Пример #1
package acmeendpoints

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.endpoints")

// Returned when no matching endpoint can be found.
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("no corresponding endpoint found")

// Finds an endpoint with the given directory URL. If no such endpoint is
// found, returns ErrNotFound.
func ByDirectoryURL(directoryURL string) (*Endpoint, error) {
	for _, e := range endpoints {
		if directoryURL == e.DirectoryURL {
			return e, nil

	return nil, ErrNotFound
Пример #2
import "github.com/willf/bloom"

//import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/dbutil"
import "text/template"
import htmltemplate "html/template"
import "time"

//import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/sendemail"
import "crypto/sha256"

//import "github.com/jackc/pgx"

import "database/sql"
import "github.com/lib/pq"

var log, Log = xlog.New("ctmon.server")

type Config struct {
	DBURI string `default:"" usage:"PostgreSQL DB URI"`

type Server struct {
	cfg         Config
	stopping    int32
	stopWait    sync.WaitGroup
	stopChan    chan struct{}
	stopOnce    sync.Once
	bloomFilter *bloom.BloomFilter
	//dbpool             *pgx.ConnPool
	dbpool             *sql.DB
	textNotifyEmailTpl *template.Template
Пример #3
// Package fdb allows for the use of a filesystem directory as a simple
// database on UNIX-like systems.
package fdb

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("fdb")

// FDB instance.
type DB struct {
	cfg        Config
	path       string
	extantDirs map[string]struct{}

// FDB configuration.
type Config struct {
	Path        string
	Permissions []Permission

// Expresses the permission policy for a given path. The first match is used.
type Permission struct {
	// The path to which the permission applies. May contain wildcards and must
Пример #4

var log, Log = xlog.New("acmetool")

var (
	stateFlag = kingpin.Flag("state", "Path to the state directory (env: ACME_STATE_DIR)").

	hooksFlag = kingpin.Flag("hooks", "Path to the notification hooks directory (env: ACME_HOOKS_DIR)").

	batchFlag = kingpin.Flag("batch", "Do not attempt interaction; useful for cron jobs. (acmetool can still obtain responses from a response file, if one was provided.)").
Пример #5
	deos "github.com/hlandau/goutils/os"

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.redirector")

// Configuration for redirector.
type Config struct {
	Bind          string `default:":80" usage:"Bind address"`
	ChallengePath string `default:"" usage:"Path containing HTTP challenge files"`
	ChallengeGID  string `default:"" usage:"GID to chgrp the challenge path to (optional)"`

// Simple HTTP to HTTPS redirector.
type Redirector struct {
	cfg          Config
	httpServer   graceful.Server
	httpListener net.Listener
	stopping     uint32
Пример #6
// Package tpl provides facilities for loading and displaying templates.
package tpl

import "path/filepath"
import "github.com/flosch/pongo2"
import "fmt"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"
import "net/http"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/web/miscctx"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/web/opts"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/vfs"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/binarc"
import "io"

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.tpl")

// Loaded templates.
var templates = map[string]*pongo2.Template{}

// Try to find a template with the given name. Returns nil if there is no such
// template loaded.
func GetTemplate(name string) *pongo2.Template {
	return templates[name]

// Load all templates from the given directory. The templates must have the file extension ".p2".
func LoadTemplates(dirname string) error {
	err := binarc.Setup(opts.BaseDir)
	if err != nil {
		return err
Пример #7
import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.assetmgr")

var allDigits = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+$`)

// Asset manager configuration.
type Config struct {
	Path string // Path to assets.

// Represents a known asset file.
type file struct {
	mtime    time.Time
	tag      string
	sha256   []byte
	fullpath string
Пример #8
package dbutil

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("dbutil")

type DBI interface {
	Exec(sql string, args ...interface{}) (pgx.CommandTag, error)
	Query(sql string, args ...interface{}) (*pgx.Rows, error)
	QueryRow(sql string, args ...interface{}) *pgx.Row

func makeInsertPairs(extras []string, args ...interface{}) (keystr, placeholderstr string, values []interface{}) {
	isKey := true
	var keys = make([]string, len(extras), len(args)/2+len(extras))
	var placeholders = make([]string, 0, len(args)/2+len(extras))
	values = make([]interface{}, len(extras), len(args)/2+len(extras))
	no := 1
	for i := 0; i < len(extras); i++ {
		keys[i] = extras[i]
		placeholders = append(placeholders, fmt.Sprintf("$%d", no))
	for _, arg := range args {
		if isKey {
			keys = append(keys, "\""+arg.(string)+"\"")
Пример #9
package binarc

import "sync"
import "os"
import "gopkg.in/hlandau/svcutils.v1/exepath"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/vfs"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/vfs/zipfs"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"

var log, Log = xlog.New("binarc")

var setupOnce sync.Once
var inlineArchive vfs.Filesystem

func Setup(path string) error {
	setupOnce.Do(func() {
		f, err := openSelfFile()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errore(err, "cannot open self")

		finfo, err := f.Stat()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errore(err, "cannot stat self")

		arc, err := zipfs.New(f, finfo.Size())
		if err != nil {
Пример #10
package responder

import (

// Log site.
var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.responder")

// A Responder implements a challenge type.
// After successfully instantiating a responder, you should call Start.
// You should then use the return values of Validation() and
// ValidationSigningKey() to submit the challenge response.
// Once the challenge has been completed, as determined by polling, you must
// call Stop. If RequestDetectedChan() is non-nil, it provides a hint as to
// when polling may be fruitful.
type Responder interface {
	// Become ready to be interrogated by the ACME server.
	Start(interactor interaction.Interactor) error
Пример #11
package portmap

import "net"
import "time"
import "github.com/hlandau/portmap/ssdp"
import "github.com/hlandau/portmap/upnp"
import "github.com/hlandau/portmap/natpmp"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"

var log, Log = xlog.New("portmap")

type mode int

const (
	modeNATPMP mode = iota

func (m *mapping) portMappingLoop(gwa []net.IP) {
	aborting := false
	mode := modeNATPMP
	var ok bool
	var d time.Duration
	for {
		// Already inactive (e.g. expired or was never active), so no need to do anything.
		if aborting && !m.lIsActive() {

		switch mode {
		case modeNATPMP:
Пример #12
// Package redissession provides a Redis-based session store.
package redissession

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.session.redissession")

type sess struct {
	Data     map[string]interface{}
	LastSeen time.Time

// Redis-backed session store configuration.
type Config struct {
	// After what period of inactivity should sessions expire?
	// Default: 4 hours.
	Expiry time.Duration

	// Required. Function returning a Redis connection (e.g. from a pool). Will
	// be closed when no longer needed.
	GetConn func() (redis.Conn, error)
Пример #13
import "os"
import "os/exec"
import "net"
import "gopkg.in/hlandau/easymetric.v1/cexp"
import "gopkg.in/hlandau/easyconfig.v1/cflag"
import "path/filepath"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"
import "sync"
import "io"
import "gopkg.in/alexcesaro/quotedprintable.v3"
import "mime/multipart"
import "net/textproto"

var cEmailsSent = cexp.NewCounter("sendemail.emailsSent")

var log, Log = xlog.New("sendemail")

var (
	fg               = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "sendemail")
	smtpAddressFlag  = cflag.String(fg, "smtpaddress", "", "SMTP address (hostname[:port])")
	smtpUsernameFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtpusername", "", "SMTP username")
	smtpPasswordFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtppassword", "", "SMTP password")
	sendmailPathFlag = cflag.String(fg, "sendmailpath", "", "path to /usr/sbin/sendmail")
	numSendersFlag   = cflag.Int(fg, "numsenders", 2, "number of asynchronous e. mail senders")
	fromFlag         = cflag.String(fg, "from", "nobody@localhost", "Default from address")

var sendChan = make(chan *Email, 32)
var startOnce sync.Once

func sendLoop() {
Пример #14
// Package opts provides miscellaneous configurable globals commonly required
// by web application servers.
package opts

import "gopkg.in/hlandau/easyconfig.v1/cflag"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"
import "crypto/rand"
import "crypto/hmac"
import "crypto/sha256"
import "encoding/hex"

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.opts")

// Development mode? In development mode, the application server may behave
// differently. Errors may be reported differently, assets may be reloaded
// automatically, etc.
// Configurable 'devmode'.
var DevMode bool

var devModeFlag = cflag.BoolVar(nil, &DevMode, "devmode", false, "Development mode?")

// Base directory. Some files may be looked for relative to this directory; templates, assets, etc.
// Configurable 'basedir'.
var BaseDir string

var baseDirFlag = cflag.StringVar(nil, &BaseDir, "basedir", "", "Base dir (containing assets, tpl directories, etc.)")

// Base URL. This is the canonical base URL, which will be used in e.g. e.
// mails. It should not have a trailing slash.
Пример #15
package interaction

import (

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.interactor")

// Used by Auto. If this is set, only autoresponses can be used. Any challenge
// without an autoresponse fails. --batch.
var NonInteractive = false

type autoInteractor struct{}

// Interactor which automatically uses the most suitable challenge method.
var Auto Interactor = autoInteractor{}

// Used by Auto. If this is non-nil, all challenges are directed to it. There
// is no fallback if the interceptor fails. Autoresponses and NonInteractive
// take precedence over this.
var Interceptor Interactor

// Used by Auto. Do not use the Dialog mode. --stdio.
var NoDialog = false

func (autoInteractor) Prompt(c *Challenge) (*Response, error) {
	r, err := Responder.Prompt(c)
	if err == nil || c.Implicit {
		return r, err
Пример #16
// Package cspreport provides facilities for logging CSP and HPKP violation
// reports.
package cspreport

import "time"
import "net/http"
import "encoding/json"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"

// Logger which generates CSP and HPKP reports.
var log, Log = xlog.New("web.cspreport")

// HTTP handler which logs CSP and HPKP reports.
var Handler http.Handler

func init() {
	Handler = http.HandlerFunc(handler)

func handler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	if req.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/csp-report" {
		pkpHandler(rw, req)

	r := CSPReport{}
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&r)
	if err != nil {
Пример #17
// Package memorysession provides an in-memory session store. Can optionally be
// used with a fallback backend, in which case it acts as a sort of cache.
package memorysession

import "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
import "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/web/session/storage"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"
import "time"
import "sync"

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.session.memorysession")

type sess struct {
	data     map[string]interface{}
	lastSeen time.Time

// Memory-based session store configuration.
type Config struct {
	// After what period of inactivity should sessions be removed from the store?
	// Sessions will still be left in any fallback store which is configured.
	// Defaults to 4 hours.
	Expiry time.Duration

	// If set, acts as a writeback cache. If a session is not found in memory, it
	// is looked for in the fallback store. All session writes are persisted to
	// the fallback store.
	FallbackStore storage.Store
Пример #18
import "net/mail"
import "strings"
import "time"

// Provides an abstract zone file for the Namecoin .bit TLD.
type Backend struct {
	//s *Server
	nc         namecoin.Conn
	cache      lru.Cache // items are of type *Domain
	cacheMutex sync.Mutex
	cfg        Config

const defaultMaxEntries = 100

var log, Log = xlog.New("ncdns.backend")

// Backend configuration.
type Config struct {
	NamecoinConn namecoin.Conn

	// Username and password to use for connecting to the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
	//RPCUsername string
	//RPCPassword string

	// hostname:port to use for connecting to the Namecoin JSON-RPC interface.
	//RPCAddress string

	// Maximum entries to permit in name cache. If zero, a default value is used.
	CacheMaxEntries int
Пример #19

var authGroup = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "auth")
var registerCAPTCHAFlag = cflag.Bool(authGroup, "registercaptcha", false, "Require CAPTCHA on register?")

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.auth")

type Backend interface {
	GetDatabase() *pgx.ConnPool
	GetCAPTCHA() *captcha.Config

type GetBackendFunc func(req *http.Request) Backend

var GetBackend GetBackendFunc

func Auth_Login_GET(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	tpl.MustShow(req, "auth/login", nil)

func Auth_Login_POST(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
Пример #20
import "gopkg.in/hlandau/madns.v1"
import "github.com/hlandau/ncdns/backend"
import "github.com/hlandau/ncdns/namecoin"
import "github.com/miekg/dns"
import "os"
import "net"
import "fmt"
import "sync"
import "strings"
import "path/filepath"
import "crypto"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"

const version = "1.0"

var log, Log = xlog.New("ncdns.server")

type Server struct {
	cfg Config

	engine       madns.Engine
	namecoinConn namecoin.Conn

	mux         *dns.ServeMux
	udpListener *dns.Server
	tcpListener *dns.Server
	wgStart     sync.WaitGroup

type Config struct {
	Bind           string `default:":53" usage:"Address to bind to (e.g."`
Пример #21
// Package solver figures out how to complete authorizations and completes them
// by instantiating responders.
package solver

import (
	denet "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/net"

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.solver")

// Returned if all combinations fail.
var ErrFailedAllCombinations = fmt.Errorf("failed all combinations")

type authState struct {
	c            *acmeapi.Client
	dnsName      string
	ccfg         responder.ChallengeConfig
	ctx          context.Context
	pref         TypePreferencer
	webPaths     []string
	listenAddrs  []string
	priorKeyFunc responder.PriorKeyFunc

// Attempts to authorize a hostname using the given client. webPaths and
Пример #22

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.reconcilator")

// Internal use only. Used for testing purposes. Do not change.
var InternalClock = clock.Default()

type reconcile struct {
	store storage.Store

func EnsureRegistration(store storage.Store) error {
	r := reconcile{
		store: store,

	return r.EnsureRegistration()
Пример #23
package ctclient

import denet "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/net"
import "net/http"
import "sync"
import "time"
import "encoding/json"
import "fmt"
import "strings"
import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"
import "encoding/binary"

var log, Log = xlog.New("ctclient")

type EntryType uint16

const (
	X509Entry EntryType = iota

func (et EntryType) String() string {
	switch et {
	case X509Entry:
		return "x509Entry"
	case PrecertEntry:
		return "precertEntry"
		return "unknown"
Пример #24

var log, Log = xlog.New("web")

var cRequestsHandled = cexp.NewCounter("web.requestsHandled")

var bindFlag = cflag.String(nil, "bind", ":3400", "HTTP binding address")
var redisAddressFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redisaddress", "localhost:6379", "Redis address")
var redisPasswordFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redispassword", "", "Redis password")
var redisPrefixFlag = cflag.String(nil, "redisprefix", "", "Redis prefix")
var captchaFontPathFlag = cflag.String(nil, "captchafontpath", "", "Path to CAPTCHA font directory")
var reportURI = cflag.String(nil, "reporturi", "/.csp-report", "CSP/PKP report URI")

var Router *mux.Router

func init() {
	Router = mux.NewRouter()
	Router.KeepContext = true
Пример #25
Файл: dht.go Проект: hlandau/dht
// Package dht implements a BitTorrent Mainline DHT node.
// Implements BEP-0005 and BEP-0032.
package dht

import (
	denet "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/net"

var log, Log = xlog.New("dht")

// DHT structure, setup and teardown. {{{1

type DHT struct {
	cfg      Config
	wantList []string

	// Requests from the client.
	addNodeChan               chan addNodeInfo
	requestPeersChan          chan requestPeersInfo
	requestReachableNodesChan chan chan<- []NodeInfo

	// Channels to return information to the client.
	peersChan chan PeerResult
Пример #26
// Package notify provides a function to execute a directory of executable
// hooks, used when a certificate has been updated.
package notify

import (

// Log site.
var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.notify")

// The default hook path is the path at which executable hooks are looked for
// for notification purposes. On POSIX-like systems, this is usually
// "/usr/lib/acme/hooks" (or "/usr/libexec/acme/hooks" if /usr/libexec exists).
var DefaultHookPath string

func init() {
	// Allow overriding at build time.
	p := DefaultHookPath
	if p == "" {
		p = "/usr/lib/acme/hooks"

	if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/libexec"); strings.HasPrefix(p, "/usr/lib/") && err == nil {
		p = "/usr/libexec" + p[8:]
Пример #27

var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.storageops")

// Internal use only. Used for testing purposes. Do not change.
var InternalClock = clock.Default()

type reconcile struct {
	store storage.Store

	// Cache of account clients to avoid duplicated directory lookups.
	accountClients map[*storage.Account]*acmeapi.Client

func makeReconcile(store storage.Store) *reconcile {
	return &reconcile{
		store:          store,
		accountClients: map[*storage.Account]*acmeapi.Client{},
Пример #28
// This package is now deprecated. Please use hlandau/xlog.
package log

import "github.com/hlandau/xlog"

var log, Log = xlog.New("legacy-log")

func Panic(v ...interface{}) {

func Panice(err error, v ...interface{}) {
	log.Panice(err, v...)

func Fatal(v ...interface{}) {

func Fatale(err error, v ...interface{}) {
	log.Fatale(err, v...)

func Error(v ...interface{}) {

func Errore(err error, v ...interface{}) {
	log.Errore(err, v...)
Пример #29
// Package hooks provides functions to invoke a directory of executable hooks,
// used to provide arbitrary handling of significant events.
package hooks

import (

// Log site.
var log, Log = xlog.New("acme.hooks")

// The default hook path is the path at which executable hooks are looked for
// for notification purposes. On POSIX-like systems, this is usually
// "/usr/lib/acme/hooks" (or "/usr/libexec/acme/hooks" if /usr/libexec exists).
var DefaultPath string

func init() {
	// Allow overriding at build time.
	p := DefaultPath
	if p == "" {
		p = "/usr/lib/acme/hooks"

	if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/libexec"); strings.HasPrefix(p, "/usr/lib/") && err == nil {
		p = "/usr/libexec" + p[8:]
Пример #30
package krpc

import (
	denet "github.com/hlandau/degoutils/net"

var log, Log = xlog.New("dht.krpc")

// KRPC message.
type Message struct {
	TxID string `bencode:"t"` // For correlation.
	Type string `bencode:"y"` // Query, response or error? [qre]

	Method string             `bencode:"q,omitempty"` // Queries: method name.
	Args   interface{}        `bencode:"-"`           // Queries: Query arguments.
	Args_  bencode.RawMessage `bencode:"a,omitempty"` // (Internal use only.)

	Response  interface{}        `bencode:"-"`           // Responses: Response value.
	Response_ bencode.RawMessage `bencode:"r,omitempty"` // (Internal use only.)

	Error []interface{} `bencode:"e,omitempty"` // Error responses: error information.