예제 #1
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific CMServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *CMServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the controller-manager's http service runs on")
	fs.Var(&s.Address, "address", "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.CloudProvider, "cloud-provider", s.CloudProvider, "The provider for cloud services.  Empty string for no provider.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.CloudConfigFile, "cloud-config", s.CloudConfigFile, "The path to the cloud provider configuration file.  Empty string for no configuration file.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ConcurrentEndpointSyncs, "concurrent-endpoint-syncs", s.ConcurrentEndpointSyncs, "The number of endpoint syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint updating, but more CPU (and network) load")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ConcurrentRCSyncs, "concurrent_rc_syncs", s.ConcurrentRCSyncs, "The number of replication controllers that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more reponsive replica management, but more CPU (and network) load")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.NodeSyncPeriod, "node-sync-period", s.NodeSyncPeriod, ""+
		"The period for syncing nodes from cloudprovider. Longer periods will result in "+
		"fewer calls to cloud provider, but may delay addition of new nodes to cluster.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ResourceQuotaSyncPeriod, "resource-quota-sync-period", s.ResourceQuotaSyncPeriod, "The period for syncing quota usage status in the system")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.NamespaceSyncPeriod, "namespace-sync-period", s.NamespaceSyncPeriod, "The period for syncing namespace life-cycle updates")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod, "pvclaimbinder-sync-period", s.PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod, "The period for syncing persistent volumes and persistent volume claims")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.PodEvictionTimeout, "pod-eviction-timeout", s.PodEvictionTimeout, "The grace peroid for deleting pods on failed nodes.")
	fs.Float32Var(&s.DeletingPodsQps, "deleting-pods-qps", 0.1, "Number of nodes per second on which pods are deleted in case of node failure.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.DeletingPodsBurst, "deleting-pods-burst", 10, "Number of nodes on which pods are bursty deleted in case of node failure. For more details look into RateLimiter.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.RegisterRetryCount, "register-retry-count", s.RegisterRetryCount, ""+
		"The number of retries for initial node registration.  Retry interval equals node-sync-period.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.NodeMonitorGracePeriod, "node-monitor-grace-period", 40*time.Second,
		"Amount of time which we allow running Node to be unresponsive before marking it unhealty. "+
			"Must be N times more than kubelet's nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, "+
			"where N means number of retries allowed for kubelet to post node status.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.NodeStartupGracePeriod, "node-startup-grace-period", 60*time.Second,
		"Amount of time which we allow starting Node to be unresponsive before marking it unhealty.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.NodeMonitorPeriod, "node-monitor-period", 5*time.Second,
		"The period for syncing NodeStatus in NodeController.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ServiceAccountKeyFile, "service-account-private-key-file", s.ServiceAccountKeyFile, "Filename containing a PEM-encoded private RSA key used to sign service account tokens.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ClusterName, "cluster-name", s.ClusterName, "The instance prefix for the cluster")
	fs.Var(&s.ClusterCIDR, "cluster-cidr", "CIDR Range for Pods in cluster.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.AllocateNodeCIDRs, "allocate-node-cidrs", false, "Should CIDRs for Pods be allocated and set on the cloud provider.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.RootCAFile, "root-ca-file", s.RootCAFile, "If set, this root certificate authority will be included in service account's token secret. This must be a valid PEM-encoded CA bundle.")
예제 #2
파일: options.go 프로젝트: Q-Lee/kubernetes
func (s *KubeDNSConfig) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.Var(clusterDomainVar{&s.ClusterDomain}, "domain",
		"domain under which to create names")

	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeConfigFile, "kubecfg-file", s.KubeConfigFile,
		"Location of kubecfg file for access to kubernetes master service;"+
			" --kube-master-url overrides the URL part of this; if neither this nor"+
			" --kube-master-url are provided, defaults to service account tokens")
	fs.Var(kubeMasterURLVar{&s.KubeMasterURL}, "kube-master-url",
		"URL to reach kubernetes master. Env variables in this flag will be expanded.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz-port", s.HealthzPort,
		"port on which to serve a kube-dns HTTP readiness probe.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.DNSBindAddress, "dns-bind-address", s.DNSBindAddress,
		"address on which to serve DNS requests.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.DNSPort, "dns-port", s.DNSPort, "port on which to serve DNS requests.")

	fs.Var(federationsVar{s.Federations}, "federations",
		"a comma separated list of the federation names and their corresponding"+
			" domain names to which this cluster belongs. Example:"+
			" \"myfederation1=example.com,myfederation2=example2.com,myfederation3=example.com\"."+
			" It is an error to set both the federations and config-map flags.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("federations", "use config-map instead. Will be removed in future version")

	fs.StringVar(&s.ConfigMapNs, "config-map-namespace", s.ConfigMapNs,
		"namespace for the config-map")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ConfigMap, "config-map", s.ConfigMap,
		"config-map name. If empty, then the config-map will not used. Cannot be "+
			" used in conjunction with federations flag. config-map contains "+
			"dynamically adjustable configuration.")
예제 #3
func registerFlagInt(t reflect.Kind, fs *pflag.FlagSet, field interface{}, parts []string, vt int64, desc string) {
	switch t {
	case reflect.Int:
		if len(parts) == 1 {
			fs.IntVar(field.(*int), parts[0], int(vt), desc)
		} else {
			fs.IntVarP(field.(*int), parts[0], parts[1], int(vt), desc)
	case reflect.Int8:
		if len(parts) == 1 {
			fs.Int8Var(field.(*int8), parts[0], int8(vt), desc)
		} else {
			fs.Int8VarP(field.(*int8), parts[0], parts[1], int8(vt), desc)
	case reflect.Int32:
		if len(parts) == 1 {
			fs.Int32Var(field.(*int32), parts[0], int32(vt), desc)
		} else {
			fs.Int32VarP(field.(*int32), parts[0], parts[1], int32(vt), desc)
	case reflect.Int64:
		if len(parts) == 1 {
			fs.Int64Var(field.(*int64), parts[0], int64(vt), desc)
		} else {
			fs.Int64VarP(field.(*int64), parts[0], parts[1], int64(vt), desc)
예제 #4
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific ProxyServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *ProxyServerConfig) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.Var(componentconfig.IPVar{Val: &s.BindAddress}, "bind-address", "The IP address for the proxy server to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz-port", s.HealthzPort, "The port to bind the health check server. Use 0 to disable.")
	fs.Var(componentconfig.IPVar{Val: &s.HealthzBindAddress}, "healthz-bind-address", "The IP address for the health check server to serve on, defaulting to (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.IntVar(s.OOMScoreAdj, "oom-score-adj", util.IntPtrDerefOr(s.OOMScoreAdj, qos.KubeProxyOOMScoreAdj), "The oom-score-adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ResourceContainer, "resource-container", s.ResourceContainer, "Absolute name of the resource-only container to create and run the Kube-proxy in (Default: /kube-proxy).")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("resource-container", "This feature will be removed in a later release.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization information (the master location is set by the master flag).")
	fs.Var(componentconfig.PortRangeVar{Val: &s.PortRange}, "proxy-port-range", "Range of host ports (beginPort-endPort, inclusive) that may be consumed in order to proxy service traffic. If unspecified (0-0) then ports will be randomly chosen.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.HostnameOverride, "hostname-override", s.HostnameOverride, "If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.")
	fs.Var(&s.Mode, "proxy-mode", "Which proxy mode to use: 'userspace' (older) or 'iptables' (faster). If blank, look at the Node object on the Kubernetes API and respect the '"+ExperimentalProxyModeAnnotation+"' annotation if provided.  Otherwise use the best-available proxy (currently iptables).  If the iptables proxy is selected, regardless of how, but the system's kernel or iptables versions are insufficient, this always falls back to the userspace proxy.")
	fs.IntVar(s.IPTablesMasqueradeBit, "iptables-masquerade-bit", util.IntPtrDerefOr(s.IPTablesMasqueradeBit, 14), "If using the pure iptables proxy, the bit of the fwmark space to mark packets requiring SNAT with.  Must be within the range [0, 31].")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.IPTablesSyncPeriod.Duration, "iptables-sync-period", s.IPTablesSyncPeriod.Duration, "How often iptables rules are refreshed (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m').  Must be greater than 0.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ConfigSyncPeriod, "config-sync-period", s.ConfigSyncPeriod, "How often configuration from the apiserver is refreshed.  Must be greater than 0.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.MasqueradeAll, "masquerade-all", s.MasqueradeAll, "If using the pure iptables proxy, SNAT everything")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ClusterCIDR, "cluster-cidr", s.ClusterCIDR, "The CIDR range of pods in the cluster. It is used to bridge traffic coming from outside of the cluster. If not provided, no off-cluster bridging will be performed.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.CleanupAndExit, "cleanup-iptables", s.CleanupAndExit, "If true cleanup iptables rules and exit.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ContentType, "kube-api-content-type", s.ContentType, "ContentType of requests sent to apiserver. Passing application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf is an experimental feature now.")
	fs.Float32Var(&s.KubeAPIQPS, "kube-api-qps", s.KubeAPIQPS, "QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver")
	fs.IntVar(&s.KubeAPIBurst, "kube-api-burst", s.KubeAPIBurst, "Burst to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.UDPIdleTimeout.Duration, "udp-timeout", s.UDPIdleTimeout.Duration, "How long an idle UDP connection will be kept open (e.g. '250ms', '2s').  Must be greater than 0. Only applicable for proxy-mode=userspace")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ConntrackMax, "conntrack-max", s.ConntrackMax, "Maximum number of NAT connections to track (0 to leave as-is)")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ConntrackTCPEstablishedTimeout.Duration, "conntrack-tcp-timeout-established", s.ConntrackTCPEstablishedTimeout.Duration, "Idle timeout for established TCP connections (0 to leave as-is)")
예제 #5
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *APIServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	// Add the generic flags.
	// Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to
	// arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr.
	fs.StringVar(&s.APIPrefix, "api-prefix", s.APIPrefix, "The prefix for API requests on the server. Default '/api'.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("api-prefix", "--api-prefix is deprecated and will be removed when the v1 API is retired.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.DeprecatedStorageVersion, "storage-version", s.DeprecatedStorageVersion, "The version to store the legacy v1 resources with. Defaults to server preferred")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("storage-version", "--storage-version is deprecated and will be removed when the v1 API is retired. See --storage-versions instead.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.StorageVersions, "storage-versions", s.StorageVersions, "The per-group version to store resources in. "+
		"Specified in the format \"group1/version1,group2/version2,...\". "+
		"In the case where objects are moved from one group to the other, you may specify the format \"group1=group2/v1beta1,group3/v1beta1,...\". "+
		"You only need to pass the groups you wish to change from the defaults. "+
		"It defaults to a list of preferred versions of all registered groups, which is derived from the KUBE_API_VERSIONS environment variable.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.CloudProvider, "cloud-provider", s.CloudProvider, "The provider for cloud services.  Empty string for no provider.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.CloudConfigFile, "cloud-config", s.CloudConfigFile, "The path to the cloud provider configuration file.  Empty string for no configuration file.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.EventTTL, "event-ttl", s.EventTTL, "Amount of time to retain events. Default 1 hour.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.BasicAuthFile, "basic-auth-file", s.BasicAuthFile, "If set, the file that will be used to admit requests to the secure port of the API server via http basic authentication.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.TokenAuthFile, "token-auth-file", s.TokenAuthFile, "If set, the file that will be used to secure the secure port of the API server via token authentication.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.OIDCIssuerURL, "oidc-issuer-url", s.OIDCIssuerURL, "The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. If set, it will be used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.OIDCClientID, "oidc-client-id", s.OIDCClientID, "The client ID for the OpenID Connect client, must be set if oidc-issuer-url is set")
	fs.StringVar(&s.OIDCCAFile, "oidc-ca-file", s.OIDCCAFile, "If set, the OpenID server's certificate will be verified by one of the authorities in the oidc-ca-file, otherwise the host's root CA set will be used")
	fs.StringVar(&s.OIDCUsernameClaim, "oidc-username-claim", "sub", ""+
		"The OpenID claim to use as the user name. Note that claims other than the default ('sub') is not "+
		"guaranteed to be unique and immutable. This flag is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.OIDCGroupsClaim, "oidc-groups-claim", "", "If provided, the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups. The claim value is expected to be an array of strings. This flag is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ServiceAccountKeyFile, "service-account-key-file", s.ServiceAccountKeyFile, "File containing PEM-encoded x509 RSA private or public key, used to verify ServiceAccount tokens. If unspecified, --tls-private-key-file is used.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ServiceAccountLookup, "service-account-lookup", s.ServiceAccountLookup, "If true, validate ServiceAccount tokens exist in etcd as part of authentication.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KeystoneURL, "experimental-keystone-url", s.KeystoneURL, "If passed, activates the keystone authentication plugin")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AuthorizationMode, "authorization-mode", s.AuthorizationMode, "Ordered list of plug-ins to do authorization on secure port. Comma-delimited list of: "+strings.Join(apiserver.AuthorizationModeChoices, ","))
	fs.StringVar(&s.AuthorizationConfig.PolicyFile, "authorization-policy-file", s.AuthorizationConfig.PolicyFile, "File with authorization policy in csv format, used with --authorization-mode=ABAC, on the secure port.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AuthorizationConfig.WebhookConfigFile, "authorization-webhook-config-file", s.AuthorizationConfig.WebhookConfigFile, "File with webhook configuration in kubeconfig format, used with --authorization-mode=Webhook. The API server will query the remote service to determine access on the API server's secure port.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AdmissionControl, "admission-control", s.AdmissionControl, "Ordered list of plug-ins to do admission control of resources into cluster. Comma-delimited list of: "+strings.Join(admission.GetPlugins(), ", "))
	fs.StringVar(&s.AdmissionControlConfigFile, "admission-control-config-file", s.AdmissionControlConfigFile, "File with admission control configuration.")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdConfig.ServerList, "etcd-servers", s.EtcdConfig.ServerList, "List of etcd servers to watch (http://ip:port), comma separated.")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdServersOverrides, "etcd-servers-overrides", s.EtcdServersOverrides, "Per-resource etcd servers overrides, comma separated. The individual override format: group/resource#servers, where servers are http://ip:port, semicolon separated.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdConfig.Prefix, "etcd-prefix", s.EtcdConfig.Prefix, "The prefix for all resource paths in etcd.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdConfig.KeyFile, "etcd-keyfile", s.EtcdConfig.KeyFile, "SSL key file used to secure etcd communication")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdConfig.CertFile, "etcd-certfile", s.EtcdConfig.CertFile, "SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdConfig.CAFile, "etcd-cafile", s.EtcdConfig.CAFile, "SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EtcdConfig.Quorum, "etcd-quorum-read", s.EtcdConfig.Quorum, "If true, enable quorum read")
	fs.IntVar(&s.EtcdConfig.DeserializationCacheSize, "deserialization-cache-size", s.EtcdConfig.DeserializationCacheSize, "Number of deserialized json objects to cache in memory.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.AllowPrivileged, "allow-privileged", s.AllowPrivileged, "If true, allow privileged containers.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MasterServiceNamespace, "master-service-namespace", s.MasterServiceNamespace, "The namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods")
	fs.IntVar(&s.DeleteCollectionWorkers, "delete-collection-workers", s.DeleteCollectionWorkers, "Number of workers spawned for DeleteCollection call. These are used to speed up namespace cleanup.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.SSHUser, "ssh-user", s.SSHUser, "If non-empty, use secure SSH proxy to the nodes, using this user name")
	fs.StringVar(&s.SSHKeyfile, "ssh-keyfile", s.SSHKeyfile, "If non-empty, use secure SSH proxy to the nodes, using this user keyfile")
	fs.Int64Var(&s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec, "max-connection-bytes-per-sec", s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec, "If non-zero, throttle each user connection to this number of bytes/sec.  Currently only applies to long-running requests")
	// Kubelet related flags:
	fs.BoolVar(&s.KubeletConfig.EnableHttps, "kubelet-https", s.KubeletConfig.EnableHttps, "Use https for kubelet connections")
	fs.UintVar(&s.KubeletConfig.Port, "kubelet-port", s.KubeletConfig.Port, "Kubelet port")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("kubelet-port", "kubelet-port is deprecated and will be removed")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.KubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout, "kubelet-timeout", s.KubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout, "Timeout for kubelet operations")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.CertFile, "kubelet-client-certificate", s.KubeletConfig.CertFile, "Path to a client cert file for TLS.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.KeyFile, "kubelet-client-key", s.KubeletConfig.KeyFile, "Path to a client key file for TLS.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.CAFile, "kubelet-certificate-authority", s.KubeletConfig.CAFile, "Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority.")
	// TODO: delete this flag as soon as we identify and fix all clients that send malformed updates, like #14126.
	fs.BoolVar(&validation.RepairMalformedUpdates, "repair-malformed-updates", validation.RepairMalformedUpdates, "If true, server will do its best to fix the update request to pass the validation, e.g., setting empty UID in update request to its existing value. This flag can be turned off after we fix all the clients that send malformed updates.")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.WatchCacheSizes, "watch-cache-sizes", s.WatchCacheSizes, "List of watch cache sizes for every resource (pods, nodes, etc.), comma separated. The individual override format: resource#size, where size is a number. It takes effect when watch-cache is enabled.")
예제 #6
// InstallFlags adds flags to the pflag.FlagSet to configure the daemon
func (config *Config) InstallFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
	// First handle install flags which are consistent cross-platform

	// Then install flags common to unix platforms

	config.Ulimits = make(map[string]*units.Ulimit)

	// Then platform-specific install flags
	flags.BoolVar(&config.EnableSelinuxSupport, "selinux-enabled", false, "Enable selinux support")
	flags.Var(runconfigopts.NewUlimitOpt(&config.Ulimits), "default-ulimit", "Default ulimits for containers")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPTables, "iptables", true, "Enable addition of iptables rules")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPForward, "ip-forward", true, "Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPMasq, "ip-masq", true, "Enable IP masquerading")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPv6, "ipv6", false, "Enable IPv6 networking")
	flags.StringVar(&config.ExecRoot, "exec-root", defaultExecRoot, "Root directory for execution state files")
	flags.StringVar(&config.bridgeConfig.FixedCIDRv6, "fixed-cidr-v6", "", "IPv6 subnet for fixed IPs")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.bridgeConfig.EnableUserlandProxy, "userland-proxy", true, "Use userland proxy for loopback traffic")
	flags.StringVar(&config.bridgeConfig.UserlandProxyPath, "userland-proxy-path", "", "Path to the userland proxy binary")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.EnableCors, "api-enable-cors", false, "Enable CORS headers in the remote API, this is deprecated by --api-cors-header")
	flags.MarkDeprecated("api-enable-cors", "Please use --api-cors-header")
	flags.StringVar(&config.CgroupParent, "cgroup-parent", "", "Set parent cgroup for all containers")
	flags.StringVar(&config.RemappedRoot, "userns-remap", "", "User/Group setting for user namespaces")
	flags.StringVar(&config.ContainerdAddr, "containerd", "", "Path to containerd socket")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.LiveRestoreEnabled, "live-restore", false, "Enable live restore of docker when containers are still running")
	flags.IntVar(&config.OOMScoreAdjust, "oom-score-adjust", -500, "Set the oom_score_adj for the daemon")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.Init, "init", false, "Run an init in the container to forward signals and reap processes")
	flags.StringVar(&config.InitPath, "init-path", "", "Path to the docker-init binary")
	flags.Int64Var(&config.CPURealtimePeriod, "cpu-rt-period", 0, "Limit the CPU real-time period in microseconds")
	flags.Int64Var(&config.CPURealtimeRuntime, "cpu-rt-runtime", 0, "Limit the CPU real-time runtime in microseconds")
	flags.StringVar(&config.SeccompProfile, "seccomp-profile", "", "Path to seccomp profile")

예제 #7
파일: options.go 프로젝트: Zogg/kubernetes
func (s *KubeDNSConfig) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.Var(clusterDomainVar{&s.ClusterDomain}, "domain", "domain under which to create names")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeConfigFile, "kubecfg-file", s.KubeConfigFile, "Location of kubecfg file for access to kubernetes master service; --kube-master-url overrides the URL part of this; if neither this nor --kube-master-url are provided, defaults to service account tokens")
	fs.Var(kubeMasterURLVar{&s.KubeMasterURL}, "kube-master-url", "URL to reach kubernetes master. Env variables in this flag will be expanded.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz-port", s.HealthzPort, "port on which to serve a kube-dns HTTP readiness probe.")
	fs.Var(federationsVar{s.Federations}, "federations", "a comma separated list of the federation names and their corresponding domain names to which this cluster belongs. Example: \"myfederation1=example.com,myfederation2=example2.com,myfederation3=example.com\"")
예제 #8
// AddEtcdFlags adds flags related to etcd storage for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *EtcdOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdServersOverrides, "etcd-servers-overrides", s.EtcdServersOverrides, ""+
		"Per-resource etcd servers overrides, comma separated. The individual override "+
		"format: group/resource#servers, where servers are http://ip:port, semicolon separated.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.Type, "storage-backend", s.StorageConfig.Type,
		"The storage backend for persistence. Options: 'etcd3' (default), 'etcd2'.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.StorageConfig.DeserializationCacheSize, "deserialization-cache-size", s.StorageConfig.DeserializationCacheSize,
		"Number of deserialized json objects to cache in memory.")

	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.StorageConfig.ServerList, "etcd-servers", s.StorageConfig.ServerList,
		"List of etcd servers to connect with (scheme://ip:port), comma separated.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.Prefix, "etcd-prefix", s.StorageConfig.Prefix,
		"The prefix to prepend to all resource paths in etcd.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.KeyFile, "etcd-keyfile", s.StorageConfig.KeyFile,
		"SSL key file used to secure etcd communication.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.CertFile, "etcd-certfile", s.StorageConfig.CertFile,
		"SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.CAFile, "etcd-cafile", s.StorageConfig.CAFile,
		"SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication.")

	fs.BoolVar(&s.StorageConfig.Quorum, "etcd-quorum-read", s.StorageConfig.Quorum,
		"If true, enable quorum read.")
예제 #9
func (o *PersistentVolumeControllerOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.DurationVar(&o.PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod, "pvclaimbinder-sync-period", o.PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod,
		"The period for syncing persistent volumes and persistent volume claims")
		"pv-recycler-pod-template-filepath-nfs", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplateFilePathNFS,
		"The file path to a pod definition used as a template for NFS persistent volume recycling")
	fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutNFS, "pv-recycler-minimum-timeout-nfs",
		o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutNFS, "The minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for an NFS Recycler pod")
	fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutNFS, "pv-recycler-increment-timeout-nfs",
		o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutNFS, "the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for an NFS scrubber pod")
	fs.StringVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplateFilePathHostPath, "pv-recycler-pod-template-filepath-hostpath",
		"The file path to a pod definition used as a template for HostPath persistent volume recycling. "+
			"This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster.")
	fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutHostPath, "pv-recycler-minimum-timeout-hostpath",
		"The minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for a HostPath Recycler pod. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster.")
	fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutHostPath, "pv-recycler-timeout-increment-hostpath",
		"the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for a HostPath scrubber pod. "+
			"This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster.")
	fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMaximumRetry, "pv-recycler-maximum-retry",
		"Maximum number of attempts to recycle or delete a persistent volume")
	fs.BoolVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableHostPathProvisioning, "enable-hostpath-provisioner", o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableHostPathProvisioning,
		"Enable HostPath PV provisioning when running without a cloud provider. This allows testing and development of provisioning features. "+
			"HostPath provisioning is not supported in any way, won't work in a multi-node cluster, and should not be used for anything other than testing or development.")
	fs.BoolVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableDynamicProvisioning, "enable-dynamic-provisioning", o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableDynamicProvisioning,
		"Enable dynamic provisioning for environments that support it.")
예제 #10
파일: options.go 프로젝트: ncdc/kubernetes
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific SchedulerServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *SchedulerServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.Int32Var(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Address, "address", s.Address, "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AlgorithmProvider, "algorithm-provider", s.AlgorithmProvider, "The scheduling algorithm provider to use, one of: "+factory.ListAlgorithmProviders())
	fs.StringVar(&s.PolicyConfigFile, "policy-config-file", s.PolicyConfigFile, "File with scheduler policy configuration")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
	var unusedBindPodsQPS float32
	fs.Float32Var(&unusedBindPodsQPS, "bind-pods-qps", 0, "unused, use --kube-api-qps")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("bind-pods-qps", "flag is unused and will be removed. Use kube-api-qps instead.")
	var unusedBindPodsBurst int32
	fs.Int32Var(&unusedBindPodsBurst, "bind-pods-burst", 0, "unused, use --kube-api-burst")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("bind-pods-burst", "flag is unused and will be removed. Use kube-api-burst instead.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ContentType, "kube-api-content-type", s.ContentType, "Content type of requests sent to apiserver.")
	fs.Float32Var(&s.KubeAPIQPS, "kube-api-qps", s.KubeAPIQPS, "QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver")
	fs.Int32Var(&s.KubeAPIBurst, "kube-api-burst", s.KubeAPIBurst, "Burst to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver")
	fs.StringVar(&s.SchedulerName, "scheduler-name", s.SchedulerName, "Name of the scheduler, used to select which pods will be processed by this scheduler, based on pod's annotation with key 'scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/name'")
	fs.IntVar(&s.HardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight, "hard-pod-affinity-symmetric-weight", api.DefaultHardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight,
		"RequiredDuringScheduling affinity is not symmetric, but there is an implicit PreferredDuringScheduling affinity rule corresponding "+
			"to every RequiredDuringScheduling affinity rule. --hard-pod-affinity-symmetric-weight represents the weight of implicit PreferredDuringScheduling affinity rule.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.FailureDomains, "failure-domains", api.DefaultFailureDomains, "Indicate the \"all topologies\" set for an empty topologyKey when it's used for PreferredDuringScheduling pod anti-affinity.")
	leaderelection.BindFlags(&s.LeaderElection, fs)
예제 #11
func (s *KubeletExecutorServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.DurationVar(&s.SuicideTimeout, "suicide-timeout", s.SuicideTimeout, "Self-terminate after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ShutdownFD, "shutdown-fd", s.ShutdownFD, "File descriptor used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fifo flag")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ShutdownFIFO, "shutdown-fifo", s.ShutdownFIFO, "FIFO used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fd flag")
	fs.StringVar(&s.cgroupPrefix, "cgroup-prefix", s.cgroupPrefix, "The cgroup prefix concatenated with MESOS_DIRECTORY must give the executor cgroup set by Mesos")
예제 #12
파일: service.go 프로젝트: rimey/kubernetes
func (s *SchedulerServer) addCoreFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.IPVar(&s.Address, "address", s.Address, "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", s.EnableProfiling, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.APIServerList, "api-servers", s.APIServerList, "List of Kubernetes API servers for publishing events, and reading pods and services. (ip:port), comma separated.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AuthPath, "auth-path", s.AuthPath, "Path to .kubernetes_auth file, specifying how to authenticate to API server.")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdServerList, "etcd-servers", s.EtcdServerList, "List of etcd servers to watch (http://ip:port), comma separated. Mutually exclusive with --etcd-config")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdConfigFile, "etcd-config", s.EtcdConfigFile, "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with --etcd-servers.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.AllowPrivileged, "allow-privileged", s.AllowPrivileged, "If true, allow privileged containers.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ClusterDomain, "cluster-domain", s.ClusterDomain, "Domain for this cluster.  If set, kubelet will configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the host's search domains")
	fs.IPVar(&s.ClusterDNS, "cluster-dns", s.ClusterDNS, "IP address for a cluster DNS server. If set, kubelet will configure all containers to use this for DNS resolution in addition to the host's DNS servers")
	fs.StringVar(&s.StaticPodsConfigPath, "static-pods-config", s.StaticPodsConfigPath, "Path for specification of static pods. Path should point to dir containing the staticPods configuration files. Defaults to none.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosMaster, "mesos-master", s.MesosMaster, "Location of the Mesos master. The format is a comma-delimited list of of hosts like zk://host1:port,host2:port/mesos. If using ZooKeeper, pay particular attention to the leading zk:// and trailing /mesos! If not using ZooKeeper, standard URLs like http://localhost are also acceptable.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosUser, "mesos-user", s.MesosUser, "Mesos user for this framework, defaults to root.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosRole, "mesos-role", s.MesosRole, "Mesos role for this framework, defaults to none.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosAuthPrincipal, "mesos-authentication-principal", s.MesosAuthPrincipal, "Mesos authentication principal.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosAuthSecretFile, "mesos-authentication-secret-file", s.MesosAuthSecretFile, "Mesos authentication secret file.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosAuthProvider, "mesos-authentication-provider", s.MesosAuthProvider, fmt.Sprintf("Authentication provider to use, default is SASL that supports mechanisms: %+v", mech.ListSupported()))
	fs.BoolVar(&s.Checkpoint, "checkpoint", s.Checkpoint, "Enable/disable checkpointing for the kubernetes-mesos framework.")
	fs.Float64Var(&s.FailoverTimeout, "failover-timeout", s.FailoverTimeout, fmt.Sprintf("Framework failover timeout, in sec."))
	fs.UintVar(&s.DriverPort, "driver-port", s.DriverPort, "Port that the Mesos scheduler driver process should listen on.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.HostnameOverride, "hostname-override", s.HostnameOverride, "If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.")
	fs.Int64Var(&s.ReconcileInterval, "reconcile-interval", s.ReconcileInterval, "Interval at which to execute task reconciliation, in sec. Zero disables.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ReconcileCooldown, "reconcile-cooldown", s.ReconcileCooldown, "Minimum rest period between task reconciliation operations.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.SchedulerConfigFileName, "scheduler-config", s.SchedulerConfigFileName, "An ini-style configuration file with low-level scheduler settings.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.Graceful, "graceful", s.Graceful, "Indicator of a graceful failover, intended for internal use only.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.HA, "ha", s.HA, "Run the scheduler in high availability mode with leader election. All peers should be configured exactly the same.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.FrameworkName, "framework-name", s.FrameworkName, "The framework name to register with Mesos.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.FrameworkWebURI, "framework-weburi", s.FrameworkWebURI, "A URI that points to a web-based interface for interacting with the framework.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AdvertisedAddress, "advertised-address", s.AdvertisedAddress, "host:port address that is advertised to clients. May be used to construct artifact download URIs.")
	fs.IPVar(&s.ServiceAddress, "service-address", s.ServiceAddress, "The service portal IP address that the scheduler should register with (if unset, chooses randomly)")
	fs.Var(&s.DefaultContainerCPULimit, "default-container-cpu-limit", "Containers without a CPU resource limit are admitted this much CPU shares")
	fs.Var(&s.DefaultContainerMemLimit, "default-container-mem-limit", "Containers without a memory resource limit are admitted this much amount of memory in MB")

	fs.IntVar(&s.ExecutorLogV, "executor-logv", s.ExecutorLogV, "Logging verbosity of spawned minion and executor processes.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ExecutorBindall, "executor-bindall", s.ExecutorBindall, "When true will set -address of the executor to")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ExecutorSuicideTimeout, "executor-suicide-timeout", s.ExecutorSuicideTimeout, "Executor self-terminates after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ExecutorCgroupPrefix, "executor-cgroup-prefix", s.ExecutorCgroupPrefix, "The cgroup prefix concatenated with MESOS_DIRECTORY must give the executor cgroup set by Mesos")

	fs.BoolVar(&s.ProxyBindall, "proxy-bindall", s.ProxyBindall, "When true pass -proxy-bindall to the executor.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.RunProxy, "run-proxy", s.RunProxy, "Run the kube-proxy as a side process of the executor.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ProxyLogV, "proxy-logv", s.ProxyLogV, "Logging verbosity of spawned minion proxy processes.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.MinionPathOverride, "minion-path-override", s.MinionPathOverride, "Override the PATH in the environment of the minion sub-processes.")
	fs.Var(resource.NewQuantityFlagValue(&s.MinionLogMaxSize), "minion-max-log-size", "Maximum log file size for the executor and proxy before rotation")
	fs.IntVar(&s.MinionLogMaxAgeInDays, "minion-max-log-age", s.MinionLogMaxAgeInDays, "Maximum log file age of the executor and proxy in days")
	fs.IntVar(&s.MinionLogMaxBackups, "minion-max-log-backups", s.MinionLogMaxBackups, "Maximum log file backups of the executor and proxy to keep after rotation")

	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletRootDirectory, "kubelet-root-dir", s.KubeletRootDirectory, "Directory path for managing kubelet files (volume mounts,etc). Defaults to executor sandbox.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletDockerEndpoint, "kubelet-docker-endpoint", s.KubeletDockerEndpoint, "If non-empty, kubelet will use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletPodInfraContainerImage, "kubelet-pod-infra-container-image", s.KubeletPodInfraContainerImage, "The image whose network/ipc namespaces containers in each pod will use.")
	fs.UintVar(&s.KubeletCadvisorPort, "kubelet-cadvisor-port", s.KubeletCadvisorPort, "The port of the kubelet's local cAdvisor endpoint")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletHostNetworkSources, "kubelet-host-network-sources", s.KubeletHostNetworkSources, "Comma-separated list of sources from which the Kubelet allows pods to use of host network. For all sources use \"*\" [default=\"file\"]")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.KubeletSyncFrequency, "kubelet-sync-frequency", s.KubeletSyncFrequency, "Max period between synchronizing running containers and config")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletNetworkPluginName, "kubelet-network-plugin", s.KubeletNetworkPluginName, "<Warning: Alpha feature> The name of the network plugin to be invoked for various events in kubelet/pod lifecycle")

	//TODO(jdef) support this flag once we have a better handle on mesos-dns and k8s DNS integration
	//fs.StringVar(&s.HADomain, "ha-domain", s.HADomain, "Domain of the HA scheduler service, only used in HA mode. If specified may be used to construct artifact download URIs.")
예제 #13
파일: serving.go 프로젝트: nak3/kubernetes
func (s *ServingOptions) AddDeprecatedFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "address", s.BindAddress,
		"DEPRECATED: see --insecure-bind-address instead.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("address", "see --insecure-bind-address instead.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.BindPort, "port", s.BindPort, "DEPRECATED: see --insecure-port instead.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("port", "see --insecure-port instead.")
예제 #14
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific ProxyServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *ProxyServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.Var(&s.BindAddress, "bind_address", "The IP address for the proxy server to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz_port", s.HealthzPort, "The port to bind the health check server. Use 0 to disable.")
	fs.Var(&s.HealthzBindAddress, "healthz_bind_address", "The IP address for the health check server to serve on, defaulting to (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.OOMScoreAdj, "oom_score_adj", s.OOMScoreAdj, "The oom_score_adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ResourceContainer, "resource_container", s.ResourceContainer, "Absolute name of the resource-only container to create and run the Kube-proxy in (Default: /kube-proxy).")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
예제 #15
func intFlag(f *pflag.FlagSet, valPtr *int, flagInfo cliflags.FlagInfo, defaultVal int) {
	if flagInfo.Shorthand == "" {
		f.IntVar(valPtr, flagInfo.Name, defaultVal, makeUsageString(flagInfo))
	} else {
		f.IntVarP(valPtr, flagInfo.Name, flagInfo.Shorthand, defaultVal, makeUsageString(flagInfo))

	setFlagFromEnv(f, flagInfo)
예제 #16
파일: server.go 프로젝트: Tlacenka/origin
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific SchedulerServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *SchedulerServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.Var(&s.Address, "address", "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AlgorithmProvider, "algorithm-provider", s.AlgorithmProvider, "The scheduling algorithm provider to use, one of: "+factory.ListAlgorithmProviders())
	fs.StringVar(&s.PolicyConfigFile, "policy-config-file", s.PolicyConfigFile, "File with scheduler policy configuration")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
예제 #17
func (conf *DatastoreConfig) AddFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet) {
	flags.StringVarP(&conf.Mode, "mode", "m", "load", "[load|run]")
	flags.Int64VarP(&conf.Records, "records", "", 1000000, "Number of Records.")
	flags.IntVar(&conf.FieldCount, "fieldcount", 10, "Number of Fields.")
	flags.IntVar(&conf.FieldSize, "fieldsize", 100, "Size of Fields.")
	flags.Float64Var(&conf.ReadRatio, "readratio", 0.95, "Ratio of Reads.")
	flags.Float64Var(&conf.UpdateRatio, "updateratio", 0.05, "Ratio of Updates.")
	//	flags.Float64Var(&conf.InsertRatio, "readratio", 0.0, "Ratio of Inserts.")
	//	flags.Float64Var(&conf.ScanRatio, "readratio", 0.0, "Ratio of Scan operations.")
예제 #18
func (s *QingletExecutorServer) addCoreFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.BoolVar(&s.RunProxy, "run-proxy", s.RunProxy, "Maintain a running qing-proxy instance as a child proc of this qinglet-executor.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ProxyLogV, "proxy-logv", s.ProxyLogV, "Log verbosity of the child qing-proxy.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ProxyLogfile, "proxy-logfile", s.ProxyLogfile, "Path to the qing-proxy log file.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ProxyBindall, "proxy-bindall", s.ProxyBindall, "When true will cause qing-proxy to bind to")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.SuicideTimeout, "suicide-timeout", s.SuicideTimeout, "Self-terminate after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ShutdownFD, "shutdown-fd", s.ShutdownFD, "File descriptor used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fifo flag")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ShutdownFIFO, "shutdown-fifo", s.ShutdownFIFO, "FIFO used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fd flag")
예제 #19
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific VMTServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *VMTServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MetaConfigPath, "config-path", s.MetaConfigPath, "The path to the vmt config file.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdServerList, "etcd-servers", s.EtcdServerList, "List of etcd servers to watch (http://ip:port), comma separated. Mutually exclusive with -etcd-config")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdCA, "cacert", s.EtcdCA, "Path to etcd ca.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdClientCertificate, "client-cert", s.EtcdClientCertificate, "Path to etcd client certificate")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdClientKey, "client-key", s.EtcdClientKey, "Path to etcd client key")
예제 #20
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific ProxyServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *ProxyServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "bind-address", s.BindAddress, "The IP address for the proxy server to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz-port", s.HealthzPort, "The port to bind the health check server. Use 0 to disable.")
	fs.IPVar(&s.HealthzBindAddress, "healthz-bind-address", s.HealthzBindAddress, "The IP address for the health check server to serve on, defaulting to (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.OOMScoreAdj, "oom-score-adj", s.OOMScoreAdj, "The oom_score_adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ResourceContainer, "resource-container", s.ResourceContainer, "Absolute name of the resource-only container to create and run the Kube-proxy in (Default: /kube-proxy).")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization information (the master location is set by the master flag).")
	fs.Var(&s.PortRange, "proxy-port-range", "Range of host ports (beginPort-endPort, inclusive) that may be consumed in order to proxy service traffic. If unspecified (0-0) then ports will be randomly chosen.")
예제 #21
func (s *KubeletExecutorServer) addCoreFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.BoolVar(&s.RunProxy, "run-proxy", s.RunProxy, "Maintain a running kube-proxy instance as a child proc of this kubelet-executor.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ProxyLogV, "proxy-logv", s.ProxyLogV, "Log verbosity of the child kube-proxy.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ProxyLogfile, "proxy-logfile", s.ProxyLogfile, "Path to the kube-proxy log file.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ProxyBindall, "proxy-bindall", s.ProxyBindall, "When true will cause kube-proxy to bind to")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.SuicideTimeout, "suicide-timeout", s.SuicideTimeout, "Self-terminate after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ShutdownFD, "shutdown-fd", s.ShutdownFD, "File descriptor used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fifo flag")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ShutdownFIFO, "shutdown-fifo", s.ShutdownFIFO, "FIFO used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fd flag")
	fs.StringVar(&s.cgroupPrefix, "cgroup-prefix", s.cgroupPrefix, "The cgroup prefix concatenated with MESOS_DIRECTORY must give the executor cgroup set by Mesos")
예제 #22
파일: serving.go 프로젝트: nak3/kubernetes
func (s *ServingOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "insecure-bind-address", s.BindAddress, ""+
		"The IP address on which to serve the --insecure-port (set to for all interfaces). "+
		"Defaults to localhost.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.BindPort, "insecure-port", s.BindPort, ""+
		"The port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. Default 8080. It is assumed "+
		"that firewall rules are set up such that this port is not reachable from outside of "+
		"the cluster and that port 443 on the cluster's public address is proxied to this "+
		"port. This is performed by nginx in the default setup.")
예제 #23
func (s *serverOption) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {

	fs.StringVar(&s.ConfigFile, "config-file", s.ConfigFile, ""+
		"specify a configure file for server run. ")

	fs.IntVar(&s.CpuCoreNum, "cpu-core-num", s.CpuCoreNum, ""+
		"specify how many cpu core will be alloc for program")

	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableUDPRelay, "enable-udp-relay", s.EnableUDPRelay, ""+
		"enable udp relay")
예제 #24
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific SchedulerServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *SchedulerServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.IPVar(&s.Address, "address", s.Address, "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AlgorithmProvider, "algorithm-provider", s.AlgorithmProvider, "The scheduling algorithm provider to use, one of: "+factory.ListAlgorithmProviders())
	fs.StringVar(&s.PolicyConfigFile, "policy-config-file", s.PolicyConfigFile, "File with scheduler policy configuration")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
	fs.Float32Var(&s.BindPodsQPS, "bind-pods-qps", 15.0, "Number of bindings per second scheduler is allowed to continuously make")
	fs.IntVar(&s.BindPodsBurst, "bind-pods-burst", 20, "Number of bindings per second scheduler is allowed to make during bursts")
예제 #25
// AddFlags configure Consul config from command argument
func (c *Config) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.StringVar(&c.address, "consul-api", c.address, "Address for  access to consul api service(default:")
	fs.Var((*authVar)(&c.auth), "consul-auth", "HTTP basic authentication username(and optional password), separated by a colon(default: not set).")
	fs.BoolVar(&c.enableSSL, "consul-ssl", c.enableSSL, "Enable SSL when access consul api service(default: false).")
	fs.BoolVar(&c.sslVerify, "consul-ssl-verify", c.sslVerify, "Enable SSL verfiy when access consul api service(default: true).")
	fs.StringVar(&c.caCertFile, "consul-ca", c.caCertFile, "Path to a certificate file for the certificate authority(default: not set).")
	fs.StringVar(&c.certFile, "consul-cert", c.certFile, "Path to a client cert file for TLS(default: not set).")
	fs.StringVar(&c.keyFile, "consul-key", c.keyFile, "Path to a client key file for TLS(default: not set).")
	fs.StringVar(&c.token, "consul-token", c.token, "Consul ACL token used to access consul api(default: not set).")
	fs.IntVar(&c.timeout, "consul-timeout", c.timeout, "Set a timeout(in seconds) to access consul api(default: 0).")
예제 #26
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific CMServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *CMServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the controller-manager's http service runs on")
	fs.Var(componentconfig.IPVar{Val: &s.Address}, "address", "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ClusterMonitorPeriod.Duration, "cluster-monitor-period", s.ClusterMonitorPeriod.Duration, "The period for syncing ClusterStatus in ClusterController.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the federation API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ContentType, "kube-api-content-type", s.ContentType, "ContentType of requests sent to apiserver. Passing application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf is an experimental feature now.")
	fs.Float32Var(&s.APIServerQPS, "federated-api-qps", s.APIServerQPS, "QPS to use while talking with federation apiserver")
	fs.IntVar(&s.APIServerBurst, "federated-api-burst", s.APIServerBurst, "Burst to use while talking with federation apiserver")
	leaderelection.BindFlags(&s.LeaderElection, fs)
예제 #27
파일: server.go 프로젝트: shrids/kubernetes
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific ProxyServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *ProxyServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "bind-address", s.BindAddress, "The IP address for the proxy server to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz-port", s.HealthzPort, "The port to bind the health check server. Use 0 to disable.")
	fs.IPVar(&s.HealthzBindAddress, "healthz-bind-address", s.HealthzBindAddress, "The IP address for the health check server to serve on, defaulting to (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.IntVar(&s.OOMScoreAdj, "oom-score-adj", s.OOMScoreAdj, "The oom-score-adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ResourceContainer, "resource-container", s.ResourceContainer, "Absolute name of the resource-only container to create and run the Kube-proxy in (Default: /kube-proxy).")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization information (the master location is set by the master flag).")
	fs.Var(&s.PortRange, "proxy-port-range", "Range of host ports (beginPort-endPort, inclusive) that may be consumed in order to proxy service traffic. If unspecified (0-0) then ports will be randomly chosen.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.HostnameOverride, "hostname-override", s.HostnameOverride, "If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ForceUserspaceProxy, "legacy-userspace-proxy", true, "Use the legacy userspace proxy (instead of the pure iptables proxy).")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.SyncPeriod, "iptables-sync-period", 5*time.Second, "How often iptables rules are refreshed (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m').  Must be greater than 0.")
예제 #28
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific SchedulerServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *SchedulerServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.IPVar(&s.Address, "address", s.Address, "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AlgorithmProvider, "algorithm-provider", s.AlgorithmProvider, "The scheduling algorithm provider to use, one of: "+factory.ListAlgorithmProviders())
	fs.StringVar(&s.PolicyConfigFile, "policy-config-file", s.PolicyConfigFile, "File with scheduler policy configuration")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)")
	fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.")
	fs.Float32Var(&s.KubeAPIQPS, "kube-api-qps", s.KubeAPIQPS, "QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver")
	fs.IntVar(&s.KubeAPIBurst, "kube-api-burst", s.KubeAPIBurst, "Burst to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver")
	fs.StringVar(&s.SchedulerName, "scheduler-name", s.SchedulerName, "Name of the scheduler, used to select which pods will be processed by this scheduler, based on pod's annotation with key 'scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/name'")
	leaderelection.BindFlags(&s.LeaderElection, fs)
예제 #29
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *ServerRunOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	// Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to
	// arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr.
	fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "bind-address", s.BindAddress, ""+
		"The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port. The "+
		"associated interface(s) must be reachable by the rest of the cluster, and by CLI/web "+
		"clients. If blank, all interfaces will be used (")
	fs.StringVar(&s.CertDirectory, "cert-dir", s.CertDirectory, "The directory where the TLS certs are located (by default /var/run/kubernetes). "+
		"If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ClientCAFile, "client-ca-file", s.ClientCAFile, "If set, any request presenting a client certificate signed by one of the authorities in the client-ca-file is authenticated with an identity corresponding to the CommonName of the client certificate.")
	fs.IPVar(&s.InsecureBindAddress, "insecure-bind-address", s.InsecureBindAddress, ""+
		"The IP address on which to serve the --insecure-port (set to for all interfaces). "+
		"Defaults to localhost.")
	fs.IPVar(&s.InsecureBindAddress, "address", s.InsecureBindAddress, "DEPRECATED: see --insecure-bind-address instead")
	fs.IntVar(&s.InsecurePort, "insecure-port", s.InsecurePort, ""+
		"The port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. Default 8080. It is assumed "+
		"that firewall rules are set up such that this port is not reachable from outside of "+
		"the cluster and that port 443 on the cluster's public address is proxied to this "+
		"port. This is performed by nginx in the default setup.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.InsecurePort, "port", s.InsecurePort, "DEPRECATED: see --insecure-port instead")
	fs.StringVar(&s.LongRunningRequestRE, "long-running-request-regexp", s.LongRunningRequestRE, "A regular expression matching long running requests which should be excluded from maximum inflight request handling.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.MaxRequestsInFlight, "max-requests-inflight", s.MaxRequestsInFlight, "The maximum number of requests in flight at a given time.  When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests.  Zero for no limit.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.SecurePort, "secure-port", s.SecurePort, ""+
		"The port on which to serve HTTPS with authentication and authorization. If 0, "+
		"don't serve HTTPS at all.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.TLSCertFile, "tls-cert-file", s.TLSCertFile, ""+
		"File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS.  (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). "+
		"If HTTPS serving is enabled, and --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, "+
		"a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to /var/run/kubernetes.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.TLSPrivateKeyFile, "tls-private-key-file", s.TLSPrivateKeyFile, "File containing x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.")
예제 #30
파일: config.go 프로젝트: kasisnu/docker
// InstallCommonFlags adds flags to the pflag.FlagSet to configure the daemon
func (config *Config) InstallCommonFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
	var maxConcurrentDownloads, maxConcurrentUploads int


	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("storage-opts", &config.GraphOptions, nil), "storage-opt", "Storage driver options")
	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("authorization-plugins", &config.AuthorizationPlugins, nil), "authorization-plugin", "Authorization plugins to load")
	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("exec-opts", &config.ExecOptions, nil), "exec-opt", "Runtime execution options")
	flags.StringVarP(&config.Pidfile, "pidfile", "p", defaultPidFile, "Path to use for daemon PID file")
	flags.StringVarP(&config.Root, "graph", "g", defaultGraph, "Root of the Docker runtime")
	flags.BoolVarP(&config.AutoRestart, "restart", "r", true, "--restart on the daemon has been deprecated in favor of --restart policies on docker run")
	flags.MarkDeprecated("restart", "Please use a restart policy on docker run")
	flags.StringVarP(&config.GraphDriver, "storage-driver", "s", "", "Storage driver to use")
	flags.IntVar(&config.Mtu, "mtu", 0, "Set the containers network MTU")
	flags.BoolVar(&config.RawLogs, "raw-logs", false, "Full timestamps without ANSI coloring")
	// FIXME: why the inconsistency between "hosts" and "sockets"?
	flags.Var(opts.NewListOptsRef(&config.DNS, opts.ValidateIPAddress), "dns", "DNS server to use")
	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("dns-opts", &config.DNSOptions, nil), "dns-opt", "DNS options to use")
	flags.Var(opts.NewListOptsRef(&config.DNSSearch, opts.ValidateDNSSearch), "dns-search", "DNS search domains to use")
	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("labels", &config.Labels, opts.ValidateLabel), "label", "Set key=value labels to the daemon")
	flags.StringVar(&config.LogConfig.Type, "log-driver", "json-file", "Default driver for container logs")
	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("log-opts", config.LogConfig.Config, nil), "log-opt", "Default log driver options for containers")
	flags.StringVar(&config.ClusterAdvertise, "cluster-advertise", "", "Address or interface name to advertise")
	flags.StringVar(&config.ClusterStore, "cluster-store", "", "URL of the distributed storage backend")
	flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("cluster-store-opts", config.ClusterOpts, nil), "cluster-store-opt", "Set cluster store options")
	flags.StringVar(&config.CorsHeaders, "api-cors-header", "", "Set CORS headers in the remote API")
	flags.IntVar(&maxConcurrentDownloads, "max-concurrent-downloads", defaultMaxConcurrentDownloads, "Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull")
	flags.IntVar(&maxConcurrentUploads, "max-concurrent-uploads", defaultMaxConcurrentUploads, "Set the max concurrent uploads for each push")
	flags.IntVar(&config.ShutdownTimeout, "shutdown-timeout", defaultShutdownTimeout, "Set the default shutdown timeout")

	flags.StringVar(&config.SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr, "swarm-default-advertise-addr", "", "Set default address or interface for swarm advertised address")

	config.MaxConcurrentDownloads = &maxConcurrentDownloads
	config.MaxConcurrentUploads = &maxConcurrentUploads