Esempio n. 1
package acmeendpoints

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.endpoints")

// Returned when no matching endpoint can be found.
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("no corresponding endpoint found")

// Finds an endpoint with the given directory URL. If no such endpoint is
// found, returns ErrNotFound.
func ByDirectoryURL(directoryURL string) (*Endpoint, error) {
	for _, e := range endpoints {
		if directoryURL == e.DirectoryURL {
			return e, nil

	return nil, ErrNotFound
Esempio n. 2
import ""

//import ""
import "text/template"
import htmltemplate "html/template"
import "time"

//import ""
import "crypto/sha256"

//import ""

import "database/sql"
import ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("ctmon.server")

type Config struct {
	DBURI string `default:"" usage:"PostgreSQL DB URI"`

type Server struct {
	cfg         Config
	stopping    int32
	stopWait    sync.WaitGroup
	stopChan    chan struct{}
	stopOnce    sync.Once
	bloomFilter *bloom.BloomFilter
	//dbpool             *pgx.ConnPool
	dbpool             *sql.DB
	textNotifyEmailTpl *template.Template
Esempio n. 3
// Package fdb allows for the use of a filesystem directory as a simple
// database on UNIX-like systems.
package fdb

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("fdb")

// FDB instance.
type DB struct {
	cfg        Config
	path       string
	extantDirs map[string]struct{}

// FDB configuration.
type Config struct {
	Path        string
	Permissions []Permission

// Expresses the permission policy for a given path. The first match is used.
type Permission struct {
	// The path to which the permission applies. May contain wildcards and must
Esempio n. 4
File: main.go Progetto: hlandau/acme

var log, Log = xlog.New("acmetool")

var (
	stateFlag = kingpin.Flag("state", "Path to the state directory (env: ACME_STATE_DIR)").

	hooksFlag = kingpin.Flag("hooks", "Path to the notification hooks directory (env: ACME_HOOKS_DIR)").

	batchFlag = kingpin.Flag("batch", "Do not attempt interaction; useful for cron jobs. (acmetool can still obtain responses from a response file, if one was provided.)").
Esempio n. 5
	deos ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.redirector")

// Configuration for redirector.
type Config struct {
	Bind          string `default:":80" usage:"Bind address"`
	ChallengePath string `default:"" usage:"Path containing HTTP challenge files"`
	ChallengeGID  string `default:"" usage:"GID to chgrp the challenge path to (optional)"`

// Simple HTTP to HTTPS redirector.
type Redirector struct {
	cfg          Config
	httpServer   graceful.Server
	httpListener net.Listener
	stopping     uint32
Esempio n. 6
// Package tpl provides facilities for loading and displaying templates.
package tpl

import "path/filepath"
import ""
import "fmt"
import ""
import "net/http"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import "io"

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.tpl")

// Loaded templates.
var templates = map[string]*pongo2.Template{}

// Try to find a template with the given name. Returns nil if there is no such
// template loaded.
func GetTemplate(name string) *pongo2.Template {
	return templates[name]

// Load all templates from the given directory. The templates must have the file extension ".p2".
func LoadTemplates(dirname string) error {
	err := binarc.Setup(opts.BaseDir)
	if err != nil {
		return err
Esempio n. 7
import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.assetmgr")

var allDigits = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+$`)

// Asset manager configuration.
type Config struct {
	Path string // Path to assets.

// Represents a known asset file.
type file struct {
	mtime    time.Time
	tag      string
	sha256   []byte
	fullpath string
Esempio n. 8
package dbutil

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("dbutil")

type DBI interface {
	Exec(sql string, args ...interface{}) (pgx.CommandTag, error)
	Query(sql string, args ...interface{}) (*pgx.Rows, error)
	QueryRow(sql string, args ...interface{}) *pgx.Row

func makeInsertPairs(extras []string, args ...interface{}) (keystr, placeholderstr string, values []interface{}) {
	isKey := true
	var keys = make([]string, len(extras), len(args)/2+len(extras))
	var placeholders = make([]string, 0, len(args)/2+len(extras))
	values = make([]interface{}, len(extras), len(args)/2+len(extras))
	no := 1
	for i := 0; i < len(extras); i++ {
		keys[i] = extras[i]
		placeholders = append(placeholders, fmt.Sprintf("$%d", no))
	for _, arg := range args {
		if isKey {
			keys = append(keys, "\""+arg.(string)+"\"")
Esempio n. 9
package binarc

import "sync"
import "os"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("binarc")

var setupOnce sync.Once
var inlineArchive vfs.Filesystem

func Setup(path string) error {
	setupOnce.Do(func() {
		f, err := openSelfFile()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errore(err, "cannot open self")

		finfo, err := f.Stat()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errore(err, "cannot stat self")

		arc, err := zipfs.New(f, finfo.Size())
		if err != nil {
Esempio n. 10
package responder

import (

// Log site.
var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.responder")

// A Responder implements a challenge type.
// After successfully instantiating a responder, you should call Start.
// You should then use the return values of Validation() and
// ValidationSigningKey() to submit the challenge response.
// Once the challenge has been completed, as determined by polling, you must
// call Stop. If RequestDetectedChan() is non-nil, it provides a hint as to
// when polling may be fruitful.
type Responder interface {
	// Become ready to be interrogated by the ACME server.
	Start(interactor interaction.Interactor) error
Esempio n. 11
package portmap

import "net"
import "time"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("portmap")

type mode int

const (
	modeNATPMP mode = iota

func (m *mapping) portMappingLoop(gwa []net.IP) {
	aborting := false
	mode := modeNATPMP
	var ok bool
	var d time.Duration
	for {
		// Already inactive (e.g. expired or was never active), so no need to do anything.
		if aborting && !m.lIsActive() {

		switch mode {
		case modeNATPMP:
Esempio n. 12
// Package redissession provides a Redis-based session store.
package redissession

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.session.redissession")

type sess struct {
	Data     map[string]interface{}
	LastSeen time.Time

// Redis-backed session store configuration.
type Config struct {
	// After what period of inactivity should sessions expire?
	// Default: 4 hours.
	Expiry time.Duration

	// Required. Function returning a Redis connection (e.g. from a pool). Will
	// be closed when no longer needed.
	GetConn func() (redis.Conn, error)
Esempio n. 13
import "os"
import "os/exec"
import "net"
import ""
import ""
import "path/filepath"
import ""
import "sync"
import "io"
import ""
import "mime/multipart"
import "net/textproto"

var cEmailsSent = cexp.NewCounter("sendemail.emailsSent")

var log, Log = xlog.New("sendemail")

var (
	fg               = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "sendemail")
	smtpAddressFlag  = cflag.String(fg, "smtpaddress", "", "SMTP address (hostname[:port])")
	smtpUsernameFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtpusername", "", "SMTP username")
	smtpPasswordFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtppassword", "", "SMTP password")
	sendmailPathFlag = cflag.String(fg, "sendmailpath", "", "path to /usr/sbin/sendmail")
	numSendersFlag   = cflag.Int(fg, "numsenders", 2, "number of asynchronous e. mail senders")
	fromFlag         = cflag.String(fg, "from", "nobody@localhost", "Default from address")

var sendChan = make(chan *Email, 32)
var startOnce sync.Once

func sendLoop() {
Esempio n. 14
// Package opts provides miscellaneous configurable globals commonly required
// by web application servers.
package opts

import ""
import ""
import "crypto/rand"
import "crypto/hmac"
import "crypto/sha256"
import "encoding/hex"

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.opts")

// Development mode? In development mode, the application server may behave
// differently. Errors may be reported differently, assets may be reloaded
// automatically, etc.
// Configurable 'devmode'.
var DevMode bool

var devModeFlag = cflag.BoolVar(nil, &DevMode, "devmode", false, "Development mode?")

// Base directory. Some files may be looked for relative to this directory; templates, assets, etc.
// Configurable 'basedir'.
var BaseDir string

var baseDirFlag = cflag.StringVar(nil, &BaseDir, "basedir", "", "Base dir (containing assets, tpl directories, etc.)")

// Base URL. This is the canonical base URL, which will be used in e.g. e.
// mails. It should not have a trailing slash.
Esempio n. 15
package interaction

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.interactor")

// Used by Auto. If this is set, only autoresponses can be used. Any challenge
// without an autoresponse fails. --batch.
var NonInteractive = false

type autoInteractor struct{}

// Interactor which automatically uses the most suitable challenge method.
var Auto Interactor = autoInteractor{}

// Used by Auto. If this is non-nil, all challenges are directed to it. There
// is no fallback if the interceptor fails. Autoresponses and NonInteractive
// take precedence over this.
var Interceptor Interactor

// Used by Auto. Do not use the Dialog mode. --stdio.
var NoDialog = false

func (autoInteractor) Prompt(c *Challenge) (*Response, error) {
	r, err := Responder.Prompt(c)
	if err == nil || c.Implicit {
		return r, err
Esempio n. 16
// Package cspreport provides facilities for logging CSP and HPKP violation
// reports.
package cspreport

import "time"
import "net/http"
import "encoding/json"
import ""

// Logger which generates CSP and HPKP reports.
var log, Log = xlog.New("web.cspreport")

// HTTP handler which logs CSP and HPKP reports.
var Handler http.Handler

func init() {
	Handler = http.HandlerFunc(handler)

func handler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	if req.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/csp-report" {
		pkpHandler(rw, req)

	r := CSPReport{}
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&r)
	if err != nil {
Esempio n. 17
// Package memorysession provides an in-memory session store. Can optionally be
// used with a fallback backend, in which case it acts as a sort of cache.
package memorysession

import ""
import ""
import ""
import "time"
import "sync"

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.session.memorysession")

type sess struct {
	data     map[string]interface{}
	lastSeen time.Time

// Memory-based session store configuration.
type Config struct {
	// After what period of inactivity should sessions be removed from the store?
	// Sessions will still be left in any fallback store which is configured.
	// Defaults to 4 hours.
	Expiry time.Duration

	// If set, acts as a writeback cache. If a session is not found in memory, it
	// is looked for in the fallback store. All session writes are persisted to
	// the fallback store.
	FallbackStore storage.Store
Esempio n. 18
import "net/mail"
import "strings"
import "time"

// Provides an abstract zone file for the Namecoin .bit TLD.
type Backend struct {
	//s *Server
	nc         namecoin.Conn
	cache      lru.Cache // items are of type *Domain
	cacheMutex sync.Mutex
	cfg        Config

const defaultMaxEntries = 100

var log, Log = xlog.New("ncdns.backend")

// Backend configuration.
type Config struct {
	NamecoinConn namecoin.Conn

	// Username and password to use for connecting to the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
	//RPCUsername string
	//RPCPassword string

	// hostname:port to use for connecting to the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
	//RPCAddress string

	// Maximum entries to permit in name cache. If zero, a default value is used.
	CacheMaxEntries int
Esempio n. 19

var authGroup = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "auth")
var registerCAPTCHAFlag = cflag.Bool(authGroup, "registercaptcha", false, "Require CAPTCHA on register?")

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.auth")

type Backend interface {
	GetDatabase() *pgx.ConnPool
	GetCAPTCHA() *captcha.Config

type GetBackendFunc func(req *http.Request) Backend

var GetBackend GetBackendFunc

func Auth_Login_GET(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	tpl.MustShow(req, "auth/login", nil)

func Auth_Login_POST(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
Esempio n. 20
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import "os"
import "net"
import "fmt"
import "sync"
import "strings"
import "path/filepath"
import "crypto"
import ""

const version = "1.0"

var log, Log = xlog.New("ncdns.server")

type Server struct {
	cfg Config

	engine       madns.Engine
	namecoinConn namecoin.Conn

	mux         *dns.ServeMux
	udpListener *dns.Server
	tcpListener *dns.Server
	wgStart     sync.WaitGroup

type Config struct {
	Bind           string `default:":53" usage:"Address to bind to (e.g."`
Esempio n. 21
// Package solver figures out how to complete authorizations and completes them
// by instantiating responders.
package solver

import (
	denet ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.solver")

// Returned if all combinations fail.
var ErrFailedAllCombinations = fmt.Errorf("failed all combinations")

type authState struct {
	c            *acmeapi.Client
	dnsName      string
	ccfg         responder.ChallengeConfig
	ctx          context.Context
	pref         TypePreferencer
	webPaths     []string
	listenAddrs  []string
	priorKeyFunc responder.PriorKeyFunc

// Attempts to authorize a hostname using the given client. webPaths and
Esempio n. 22

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.reconcilator")

// Internal use only. Used for testing purposes. Do not change.
var InternalClock = clock.Default()

type reconcile struct {
	store storage.Store

func EnsureRegistration(store storage.Store) error {
	r := reconcile{
		store: store,

	return r.EnsureRegistration()
Esempio n. 23
package ctclient

import denet ""
import "net/http"
import "sync"
import "time"
import "encoding/json"
import "fmt"
import "strings"
import ""
import "encoding/binary"

var log, Log = xlog.New("ctclient")

type EntryType uint16

const (
	X509Entry EntryType = iota

func (et EntryType) String() string {
	switch et {
	case X509Entry:
		return "x509Entry"
	case PrecertEntry:
		return "precertEntry"
		return "unknown"
Esempio n. 24

var log, Log = xlog.New("web")

var cRequestsHandled = cexp.NewCounter("web.requestsHandled")

var bindFlag = cflag.String(nil, "bind", ":3400", "HTTP binding address")
var redisAddressFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redisaddress", "localhost:6379", "Redis address")
var redisPasswordFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redispassword", "", "Redis password")
var redisPrefixFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redisprefix", "", "Redis prefix")
var captchaFontPathFlag = cflag.String(nil, "captchafontpath", "", "Path to CAPTCHA font directory")
var reportURI = cflag.String(nil, "reporturi", "/.csp-report", "CSP/PKP report URI")

var Router *mux.Router

func init() {
	Router = mux.NewRouter()
	Router.KeepContext = true
Esempio n. 25
File: dht.go Progetto: hlandau/dht
// Package dht implements a BitTorrent Mainline DHT node.
// Implements BEP-0005 and BEP-0032.
package dht

import (
	denet ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("dht")

// DHT structure, setup and teardown. {{{1

type DHT struct {
	cfg      Config
	wantList []string

	// Requests from the client.
	addNodeChan               chan addNodeInfo
	requestPeersChan          chan requestPeersInfo
	requestReachableNodesChan chan chan<- []NodeInfo

	// Channels to return information to the client.
	peersChan chan PeerResult
Esempio n. 26
// Package notify provides a function to execute a directory of executable
// hooks, used when a certificate has been updated.
package notify

import (

// Log site.
var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.notify")

// The default hook path is the path at which executable hooks are looked for
// for notification purposes. On POSIX-like systems, this is usually
// "/usr/lib/acme/hooks" (or "/usr/libexec/acme/hooks" if /usr/libexec exists).
var DefaultHookPath string

func init() {
	// Allow overriding at build time.
	p := DefaultHookPath
	if p == "" {
		p = "/usr/lib/acme/hooks"

	if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/libexec"); strings.HasPrefix(p, "/usr/lib/") && err == nil {
		p = "/usr/libexec" + p[8:]
Esempio n. 27

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.storageops")

// Internal use only. Used for testing purposes. Do not change.
var InternalClock = clock.Default()

type reconcile struct {
	store storage.Store

	// Cache of account clients to avoid duplicated directory lookups.
	accountClients map[*storage.Account]*acmeapi.Client

func makeReconcile(store storage.Store) *reconcile {
	return &reconcile{
		store:          store,
		accountClients: map[*storage.Account]*acmeapi.Client{},
Esempio n. 28
// This package is now deprecated. Please use hlandau/xlog.
package log

import ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("legacy-log")

func Panic(v ...interface{}) {

func Panice(err error, v ...interface{}) {
	log.Panice(err, v...)

func Fatal(v ...interface{}) {

func Fatale(err error, v ...interface{}) {
	log.Fatale(err, v...)

func Error(v ...interface{}) {

func Errore(err error, v ...interface{}) {
	log.Errore(err, v...)
Esempio n. 29
// Package hooks provides functions to invoke a directory of executable hooks,
// used to provide arbitrary handling of significant events.
package hooks

import (

// Log site.
var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.hooks")

// The default hook path is the path at which executable hooks are looked for
// for notification purposes. On POSIX-like systems, this is usually
// "/usr/lib/acme/hooks" (or "/usr/libexec/acme/hooks" if /usr/libexec exists).
var DefaultPath string

func init() {
	// Allow overriding at build time.
	p := DefaultPath
	if p == "" {
		p = "/usr/lib/acme/hooks"

	if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/libexec"); strings.HasPrefix(p, "/usr/lib/") && err == nil {
		p = "/usr/libexec" + p[8:]
Esempio n. 30
File: krpc.go Progetto: hlandau/dht
package krpc

import (
	denet ""

var log, Log = xlog.New("dht.krpc")

// KRPC message.
type Message struct {
	TxID string `bencode:"t"` // For correlation.
	Type string `bencode:"y"` // Query, response or error? [qre]

	Method string             `bencode:"q,omitempty"` // Queries: method name.
	Args   interface{}        `bencode:"-"`           // Queries: Query arguments.
	Args_  bencode.RawMessage `bencode:"a,omitempty"` // (Internal use only.)

	Response  interface{}        `bencode:"-"`           // Responses: Response value.
	Response_ bencode.RawMessage `bencode:"r,omitempty"` // (Internal use only.)

	Error []interface{} `bencode:"e,omitempty"` // Error responses: error information.