Esempio n. 1
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) funcLLVMType(tstr string, f *types.Signature) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
		// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
		// the resulting signature instead.
		var param_types []llvm.Type
		if recv := f.Recv(); recv != nil {
			params := f.Params()
			paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
			paramvars[0] = recv
			for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
				paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
			params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
			f := types.NewSignature(nil, params, f.Results(), f.IsVariadic())
			return tm.ToLLVM(f)

		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ

		params := f.Params()
		nparams := int(params.Len())
		for i := 0; i < nparams; i++ {
			typ := params.At(i).Type()
			if f.IsVariadic() && i == nparams-1 {
				typ = types.NewSlice(typ)
			llvmtyp := tm.ToLLVM(typ)
			param_types = append(param_types, llvmtyp)

		var return_type llvm.Type
		results := f.Results()
		switch nresults := int(results.Len()); nresults {
		case 0:
			return_type = llvm.VoidType()
		case 1:
			return_type = tm.ToLLVM(results.At(0).Type())
			elements := make([]llvm.Type, nresults)
			for i := range elements {
				result := results.At(i)
				elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(result.Type())
			return_type = llvm.StructType(elements, false)

		fntyp := llvm.FunctionType(return_type, param_types, false)
		fnptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(fntyp, 0)
		i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		elements := []llvm.Type{fnptrtyp, i8ptr} // func, closure
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 2
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) funcLLVMType(f *types.Signature, name string) llvm.Type {
	// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
	// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
	// the resulting signature instead.
	if recv := f.Recv(); recv != nil {
		params := f.Params()
		paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
		paramvars[0] = recv
		for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
			paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
		params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
		f := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, params, f.Results(), f.Variadic())
		return tm.toLLVM(f, name)

	if typ, ok := tm.types.At(f).(llvm.Type); ok {
		return typ
	typ := llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
	tm.types.Set(f, typ)

	params := f.Params()
	param_types := make([]llvm.Type, params.Len())
	for i := range param_types {
		llvmtyp := tm.ToLLVM(params.At(i).Type())
		param_types[i] = llvmtyp

	var return_type llvm.Type
	results := f.Results()
	switch nresults := int(results.Len()); nresults {
	case 0:
		return_type = llvm.VoidType()
	case 1:
		return_type = tm.ToLLVM(results.At(0).Type())
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, nresults)
		for i := range elements {
			result := results.At(i)
			elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(result.Type())
		return_type = llvm.StructType(elements, false)

	fntyp := llvm.FunctionType(return_type, param_types, false)
	fnptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(fntyp, 0)
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	elements := []llvm.Type{fnptrtyp, i8ptr} // func, closure
	typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 3
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) pointerLLVMType(p *types.Pointer) llvm.Type {
	if p.Elem().Underlying() == p {
		// Recursive pointers must be handled specially, as
		// LLVM does not permit recursive types except via
		// named structs.
		if tm.ptrstandin.IsNil() {
			ctx := llvm.GlobalContext()
			unique := ctx.StructCreateNamed("")
			tm.ptrstandin = llvm.PointerType(unique, 0)
		return llvm.PointerType(tm.ptrstandin, 0)
	return llvm.PointerType(tm.ToLLVM(p.Elem()), 0)
Esempio n. 4
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) sliceLLVMType(tstr string, s *types.Slice) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ
		elements := []llvm.Type{
			llvm.PointerType(tm.ToLLVM(s.Elem()), 0),
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 5
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) structLLVMType(tstr string, s *types.Struct) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, len(s.Fields))
		for i, f := range s.Fields {
			ft := f.Type.(types.Type)
			elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(ft)
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 6
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) sliceLLVMType(s *types.Slice, name string) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types.At(s).(llvm.Type)
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
		tm.types.Set(s, typ)
		elements := []llvm.Type{
			llvm.PointerType(tm.ToLLVM(s.Elem()), 0),
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 7
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) structLLVMType(s *types.Struct, name string) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types.At(s).(llvm.Type)
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
		tm.types.Set(s, typ)
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, s.NumFields())
		for i := range elements {
			f := s.Field(i)
			ft := f.Type()
			elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(ft)
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 8
func (tm *TypeMap) mapLLVMType(m *types.Map) llvm.Type {
	// XXX This map type will change in the future, when I get around to it.
	// At the moment, it's representing a really dumb singly linked list.
	list_type := llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
	list_ptr_type := llvm.PointerType(list_type, 0)
	size_type := llvm.Int32Type()
	element_types := []llvm.Type{size_type, list_type}
	typ := llvm.StructType(element_types, false)
	tm.types[m] = typ

	list_element_types := []llvm.Type{
		list_ptr_type, tm.ToLLVM(m.Key), tm.ToLLVM(m.Elt)}
	list_type.StructSetBody(list_element_types, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 9
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(i *types.Interface, name string) llvm.Type {
	if typ, ok := tm.types.At(i).(llvm.Type); ok {
		return typ
	// interface{} is represented as {type, value},
	// and non-empty interfaces are represented as {itab, value}.
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	rtypeType := i8ptr
	valueType := i8ptr
	if name == "" {
		name = i.String()
	typ := llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
	typ.StructSetBody([]llvm.Type{rtypeType, valueType}, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 10
func (tm *TypeMap) structLLVMType(s *types.Struct) llvm.Type {
	// Types may be circular, so we need to first create an empty
	// struct type, then fill in its body after visiting its
	// members.
	typ, ok := tm.types[s]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[s] = typ
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, len(s.Fields))
		for i, f := range s.Fields {
			ft := f.Type.(types.Type)
			elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(ft)
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 11
func NewLLVMTypeMap(target llvm.TargetData) *llvmTypeMap {
	// spec says int is either 32-bit or 64-bit.
	var inttype llvm.Type
	if target.PointerSize() >= 8 {
		inttype = llvm.Int64Type()
	} else {
		inttype = llvm.Int32Type()
	return &llvmTypeMap{
		StdSizes: &types.StdSizes{
			WordSize: int64(target.PointerSize()),
			MaxAlign: 8,
		target:     target,
		inttype:    inttype,
		ptrstandin: llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(""),
Esempio n. 12
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(tstr string, i *types.Interface) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ
		valptr_type := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		typptr_type := valptr_type // runtimeType may not be defined yet
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, 2+i.NumMethods())
		elements[0] = typptr_type // type
		elements[1] = valptr_type // value
		for n, m := range sortedMethods(i) {
			fntype := m.Type()
			elements[n+2] = tm.ToLLVM(fntype).StructElementTypes()[0]
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 13
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(tstr string, i *types.Interface) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ
		valptr_type := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		typptr_type := valptr_type // runtimeType may not be defined yet
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, 2+i.NumMethods())
		elements[0] = typptr_type // type
		elements[1] = valptr_type // value
		for n := 0; n < i.NumMethods(); n++ {
			// Add an opaque pointer parameter to the function for the
			// struct pointer. Take a copy of the Type here, so we don't
			// change how the Interface's TypeString is determined.
			m := i.Method(n)
			fntype := m.Type()
			elements[n+2] = tm.ToLLVM(fntype).StructElementTypes()[0]
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 14
func (tm *TypeMap) interfaceFuncWrapper(f llvm.Value) llvm.Value {
	ftyp := f.Type().ElementType()
	paramTypes := ftyp.ParamTypes()
	recvType := paramTypes[0]
	paramTypes[0] = llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	newf := llvm.AddFunction(f.GlobalParent(), f.Name()+".ifn", llvm.FunctionType(

	b := llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer b.Dispose()
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(newf, "entry")
	args := make([]llvm.Value, len(paramTypes))
	for i := range paramTypes {
		args[i] = newf.Param(i)

	recvBits := int(
	if recvBits > 0 {
		args[0] = b.CreatePtrToInt(args[0],, "")
		if args[0].Type().IntTypeWidth() > recvBits {
			args[0] = b.CreateTrunc(args[0], llvm.IntType(recvBits), "")
		args[0] = coerce(b, args[0], recvType)
	} else {
		args[0] = llvm.ConstNull(recvType)

	result := b.CreateCall(f, args, "")
	if result.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.VoidTypeKind {
	} else {
	return newf
Esempio n. 15
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(tstr string, i *types.Interface) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ
		valptr_type := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		typptr_type := valptr_type // runtimeCommonType may not be defined yet
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, 2+len(i.Methods))
		elements[0] = typptr_type // type
		elements[1] = valptr_type // value
		for n, m := range i.Methods {
			// Add an opaque pointer parameter to the function for the
			// struct pointer.
			fntype := m.Type.(*types.Func)
			receiver_type := &types.Pointer{Base: types.Int8}
			fntype.Recv = ast.NewObj(ast.Var, "")
			fntype.Recv.Type = receiver_type
			elements[n+2] = tm.ToLLVM(fntype)
			fntype.Recv = nil
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Esempio n. 16
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package, importpath string,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.importpath = importpath
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a TargetMachine from the OS & Arch.
	triple := compiler.GetTargetTriple()
	var machine llvm.TargetMachine
	for target := llvm.FirstTarget(); target.C != nil && machine.C == nil; target = target.NextTarget() {
		if target.Name() == compiler.targetArch {
			machine = target.CreateTargetMachine(triple, "", "",
			defer machine.Dispose()

	if machine.C == nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid target triple: %s", triple)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name = machine.TargetData()
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg, importpath)

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	llvmtypemap := NewLLVMTypeMap(compiler.module.Module,
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(llvmtypemap, importpath, exprTypes, compiler.FunctionCache, compiler.pkgmap, resolver)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Create global constructors.
	// XXX When imports are handled, we'll need to defer creating
	//     llvm.global_ctors until we create an executable. This is
	//     due to (a) imports having to be initialised before the
	//     importer, and (b) LLVM having no specified order of
	//     initialisation for ctors with the same priority.
	var initfuncs [][]Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		elttypes := []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type(), llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)}
		ctortype := llvm.StructType(elttypes, false)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var priority uint64
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fn := range initfuncs {
				priorityval := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(priority), false)
				struct_values := []llvm.Value{priorityval, fn.LLVMValue()}
				ctors = append(ctors, llvm.ConstStruct(struct_values, false))
		global_ctors_init := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		global_ctors_var := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, global_ctors_init.Type(), "llvm.global_ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Esempio n. 17
func (compiler *compiler) compile(filenames []string, importpath string) (m *Module, err error) {
	buildctx, err := llgobuild.ContextFromTriple(compiler.TargetTriple)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	impcfg := &loader.Config{
		Fset: token.NewFileSet(),
		TypeChecker: types.Config{
			Import: llgoimporter.NewImporter(buildctx).Import,
			Sizes:  compiler.llvmtypes,
		Build: &buildctx.Context,
	// Must use parseFiles, so we retain comments;
	// this is important for annotation processing.
	astFiles, err := parseFiles(impcfg.Fset, filenames)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// If no import path is specified, or the package's
	// name (not path) is "main", then set the import
	// path to be the same as the package's name.
	if pkgname := astFiles[0].Name.String(); importpath == "" || pkgname == "main" {
		importpath = pkgname
	impcfg.CreateFromFiles(importpath, astFiles...)
	// Create a "runtime" package too, so we can reference
	// its types and functions in the compiler and generated
	// code.
	if importpath != "runtime" {
		astFiles, err := parseRuntime(&buildctx.Context, impcfg.Fset)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		impcfg.CreateFromFiles("runtime", astFiles...)
	iprog, err := impcfg.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	program := ssa.Create(iprog, 0)
	var mainPkginfo, runtimePkginfo *loader.PackageInfo
	if pkgs := iprog.InitialPackages(); len(pkgs) == 1 {
		mainPkginfo, runtimePkginfo = pkgs[0], pkgs[0]
	} else {
		mainPkginfo, runtimePkginfo = pkgs[0], pkgs[1]
	mainPkg := program.CreatePackage(mainPkginfo)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode.
	modulename := importpath
	compiler.module = &Module{Module: llvm.NewModule(modulename), Name: modulename}

	// Create a new translation unit.
	unit := newUnit(compiler, mainPkg)

	// Create the runtime interface.
	compiler.runtime, err = newRuntimeInterface(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Initialise debugging.
	compiler.debug.module = compiler.module.Module
	compiler.debug.Fset = impcfg.Fset
	compiler.debug.Sizes = compiler.llvmtypes

	compiler.processAnnotations(unit, mainPkginfo)
	if runtimePkginfo != mainPkginfo {
		compiler.processAnnotations(unit, runtimePkginfo)

	// Finalise debugging.
	for _, cu := range {

	// Export runtime type information.
	var exportedTypes []types.Type
	for _, m := range mainPkg.Members {
		if t, ok := m.(*ssa.Type); ok && ast.IsExported(t.Name()) {
			exportedTypes = append(exportedTypes, t.Type())
	compiler.exportRuntimeTypes(exportedTypes, importpath == "runtime")

	if importpath == "main" {
		// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
		if err = compiler.createMainFunction(); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create main.main: %v", err)
	} else {
		if err := llgoimporter.Export(buildctx, mainPkg.Object); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to export package data: %v", err)

	return compiler.module, nil
Esempio n. 18
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.initfuncs = make([]Value, 0)

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a TargetMachine from the OS & Arch.
	triple := fmt.Sprintf("%s-unknown-%s",
	var machine llvm.TargetMachine
	for target := llvm.FirstTarget(); target.C != nil && machine.C == nil; target = target.NextTarget() {
		if target.Name() == compiler.targetArch {
			machine = target.CreateTargetMachine(triple, "", "",
			defer machine.Dispose()

	if machine.C == nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid target triple: %s", triple)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name = machine.TargetData()
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.module.Module,, exprTypes)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.

	// Create global constructors.
	// XXX When imports are handled, we'll need to defer creating
	//     llvm.global_ctors until we create an executable. This is
	//     due to (a) imports having to be initialised before the
	//     importer, and (b) LLVM having no specified order of
	//     initialisation for ctors with the same priority.
	if len(compiler.initfuncs) > 0 {
		elttypes := []llvm.Type{
				llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)}
		ctortype := llvm.StructType(elttypes, false)
		ctors := make([]llvm.Value, len(compiler.initfuncs))
		for i, fn := range compiler.initfuncs {
			struct_values := []llvm.Value{
				llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 1, false),
			ctors[i] = llvm.ConstStruct(struct_values, false)

		global_ctors_init := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		global_ctors_var := llvm.AddGlobal(
			compiler.module.Module, global_ctors_init.Type(),

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Esempio n. 19
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package, importpath string,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {

	// FIXME I'd prefer if we didn't modify global state. Perhaps
	// we should always take a copy of types.Universe?
	defer func() {
		types.Universe.Lookup("true").Data = types.Const{true}
		types.Universe.Lookup("false").Data = types.Const{false}

	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.importpath = importpath
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg, importpath)

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.llvmtypes, compiler.module.Module, importpath, exprTypes, compiler.FunctionCache, resolver)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
	if pkg.Name == "main" {
		err = compiler.createMainFunction()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Create global constructors. The initfuncs/varinitfuncs
	// slices are in the order of visitation; we generate the
	// list of constructors in the reverse order.
	// The llgo linker will link modules in the order of
	// package dependency, i.e. if A requires B, then llgo-link
	// will link the modules in the order A, B. The "runtime"
	// package is always last.
	// At program initialisation, the runtime initialisation
	// function (runtime.main) will invoke the constructors
	// in reverse order.
	var initfuncs [][]Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		ctortype := llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var index int = 0
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fn := range initfuncs {
				fnval := fn.LLVMValue()
				fnval.SetName("__llgo.ctor." + compiler.importpath + strconv.Itoa(index))
				ctors = append(ctors, fnval)
		for i, n := 0, len(ctors); i < n/2; i++ {
			ctors[i], ctors[n-i-1] = ctors[n-i-1], ctors[i]
		ctorsInit := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		ctorsVar := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, ctorsInit.Type(), "runtime.ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Esempio n. 20
func newBuilder(tm *TypeMap) *Builder {
	return &Builder{
		Builder: llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder(),
		types:   tm,
Esempio n. 21
File: compiler.go Progetto: pcc/llgo
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(filenames []string, importpath string) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.llvmtypes = NewLLVMTypeMap(

	buildctx, err := llgobuild.ContextFromTriple(compiler.TargetTriple)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	impcfg := &goimporter.Config{
		TypeChecker: types.Config{
			Import: llgoimporter.NewImporter(buildctx).Import,
			Sizes:  compiler.llvmtypes,
		Build: &buildctx.Context,
	compiler.typechecker = &impcfg.TypeChecker
	compiler.importer = goimporter.New(impcfg)
	program := ssa.NewProgram(compiler.importer.Fset, 0)
	astFiles, err := parseFiles(compiler.importer.Fset, filenames)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// If no import path is specified, or the package's
	// name (not path) is "main", then set the import
	// path to be the same as the package's name.
	if pkgname := astFiles[0].Name.String(); importpath == "" || pkgname == "main" {
		importpath = pkgname
	mainPkginfo := compiler.importer.CreatePackage(importpath, astFiles...)
	if mainPkginfo.Err != nil {
		return nil, mainPkginfo.Err
	// First call CreatePackages to resolve imports, and then CreatePackage
	// to obtain the main package. The latter simply returns the package
	// created by the former.
	if err := program.CreatePackages(compiler.importer); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	mainpkg := program.CreatePackage(mainPkginfo)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := importpath
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}

	// Map runtime types and functions.
	runtimePkginfo := mainPkginfo
	runtimePkg := mainpkg
	if importpath != "runtime" {
		astFiles, err := parseRuntime(&buildctx.Context, compiler.importer.Fset)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		runtimePkginfo = compiler.importer.CreatePackage("runtime", astFiles...)
		if runtimePkginfo.Err != nil {
			return nil, err
		runtimePkg = program.CreatePackage(runtimePkginfo)

	// Create a new translation unit.
	unit := newUnit(compiler, mainpkg)

	// Create the runtime interface.
	compiler.runtime, err = newRuntimeInterface(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	compiler.processAnnotations(unit, mainPkginfo)
	if runtimePkginfo != mainPkginfo {
		compiler.processAnnotations(unit, runtimePkginfo)

		compiler.debug_info = &llvm.DebugInfo{}
		// Compile each file in the package.
		for _, file := range files {
			if compiler.GenerateDebug {
				cu := &llvm.CompileUnitDescriptor{
					Language: llvm.DW_LANG_Go,
					Path:     llvm.FileDescriptor(fset.File(file.Pos()).Name()),
					Producer: LLGOProducer,
					Runtime:  LLGORuntimeVersion,
			for _, decl := range file.Decls {
			if compiler.GenerateDebug {
				cu := compiler.popDebugContext()
				if len(compiler.debug_context) > 0 {

	// Export runtime type information.
	var exportedTypes []types.Type
	for _, m := range mainpkg.Members {
		if t, ok := m.(*ssa.Type); ok && ast.IsExported(t.Name()) {
			exportedTypes = append(exportedTypes, t.Type())
	compiler.exportRuntimeTypes(exportedTypes, importpath == "runtime")

	if importpath == "main" {
		// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
		if err = compiler.createMainFunction(); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create main.main: %v", err)
	} else {
		if err := llgoimporter.Export(buildctx, mainpkg.Object); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to export package data: %v", err)

	return compiler.module, nil
Esempio n. 22
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package, importpath string,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {

	// FIXME I'd prefer if we didn't modify global state. Perhaps
	// we should always take a copy of types.Universe?
	defer func() {
		types.Universe.Lookup("true").Data = types.Const{true}
		types.Universe.Lookup("false").Data = types.Const{false}

	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.importpath = importpath
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg, importpath)

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.llvmtypes, compiler.module.Module, importpath, exprTypes, compiler.FunctionCache, resolver)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Create global constructors. The initfuncs/varinitfuncs
	// slices are in the order of visitation, and that is how
	// their priorities are assigned.
	// The llgo linker (llgo-link) is responsible for reordering
	// global constructors according to package dependency order.
	var initfuncs [][]Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		elttypes := []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type(), llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)}
		ctortype := llvm.StructType(elttypes, false)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var priority uint64 = 1
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fn := range initfuncs {
				priorityval := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(priority), false)
				struct_values := []llvm.Value{priorityval, fn.LLVMValue()}
				ctors = append(ctors, llvm.ConstStruct(struct_values, false))
		global_ctors_init := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		global_ctors_var := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, global_ctors_init.Type(), "llvm.global_ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil