예제 #1
func TestLintAll(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	missingReadmeChart := "missingReadme"

	action.Create(missingReadmeChart, tmpHome)
	os.Remove(util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(tmpHome, missingReadmeChart, "README.md"))

	action.Create("goodChart", tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", tmpHome, "lint", "--all"})

	test.ExpectMatches(t, output, "A README file was not found.*"+missingReadmeChart)
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [goodChart] has passed all necessary checks")
	test.ExpectContains(t, output, "Chart [missingReadme] failed some checks")
예제 #2
func TestLintChartByPath(t *testing.T) {
	home1 := test.CreateTmpHome()
	home2 := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"
	action.Create(chartName, home1)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", home2, "lint", util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home1, chartName)})

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks", chartName))
예제 #3
func TestLintSingle(t *testing.T) {
	tmpHome := test.CreateTmpHome()

	chartName := "goodChart"
	action.Create(chartName, tmpHome)

	output := test.CaptureOutput(func() {
		Cli().Run([]string{"helmc", "--home", tmpHome, "lint", chartName})

	test.ExpectContains(t, output, fmt.Sprintf("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks", chartName))
예제 #4
파일: create.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
package cli

import (

const createDescription = `This will scaffold a new chart named 'chart-name' in your
local workdir. To edit the resulting chart, you may edit the files directly or
use the 'helmc edit' command.`

var createCmd = cli.Command{
	Name:        "create",
	Usage:       "Create a chart in the local workspace.",
	Description: createDescription,
	ArgsUsage:   "[chart-name]",
	Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
		minArgs(c, 1, "create")
		action.Create(c.Args()[0], home(c))