コード例 #1
ファイル: util_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
	foo := []byte("abc")
	bar := Copy(foo)
	foo[0] = 'b'
	test.Bytes(t, foo, []byte("bbc"))
	test.Bytes(t, bar, []byte("abc"))
コード例 #2
ファイル: util_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestToLower(t *testing.T) {
	foo := []byte("Abc")
	bar := ToLower(foo)
	bar[1] = 'B'
	test.Bytes(t, foo, []byte("aBc"))
	test.Bytes(t, bar, []byte("aBc"))
コード例 #3
ファイル: shifter_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestShifter(t *testing.T) {
	s := `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.`
	var z = NewShifter(bytes.NewBufferString(s))

	test.That(t, z.IsEOF(), "buffer must be fully in memory")
	test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "buffer is at EOF but must not return EOF until we reach that")
	test.That(t, z.Pos() == 0, "buffer must start at position 0")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'L', "first character must be 'L'")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'o', "second character must be 'o'")

	test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'o', "must be 'o' at position 1")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'r', "must be 'r' at position 1")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'i', "must be 'i' at position 6")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'p', "must be 'p' at position 7")

	test.Bytes(t, z.Bytes(), []byte("Lorem "), "buffered string must now read 'Lorem ' when at position 6")
	test.Bytes(t, z.Shift(), []byte("Lorem "), "shift must return the buffered string")
	test.That(t, z.Pos() == 0, "after shifting position must be 0")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'i', "must be 'i' at position 0 after shifting")
	test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'p', "must be 'p' at position 1 after shifting")
	test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "error must be nil at this point")

	z.Move(len(s) - len("Lorem ") - 1)
	test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "error must be nil just before the end of the buffer")
	test.That(t, z.Pos() == 0, "after skipping position must be 0")
	test.Error(t, z.Err(), io.EOF, "error must be EOF when past the buffer")
	test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "error must be nil just before the end of the buffer, even when it has been past the buffer")
コード例 #4
ファイル: reader_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestReader(t *testing.T) {
	s := []byte("abcde")
	r := NewReader(s)
	test.Bytes(t, r.Bytes(), s, "reader must return bytes stored")

	buf := make([]byte, 3)
	n, err := r.Read(buf)
	test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil")
	test.That(t, n == 3, "first read must read 3 characters")
	test.Bytes(t, buf, []byte("abc"), "first read must match 'abc'")

	n, err = r.Read(buf)
	test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil")
	test.That(t, n == 2, "second read must read 2 characters")
	test.Bytes(t, buf[:n], []byte("de"), "second read must match 'de'")

	n, err = r.Read(buf)
	test.Error(t, err, io.EOF, "error must be io.EOF")
	test.That(t, n == 0, "third read must read 0 characters")

	n, err = r.Read(nil)
	test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil")
	test.That(t, n == 0, "read to nil buffer must return 0 characters read")

	n, err = r.Read(buf)
	test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil")
	test.That(t, n == 3, "read after reset must read 3 characters")
	test.Bytes(t, buf, []byte("abc"), "read after reset must match 'abc'")
コード例 #5
ファイル: lexer_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestLexerShift(t *testing.T) {
	s := `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.`
	z := NewLexerSize(test.NewPlainReader(bytes.NewBufferString(s)), 5)

	z.Move(len("Lorem "))
	test.Bytes(t, z.Shift(), []byte("Lorem "), "shift must return the buffered string")
	test.That(t, z.ShiftLen() == len("Lorem "), "shifted length must equal last shift")
コード例 #6
ファイル: util_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestReplaceMultipleWhitespace(t *testing.T) {
	wsRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("[ \t\f]+")
	wsNewlinesRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("[ ]*[\r\n][ \r\n]*")
	for _, e := range wsSlices {
		reference := wsRegexp.ReplaceAll(e, []byte(" "))
		reference = wsNewlinesRegexp.ReplaceAll(reference, []byte("\n"))
		test.Bytes(t, ReplaceMultipleWhitespace(e), reference, "must remove all multiple whitespace but keep newlines")
コード例 #7
ファイル: minify_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestMinify(t *testing.T) {
	test.Error(t, m.Minify("?", nil, nil), ErrNotExist, "minifier doesn't exist")
	test.Error(t, m.Minify("dummy/nil", nil, nil), nil)
	test.Error(t, m.Minify("dummy/err", nil, nil), errDummy)

	b := []byte("test")
	out, err := m.Bytes("dummy/nil", b)
	test.Error(t, err, nil)
	test.Bytes(t, out, []byte{}, "dummy/nil returns empty byte slice")
	out, err = m.Bytes("?", b)
	test.Error(t, err, ErrNotExist, "minifier doesn't exist")
	test.Bytes(t, out, b, "return input when minifier doesn't exist")

	s := "test"
	out2, err := m.String("dummy/nil", s)
	test.Error(t, err, nil)
	test.String(t, out2, "", "dummy/nil returns empty string")
	out2, err = m.String("?", s)
	test.Error(t, err, ErrNotExist, "minifier doesn't exist")
	test.String(t, out2, s, "return input when minifier doesn't exist")
コード例 #8
ファイル: writer_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestWriter(t *testing.T) {
	w := NewWriter(make([]byte, 0, 3))

	test.That(t, w.Len() == 0, "buffer must initially have zero length")

	n, _ := w.Write([]byte("abc"))
	test.That(t, n == 3, "first write must write 3 characters")
	test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte("abc"), "first write must match 'abc'")
	test.That(t, w.Len() == 3, "buffer must have length 3 after first write")

	n, _ = w.Write([]byte("def"))
	test.That(t, n == 3, "second write must write 3 characters")
	test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte("abcdef"), "second write must match 'abcdef'")

	test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte(""), "reset must match ''")

	n, _ = w.Write([]byte("ghijkl"))
	test.That(t, n == 6, "third write must write 6 characters")
	test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte("ghijkl"), "third write must match 'ghijkl'")
コード例 #9
ファイル: common_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestParseDataURI(t *testing.T) {
	var dataURITests = []struct {
		dataURI          string
		expectedMimetype string
		expectedData     string
		expectedErr      error
		{"www.domain.com", "", "", ErrBadDataURI},
		{"data:,", "text/plain", "", nil},
		{"data:text/xml,", "text/xml", "", nil},
		{"data:,text", "text/plain", "text", nil},
		{"data:;base64,dGV4dA==", "text/plain", "text", nil},
		{"data:image/svg+xml,", "image/svg+xml", "", nil},
		{"data:;base64,()", "", "", base64.CorruptInputError(0)},
	for _, tt := range dataURITests {
		mimetype, data, err := DataURI([]byte(tt.dataURI))
		test.Bytes(t, mimetype, []byte(tt.expectedMimetype), "mimetype")
		test.Bytes(t, data, []byte(tt.expectedData), "data")
		test.Error(t, err, tt.expectedErr)
コード例 #10
ファイル: lexer_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestBufferPool(t *testing.T) {
	z := &bufferPool{}

	lorem := []byte("Lorem ipsum")
	dolor := []byte("dolor sit amet")
	consectetur := []byte("consectetur adipiscing elit")

	// set lorem as first buffer and get new dolor buffer
	b := z.swap(lorem, len(dolor))
	test.That(t, len(b) == 0)
	test.That(t, cap(b) == len(dolor))
	b = append(b, dolor...)

	// free first buffer so it will be reused
	b = z.swap(b, len(lorem))
	b = b[:len(lorem)]
	test.Bytes(t, b, lorem)

	b = z.swap(b, len(consectetur))
	b = append(b, consectetur...)

	// free in advance to reuse the same buffer
	z.free(len(dolor) + len(lorem) + len(consectetur))
	test.That(t, z.head == 0)
	b = z.swap(b, len(consectetur))
	b = b[:len(consectetur)]
	test.Bytes(t, b, consectetur)

	// free in advance but request larger buffer
	b = z.swap(b, len(consectetur)+1)
	b = append(b, consectetur...)
	b = append(b, '.')
	test.That(t, cap(b) == len(consectetur)+1)
コード例 #11
ファイル: common_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestMediatype(t *testing.T) {
	var mediatypeTests = []struct {
		mediatype        string
		expectedMimetype string
		expectedParams   map[string]string
		{"text/plain", "text/plain", nil},
		{"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII", "text/plain", map[string]string{"charset": "US-ASCII"}},
		{" text/plain  ; charset = US-ASCII ", "text/plain", map[string]string{"charset": "US-ASCII"}},
		{" text/plain  a", "text/plain", nil},
		{"text/plain;base64", "text/plain", map[string]string{"base64": ""}},
		{"text/plain;inline=;base64", "text/plain", map[string]string{"inline": "", "base64": ""}},
	for _, tt := range mediatypeTests {
		mimetype, _ := Mediatype([]byte(tt.mediatype))
		test.Bytes(t, mimetype, []byte(tt.expectedMimetype), "mimetype")
		//test.That(t, params == tt.expectedParams, "parameters") // TODO
コード例 #12
ファイル: util_test.go プロジェクト: SpectoLabs/hoverfly
func TestTrim(t *testing.T) {
	test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte("a")), []byte("a"))
	test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte(" a")), []byte("a"))
	test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte("a ")), []byte("a"))
	test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte(" ")), []byte(""))