(*(ssw.Get_id()), h1.Get_port(ssw), -1, nil, nil) // add endpoint -- a virtual link out from switch to h1 lnk.Add_lbp(*(h1.Get_mac())) lnk.Set_forward(ssw) path.Add_endpoint(lnk) lnk = n.find_vlink(*(epsw.Get_id()), h2.Get_port(epsw), -1, nil, nil) // add endpoint -- a virtual link out from switch to h2 lnk.Add_lbp(*(h2.Get_mac())) lnk.Set_forward(epsw) path.Add_endpoint(lnk) for i := range links { path.Add_link(links[i]) } return }
/* A helper function for find_paths() that is used when running in 'relaxed' mode. In relaxed mode we don't actually find a path between the endpoints as we aren't doign admission control, but need to simulate a path in order to set up the flow-mods on the endpoints correctly. */ func (n *Network) find_relaxed_path(sw1 *gizmos.Switch, h1 *gizmos.Host, sw2 *gizmos.Switch, h2 *gizmos.Host) (path *gizmos.Path, err error) { net_sheep.Baa(1, "find_lax: creating relaxed path between %s and %s", *(h1.Get_mac()), *(h2.Get_mac())) if sw1 == nil || sw2 == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("one endpoint switch was unknown; cannot create a virtual (relaxed) path") } path = gizmos.Mk_path(h1, h2) path.Set_bandwidth(0) path.Add_switch(sw1) path.Add_switch(sw2) lnk := n.find_vlink(*(sw1.Get_id()), h1.Get_port(sw1), -1, nil, nil) // add endpoint -- a virtual from sw1 out to the host h1 lnk.Add_lbp(*(h1.Get_mac())) lnk.Set_forward(sw1) path.Add_endpoint(lnk) lnk = n.find_swvlink(*(sw1.Get_id()), *(sw2.Get_id())) // suss out or create a virtual link between the two lnk.Set_forward(sw2) lnk.Set_backward(sw1) path.Add_link(lnk) lnk = n.find_vlink(*(sw2.Get_id()), h2.Get_port(sw2), -1, nil, nil) // add endpoint -- a virtual link on sw2 out to the host h2 lnk.Add_lbp(*(h2.Get_mac())) lnk.Set_forward(sw2) path.Add_endpoint(lnk) return }
/* This is a helper function for find_paths and is invoked when we are interested in just the shortest path between two switches. It will find the shortest path, and then build a path structure which represents it. ssw is the starting switch and h2nm is the endpoint "name" (probably a mac that we are looking for. The usr_max value is the percentage (1-100) that indicates the maximum percentage of a link that the user may reserve. This function assumes that the switches have all been initialised with a reset of the visited flag, setting of inital cost, etc. */ func (n *Network) find_shortest_path(ssw *gizmos.Switch, h1 *gizmos.Host, h2 *gizmos.Host, usr *string, commence int64, conclude int64, inc_cap int64, usr_max int64) (path *gizmos.Path, cap_trip bool) { h1nm := h1.Get_mac() h2nm := h2.Get_mac() path = nil if usr_max <= 0 { i41, _ := h1.Get_addresses() i42, _ := h2.Get_addresses() net_sheep.Baa(1, "no path generated: user link capacity set to 0: attempt %s -> %s", *i41, *i42) return } ssw.Cost = 0 // seed the cost in the source switch tsw, cap_trip := ssw.Path_to(h2nm, commence, conclude, inc_cap, usr, usr_max) // discover the shortest path to terminating switch that has enough bandwidth if tsw != nil { // must walk from the term switch backwards collecting the links to set the path path = gizmos.Mk_path(h1, h2) path.Set_reverse(true) // indicate that the path is saved in reverse order path.Set_bandwidth(inc_cap) net_sheep.Baa(2, "find_spath: found target on %s", tsw.To_str()) lnk := n.find_vlink(*(tsw.Get_id()), h2.Get_port(tsw), -1, nil, nil) // add endpoint -- a virtual link out from switch to h2 lnk.Add_lbp(*h2nm) lnk.Set_forward(tsw) // endpoints have only a forward link path.Add_endpoint(lnk) for tsw != nil { if tsw.Prev != nil { // last node won't have a prev pointer so no link lnk = tsw.Prev.Get_link(tsw.Plink) path.Add_link(lnk) } path.Add_switch(tsw) net_sheep.Baa(3, "\t%s using link %d", tsw.Prev.To_str(), tsw.Plink) if tsw.Prev == nil { // last switch in the path, add endpoint lnk = n.find_vlink(*(tsw.Get_id()), h1.Get_port(tsw), -1, nil, nil) // endpoint is a virt link from switch to h1 lnk.Add_lbp(*h1nm) lnk.Set_forward(tsw) // endpoints have only a forward link path.Add_endpoint(lnk) } tsw = tsw.Prev } path.Flip_endpoints() // path expects them to be in h1,h2 order; we added them backwards so must flip } return }
/* Test some network pathfinding. Reads a topo from the static json file test_net.json and builds a network of hosts and links, then attempts to find all paths between them using the switch find all functions. */ func TestNet(t *testing.T) { // must use bloody camel case to be recognised by go testing var ( fsw *gizmos.Switch sw_list map[string]*gizmos.Switch ) sw_list = make(map[string]*gizmos.Switch) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n------------- net test starts -----------------\n") links, err := gizmos.Read_json_links("test_net.json") if err == nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "read %d links from the file\n", len(links)) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to read links: %s [FAIL]\n", err) t.Fail() return } last := "" fsw = nil for i := range links { // parse all links returned from the controller ssw := sw_list[links[i].Src_switch] if ssw == nil { ssw = gizmos.Mk_switch(&links[i].Src_switch) // source switch sw_list[links[i].Src_switch] = ssw } dsw := sw_list[links[i].Dst_switch] if dsw == nil { dsw = gizmos.Mk_switch(&links[i].Dst_switch) // dest switch sw_list[links[i].Dst_switch] = dsw } l := gizmos.Mk_link(ssw.Get_id(), dsw.Get_id(), 100000000, 95, nil) // link in forward direction l.Set_forward(dsw) l.Set_backward(ssw) ssw.Add_link(l) l = gizmos.Mk_link(dsw.Get_id(), ssw.Get_id(), 100000000, 95, nil) // link in backward direction l.Set_forward(ssw) l.Set_backward(dsw) dsw.Add_link(l) mac := fmt.Sprintf("00:00:00:00:00:%02d", i) ip := fmt.Sprintf("10.0.0.%02d", i) h := gizmos.Mk_host(mac, ip, "") h.Add_switch(ssw, i) // add a host to each src switch vmname := "foobar-name" ssw.Add_host(&ip, &vmname, i+200) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "adding host: %s\n", ip) if fsw == nil { // save first switch to use as start of search fsw = ssw } mac = fmt.Sprintf("%02d:00:00:00:00:00", i) ip = fmt.Sprintf("", i) h = gizmos.Mk_host(mac, ip, "") h.Add_switch(dsw, i) // add a host to each dest switch vmname2 := "foobar-name2" dsw.Add_host(&ip, &vmname2, i+200) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "adding host: %s\n", ip) last = ip } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ">>> searching for: %s\n", last) usrname := "username" fsw.All_paths_to(&last, 0, 0, 100, &usrname, 95) }
/* Find a set of connected switches that can be used as a path beteeen hosts 1 and 2 (given by name; mac or ip). Further, all links between from and the final switch must be able to support the additional capacity indicated by inc_cap during the time window between commence and conclude (unix timestamps). If the network is 'split' a host may appear to be attached to multiple switches; one with a real connection and the others are edge switches were we see an 'entry' point for the host from the portion of the network that we cannot visualise. We must attempt to find a path between h1 using all of it's attached switches, and thus the return is an array of paths rather than a single path. h1nm and h2nm are likely going to be ip addresses as the main function translates any names that would have come in from the requestor. Extip is an external IP address that will need to be associated with the flow-mods and thus needs to be added to any path we generate. If mlag_paths is true, then we will find shortest path but add usage to all related mlag links in the path. If find_all is set, and mlog_paths is false, then we will suss out all possible paths between h1 and h2 and not just the shortest path. */ func (n *Network) find_paths(h1nm *string, h2nm *string, usr *string, commence int64, conclude int64, inc_cap int64, extip *string, ext_flag *string, find_all bool) (pcount int, path_list []*gizmos.Path, cap_trip bool) { var ( path *gizmos.Path ssw *gizmos.Switch // starting switch h1 *gizmos.Host h2 *gizmos.Host lnk *gizmos.Link plidx int = 0 swidx int = 0 // index into host's switch list err error lcap_trip bool = false // local capacity trip flag; indicates one or more paths blocked by capacity limits ) if h1nm == nil || h2nm == nil { net_sheep.Baa(1, "IER: find_paths: one/both names is/are nil h1 nil=%v h2 nil=%v", h1nm == nil, h2nm == nil) return 0, nil, false } h1 = n.hosts[*h1nm] if h1 == nil { path_list = nil net_sheep.Baa(1, "find-path: cannot find host(1) in network -- not reported by SDNC? %s", *h1nm) return } h1nm = h1.Get_mac() // must have the host's mac as our flowmods are at that level h2 = n.hosts[*h2nm] // do the same for the second host if h2 == nil { path_list = nil net_sheep.Baa(1, "find-path: cannot find host(2) in network -- not reported by the SDNC? %s", *h2nm) return } h2nm = h2.Get_mac() if h1nm == nil || h2nm == nil { // this has never happened, but be parinoid pcount = 0 path_list = nil net_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: find-path: internal error: either h1nm or h2nm was nil after get mac [TGUNET005]") return } path_list = make([]*gizmos.Path, len(n.links)) // we cannot have more in our path than the number of links (needs to be changed as this isn't good in the long run) pcount = 0 for { // we'll break after we've looked at all of the connection points for h1 if plidx >= len(path_list) { net_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: find-path: internal error -- path size > num of links. [TGUNET006]") return } ssw, _ = h1.Get_switch_port(swidx) // get next switch that lists h1 as attached; we'll work 'out' from it toward h2 if ssw == nil { // no more source switches which h1 thinks it's attached to pcount = plidx if pcount <= 0 || swidx == 0 { net_sheep.Baa(1, "find-path: early exit? no switch/port returned for h1 (%s) at index %d captrip=%v", *h1nm, swidx, lcap_trip) } path_list = path_list[0:pcount] // slice it down to size cap_trip = lcap_trip // set with overall state return } fence := n.get_fence(usr) if ssw.Has_host(h1nm) && ssw.Has_host(h2nm) { // if both hosts are on the same switch, there's no path if they both have the same port (both external to our view) p1 := h1.Get_port(ssw) p2 := h2.Get_port(ssw) if p1 < 0 || p1 != p2 { // when ports differ we'll create/find the vlink between them (in Tegu-lite port == -128 is legit and will dup) m1 := h1.Get_mac() m2 := h2.Get_mac() lnk = n.find_vlink(*(ssw.Get_id()), p1, p2, m1, m2) has_room := true // always room if relaxed mode, so start this way if n.relaxed { has_room = ssw.Has_capacity_out(commence, conclude, inc_cap, fence.Name, fence.Get_limit_max()) // ensure cap on all outbound links from switch } if has_room { // room for the reservation lnk.Add_lbp(*h1nm) net_sheep.Baa(1, "path[%d]: found target on same switch, different ports: %s %d, %d", plidx, ssw.To_str(), h1.Get_port(ssw), h2.Get_port(ssw)) path = gizmos.Mk_path(h1, h2) // empty path path.Set_bandwidth(inc_cap) path.Set_extip(extip, ext_flag) path.Add_switch(ssw) path.Add_link(lnk) path_list[plidx] = path plidx++ } else { lcap_trip = true net_sheep.Baa(1, "path[%d]: hosts on same switch, virtual link cannot support bandwidth increase of %d", plidx, inc_cap) } } else { // debugging only net_sheep.Baa(2, "find-path: path[%d]: found target (%s) on same switch with same port: %s %d, %d", plidx, *h2nm, ssw.To_str(), p1, p2) net_sheep.Baa(2, "find-path: host1-json= %s", h1.To_json()) net_sheep.Baa(2, "find-path: host2-json= %s", h2.To_json()) } } else { // usual case, two named hosts and hosts are on different switches net_sheep.Baa(1, "path[%d]: searching for path starting from switch: %s", plidx, ssw.To_str()) for sname := range n.switches { // initialise the network for the walk n.switches[sname].Cost = 2147483647 // this should be large enough and allows cost to be int32 n.switches[sname].Prev = nil n.switches[sname].Flags &= ^tegu.SWFL_VISITED } if n.relaxed { if !ssw.Has_capacity_out(commence, conclude, inc_cap, fence.Name, fence.Get_limit_max()) { // we do enforce capacity on ingress switch err = fmt.Errorf("ingress switch cannot support additional bandwidth (%d) or user max reached (%d)", inc_cap, fence.Get_limit_max()) net_sheep.Baa(1, "%s", err) lcap_trip = true } else { dsw, _ := h2.Get_switch_port(swidx) // need the switch associated with the second host (dest switch) path, err = n.find_relaxed_path(ssw, h1, dsw, h2) } if err != nil { net_sheep.Baa(1, "find_paths: find_relaxed failed: %s", err) } } else { if find_all { // find all possible paths not just shortest path, err = n.find_all_paths(ssw, h1, h2, usr, commence, conclude, inc_cap, fence.Get_limit_max()) // find a 'scramble' path if err != nil { net_sheep.Baa(1, "find_paths: find_all failed: %s", err) } } else { path, cap_trip = n.find_shortest_path(ssw, h1, h2, usr, commence, conclude, inc_cap, fence.Get_limit_max()) if cap_trip { lcap_trip = true } } } if path != nil { path.Set_extip(extip, ext_flag) path_list[plidx] = path plidx++ } } swidx++ } pcount = plidx // shouldn't get here, but safety first cap_trip = lcap_trip return }