Esempio n. 1
func (*environSuite) TestSetConfigUpdatesConfig(c *gc.C) {
	origAttrs := coretesting.Attrs{
		"server-name":  "http://maas2.testing.invalid",
		"maas-oauth":   "a:b:c",
		"admin-secret": "secret",
	cfg := getSimpleTestConfig(c, origAttrs)
	env, err := maas.NewEnviron(cfg)
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(env.Config().Name(), gc.Equals, "testenv")

	anotherServer := "http://maas.testing.invalid"
	anotherOauth := "c:d:e"
	anotherSecret := "secret2"
	newAttrs := coretesting.Attrs{
		"server-name":  anotherServer,
		"maas-oauth":   anotherOauth,
		"admin-secret": anotherSecret,
	cfg2 := getSimpleTestConfig(c, newAttrs)
	errSetConfig := env.SetConfig(cfg2)
	c.Check(errSetConfig, gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(env.Config().Name(), gc.Equals, "testenv")
	authClient, _ := gomaasapi.NewAuthenticatedClient(anotherServer, anotherOauth, maas.APIVersion)
	maasClient := gomaasapi.NewMAAS(*authClient)
	MAASServer := maas.GetMAASClient(env)
	c.Check(MAASServer, gc.DeepEquals, maasClient)
Esempio n. 2
func main() {

	// Create API server endpoint.
	authClient, err := gomaasapi.NewAuthenticatedClient(apiURL, apiKey, apiVersion)
	maas := gomaasapi.NewMAAS(*authClient)

	// Exercise the API.

	fmt.Println("All done.")
Esempio n. 3
func main() {


	options := ProcessingOptions{
		Preview:      *preview,
		Verbose:      *verbose,
		AlwaysRename: *always,

	// Determine the filter, this can either be specified on the the command
	// line as a value or a file reference. If none is specified the default
	// will be used
	if len(*filterSpec) > 0 {
		if (*filterSpec)[0] == '@' {
			name := os.ExpandEnv((*filterSpec)[1:])
			file, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
			checkError(err, "[error] unable to open file '%s' to load the filter : %s", name, err)
			decoder := json.NewDecoder(file)
			err = decoder.Decode(&options.Filter)
			checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse filter configuration from file '%s' : %s", name, err)
		} else {
			err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*filterSpec), &options.Filter)
			checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse filter specification: '%s' : %s", *filterSpec, err)
	} else {
		err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(defaultFilter), &options.Filter)
		checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse default filter specificiation: '%s' : %s", defaultFilter, err)

	// Determine the mac to name mapping, this can either be specified on the the command
	// line as a value or a file reference. If none is specified the default
	// will be used
	if len(*mappings) > 0 {
		if (*mappings)[0] == '@' {
			name := os.ExpandEnv((*mappings)[1:])
			file, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
			checkError(err, "[error] unable to open file '%s' to load the mac name mapping : %s", name, err)
			decoder := json.NewDecoder(file)
			err = decoder.Decode(&options.Mappings)
			checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse filter configuration from file '%s' : %s", name, err)
		} else {
			err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*mappings), &options.Mappings)
			checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse mac name mapping: '%s' : %s", *mappings, err)
	} else {
		err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(defaultMapping), &options.Mappings)
		checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse default mac name mappings: '%s' : %s", defaultMapping, err)

	// Verify the specified period for queries can be converted into a Go duration
	period, err := time.ParseDuration(*queryPeriod)
	checkError(err, "[error] unable to parse specified query period duration: '%s': %s", queryPeriod, err)

	authClient, err := maas.NewAuthenticatedClient(*maasURL, *apiKey, *apiVersion)
	if err != nil {
		checkError(err, "[error] Unable to use specified client key, '%s', to authenticate to the MAAS server: %s", *apiKey, err)

	// Create an object through which we will communicate with MAAS
	client := maas.NewMAAS(*authClient)

	// This utility essentially polls the MAAS server for node state and
	// process the node to the next state. This is done by kicking off the
	// process every specified duration. This means that the first processing of
	// nodes will have "period" in the future. This is really not the behavior
	// we want, we really want, do it now, and then do the next one in "period".
	// So, the code does one now.
	nodes, _ := fetchNodes(client)
	ProcessAll(client, nodes, options)

	if !(*preview) {
		// Create a ticker and fetch and process the nodes every "period"
		ticker := time.NewTicker(period)
		for t := range ticker.C {
			log.Printf("[info] query server at %s", t)
			nodes, _ := fetchNodes(client)
			ProcessAll(client, nodes, options)