예제 #1
func (s *BuiltInAuthenticationOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	if s.Anonymous != nil {
		fs.BoolVar(&s.Anonymous.Allow, "anonymous-auth", s.Anonymous.Allow, ""+
			"Enables anonymous requests to the secure port of the API server. "+
			"Requests that are not rejected by another authentication method are treated as anonymous requests. "+
			"Anonymous requests have a username of system:anonymous, and a group name of system:unauthenticated.")

	if s.AnyToken != nil {
		fs.BoolVar(&s.AnyToken.Allow, "insecure-allow-any-token", s.AnyToken.Allow, ""+
			"If set, your server will be INSECURE.  Any token will be allowed and user information will be parsed "+
			"from the token as `username/group1,group2`")


	if s.ClientCert != nil {

	if s.Keystone != nil {
		fs.StringVar(&s.Keystone.URL, "experimental-keystone-url", s.Keystone.URL,
			"If passed, activates the keystone authentication plugin.")

		fs.StringVar(&s.Keystone.CAFile, "experimental-keystone-ca-file", s.Keystone.CAFile, ""+
			"If set, the Keystone server's certificate will be verified by one of the authorities "+
			"in the experimental-keystone-ca-file, otherwise the host's root CA set will be used.")

	if s.OIDC != nil {
		fs.StringVar(&s.OIDC.IssuerURL, "oidc-issuer-url", s.OIDC.IssuerURL, ""+
			"The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. "+
			"If set, it will be used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT).")

		fs.StringVar(&s.OIDC.ClientID, "oidc-client-id", s.OIDC.ClientID,
			"The client ID for the OpenID Connect client, must be set if oidc-issuer-url is set.")

		fs.StringVar(&s.OIDC.CAFile, "oidc-ca-file", s.OIDC.CAFile, ""+
			"If set, the OpenID server's certificate will be verified by one of the authorities "+
			"in the oidc-ca-file, otherwise the host's root CA set will be used.")

		fs.StringVar(&s.OIDC.UsernameClaim, "oidc-username-claim", "sub", ""+
			"The OpenID claim to use as the user name. Note that claims other than the default ('sub') "+
			"is not guaranteed to be unique and immutable. This flag is experimental, please see "+
			"the authentication documentation for further details.")

		fs.StringVar(&s.OIDC.GroupsClaim, "oidc-groups-claim", "", ""+
			"If provided, the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups. "+
			"The claim value is expected to be a string or array of strings. This flag is experimental, "+
			"please see the authentication documentation for further details.")

	if s.PasswordFile != nil {
		fs.StringVar(&s.PasswordFile.BasicAuthFile, "basic-auth-file", s.PasswordFile.BasicAuthFile, ""+
			"If set, the file that will be used to admit requests to the secure port of the API server "+
			"via http basic authentication.")

	if s.RequestHeader != nil {

	if s.ServiceAccounts != nil {
		fs.StringArrayVar(&s.ServiceAccounts.KeyFiles, "service-account-key-file", s.ServiceAccounts.KeyFiles, ""+
			"File containing PEM-encoded x509 RSA or ECDSA private or public keys, used to verify "+
			"ServiceAccount tokens. If unspecified, --tls-private-key-file is used. "+
			"The specified file can contain multiple keys, and the flag can be specified multiple times with different files.")

		fs.BoolVar(&s.ServiceAccounts.Lookup, "service-account-lookup", s.ServiceAccounts.Lookup,
			"If true, validate ServiceAccount tokens exist in etcd as part of authentication.")

	if s.TokenFile != nil {
		fs.StringVar(&s.TokenFile.TokenFile, "token-auth-file", s.TokenFile.TokenFile, ""+
			"If set, the file that will be used to secure the secure port of the API server "+
			"via token authentication.")

	if s.WebHook != nil {
		fs.StringVar(&s.WebHook.ConfigFile, "authentication-token-webhook-config-file", s.WebHook.ConfigFile, ""+
			"File with webhook configuration for token authentication in kubeconfig format. "+
			"The API server will query the remote service to determine authentication for bearer tokens.")

		fs.DurationVar(&s.WebHook.CacheTTL, "authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl", s.WebHook.CacheTTL,
			"The duration to cache responses from the webhook token authenticator. Default is 2m.")
예제 #2
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet
func (s *ServerRunOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	// Add the generic flags.
	//Add etcd specific flags.
	// Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to
	// arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr.

	fs.DurationVar(&s.EventTTL, "event-ttl", s.EventTTL,
		"Amount of time to retain events. Default is 1h.")

	fs.StringArrayVar(&s.ServiceAccountKeyFiles, "service-account-key-file", s.ServiceAccountKeyFiles, ""+
		"File containing PEM-encoded x509 RSA or ECDSA private or public keys, used to verify "+
		"ServiceAccount tokens. If unspecified, --tls-private-key-file is used. "+
		"The specified file can contain multiple keys, and the flag can be specified multiple times with different files.")

	fs.BoolVar(&s.ServiceAccountLookup, "service-account-lookup", s.ServiceAccountLookup,
		"If true, validate ServiceAccount tokens exist in etcd as part of authentication.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.WebhookTokenAuthnConfigFile, "authentication-token-webhook-config-file", s.WebhookTokenAuthnConfigFile, ""+
		"File with webhook configuration for token authentication in kubeconfig format. "+
		"The API server will query the remote service to determine authentication for bearer tokens.")

	fs.DurationVar(&s.WebhookTokenAuthnCacheTTL, "authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl", s.WebhookTokenAuthnCacheTTL,
		"The duration to cache responses from the webhook token authenticator. Default is 2m.")

	fs.BoolVar(&s.AllowPrivileged, "allow-privileged", s.AllowPrivileged,
		"If true, allow privileged containers.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.SSHUser, "ssh-user", s.SSHUser,
		"If non-empty, use secure SSH proxy to the nodes, using this user name")

	fs.StringVar(&s.SSHKeyfile, "ssh-keyfile", s.SSHKeyfile,
		"If non-empty, use secure SSH proxy to the nodes, using this user keyfile")

	fs.Int64Var(&s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec, "max-connection-bytes-per-sec", s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec, ""+
		"If non-zero, throttle each user connection to this number of bytes/sec. "+
		"Currently only applies to long-running requests.")

	// Kubelet related flags:
	fs.BoolVar(&s.KubeletConfig.EnableHttps, "kubelet-https", s.KubeletConfig.EnableHttps,
		"Use https for kubelet connections.")

	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.KubeletConfig.PreferredAddressTypes, "kubelet-preferred-address-types", s.KubeletConfig.PreferredAddressTypes,
		"List of the preferred NodeAddressTypes to use for kubelet connections.")

	fs.UintVar(&s.KubeletConfig.Port, "kubelet-port", s.KubeletConfig.Port,
		"DEPRECATED: kubelet port.")
	fs.MarkDeprecated("kubelet-port", "kubelet-port is deprecated and will be removed.")

	fs.DurationVar(&s.KubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout, "kubelet-timeout", s.KubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout,
		"Timeout for kubelet operations.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.CertFile, "kubelet-client-certificate", s.KubeletConfig.CertFile,
		"Path to a client cert file for TLS.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.KeyFile, "kubelet-client-key", s.KubeletConfig.KeyFile,
		"Path to a client key file for TLS.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.CAFile, "kubelet-certificate-authority", s.KubeletConfig.CAFile,
		"Path to a cert file for the certificate authority.")

	// TODO: delete this flag as soon as we identify and fix all clients that send malformed updates, like #14126.
	fs.BoolVar(&validation.RepairMalformedUpdates, "repair-malformed-updates", validation.RepairMalformedUpdates, ""+
		"If true, server will do its best to fix the update request to pass the validation, "+
		"e.g., setting empty UID in update request to its existing value. This flag can be turned off "+
		"after we fix all the clients that send malformed updates.")