コード例 #1
ファイル: tracing.go プロジェクト: uber/tchannel-go
// otherwise not exposed explicitly.
// NB: the string value is what's actually shared between implementations
const zipkinSpanFormat = "zipkin-span-format"

// Span is an internal representation of Zipkin-compatible OpenTracing Span.
// It is used as OpenTracing inject/extract Carrier with ZipkinSpanFormat.
type Span struct {
	traceID  uint64
	parentID uint64
	spanID   uint64
	flags    byte

var (
	// traceRng is a thread-safe random number generator for generating trace IDs.
	traceRng = trand.NewSeeded()

	// emptySpan is returned from CurrentSpan(ctx) when there is no OpenTracing
	// Span in ctx, to avoid returning nil.
	emptySpan Span

func (s Span) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("TraceID=%x,ParentID=%x,SpanID=%x", s.traceID, s.parentID, s.spanID)

func (s *Span) read(r *typed.ReadBuffer) error {
	s.spanID = r.ReadUint64()
	s.parentID = r.ReadUint64()
	s.traceID = r.ReadUint64()
	s.flags = r.ReadSingleByte()
コード例 #2
ファイル: peer_heap.go プロジェクト: uber/tchannel-go
func newPeerHeap() *peerHeap {
	return &peerHeap{rng: trand.NewSeeded()}
コード例 #3
ファイル: peer.go プロジェクト: uber/tchannel-go

var (
	// ErrInvalidConnectionState indicates that the connection is not in a valid state.
	// This may be due to a race between selecting the connection and it closing, so
	// it is a network failure that can be retried.
	ErrInvalidConnectionState = NewSystemError(ErrCodeNetwork, "connection is in an invalid state")

	// ErrNoPeers indicates that there are no peers.
	ErrNoPeers = errors.New("no peers available")

	// ErrPeerNotFound indicates that the specified peer was not found.
	ErrPeerNotFound = errors.New("peer not found")

	peerRng = trand.NewSeeded()

// Connectable is the interface used by peers to create connections.
type Connectable interface {
	// Connect tries to connect to the given hostPort.
	Connect(ctx context.Context, hostPort string) (*Connection, error)
	// Logger returns the logger to use.
	Logger() Logger

// PeerList maintains a list of Peers.
type PeerList struct {

	parent          *RootPeerList