func TestCopy(t *testing.T) { foo := []byte("abc") bar := Copy(foo) foo[0] = 'b' test.Bytes(t, foo, []byte("bbc")) test.Bytes(t, bar, []byte("abc")) }
func TestToLower(t *testing.T) { foo := []byte("Abc") bar := ToLower(foo) bar[1] = 'B' test.Bytes(t, foo, []byte("aBc")) test.Bytes(t, bar, []byte("aBc")) }
func TestShifter(t *testing.T) { s := `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.` var z = NewShifter(bytes.NewBufferString(s)) test.That(t, z.IsEOF(), "buffer must be fully in memory") test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "buffer is at EOF but must not return EOF until we reach that") test.That(t, z.Pos() == 0, "buffer must start at position 0") test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'L', "first character must be 'L'") test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'o', "second character must be 'o'") z.Move(1) test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'o', "must be 'o' at position 1") test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'r', "must be 'r' at position 1") z.MoveTo(6) test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'i', "must be 'i' at position 6") test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'p', "must be 'p' at position 7") test.Bytes(t, z.Bytes(), []byte("Lorem "), "buffered string must now read 'Lorem ' when at position 6") test.Bytes(t, z.Shift(), []byte("Lorem "), "shift must return the buffered string") test.That(t, z.Pos() == 0, "after shifting position must be 0") test.That(t, z.Peek(0) == 'i', "must be 'i' at position 0 after shifting") test.That(t, z.Peek(1) == 'p', "must be 'p' at position 1 after shifting") test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "error must be nil at this point") z.Move(len(s) - len("Lorem ") - 1) test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "error must be nil just before the end of the buffer") z.Skip() test.That(t, z.Pos() == 0, "after skipping position must be 0") z.Move(1) test.Error(t, z.Err(), io.EOF, "error must be EOF when past the buffer") z.Move(-1) test.Error(t, z.Err(), nil, "error must be nil just before the end of the buffer, even when it has been past the buffer") }
func TestReader(t *testing.T) { s := []byte("abcde") r := NewReader(s) test.Bytes(t, r.Bytes(), s, "reader must return bytes stored") buf := make([]byte, 3) n, err := r.Read(buf) test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil") test.That(t, n == 3, "first read must read 3 characters") test.Bytes(t, buf, []byte("abc"), "first read must match 'abc'") n, err = r.Read(buf) test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil") test.That(t, n == 2, "second read must read 2 characters") test.Bytes(t, buf[:n], []byte("de"), "second read must match 'de'") n, err = r.Read(buf) test.Error(t, err, io.EOF, "error must be io.EOF") test.That(t, n == 0, "third read must read 0 characters") n, err = r.Read(nil) test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil") test.That(t, n == 0, "read to nil buffer must return 0 characters read") r.Reset() n, err = r.Read(buf) test.Error(t, err, nil, "error must be nil") test.That(t, n == 3, "read after reset must read 3 characters") test.Bytes(t, buf, []byte("abc"), "read after reset must match 'abc'") }
func TestLexerShift(t *testing.T) { s := `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.` z := NewLexerSize(test.NewPlainReader(bytes.NewBufferString(s)), 5) z.Move(len("Lorem ")) test.Bytes(t, z.Shift(), []byte("Lorem "), "shift must return the buffered string") test.That(t, z.ShiftLen() == len("Lorem "), "shifted length must equal last shift") }
func TestReplaceMultipleWhitespace(t *testing.T) { wsRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("[ \t\f]+") wsNewlinesRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("[ ]*[\r\n][ \r\n]*") for _, e := range wsSlices { reference := wsRegexp.ReplaceAll(e, []byte(" ")) reference = wsNewlinesRegexp.ReplaceAll(reference, []byte("\n")) test.Bytes(t, ReplaceMultipleWhitespace(e), reference, "must remove all multiple whitespace but keep newlines") } }
func TestMinify(t *testing.T) { test.Error(t, m.Minify("?", nil, nil), ErrNotExist, "minifier doesn't exist") test.Error(t, m.Minify("dummy/nil", nil, nil), nil) test.Error(t, m.Minify("dummy/err", nil, nil), errDummy) b := []byte("test") out, err := m.Bytes("dummy/nil", b) test.Error(t, err, nil) test.Bytes(t, out, []byte{}, "dummy/nil returns empty byte slice") out, err = m.Bytes("?", b) test.Error(t, err, ErrNotExist, "minifier doesn't exist") test.Bytes(t, out, b, "return input when minifier doesn't exist") s := "test" out2, err := m.String("dummy/nil", s) test.Error(t, err, nil) test.String(t, out2, "", "dummy/nil returns empty string") out2, err = m.String("?", s) test.Error(t, err, ErrNotExist, "minifier doesn't exist") test.String(t, out2, s, "return input when minifier doesn't exist") }
func TestWriter(t *testing.T) { w := NewWriter(make([]byte, 0, 3)) test.That(t, w.Len() == 0, "buffer must initially have zero length") n, _ := w.Write([]byte("abc")) test.That(t, n == 3, "first write must write 3 characters") test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte("abc"), "first write must match 'abc'") test.That(t, w.Len() == 3, "buffer must have length 3 after first write") n, _ = w.Write([]byte("def")) test.That(t, n == 3, "second write must write 3 characters") test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte("abcdef"), "second write must match 'abcdef'") w.Reset() test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte(""), "reset must match ''") n, _ = w.Write([]byte("ghijkl")) test.That(t, n == 6, "third write must write 6 characters") test.Bytes(t, w.Bytes(), []byte("ghijkl"), "third write must match 'ghijkl'") }
func TestParseDataURI(t *testing.T) { var dataURITests = []struct { dataURI string expectedMimetype string expectedData string expectedErr error }{ {"", "", "", ErrBadDataURI}, {"data:,", "text/plain", "", nil}, {"data:text/xml,", "text/xml", "", nil}, {"data:,text", "text/plain", "text", nil}, {"data:;base64,dGV4dA==", "text/plain", "text", nil}, {"data:image/svg+xml,", "image/svg+xml", "", nil}, {"data:;base64,()", "", "", base64.CorruptInputError(0)}, } for _, tt := range dataURITests { mimetype, data, err := DataURI([]byte(tt.dataURI)) test.Bytes(t, mimetype, []byte(tt.expectedMimetype), "mimetype") test.Bytes(t, data, []byte(tt.expectedData), "data") test.Error(t, err, tt.expectedErr) } }
func TestBufferPool(t *testing.T) { z := &bufferPool{} lorem := []byte("Lorem ipsum") dolor := []byte("dolor sit amet") consectetur := []byte("consectetur adipiscing elit") // set lorem as first buffer and get new dolor buffer b := z.swap(lorem, len(dolor)) test.That(t, len(b) == 0) test.That(t, cap(b) == len(dolor)) b = append(b, dolor...) // free first buffer so it will be reused b = z.swap(b, len(lorem)) b = b[:len(lorem)] test.Bytes(t, b, lorem) b = z.swap(b, len(consectetur)) b = append(b, consectetur...) // free in advance to reuse the same buffer + len(lorem) + len(consectetur)) test.That(t, z.head == 0) b = z.swap(b, len(consectetur)) b = b[:len(consectetur)] test.Bytes(t, b, consectetur) // free in advance but request larger buffer b = z.swap(b, len(consectetur)+1) b = append(b, consectetur...) b = append(b, '.') test.That(t, cap(b) == len(consectetur)+1) }
func TestMediatype(t *testing.T) { var mediatypeTests = []struct { mediatype string expectedMimetype string expectedParams map[string]string }{ {"text/plain", "text/plain", nil}, {"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII", "text/plain", map[string]string{"charset": "US-ASCII"}}, {" text/plain ; charset = US-ASCII ", "text/plain", map[string]string{"charset": "US-ASCII"}}, {" text/plain a", "text/plain", nil}, {"text/plain;base64", "text/plain", map[string]string{"base64": ""}}, {"text/plain;inline=;base64", "text/plain", map[string]string{"inline": "", "base64": ""}}, } for _, tt := range mediatypeTests { mimetype, _ := Mediatype([]byte(tt.mediatype)) test.Bytes(t, mimetype, []byte(tt.expectedMimetype), "mimetype") //test.That(t, params == tt.expectedParams, "parameters") // TODO } }
func TestTrim(t *testing.T) { test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte("a")), []byte("a")) test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte(" a")), []byte("a")) test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte("a ")), []byte("a")) test.Bytes(t, TrimWhitespace([]byte(" ")), []byte("")) }