func TestName(t *testing.T) { var ( testPodUID = types.UID("test_pod_uid") testVolumeName = "test_name" testNamespace = "test_metadata_namespace" testName = "test_metadata_name" ) volumeSpec := &api.Volume{ Name: testVolumeName, VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Metadata: &api.MetadataVolumeSource{ Items: []api.MetadataFile{ {Name: "name_file_name", FieldRef: api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: ""}}}}, }, } fake := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: testName, Namespace: testNamespace, }, }) pluginMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, fake)) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(metadataPluginName) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: testPodUID, Name: testName}} builder, err := plugin.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(volumeSpec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } volumePath := builder.GetPath() err = builder.SetUp() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to setup volume: %v", err) } var data []byte data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(volumePath, "name_file_name")) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } if string(data) != testName { t.Errorf("Found `%s` expected %s", string(data), testName) } CleanEverything(plugin, testVolumeName, volumePath, testPodUID, t) }
func TestBuilderAndCleanerTypeAssert(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } spec := &api.Volume{ Name: "vol1", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AWSElasticBlockStore: &api.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource{ VolumeID: "pd", FSType: "ext4", }, }, } builder, err := plug.(*awsElasticBlockStorePlugin).newBuilderInternal(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), types.UID("poduid"), &fakePDManager{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if _, ok := builder.(volume.Cleaner); ok { t.Errorf("Volume Builder can be type-assert to Cleaner") } cleaner, err := plug.(*awsElasticBlockStorePlugin).newCleanerInternal("vol1", types.UID("poduid"), &fakePDManager{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if _, ok := cleaner.(volume.Builder); ok { t.Errorf("Volume Cleaner can be type-assert to Builder") } }
func TestPluginLegacy(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("git") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "git" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected false") } spec := &api.Volume{VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{}}} pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} if _, err := plug.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{""}, nil); err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected failiure") } cleaner, err := plug.NewCleaner("vol1", types.UID("poduid"), nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Cleaner: %v", err) } if cleaner == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Cleaner") } }
func TestPluginLegacy(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("gce-pd") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "gce-pd" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected false") } spec := &api.Volume{VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{}}} if _, err := plug.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), &api.ObjectReference{UID: types.UID("poduid")}, volume.VolumeOptions{""}); err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected failiure") } cleaner, err := plug.NewCleaner("vol1", types.UID("poduid")) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Cleaner: %v", err) } if cleaner == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Cleaner") } }
// Test the case where the 'ready' file has been created and the pod volume dir // is a mountpoint. Mount should not be called. func TestPluginIdempotent(t *testing.T) { var ( testPodUID = types.UID("test_pod_uid2") testVolumeName = "test_volume_name" testNamespace = "test_secret_namespace" testName = "test_secret_name" volumeSpec = volumeSpec(testVolumeName, testName) secret = secret(testNamespace, testName) client = testclient.NewSimpleFake(&secret) pluginMgr = volume.VolumePluginMgr{} rootDir, host = newTestHost(t, client) ) pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), host) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(secretPluginName) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } podVolumeDir := fmt.Sprintf("%v/pods/test_pod_uid2/volumes/", rootDir) podMetadataDir := fmt.Sprintf("%v/pods/test_pod_uid2/plugins/", rootDir) pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: testPodUID}} mounter := &mount.FakeMounter{} mounter.MountPoints = []mount.MountPoint{ { Path: podVolumeDir, }, } util.SetReady(podMetadataDir) builder, err := plugin.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(volumeSpec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, mounter) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } volumePath := builder.GetPath() err = builder.SetUp() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to setup volume: %v", err) } if len(mounter.Log) != 0 { t.Errorf("Unexpected calls made to mounter: %v", mounter.Log) } if _, err := os.Stat(volumePath); err != nil { if !os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed unexpectedly: %v", err) } } else { t.Errorf("volume path should not exist: %v", volumePath) } }
func TestPlugin(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } spec := &api.Volume{ Name: "vol1", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ CephFS: &api.CephFSVolumeSource{ Monitors: []string{"a", "b"}, User: "******", SecretRef: nil, SecretFile: "/etc/ceph/user.secret", }, }, } builder, err := plug.(*cephfsPlugin).newBuilderInternal(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), types.UID("poduid"), &mount.FakeMounter{}, "secrets") volumePath := builder.GetPath() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder: %v") } path := builder.GetPath() if path != "/tmp/fake/pods/poduid/volumes/" { t.Errorf("Got unexpected path: %s", path) } if err := builder.SetUp(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(volumePath); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed, volume path not created: %s", volumePath) } else { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } } cleaner, err := plug.(*cephfsPlugin).newCleanerInternal("vol1", types.UID("poduid"), &mount.FakeMounter{}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Cleaner: %v", err) } if cleaner == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Cleaner: %v") } if err := cleaner.TearDown(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(volumePath); err == nil { t.Errorf("TearDown() failed, volume path still exists: %s", volumePath) } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } }
func TestPersistentClaimReadOnlyFlag(t *testing.T) { pv := &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ Glusterfs: &api.GlusterfsVolumeSource{"ep", "vol", false}, }, ClaimRef: &api.ObjectReference{ Name: "claimA", }, }, } claim := &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimA", Namespace: "nsA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, Status: api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{ Phase: api.ClaimBound, }, } ep := &api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "ep", }, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{"foo", 80, api.ProtocolTCP}}, }}, } o := testclient.NewObjects(api.Scheme, api.Scheme) o.Add(pv) o.Add(claim) o.Add(ep) client := &testclient.Fake{ReactFn: testclient.ObjectReaction(o, latest.RESTMapper)} plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", client, nil)) plug, _ := plugMgr.FindPluginByName(glusterfsPluginName) // readOnly bool is supplied by persistent-claim volume source when its builder creates other volumes spec := volume.NewSpecFromPersistentVolume(pv, true) pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, _ := plug.NewBuilder(spec, pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, nil) if !builder.IsReadOnly() { t.Errorf("Expected true for builder.IsReadOnly") } }
func TestPlugin(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } spec := &api.Volume{ Name: "vol1", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "", Revision: "2a30ce65c5ab586b98916d83385c5983edd353a1", }, }, } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, err := plug.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{""}, mount.New()) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } path := builder.GetPath() if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "pods/poduid/volumes/") { t.Errorf("Got unexpected path: %s", path) } testSetUp(plug, builder, t) if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed, volume path not created: %s", path) } else { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } } cleaner, err := plug.NewCleaner("vol1", types.UID("poduid"), mount.New()) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Cleaner: %v", err) } if cleaner == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Cleaner") } if err := cleaner.TearDown(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { t.Errorf("TearDown() failed, volume path still exists: %s", path) } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } }
func doTestPlugin(t *testing.T, spec *volume.Spec) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } builder, err := plug.(*rbdPlugin).newBuilderInternal(spec, types.UID("poduid"), &fakeDiskManager{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}, "secrets") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder: %v") } path := builder.GetPath() if path != "/tmp/fake/pods/poduid/volumes/" { t.Errorf("Got unexpected path: %s", path) } if err := builder.SetUp(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed, volume path not created: %s", path) } else { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } } if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed, volume path not created: %s", path) } else { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } } cleaner, err := plug.(*rbdPlugin).newCleanerInternal("vol1", types.UID("poduid"), &fakeDiskManager{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Cleaner: %v", err) } if cleaner == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Cleaner: %v") } if err := cleaner.TearDown(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { t.Errorf("TearDown() failed, volume path still exists: %s", path) } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } }
// Construct an instance of a plugin, by name. func makePluginUnderTest(t *testing.T, plugName string) volume.VolumePlugin { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost(basePath, nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName(plugName) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } return plug }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { pluginMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, nil)) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(metadataPluginName) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plugin.Name() != metadataPluginName { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plugin.Name()) } }
func TestGetAccessModes(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPersistentPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if len(plug.GetAccessModes()) != 1 || plug.GetAccessModes()[0] != api.ReadWriteOnce { t.Errorf("Expected %s PersistentVolumeAccessMode", api.ReadWriteOnce) } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } }
func TestGetAccessModes(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPersistentPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if !contains(plug.GetAccessModes(), api.ReadWriteOnce) || !contains(plug.GetAccessModes(), api.ReadOnlyMany) { t.Errorf("Expected two AccessModeTypes: %s and %s", api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany) } }
// Test the case where the plugin's ready file exists, but the volume dir is not a // mountpoint, which is the state the system will be in after reboot. The dir // should be mounter and the secret data written to it. func TestPluginReboot(t *testing.T) { var ( testPodUID = types.UID("test_pod_uid3") testVolumeName = "test_volume_name" testNamespace = "test_secret_namespace" testName = "test_secret_name" volumeSpec = volumeSpec(testVolumeName, testName) secret = secret(testNamespace, testName) client = testclient.NewSimpleFake(&secret) pluginMgr = volume.VolumePluginMgr{} rootDir, host = newTestHost(t, client) ) pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), host) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(secretPluginName) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: testPodUID}} builder, err := plugin.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(volumeSpec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } podMetadataDir := fmt.Sprintf("%v/pods/test_pod_uid3/plugins/", rootDir) util.SetReady(podMetadataDir) volumePath := builder.GetPath() if !strings.HasSuffix(volumePath, fmt.Sprintf("pods/test_pod_uid3/volumes/")) { t.Errorf("Got unexpected path: %s", volumePath) } err = builder.SetUp() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to setup volume: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(volumePath); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed, volume path not created: %s", volumePath) } else { t.Errorf("SetUp() failed: %v", err) } } doTestSecretDataInVolume(volumePath, secret, t) doTestCleanAndTeardown(plugin, testPodUID, testVolumeName, volumePath, t) }
func TestPersistentClaimReadOnlyFlag(t *testing.T) { pv := &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ ISCSI: &api.ISCSIVolumeSource{ TargetPortal: "", IQN: "iqn.2014-12.server:storage.target01", FSType: "ext4", Lun: 0, }, }, ClaimRef: &api.ObjectReference{ Name: "claimA", }, }, } claim := &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimA", Namespace: "nsA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, Status: api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{ Phase: api.ClaimBound, }, } o := testclient.NewObjects(api.Scheme, api.Scheme) o.Add(pv) o.Add(claim) client := &testclient.Fake{ReactFn: testclient.ObjectReaction(o, latest.RESTMapper)} plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", client, nil)) plug, _ := plugMgr.FindPluginByName(iscsiPluginName) // readOnly bool is supplied by persistent-claim volume source when its builder creates other volumes spec := volume.NewSpecFromPersistentVolume(pv, true) pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, _ := plug.NewBuilder(spec, pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, nil) if !builder.IsReadOnly() { t.Errorf("Expected true for builder.IsReadOnly") } }
func TestPersistentClaimReadOnlyFlag(t *testing.T) { pv := &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ RBD: &api.RBDVolumeSource{ CephMonitors: []string{"a", "b"}, RBDImage: "bar", FSType: "ext4", }, }, ClaimRef: &api.ObjectReference{ Name: "claimA", }, }, } claim := &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimA", Namespace: "nsA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, Status: api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{ Phase: api.ClaimBound, }, } o := testclient.NewObjects(api.Scheme, api.Scheme) o.Add(pv) o.Add(claim) client := &testclient.Fake{ReactFn: testclient.ObjectReaction(o, latest.RESTMapper)} plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", client, nil)) plug, _ := plugMgr.FindPluginByName(rbdPluginName) // readOnly bool is supplied by persistent-claim volume source when its builder creates other volumes spec := volume.NewSpecFromPersistentVolume(pv, true) pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, _ := plug.NewBuilder(spec, pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, nil) if !builder.IsReadOnly() { t.Errorf("Expected true for builder.IsReadOnly") } }
func TestGetAccessModes(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPersistentPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if !contains(plug.GetAccessModes(), api.ReadWriteOnce) { t.Errorf("Expected to find AccessMode: %s", api.ReadWriteOnce) } if len(plug.GetAccessModes()) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected to find exactly one AccessMode") } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { pluginMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, nil)) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(secretPluginName) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plugin.Name() != secretPluginName { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plugin.Name()) } if !plugin.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{SecretName: ""}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{}}) { t.Errorf("Expected false") } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if !plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } }
func TestNewBuilderClaimNotBound(t *testing.T) { pv := &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvC", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{}, }, }, } claim := &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimC", Namespace: "nsA", }, } podVolume := api.VolumeSource{ PersistentVolumeClaim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ ReadOnly: false, ClaimName: "claimC", }, } o := testclient.NewObjects(api.Scheme, api.Scheme) o.Add(pv) o.Add(claim) client := &testclient.Fake{ReactFn: testclient.ObjectReaction(o, latest.RESTMapper)} plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(testProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, client)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } spec := &volume.Spec{ Name: "vol1", VolumeSource: podVolume, } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, err := plug.NewBuilder(spec, pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, nil) if builder != nil { t.Errorf("Expected a nil builder if the claim wasn't bound") } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if !plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{AWSElasticBlockStore: &api.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } if !plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{AWSElasticBlockStore: &api.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } }
func TestPlugin(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } spec := &api.Volume{ Name: "vol1", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{"/vol1"}}, } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, err := plug.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } path := builder.GetPath() if path != "/vol1" { t.Errorf("Got unexpected path: %s", path) } if err := builder.SetUp(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } cleaner, err := plug.NewCleaner("vol1", types.UID("poduid"), nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Cleaner: %v", err) } if cleaner == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Cleaner") } if err := cleaner.TearDown(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected success, got: %v", err) } }
func TestRecycler(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins([]volume.VolumePlugin{&hostPathPlugin{nil, newMockRecycler}}, volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, nil)) spec := &volume.Spec{PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}}} plug, err := plugMgr.FindRecyclablePluginBySpec(spec) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } recycler, err := plug.NewRecycler(spec) if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to make a new Recyler: %v", err) } if recycler.GetPath() != spec.PersistentVolumeSource.HostPath.Path { t.Errorf("Expected %s but got %s", spec.PersistentVolumeSource.HostPath.Path, recycler.GetPath()) } if err := recycler.Recycle(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Mock Recycler expected to return nil but got %s", err) } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("/tmp/fake", nil, ProbeVolumePlugins())) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if !plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{PersistentVolumeClaim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } if plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected false") } if plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{}}) { t.Errorf("Expected false") } }
func TestCanSupport(t *testing.T) { plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(nil), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost("fake", nil, nil)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } if plug.Name() != "" { t.Errorf("Wrong name: %s", plug.Name()) } if !plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } if !plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{}}}) { t.Errorf("Expected true") } if plug.CanSupport(&volume.Spec{Name: "foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{}}) { t.Errorf("Expected false") } }
func TestNewBuilder(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { pv *api.PersistentVolume claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim plugin volume.VolumePlugin podVolume api.VolumeSource testFunc func(builder volume.Builder, plugin volume.VolumePlugin) error expectedFailure bool }{ { pv: &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{}, }, ClaimRef: &api.ObjectReference{ Name: "claimA", }, }, }, claim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimA", Namespace: "nsA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, Status: api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{ Phase: api.ClaimBound, }, }, podVolume: api.VolumeSource{ PersistentVolumeClaim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ ReadOnly: false, ClaimName: "claimA", }, }, plugin: gce_pd.ProbeVolumePlugins()[0], testFunc: func(builder volume.Builder, plugin volume.VolumePlugin) error { if !strings.Contains(builder.GetPath(), util.EscapeQualifiedNameForDisk(plugin.Name())) { return fmt.Errorf("builder path expected to contain plugin name. Got: %s", builder.GetPath()) } return nil }, expectedFailure: false, }, { pv: &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvB", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/tmp"}, }, ClaimRef: &api.ObjectReference{ Name: "claimB", }, }, }, claim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimB", Namespace: "nsB", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, }, podVolume: api.VolumeSource{ PersistentVolumeClaim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ ReadOnly: false, ClaimName: "claimB", }, }, plugin: host_path.ProbeVolumePlugins(nil)[0], testFunc: func(builder volume.Builder, plugin volume.VolumePlugin) error { if builder.GetPath() != "/tmp" { return fmt.Errorf("Expected HostPath.Path /tmp, got: %s", builder.GetPath()) } return nil }, expectedFailure: false, }, { pv: &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{}, }, }, }, claim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimA", Namespace: "nsA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, Status: api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{ Phase: api.ClaimBound, }, }, podVolume: api.VolumeSource{ PersistentVolumeClaim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ ReadOnly: false, ClaimName: "claimA", }, }, plugin: gce_pd.ProbeVolumePlugins()[0], testFunc: func(builder volume.Builder, plugin volume.VolumePlugin) error { if builder != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected non-nil builder: %+v", builder) } return nil }, expectedFailure: true, // missing pv.Spec.ClaimRef }, { pv: &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "pvA", }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{}, }, ClaimRef: &api.ObjectReference{ Name: "claimB", UID: types.UID("abc123"), }, }, }, claim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: "claimA", Namespace: "nsA", UID: types.UID("def456"), }, Spec: api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ VolumeName: "pvA", }, Status: api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{ Phase: api.ClaimBound, }, }, podVolume: api.VolumeSource{ PersistentVolumeClaim: &api.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ ReadOnly: false, ClaimName: "claimA", }, }, plugin: gce_pd.ProbeVolumePlugins()[0], testFunc: func(builder volume.Builder, plugin volume.VolumePlugin) error { if builder != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected non-nil builder: %+v", builder) } return nil }, expectedFailure: true, // mismatched pv.Spec.ClaimRef and pvc }, } for _, item := range tests { o := testclient.NewObjects(api.Scheme, api.Scheme) o.Add(item.pv) o.Add(item.claim) client := &testclient.Fake{ReactFn: testclient.ObjectReaction(o, latest.RESTMapper)} plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} plugMgr.InitPlugins(testProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, client)) plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } spec := &volume.Spec{ Name: "vol1", VolumeSource: item.podVolume, } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}} builder, err := plug.NewBuilder(spec, pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, nil) if !item.expectedFailure { if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder: %v", builder) } } if err := item.testFunc(builder, item.plugin); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error %+v", err) } } }
func TestWriteWithUnixPath(t *testing.T) { var ( testPodUID = types.UID("test_pod_uid") testVolumeName = "test_write_with_unix_path" testNamespace = "test_metadata_namespace" testName = "test_metadata_name" ) labels := map[string]string{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} annotations := map[string]string{ "a1": "value1", "a2": "value2"} fake := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: testName, Namespace: testNamespace, Labels: labels, }, }) pluginMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, fake)) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(metadataPluginName) volumeSpec := &api.Volume{ Name: testVolumeName, VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Metadata: &api.MetadataVolumeSource{ Items: []api.MetadataFile{ {Name: "this/is/mine/labels", FieldRef: api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.labels"}}, {Name: "this/is/yours/annotations", FieldRef: api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.annotations"}}, }}}, } if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: testPodUID, Labels: labels, Annotations: annotations}} builder, err := plugin.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(volumeSpec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } volumePath := builder.GetPath() err = builder.SetUp() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to setup volume: %v", err) } var data []byte data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(volumePath, "this/is/mine/labels")) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } if sortLines(string(data)) != sortLines(formatMap(labels)) { t.Errorf("Found `%s` expected %s", data, formatMap(labels)) } data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(volumePath, "this/is/yours/annotations")) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } if sortLines(string(data)) != sortLines(formatMap(annotations)) { t.Errorf("Found `%s` expected %s", data, formatMap(annotations)) } CleanEverything(plugin, testVolumeName, volumePath, testPodUID, t) }
func TestWriteTwiceWithUpdate(t *testing.T) { var ( testPodUID = types.UID("test_pod_uid") testVolumeName = "test_write_twice_with_update" testNamespace = "test_metadata_namespace" testName = "test_metadata_name" ) labels := map[string]string{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} fake := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ Name: testName, Namespace: testNamespace, Labels: labels, }, }) pluginMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{} pluginMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(), newTestHost(t, fake)) plugin, err := pluginMgr.FindPluginByName(metadataPluginName) volumeSpec := &api.Volume{ Name: testVolumeName, VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Metadata: &api.MetadataVolumeSource{ Items: []api.MetadataFile{ {Name: "labels", FieldRef: api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.labels"}}}}, }, } if err != nil { t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name") } pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: testPodUID, Labels: labels}} builder, err := plugin.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(volumeSpec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{}, &mount.FakeMounter{}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err) } if builder == nil { t.Errorf("Got a nil Builder") } volumePath := builder.GetPath() err = builder.SetUp() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to setup volume: %v", err) } var currentTarget string if currentTarget, err = os.Readlink(path.Join(volumePath, ".current")); err != nil { t.Errorf("labels file should be a link... %s\n", err.Error()) } var data []byte data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(volumePath, "labels")) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } if sortLines(string(data)) != sortLines(formatMap(labels)) { t.Errorf("Found `%s` expected %s", data, formatMap(labels)) } newLabels := map[string]string{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"} // Now update the labels pod.ObjectMeta.Labels = newLabels err = builder.SetUp() // now re-run Setup if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to re-setup volume: %v", err) } // get the link of the link var currentTarget2 string if currentTarget2, err = os.Readlink(path.Join(volumePath, ".current")); err != nil { t.Errorf(".current should be a link... %s\n", err.Error()) } if currentTarget2 == currentTarget { t.Errorf("Got and update between the two Setup... Target link should NOT be the same\n") } data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(volumePath, "labels")) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } if sortLines(string(data)) != sortLines(formatMap(newLabels)) { t.Errorf("Found `%s` expected %s", data, formatMap(newLabels)) } CleanEverything(plugin, testVolumeName, volumePath, testPodUID, t) }