예제 #1
func ecrecoverFunc(in []byte) []byte {
	in = common.RightPadBytes(in, 128)
	// "in" is (hash, v, r, s), each 32 bytes
	// but for ecrecover we want (r, s, v)

	r := common.BytesToBig(in[64:96])
	s := common.BytesToBig(in[96:128])
	// Treat V as a 256bit integer
	vbig := common.Bytes2Big(in[32:64])
	v := byte(vbig.Uint64())

	if !crypto.ValidateSignatureValues(v, r, s) {
		glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("EC RECOVER FAIL: v, r or s value invalid")
		return nil

	// v needs to be at the end and normalized for libsecp256k1
	vbignormal := new(big.Int).Sub(vbig, big.NewInt(27))
	vnormal := byte(vbignormal.Uint64())
	rsv := append(in[64:128], vnormal)
	pubKey, err := crypto.Ecrecover(in[:32], rsv)
	// make sure the public key is a valid one
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("EC RECOVER FAIL: ", err)
		return nil

	// the first byte of pubkey is bitcoin heritage
	return common.LeftPadBytes(crypto.Sha3(pubKey[1:])[12:], 32)
예제 #2
파일: abi.go 프로젝트: karalabe/etherapis
// toGoType parses the input and casts it to the proper type defined by the ABI
// argument in T.
func toGoType(i int, t Argument, output []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	index := i * 32

	if index+32 > len(output) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go type: length insufficient %d require %d", len(output), index+32)

	// Parse the given index output and check whether we need to read
	// a different offset and length based on the type (i.e. string, bytes)
	var returnOutput []byte
	switch t.Type.T {
	case StringTy, BytesTy: // variable arrays are written at the end of the return bytes
		// parse offset from which we should start reading
		offset := int(common.BytesToBig(output[index : index+32]).Uint64())
		if offset+32 > len(output) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go type: length insufficient %d require %d", len(output), offset+32)
		// parse the size up until we should be reading
		size := int(common.BytesToBig(output[offset : offset+32]).Uint64())
		if offset+32+size > len(output) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go type: length insufficient %d require %d", len(output), offset+32+size)

		// get the bytes for this return value
		returnOutput = output[offset+32 : offset+32+size]
		returnOutput = output[index : index+32]

	// cast bytes to abi return type
	switch t.Type.T {
	case IntTy:
		return common.BytesToBig(returnOutput), nil
	case UintTy:
		return common.BytesToBig(returnOutput), nil
	case BoolTy:
		return common.BytesToBig(returnOutput).Uint64() > 0, nil
	case AddressTy:
		return common.BytesToAddress(returnOutput), nil
	case HashTy:
		return common.BytesToHash(returnOutput), nil
	case BytesTy, FixedBytesTy:
		return returnOutput, nil
	case StringTy:
		return string(returnOutput), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: unknown type %v", t.Type.T)
예제 #3
// Start Go API. Not important for this version
func (c *Contract) Subscribe(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey, serviceId *big.Int, amount, price *big.Int, cb func(*Subscription)) (*types.Transaction, error) {
	from := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey)

	data, err := c.abi.Pack("subscribe", serviceId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	statedb, err := c.blockchain.State()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	transaction, err := types.NewTransaction(statedb.GetNonce(from), contractAddress, amount, big.NewInt(600000), big.NewInt(50000000000), data).SignECDSA(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	evId := c.abi.Events["NewSubscription"].Id()
	filter := filters.New(c.db)
	filter.SetTopics([][]common.Hash{ // TODO refactor, helper
	filter.LogCallback = func(log *vm.Log, removed bool) {
		// TODO: do to and from validation here
			from := log.Topics[1]
			to := log.Topics[2]
		subscriptionId := common.BytesToHash(log.Data[0:31])
		nonce := common.BytesToBig(log.Data[31:])

		defer c.channelMu.Unlock()

		channel, exist := c.subs[subscriptionId]
		if !exist {
			channel = NewSubscription(c, subscriptionId, from, serviceId, nonce)
			c.subs[subscriptionId] = channel

	c.filters.Add(filter, filters.PendingLogFilter)

	return transaction, nil
예제 #4
func TestExecute(t *testing.T) {
	ret, _, err := Execute([]byte{
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 10,
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 0,
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 32,
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 0,
	}, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("didn't expect error", err)

	num := common.BytesToBig(ret)
	if num.Cmp(big.NewInt(10)) != 0 {
		t.Error("Expected 10, got", num)
예제 #5
func TestCall(t *testing.T) {
	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	state, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
	address := common.HexToAddress("0x0a")
	state.SetCode(address, []byte{
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 10,
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 0,
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 32,
		byte(vm.PUSH1), 0,

	ret, err := Call(address, nil, &Config{State: state})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("didn't expect error", err)

	num := common.BytesToBig(ret)
	if num.Cmp(big.NewInt(10)) != 0 {
		t.Error("Expected 10, got", num)
예제 #6
func opSha3(instr instruction, env Environment, context *Context, memory *Memory, stack *stack) {
	offset, size := stack.pop(), stack.pop()
	hash := crypto.Sha3(memory.Get(offset.Int64(), size.Int64()))

예제 #7
파일: abi.go 프로젝트: Raskal8/go-ethereum
// toGoSliceType prses the input and casts it to the proper slice defined by the ABI
// argument in T.
func toGoSlice(i int, t Argument, output []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	index := i * 32
	// The slice must, at very least be large enough for the index+32 which is exactly the size required
	// for the [offset in output, size of offset].
	if index+32 > len(output) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go slice: insufficient size output %d require %d", len(output), index+32)
	elem := t.Type.Elem

	// first we need to create a slice of the type
	var refSlice reflect.Value
	switch elem.T {
	case IntTy, UintTy, BoolTy: // int, uint, bool can all be of type big int.
		refSlice = reflect.ValueOf([]*big.Int(nil))
	case AddressTy: // address must be of slice Address
		refSlice = reflect.ValueOf([]common.Address(nil))
	case HashTy: // hash must be of slice hash
		refSlice = reflect.ValueOf([]common.Hash(nil))
	case FixedBytesTy:
		refSlice = reflect.ValueOf([]byte(nil))
	default: // no other types are supported
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: unsupported slice type %v", elem.T)
	// get the offset which determines the start of this array ...
	offset := int(common.BytesToBig(output[index : index+32]).Uint64())
	if offset+32 > len(output) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go slice: offset %d would go over slice boundary (len=%d)", len(output), offset+32)

	slice := output[offset:]
	// ... starting with the size of the array in elements ...
	size := int(common.BytesToBig(slice[:32]).Uint64())
	slice = slice[32:]
	// ... and make sure that we've at the very least the amount of bytes
	// available in the buffer.
	if size*32 > len(slice) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go slice: insufficient size output %d require %d", len(output), offset+32+size*32)

	// reslice to match the required size
	slice = slice[:(size * 32)]
	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		var (
			inter        interface{}             // interface type
			returnOutput = slice[i*32 : i*32+32] // the return output

		// set inter to the correct type (cast)
		switch elem.T {
		case IntTy, UintTy:
			inter = common.BytesToBig(returnOutput)
		case BoolTy:
			inter = common.BytesToBig(returnOutput).Uint64() > 0
		case AddressTy:
			inter = common.BytesToAddress(returnOutput)
		case HashTy:
			inter = common.BytesToHash(returnOutput)
		// append the item to our reflect slice
		refSlice = reflect.Append(refSlice, reflect.ValueOf(inter))

	// return the interface
	return refSlice.Interface(), nil
예제 #8
파일: abi.go 프로젝트: Raskal8/go-ethereum
// toGoType parses the input and casts it to the proper type defined by the ABI
// argument in T.
func toGoType(i int, t Argument, output []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	// we need to treat slices differently
	if (t.Type.IsSlice || t.Type.IsArray) && t.Type.T != BytesTy && t.Type.T != StringTy && t.Type.T != FixedBytesTy {
		return toGoSlice(i, t, output)

	index := i * 32
	if index+32 > len(output) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go type: length insufficient %d require %d", len(output), index+32)

	// Parse the given index output and check whether we need to read
	// a different offset and length based on the type (i.e. string, bytes)
	var returnOutput []byte
	switch t.Type.T {
	case StringTy, BytesTy: // variable arrays are written at the end of the return bytes
		// parse offset from which we should start reading
		offset := int(common.BytesToBig(output[index : index+32]).Uint64())
		if offset+32 > len(output) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go type: length insufficient %d require %d", len(output), offset+32)
		// parse the size up until we should be reading
		size := int(common.BytesToBig(output[offset : offset+32]).Uint64())
		if offset+32+size > len(output) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: cannot marshal in to go type: length insufficient %d require %d", len(output), offset+32+size)

		// get the bytes for this return value
		returnOutput = output[offset+32 : offset+32+size]
		returnOutput = output[index : index+32]

	// convert the bytes to whatever is specified by the ABI.
	switch t.Type.T {
	case IntTy, UintTy:
		bigNum := common.BytesToBig(returnOutput)

		// If the type is a integer convert to the integer type
		// specified by the ABI.
		switch t.Type.Kind {
		case reflect.Uint8:
			return uint8(bigNum.Uint64()), nil
		case reflect.Uint16:
			return uint16(bigNum.Uint64()), nil
		case reflect.Uint32:
			return uint32(bigNum.Uint64()), nil
		case reflect.Uint64:
			return uint64(bigNum.Uint64()), nil
		case reflect.Int8:
			return int8(bigNum.Int64()), nil
		case reflect.Int16:
			return int16(bigNum.Int64()), nil
		case reflect.Int32:
			return int32(bigNum.Int64()), nil
		case reflect.Int64:
			return int64(bigNum.Int64()), nil
		case reflect.Ptr:
			return bigNum, nil
	case BoolTy:
		return common.BytesToBig(returnOutput).Uint64() > 0, nil
	case AddressTy:
		return common.BytesToAddress(returnOutput), nil
	case HashTy:
		return common.BytesToHash(returnOutput), nil
	case BytesTy, FixedBytesTy:
		return returnOutput, nil
	case StringTy:
		return string(returnOutput), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("abi: unknown type %v", t.Type.T)
예제 #9
func (b Bloom) TestBytes(test []byte) bool {
	return b.Test(common.BytesToBig(test))
예제 #10
func TargetHexToDiff(targetHex string) *big.Int {
	targetBytes := common.FromHex(targetHex)
	return new(big.Int).Div(pow256, common.BytesToBig(targetBytes))