예제 #1
파일: auxiliary.go 프로젝트: yunpeng1/gosl
// PlotYxe plots the function y(x) implemented by Cb_yxe
func PlotYxe(ffcn Cb_yxe, dirout, fname string, xsol, xa, xb float64, np int, xsolLbl, args string, save, show bool, extra func()) (err error) {
	if !save && !show {
	x := utl.LinSpace(xa, xb, np)
	y := make([]float64, np)
	for i := 0; i < np; i++ {
		y[i], err = ffcn(x[i])
		if err != nil {
	var ysol float64
	ysol, err = ffcn(xsol)
	if err != nil {
	plt.Plot(x, y, args)
	plt.PlotOne(xsol, ysol, io.Sf("'ro', label='%s'", xsolLbl))
	if extra != nil {
	plt.Gll("x", "y(x)", "")
	if save {
		os.MkdirAll(dirout, 0777)
		plt.Save(dirout + "/" + fname)
	if show {
예제 #2
파일: plot.go 프로젝트: PaddySchmidt/gofem
// PlotEnd ends plot and show figure, if show==true
func PlotEnd(show bool) {
	plt.AxisYrange(0, 1)
	plt.Gll("$p_c$", "$s_{\\ell}$", "")
	if show {
예제 #3
파일: plotting.go 프로젝트: yunpeng1/gosl
// PlotTwoVarsContour plots contour for two variables problem. len(x) == 2
//  Input
//   dirout  -- directory to save files
//   fnkey   -- file name key for eps figure
//   x       -- solution. can be <nil>
//   np      -- number of points for contour
//   extra   -- called just before saving figure
//   axequal -- axis.equal
//   vmin    -- min 0 values
//   vmax    -- max 1 values
//   f       -- function to plot filled contour. can be <nil>
//   gs      -- functions to plot contour @ level 0. can be <nil>
func PlotTwoVarsContour(dirout, fnkey string, x []float64, np int, extra func(), axequal bool,
	vmin, vmax []float64, f TwoVarsFunc_t, gs ...TwoVarsFunc_t) {
	if fnkey == "" {
	chk.IntAssert(len(vmin), 2)
	chk.IntAssert(len(vmax), 2)
	V0, V1 := utl.MeshGrid2D(vmin[0], vmax[0], vmin[1], vmax[1], np, np)
	var Zf [][]float64
	var Zg [][][]float64
	if f != nil {
		Zf = la.MatAlloc(np, np)
	if len(gs) > 0 {
		Zg = utl.Deep3alloc(len(gs), np, np)
	xtmp := make([]float64, 2)
	for i := 0; i < np; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			xtmp[0], xtmp[1] = V0[i][j], V1[i][j]
			if f != nil {
				Zf[i][j] = f(xtmp)
			for k, g := range gs {
				Zg[k][i][j] = g(xtmp)
	plt.SetForEps(0.8, 350)
	if f != nil {
		cmapidx := 0
		plt.Contour(V0, V1, Zf, io.Sf("fsz=7, cmapidx=%d", cmapidx))
	for k, _ := range gs {
		plt.ContourSimple(V0, V1, Zg[k], false, 8, "zorder=5, levels=[0], colors=['yellow'], linewidths=[2], clip_on=0")
	if x != nil {
		plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], "'r*', label='optimum', zorder=10")
	if extra != nil {
	if dirout == "" {
		dirout = "."
	if axequal {
	plt.AxisRange(vmin[0], vmax[0], vmin[1], vmax[1])
	args := "leg_out='1', leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1.5"
	plt.Gll("$x_0$", "$x_1$", args)
	plt.SaveD(dirout, fnkey+".eps")
예제 #4
func Test_cubiceq03(tst *testing.T) {

	chk.PrintTitle("cubiceq03. y(x) = x³ + c")

	doplot := false
	np := 41
	var X, Y []float64
	if doplot {
		X = utl.LinSpace(-2, 2, np)
		Y = make([]float64, np)
		plt.SetForPng(0.8, 400, 200)

	a, b := 0.0, 0.0
	colors := []string{"red", "green", "blue"}
	for k, c := range []float64{-1, 0, 1} {
		x1, x2, x3, nx := EqCubicSolveReal(a, b, c)
		io.Pforan("\na=%v b=%v c=%v\n", a, b, c)
		io.Pfcyan("nx=%v\n", nx)
		io.Pfcyan("x1=%v x2=%v x3=%v\n", x1, x2, x3)
		chk.IntAssert(nx, 1)
		chk.Scalar(tst, "x1", 1e-17, x1, -c)
		if doplot {
			for i, x := range X {
				Y[i] = x*x*x + a*x*x + b*x + c
			plt.Plot(X, Y, io.Sf("color='%s', label='c=%g'", colors[k], c))
			plt.PlotOne(x1, 0, io.Sf("'ko', color='%s'", colors[k]))
			plt.Gll("x", "y", "")
	if doplot {
		plt.SaveD("/tmp", "fig_cubiceq03.png")
예제 #5
func main() {

	// input data
	simfn := "elast.sim"
	matname := "lrm1"
	pcmax := 30.0
	npts := 101

	// parse flags
	if len(flag.Args()) > 0 {
		simfn = flag.Arg(0)
	if len(flag.Args()) > 1 {
		matname = flag.Arg(1)
	if len(flag.Args()) > 2 {
		pcmax = io.Atof(flag.Arg(2))
	if len(flag.Args()) > 3 {
		npts = io.Atoi(flag.Arg(3))

	// check extension
	if io.FnExt(simfn) == "" {
		simfn += ".sim"

	// print input data
	io.Pf("\nInput data\n")
	io.Pf("  simfn   = %30s // simulation filename\n", simfn)
	io.Pf("  matname = %30s // material name\n", matname)
	io.Pf("  pcmax   = %30v // max pc\n", pcmax)
	io.Pf("  npts    = %30v // number of points\n", npts)

	// load simulation
	sim := inp.ReadSim("", simfn, "lrm_", false)
	if sim == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot load simulation\n")

	// get material data
	mat := sim.Mdb.Get(matname)
	if mat == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot get material\n")
	io.Pforan("mat = %v\n", mat)

	// get and initialise model
	mdl := mreten.GetModel(simfn, matname, mat.Model, false)
	if mdl == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot allocate model\n")

	// plot drying path
	d_Pc := utl.LinSpace(0, pcmax, npts)
	d_Sl := make([]float64, npts)
	d_Sl[0] = 1
	var err error
	for i := 1; i < npts; i++ {
		d_Sl[i], err = mreten.Update(mdl, d_Pc[i-1], d_Sl[i-1], d_Pc[i]-d_Pc[i-1])
		if err != nil {
			io.PfRed("drying: cannot updated model\n%v\n", err)
	plt.Plot(d_Pc, d_Sl, io.Sf("'b-', label='%s (dry)', clip_on=0", matname))

	// plot wetting path
	w_Pc := utl.LinSpace(pcmax, 0, npts)
	w_Sl := make([]float64, npts)
	w_Sl[0] = d_Sl[npts-1]
	for i := 1; i < npts; i++ {
		w_Sl[i], err = mreten.Update(mdl, w_Pc[i-1], w_Sl[i-1], w_Pc[i]-w_Pc[i-1])
		if err != nil {
			io.PfRed("wetting: cannot updated model\n%v\n", err)
	plt.Plot(w_Pc, w_Sl, io.Sf("'c-', label='%s (wet)', clip_on=0", matname))

	// save results
	type Results struct{ Pc, Sl []float64 }
	res := Results{append(d_Pc, w_Pc...), append(d_Sl, w_Sl...)}
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
	err = enc.Encode(&res)
	if err != nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot encode results\n")
	fn := path.Join(sim.Data.DirOut, matname+".dat")
	io.WriteFile(fn, &buf)
	io.Pf("file <%s> written\n", fn)

	// show figure
	plt.AxisYrange(0, 1)
	plt.Gll("$p_c$", "$s_{\\ell}$", "")
예제 #6
// Run computes β starting witn an initial guess
func (o *ReliabFORM) Run(βtrial float64, verbose bool, args ...interface{}) (β float64, μ, σ, x []float64) {

	// initial random variables
	β = βtrial
	nx := len(o.μ)
	μ = make([]float64, nx) // mean values (equivalent normal value)
	σ = make([]float64, nx) // deviation values (equivalent normal value)
	x = make([]float64, nx) // current vector of random variables defining min(β)
	for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
		μ[i] = o.μ[i]
		σ[i] = o.σ[i]
		x[i] = o.μ[i]

	// lognormal distribution structure
	var lnd DistLogNormal

	// has lognormal random variable?
	haslrv := false
	for _, found := range o.lrv {
		if found {
			haslrv = true

	// function to compute β with x-constant
	//  gβ(β) = g(μ - β・A・σ) = 0
	var err error
	gβfcn := func(fy, y []float64) error {
		βtmp := y[0]
		for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
			o.xtmp[i] = μ[i] - βtmp*o.α[i]*σ[i]
		fy[0], err = o.gfcn(o.xtmp, args)
		if err != nil {
			chk.Panic("cannot compute gfcn(%v):\n%v", o.xtmp, err)
		return nil

	// derivative of gβ w.r.t β
	hβfcn := func(dfdy [][]float64, y []float64) error {
		βtmp := y[0]
		for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
			o.xtmp[i] = μ[i] - βtmp*o.α[i]*σ[i]
		err = o.hfcn(o.dgdx, o.xtmp, args)
		if err != nil {
			chk.Panic("cannot compute hfcn(%v):\n%v", o.xtmp, err)
		dfdy[0][0] = 0
		for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
			dfdy[0][0] -= o.dgdx[i] * o.α[i] * σ[i]
		return nil

	// nonlinear solver with y[0] = β
	// solving:  gβ(β) = g(μ - β・A・σ) = 0
	var nls num.NlSolver
	nls.Init(1, gβfcn, nil, hβfcn, true, false, nil)
	defer nls.Clean()

	// message
	if verbose {
		io.Pf("\n%s", io.StrThickLine(60))

	// plotting
	plot := o.PlotFnk != ""
	if nx != 2 {
		plot = false
	if plot {
		if o.PlotNp < 3 {
			o.PlotNp = 41
		var umin, umax, vmin, vmax float64
		if o.PlotCf < 1 {
			o.PlotCf = 2
		if len(o.PlotUrange) == 0 {
			umin, umax = μ[0]-o.PlotCf*μ[0], μ[0]+o.PlotCf*μ[0]
			vmin, vmax = μ[1]-o.PlotCf*μ[1], μ[1]+o.PlotCf*μ[1]
		} else {
			chk.IntAssert(len(o.PlotUrange), 2)
			chk.IntAssert(len(o.PlotVrange), 2)
			umin, umax = o.PlotUrange[0], o.PlotUrange[1]
			vmin, vmax = o.PlotVrange[0], o.PlotVrange[1]
		o.PlotU, o.PlotV = utl.MeshGrid2D(umin, umax, vmin, vmax, o.PlotNp, o.PlotNp)
		o.PlotZ = la.MatAlloc(o.PlotNp, o.PlotNp)
		plt.SetForEps(0.8, 300)
		for i := 0; i < o.PlotNp; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < o.PlotNp; j++ {
				o.xtmp[0] = o.PlotU[i][j]
				o.xtmp[1] = o.PlotV[i][j]
				o.PlotZ[i][j], err = o.gfcn(o.xtmp, args)
				if err != nil {
					chk.Panic("cannot compute gfcn(%v):\n%v", x, err)
		plt.Contour(o.PlotU, o.PlotV, o.PlotZ, "")
		plt.ContourSimple(o.PlotU, o.PlotV, o.PlotZ, true, 8, "levels=[0], colors=['yellow']")
		plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], "'ro', label='initial'")

	// iterations to find β
	var dat VarData
	B := []float64{β}
	itB := 0
	for itB = 0; itB < o.NmaxItB; itB++ {

		// message
		if verbose {
			gx, err := o.gfcn(x, args)
			if err != nil {
				chk.Panic("cannot compute gfcn(%v):\n%v", x, err)
			io.Pf("%s itB=%d β=%g g=%g\n", io.StrThinLine(60), itB, β, gx)

		// plot
		if plot {
			plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], "'r.'")

		// compute direction cosines
		itA := 0
		for itA = 0; itA < o.NmaxItA; itA++ {

			// has lognormal random variable (lrv)
			if haslrv {

				// find equivalent normal mean and std deviation for lognormal variables
				for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
					if o.lrv[i] {

						// set distribution
						dat.M, dat.S = o.μ[i], o.σ[i]

						// update μ and σ
						fx := lnd.Pdf(x[i])
						Φinvx := (math.Log(x[i]) - lnd.M) / lnd.S
						φx := math.Exp(-Φinvx*Φinvx/2.0) / math.Sqrt2 / math.SqrtPi
						σ[i] = φx / fx
						μ[i] = x[i] - Φinvx*σ[i]

			// compute direction cosines
			err = o.hfcn(o.dgdx, x, args)
			if err != nil {
				chk.Panic("cannot compute hfcn(%v):\n%v", x, err)
			den := 0.0
			for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
				den += math.Pow(o.dgdx[i]*σ[i], 2.0)
			den = math.Sqrt(den)
			αerr := 0.0 // difference on α
			for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
				αnew := o.dgdx[i] * σ[i] / den
				αerr += math.Pow(αnew-o.α[i], 2.0)
				o.α[i] = αnew
			αerr = math.Sqrt(αerr)

			// message
			if verbose {
				io.Pf(" itA=%d\n", itA)
				io.Pf("%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", "x", "μ", "σ", "α")
				for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
					io.Pf("%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f\n", x[i], μ[i], σ[i], o.α[i])

			// update x-star
			for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
				x[i] = μ[i] - β*o.α[i]*σ[i]

			// check convergence on α
			if itA > 1 && αerr < o.TolA {
				if verbose {
					io.Pfgrey(". . . converged on α with αerr=%g . . .\n", αerr)

		// failed to converge on α
		if itA == o.NmaxItA {
			chk.Panic("failed to convege on α")

		// compute new β
		B[0] = β
		nls.Solve(B, o.NlsSilent)
		βerr := math.Abs(B[0] - β)
		β = B[0]
		if o.NlsCheckJ {
			nls.CheckJ(B, o.NlsCheckJtol, true, false)

		// update x-star
		for i := 0; i < nx; i++ {
			x[i] = μ[i] - β*o.α[i]*σ[i]

		// check convergence on β
		if βerr < o.TolB {
			if verbose {
				io.Pfgrey2(". . . converged on β with βerr=%g . . .\n", βerr)

	// failed to converge on β
	if itB == o.NmaxItB {
		chk.Panic("failed to converge on β")

	// message
	if verbose {
		gx, err := o.gfcn(x, args)
		if err != nil {
			chk.Panic("cannot compute gfcn(%v):\n%v", x, err)
		io.Pfgreen("x = %v\n", x)
		io.Pfgreen("g = %v\n", gx)
		io.PfGreen("β = %v\n", β)

	// plot
	if plot {
		plt.Gll("$x_0$", "$x_1$", "")
		plt.SaveD("/tmp/gosl", "fig_form_"+o.PlotFnk+".eps")
예제 #7
// Plot plots contour
func (o *SimpleFltProb) Plot(fnkey string) {

	// check
	if !o.C.DoPlot {

	// limits and meshgrid
	xmin, xmax := o.C.RangeFlt[0][0], o.C.RangeFlt[0][1]
	ymin, ymax := o.C.RangeFlt[1][0], o.C.RangeFlt[1][1]

	// auxiliary variables
	X, Y := utl.MeshGrid2D(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, o.PltNpts, o.PltNpts)
	Zf := utl.DblsAlloc(o.PltNpts, o.PltNpts)
	var Zg [][][]float64
	var Zh [][][]float64
	if o.ng > 0 {
		Zg = utl.Deep3alloc(o.ng, o.PltNpts, o.PltNpts)
	if o.nh > 0 {
		Zh = utl.Deep3alloc(o.nh, o.PltNpts, o.PltNpts)

	// compute values
	x := make([]float64, 2)
	for i := 0; i < o.PltNpts; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < o.PltNpts; j++ {
			x[0], x[1] = X[i][j], Y[i][j]
			o.Fcn(o.ff[0], o.gg[0], o.hh[0], x)
			Zf[i][j] = o.ff[0][o.PltIdxF]
			for k, g := range o.gg[0] {
				Zg[k][i][j] = g
			for k, h := range o.hh[0] {
				Zh[k][i][j] = h

	// prepare plot area
	plt.SetForEps(0.8, 350)

	// plot f
	if o.PltArgs != "" {
		o.PltArgs = "," + o.PltArgs
	if o.PltCsimple {
		plt.ContourSimple(X, Y, Zf, true, 7, "colors=['k'], fsz=7"+o.PltArgs)
	} else {
		plt.Contour(X, Y, Zf, io.Sf("fsz=7, cmapidx=%d"+o.PltArgs, o.PltCmapIdx))

	// plot g
	clr := "yellow"
	if o.PltCsimple {
		clr = "blue"
	for _, g := range Zg {
		plt.ContourSimple(X, Y, g, false, 7, io.Sf("zorder=5, levels=[0], colors=['%s'], linewidths=[%g], clip_on=0", clr, o.PltLwg))

	// plot h
	clr = "yellow"
	if o.PltCsimple {
		clr = "blue"
	for _, h := range Zh {
		plt.ContourSimple(X, Y, h, false, 7, io.Sf("zorder=5, levels=[0], colors=['%s'], linewidths=[%g], clip_on=0", clr, o.PltLwh))

	// initial populations
	l := "initial population"
	for _, pop := range o.PopsIni {
		for _, ind := range pop {
			x := ind.GetFloats()
			plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], io.Sf("'k.', zorder=20, clip_on=0, label='%s'", l))
			l = ""

	// final populations
	l = "final population"
	for _, pop := range o.PopsBest {
		for _, ind := range pop {
			x := ind.GetFloats()
			plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], io.Sf("'ko', ms=6, zorder=30, clip_on=0, label='%s', markerfacecolor='none'", l))
			l = ""

	// extra
	if o.PltExtra != nil {

	// best result
	if o.Nfeasible > 0 {
		x, _, _, _ := o.find_best()
		plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], "'m*', zorder=50, clip_on=0, label='best', markeredgecolor='m'")

	// save figure
	if o.PltAxEqual {
	plt.AxisRange(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
	plt.Gll("$x_0$", "$x_1$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1.5")
	plt.SaveD(o.PltDirout, fnkey+".eps")
예제 #8
func main() {

	// catch errors
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			io.PfRed("ERROR: %v\n", err)

	// input data
	simfn, _ := io.ArgToFilename(0, "elast", ".sim", true)
	matname := io.ArgToString(1, "lrm1")
	pcmax := io.ArgToFloat(2, 30.0)
	npts := io.ArgToInt(3, 101)

	// print input table
	io.Pf("\n%s\n", io.ArgsTable(
		"simulation filename", "simfn", simfn,
		"material name", "matname", matname,
		"max pc", "pcmax", pcmax,
		"number of points", "npts", npts,

	// load simulation
	sim := inp.ReadSim(simfn, "lrm", false, 0)
	if sim == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot load simulation\n")

	// get material data
	mat := sim.MatParams.Get(matname)
	if mat == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot get material\n")
	io.Pforan("mat = %v\n", mat)

	// get and initialise model
	mdl := mreten.GetModel(simfn, matname, mat.Model, false)
	if mdl == nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot allocate model\n")

	// plot drying path
	d_Pc := utl.LinSpace(0, pcmax, npts)
	d_Sl := make([]float64, npts)
	d_Sl[0] = 1
	var err error
	for i := 1; i < npts; i++ {
		d_Sl[i], err = mreten.Update(mdl, d_Pc[i-1], d_Sl[i-1], d_Pc[i]-d_Pc[i-1])
		if err != nil {
			io.PfRed("drying: cannot updated model\n%v\n", err)
	plt.Plot(d_Pc, d_Sl, io.Sf("'b-', label='%s (dry)', clip_on=0", matname))

	// plot wetting path
	w_Pc := utl.LinSpace(pcmax, 0, npts)
	w_Sl := make([]float64, npts)
	w_Sl[0] = d_Sl[npts-1]
	for i := 1; i < npts; i++ {
		w_Sl[i], err = mreten.Update(mdl, w_Pc[i-1], w_Sl[i-1], w_Pc[i]-w_Pc[i-1])
		if err != nil {
			io.PfRed("wetting: cannot updated model\n%v\n", err)
	plt.Plot(w_Pc, w_Sl, io.Sf("'c-', label='%s (wet)', clip_on=0", matname))

	// save results
	type Results struct{ Pc, Sl []float64 }
	res := Results{append(d_Pc, w_Pc...), append(d_Sl, w_Sl...)}
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
	err = enc.Encode(&res)
	if err != nil {
		io.PfRed("cannot encode results\n")
	fn := path.Join(sim.Data.DirOut, matname+".dat")
	io.WriteFile(fn, &buf)
	io.Pf("file <%s> written\n", fn)

	// show figure
	plt.AxisYrange(0, 1)
	plt.Gll("$p_c$", "$s_{\\ell}$", "")