예제 #1
func TestNodeRemoveErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args           []string
		nodeRemoveFunc func() error
		expectedError  string
			expectedError: "requires at least 1 argument",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeRemoveFunc: func() error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error removing the node")
			expectedError: "error removing the node",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newRemoveCommand(
				nodeRemoveFunc: tc.nodeRemoveFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #2
파일: leave_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestSwarmLeaveErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name           string
		args           []string
		swarmLeaveFunc func() error
		expectedError  string
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"foo"},
			expectedError: "accepts no argument(s)",
			name: "leave-failed",
			swarmLeaveFunc: func() error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error leaving the swarm")
			expectedError: "error leaving the swarm",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newLeaveCommand(
				swarmLeaveFunc: tc.swarmLeaveFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #3
파일: leave_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestSwarmLeave(t *testing.T) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	cmd := newLeaveCommand(
		test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{}, buf))
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
	assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()), "Node left the swarm.")
예제 #4
func TestNodeUpdateErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		nodeUpdateFunc  func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error
		expectedError   string
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			args:          []string{"node1", "node2"},
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the node")
			expectedError: "error updating the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(NodeLabels(map[string]string{
					"key": "value",
				})), []byte{}, nil
			flags: map[string]string{
				"label-rm": "notpresent",
			expectedError: "key notpresent doesn't exist in node's labels",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUpdateCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				nodeUpdateFunc:  tc.nodeUpdateFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #5
파일: list_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestNodeListQuietShouldOnlyPrintIDs(t *testing.T) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	cmd := newListCommand(
			nodeListFunc: func() ([]swarm.Node, error) {
				return []swarm.Node{
				}, nil
		}, buf))
	cmd.Flags().Set("quiet", "true")
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
	assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), "nodeID")
예제 #6
파일: ps_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestNodePsErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		infoFunc        func() (types.Info, error)
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		taskListFunc    func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error)
		taskInspectFunc func(taskID string) (swarm.Task, []byte, error)
		expectedError   string
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			taskListFunc: func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error) {
				return []swarm.Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error returning the task list")
			expectedError: "error returning the task list",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newPsCommand(
				infoFunc:        tc.infoFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				taskInspectFunc: tc.taskInspectFunc,
				taskListFunc:    tc.taskListFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #7
파일: init_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestSwarmInit(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name                  string
		flags                 map[string]string
		swarmInitFunc         func() (string, error)
		swarmInspectFunc      func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error)
		nodeInspectFunc       func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
			name: "init",
			swarmInitFunc: func() (string, error) {
				return "nodeID", nil
			name: "init-autolock",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagAutolock: "true",
			swarmInitFunc: func() (string, error) {
				return "nodeID", nil
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "unlock-key",
				}, nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newInitCommand(
				swarmInitFunc:         tc.swarmInitFunc,
				swarmInspectFunc:      tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: tc.swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc:       tc.nodeInspectFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		actual := buf.String()
		expected := golden.Get(t, []byte(actual), fmt.Sprintf("init-%s.golden", tc.name))
		assert.EqualNormalizedString(t, assert.RemoveSpace, actual, string(expected))
예제 #8
파일: join_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestSwarmJoinErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name          string
		args          []string
		swarmJoinFunc func() error
		infoFunc      func() (types.Info, error)
		expectedError string
			name:          "not-enough-args",
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"remote1", "remote2"},
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			name: "join-failed",
			args: []string{"remote"},
			swarmJoinFunc: func() error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error joining the swarm")
			expectedError: "error joining the swarm",
			name: "join-failed-on-init",
			args: []string{"remote"},
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newJoinCommand(
				swarmJoinFunc: tc.swarmJoinFunc,
				infoFunc:      tc.infoFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #9
func TestNodeDemoteMultipleNode(t *testing.T) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	cmd := newDemoteCommand(
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				if node.Role != swarm.NodeRoleWorker {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected role worker, got %s", node.Role)
				return nil
		}, buf))
	cmd.SetArgs([]string{"nodeID1", "nodeID2"})
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
예제 #10
파일: join_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestSwarmJoin(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name     string
		infoFunc func() (types.Info, error)
		expected string
			name: "join-as-manager",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						ControlAvailable: true,
				}, nil
			expected: "This node joined a swarm as a manager.",
			name: "join-as-worker",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						ControlAvailable: false,
				}, nil
			expected: "This node joined a swarm as a worker.",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newJoinCommand(
				infoFunc: tc.infoFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()), tc.expected)
예제 #11
func TestNodeInspectPretty(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name            string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
			name: "simple",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(NodeLabels(map[string]string{
					"lbl1": "value1",
				})), []byte{}, nil
			name: "manager",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			name: "manager-leader",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager(Leader())), []byte{}, nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newInspectCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
			}, buf))
		cmd.Flags().Set("pretty", "true")
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		actual := buf.String()
		expected := golden.Get(t, []byte(actual), fmt.Sprintf("node-inspect-pretty.%s.golden", tc.name))
		assert.EqualNormalizedString(t, assert.RemoveSpace, actual, string(expected))
예제 #12
func TestSwarmUnlock(t *testing.T) {
	input := "unlockKey"
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	dockerCli := test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{
		infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
			return types.Info{
				Swarm: swarm.Info{
					LocalNodeState: swarm.LocalNodeStateLocked,
			}, nil
		swarmUnlockFunc: func(req swarm.UnlockRequest) error {
			if req.UnlockKey != input {
				return fmt.Errorf("Invalid unlock key")
			return nil
	}, buf)
	cmd := newUnlockCommand(dockerCli)
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
예제 #13
파일: list_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestNodeListErrorOnAPIFailure(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		nodeListFunc  func() ([]swarm.Node, error)
		infoFunc      func() (types.Info, error)
		expectedError string
			nodeListFunc: func() ([]swarm.Node, error) {
				return []swarm.Node{}, fmt.Errorf("error listing nodes")
			expectedError: "error listing nodes",
			nodeListFunc: func() ([]swarm.Node, error) {
				return []swarm.Node{
						ID: "nodeID",
				}, nil
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newListCommand(
				nodeListFunc: tc.nodeListFunc,
				infoFunc:     tc.infoFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #14
func TestNodeDemoteErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		nodeUpdateFunc  func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error
		expectedError   string
			expectedError: "requires at least 1 argument",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the node")
			expectedError: "error updating the node",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newDemoteCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				nodeUpdateFunc:  tc.nodeUpdateFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #15
파일: list_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestNodeList(t *testing.T) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	cmd := newListCommand(
			nodeListFunc: func() ([]swarm.Node, error) {
				return []swarm.Node{
					*Node(NodeID("nodeID1"), Hostname("nodeHostname1"), Manager(Leader())),
					*Node(NodeID("nodeID2"), Hostname("nodeHostname2"), Manager()),
					*Node(NodeID("nodeID3"), Hostname("nodeHostname3")),
				}, nil
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						NodeID: "nodeID1",
				}, nil
		}, buf))
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
	assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), `nodeID1 *  nodeHostname1  Ready   Active        Leader`)
	assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), `nodeID2    nodeHostname2  Ready   Active        Reachable`)
	assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), `nodeID3    nodeHostname3  Ready   Active`)
예제 #16
파일: list_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
// Test case for #24090
func TestNodeListContainsHostname(t *testing.T) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	cmd := newListCommand(test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{}, buf))
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
	assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), "HOSTNAME")
예제 #17
func TestSwarmUnlockErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name            string
		args            []string
		input           string
		swarmUnlockFunc func(req swarm.UnlockRequest) error
		infoFunc        func() (types.Info, error)
		expectedError   string
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"foo"},
			expectedError: "accepts no argument(s)",
			name: "is-not-part-of-a-swarm",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						LocalNodeState: swarm.LocalNodeStateInactive,
				}, nil
			expectedError: "This node is not part of a swarm",
			name: "is-not-locked",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						LocalNodeState: swarm.LocalNodeStateActive,
				}, nil
			expectedError: "Error: swarm is not locked",
			name: "unlockrequest-failed",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						LocalNodeState: swarm.LocalNodeStateLocked,
				}, nil
			swarmUnlockFunc: func(req swarm.UnlockRequest) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error unlocking the swarm")
			expectedError: "error unlocking the swarm",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUnlockCommand(
				infoFunc:        tc.infoFunc,
				swarmUnlockFunc: tc.swarmUnlockFunc,
			}, buf))
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #18
func TestSwarmJoinTokenErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name             string
		args             []string
		flags            map[string]string
		infoFunc         func() (types.Info, error)
		swarmInspectFunc func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmUpdateFunc  func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error
		nodeInspectFunc  func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		expectedError    string
			name:          "not-enough-args",
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"worker", "manager"},
			expectedError: "requires exactly 1 argument",
			name:          "invalid-args",
			args:          []string{"foo"},
			expectedError: "unknown role foo",
			name: "swarm-inspect-failed",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return swarm.Swarm{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the swarm")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the swarm",
			name: "swarm-inspect-rotate-failed",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return swarm.Swarm{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the swarm")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the swarm",
			name: "swarm-update-failed",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmUpdateFunc: func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the swarm")
			expectedError: "error updating the swarm",
			name: "node-inspect-failed",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting node",
			name: "info-failed",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newJoinTokenCommand(
				swarmInspectFunc: tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmUpdateFunc:  tc.swarmUpdateFunc,
				infoFunc:         tc.infoFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc:  tc.nodeInspectFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #19
func TestNodeInspectErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		infoFunc        func() (types.Info, error)
		expectedError   string
			expectedError: "requires at least 1 argument",
			args: []string{"self"},
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"self"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, nil
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			args: []string{"self"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				"pretty": "true",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{}, fmt.Errorf("error asking for node info")
			expectedError: "error asking for node info",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newInspectCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				infoFunc:        tc.infoFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #20
func TestSwarmUnlockKey(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name                  string
		args                  []string
		flags                 map[string]string
		swarmInspectFunc      func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmUpdateFunc       func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error
		swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error)
			name: "unlock-key",
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "unlock-key",
				}, nil
			name: "unlock-key-quiet",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagQuiet: "true",
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "unlock-key",
				}, nil
			name: "unlock-key-rotate",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(Autolock()), nil
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "unlock-key",
				}, nil
			name: "unlock-key-rotate-quiet",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagQuiet:  "true",
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(Autolock()), nil
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "unlock-key",
				}, nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUnlockKeyCommand(
				swarmInspectFunc:      tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmUpdateFunc:       tc.swarmUpdateFunc,
				swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: tc.swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		actual := buf.String()
		expected := golden.Get(t, []byte(actual), fmt.Sprintf("unlockkeys-%s.golden", tc.name))
		assert.EqualNormalizedString(t, assert.RemoveSpace, actual, string(expected))
예제 #21
파일: init_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestSwarmInitErrorOnAPIFailure(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name                  string
		flags                 map[string]string
		swarmInitFunc         func() (string, error)
		swarmInspectFunc      func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error)
		nodeInspectFunc       func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		expectedError         string
			name: "init-failed",
			swarmInitFunc: func() (string, error) {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("error initializing the swarm")
			expectedError: "error initializing the swarm",
			name: "init-faild-with-ip-choice",
			swarmInitFunc: func() (string, error) {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("could not choose an IP address to advertise")
			expectedError: "could not choose an IP address to advertise - specify one with --advertise-addr",
			name: "swarm-inspect-after-init-failed",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return swarm.Swarm{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the swarm")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the swarm",
			name: "node-inspect-after-init-failed",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return swarm.Node{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the node")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the node",
			name: "swarm-get-unlock-key-after-init-failed",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagAutolock: "true",
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error getting swarm unlock key")
			expectedError: "could not fetch unlock key: error getting swarm unlock key",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newInitCommand(
				swarmInitFunc:         tc.swarmInitFunc,
				swarmInspectFunc:      tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: tc.swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc:       tc.nodeInspectFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #22
func TestSwarmUpdate(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name                  string
		args                  []string
		flags                 map[string]string
		swarmInspectFunc      func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmUpdateFunc       func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error
		swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error)
			name: "noargs",
			name: "all-flags-quiet",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagTaskHistoryLimit:    "10",
				flagDispatcherHeartbeat: "10s",
				flagCertExpiry:          "20s",
				flagExternalCA:          "protocol=cfssl,url=https://example.com.",
				flagMaxSnapshots:        "10",
				flagSnapshotInterval:    "100",
				flagAutolock:            "true",
				flagQuiet:               "true",
			swarmUpdateFunc: func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error {
				if *swarm.Orchestration.TaskHistoryRetentionLimit != 10 {
					return fmt.Errorf("historyLimit not correctly set")
				heartbeatDuration, err := time.ParseDuration("10s")
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if swarm.Dispatcher.HeartbeatPeriod != heartbeatDuration {
					return fmt.Errorf("heartbeatPeriodLimit not correctly set")
				certExpiryDuration, err := time.ParseDuration("20s")
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if swarm.CAConfig.NodeCertExpiry != certExpiryDuration {
					return fmt.Errorf("certExpiry not correctly set")
				if len(swarm.CAConfig.ExternalCAs) != 1 {
					return fmt.Errorf("externalCA not correctly set")
				if *swarm.Raft.KeepOldSnapshots != 10 {
					return fmt.Errorf("keepOldSnapshots not correctly set")
				if swarm.Raft.SnapshotInterval != 100 {
					return fmt.Errorf("snapshotInterval not correctly set")
				if !swarm.EncryptionConfig.AutoLockManagers {
					return fmt.Errorf("autolock not correctly set")
				return nil
			name: "autolock-unlock-key",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagTaskHistoryLimit: "10",
				flagAutolock:         "true",
			swarmUpdateFunc: func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error {
				if *swarm.Orchestration.TaskHistoryRetentionLimit != 10 {
					return fmt.Errorf("historyLimit not correctly set")
				return nil
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "unlock-key",
				}, nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUpdateCommand(
				swarmInspectFunc:      tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmUpdateFunc:       tc.swarmUpdateFunc,
				swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: tc.swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		actual := buf.String()
		expected := golden.Get(t, []byte(actual), fmt.Sprintf("update-%s.golden", tc.name))
		assert.EqualNormalizedString(t, assert.RemoveSpace, actual, string(expected))
예제 #23
func TestSwarmUpdateErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name                  string
		args                  []string
		flags                 map[string]string
		swarmInspectFunc      func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmUpdateFunc       func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error
		swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error)
		expectedError         string
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"foo"},
			expectedError: "accepts no argument(s)",
			name: "swarm-inspect-error",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagTaskHistoryLimit: "10",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return swarm.Swarm{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the swarm")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the swarm",
			name: "swarm-update-error",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagTaskHistoryLimit: "10",
			swarmUpdateFunc: func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the swarm")
			expectedError: "error updating the swarm",
			name: "swarm-unlockkey-error",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagAutolock: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error getting unlock key")
			expectedError: "error getting unlock key",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUpdateCommand(
				swarmInspectFunc:      tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmUpdateFunc:       tc.swarmUpdateFunc,
				swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: tc.swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
예제 #24
파일: ps_test.go 프로젝트: docker/docker
func TestNodePs(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name            string
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		infoFunc        func() (types.Info, error)
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		taskListFunc    func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error)
		taskInspectFunc func(taskID string) (swarm.Task, []byte, error)
			name: "simple",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(), []byte{}, nil
			taskListFunc: func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error) {
				return []swarm.Task{
					*Task(WithStatus(Timestamp(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour)), PortStatus([]swarm.PortConfig{
							TargetPort:    80,
							PublishedPort: 80,
							Protocol:      "tcp",
				}, nil
			name: "with-errors",
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(), []byte{}, nil
			taskListFunc: func(options types.TaskListOptions) ([]swarm.Task, error) {
				return []swarm.Task{
					*Task(TaskID("taskID1"), ServiceID("failure"),
						WithStatus(Timestamp(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour)), StatusErr("a task error"))),
					*Task(TaskID("taskID2"), ServiceID("failure"),
						WithStatus(Timestamp(time.Now().Add(-3*time.Hour)), StatusErr("a task error"))),
					*Task(TaskID("taskID3"), ServiceID("failure"),
						WithStatus(Timestamp(time.Now().Add(-4*time.Hour)), StatusErr("a task error"))),
				}, nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newPsCommand(
				infoFunc:        tc.infoFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				taskInspectFunc: tc.taskInspectFunc,
				taskListFunc:    tc.taskListFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		actual := buf.String()
		expected := golden.Get(t, []byte(actual), fmt.Sprintf("node-ps.%s.golden", tc.name))
		assert.EqualNormalizedString(t, assert.RemoveSpace, actual, string(expected))
예제 #25
func TestNodeUpdate(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		args            []string
		flags           map[string]string
		nodeInspectFunc func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
		nodeUpdateFunc  func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				"role": "manager",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(), []byte{}, nil
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				if node.Role != swarm.NodeRoleManager {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected role manager, got %s", node.Role)
				return nil
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				"availability": "drain",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(), []byte{}, nil
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				if node.Availability != swarm.NodeAvailabilityDrain {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected drain availability, got %s", node.Availability)
				return nil
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				"label-add": "lbl",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(), []byte{}, nil
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				if _, present := node.Annotations.Labels["lbl"]; !present {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected 'lbl' label, got %v", node.Annotations.Labels)
				return nil
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				"label-add": "key=value",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(), []byte{}, nil
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				if value, present := node.Annotations.Labels["key"]; !present || value != "value" {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected 'key' label to be 'value', got %v", node.Annotations.Labels)
				return nil
			args: []string{"nodeID"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				"label-rm": "key",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(NodeLabels(map[string]string{
					"key": "value",
				})), []byte{}, nil
			nodeUpdateFunc: func(nodeID string, version swarm.Version, node swarm.NodeSpec) error {
				if len(node.Annotations.Labels) > 0 {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected no labels, got %v", node.Annotations.Labels)
				return nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUpdateCommand(
				nodeInspectFunc: tc.nodeInspectFunc,
				nodeUpdateFunc:  tc.nodeUpdateFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
예제 #26
func TestSwarmJoinToken(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name             string
		args             []string
		flags            map[string]string
		infoFunc         func() (types.Info, error)
		swarmInspectFunc func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		nodeInspectFunc  func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error)
			name: "worker",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						NodeID: "nodeID",
				}, nil
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			name: "manager",
			args: []string{"manager"},
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						NodeID: "nodeID",
				}, nil
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			name: "manager-rotate",
			args: []string{"manager"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			infoFunc: func() (types.Info, error) {
				return types.Info{
					Swarm: swarm.Info{
						NodeID: "nodeID",
				}, nil
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			name: "worker-quiet",
			args: []string{"worker"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagQuiet: "true",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			name: "manager-quiet",
			args: []string{"manager"},
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagQuiet: "true",
			nodeInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Node, []byte, error) {
				return *Node(Manager()), []byte{}, nil
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newJoinTokenCommand(
				swarmInspectFunc: tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				infoFunc:         tc.infoFunc,
				nodeInspectFunc:  tc.nodeInspectFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
		actual := buf.String()
		expected := golden.Get(t, []byte(actual), fmt.Sprintf("jointoken-%s.golden", tc.name))
		assert.EqualNormalizedString(t, assert.RemoveSpace, actual, string(expected))
예제 #27
func TestNodeRemoveMultiple(t *testing.T) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	cmd := newRemoveCommand(test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{}, buf))
	cmd.SetArgs([]string{"nodeID1", "nodeID2"})
	assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
예제 #28
func TestSwarmUnlockKeyErrors(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name                  string
		args                  []string
		flags                 map[string]string
		swarmInspectFunc      func() (swarm.Swarm, error)
		swarmUpdateFunc       func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error
		swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error)
		expectedError         string
			name:          "too-many-args",
			args:          []string{"foo"},
			expectedError: "accepts no argument(s)",
			name: "swarm-inspect-rotate-failed",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return swarm.Swarm{}, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting the swarm")
			expectedError: "error inspecting the swarm",
			name: "swarm-rotate-no-autolock-failed",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(), nil
			expectedError: "cannot rotate because autolock is not turned on",
			name: "swarm-update-failed",
			flags: map[string]string{
				flagRotate: "true",
			swarmInspectFunc: func() (swarm.Swarm, error) {
				return *Swarm(Autolock()), nil
			swarmUpdateFunc: func(swarm swarm.Spec, flags swarm.UpdateFlags) error {
				return fmt.Errorf("error updating the swarm")
			expectedError: "error updating the swarm",
			name: "swarm-get-unlock-key-failed",
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error getting unlock key")
			expectedError: "error getting unlock key",
			name: "swarm-no-unlock-key-failed",
			swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: func() (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
				return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{
					UnlockKey: "",
				}, nil
			expectedError: "no unlock key is set",
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := newUnlockKeyCommand(
				swarmInspectFunc:      tc.swarmInspectFunc,
				swarmUpdateFunc:       tc.swarmUpdateFunc,
				swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc: tc.swarmGetUnlockKeyFunc,
			}, buf))
		for key, value := range tc.flags {
			cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
		assert.Error(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)