예제 #1
// Matches a role against a compiled globset, and if there is no match, implements legacy behaviour
func matchRoleAgainstCompiledGlobset(r string, patterns []string, globs glob.GlobSet) (bool, error) {
	log.Tracef("[Auth matcher] Testing if role \"%s\" in globset %s", r, globs.String())
	match := globs.MatchString(r)

	if !match && strings.HasSuffix(r, ".*") {
		// wow many cruft, so horror
		// Okay. About this. Old role definitions (which can and should be phased out) allowed pseudo-glob matches in
		// the role definition itself. So a role authoriser might allow "H4BADMIN.*" to allow admins of *any* H4B
		// organisation to access an endpoint. Here, to support that behaviour, we compile the role being matched to a
		// glob, and match it against the globs in the user's globset. Yes, you heard me: we match globs against globs.
		// Meta.
		// These old-style globs were only permitted as the last component of a path, and were optional. As .** allows
		// any number of components, that isn't appropriate. So we test for an exact match without the .* suffix, and a
		// .* match to match a single component.
		r = strings.TrimSuffix(r, ".*")
		r = glob.EscapeGlobComponent(r, RoleGlobOptions)
		roleGlob, err := glob.Compile(fmt.Sprintf("%s.*", r), RoleGlobOptions)
		if err != nil {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("Cannot compile legacy wildcard %s to glob: %v", r, err)

		// Recompile the globs; we now don't want the .** suffix
		globs, err = glob.CompileGlobSet(patterns, RoleGlobOptions)
		if err != nil {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("Cannot compile user roles %s to glob set for legacy matching: %s", globs.String(),

		// Iterate in reverse, so we can bail early if we hit a match
		g := globs.Globs()
		for i := len(g) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			glob := g[i]
			if glob.String() == r || roleGlob.MatchString(glob.String()) {
				match = true

	return match, nil
예제 #2
// Compiles a list of roles to a globset
func compileRolesToGlobset(patterns []string) (glob.GlobSet, error) {
	// Append .** to the patterns (old patterns were all prefix matches)
	p := make([]string, len(patterns))
	for i, pattern := range patterns {
		p[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s.**", pattern)

	// Check if globSet exists in cache
	cacheKey := strings.Join(p, "|")
	if globSet, ok := compiledGlobSetCache.Get(cacheKey); ok {
		return globSet.(glob.GlobSet), nil

	globSet, err := glob.CompileGlobSet(p, RoleGlobOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Add new globSet to cache
	compiledGlobSetCache.Add(cacheKey, globSet)

	return globSet, nil