// OnMouseScroll triggers a dock mouse scroll action on the icon. // func OnMouseScroll(icon gldi.Icon, _ *gldi.Container, scrollUp bool) bool { switch { case icon == nil: case icon.IsSeparator(): // Cycle between desktops. log.Debug("SeparatorWheelChangeDesktop", confown.Settings.SeparatorWheelChangeDesktop) switch confown.Settings.SeparatorWheelChangeDesktop { case confown.SeparatorWheelChangeRange: desktops.Cycle(scrollUp, false) case confown.SeparatorWheelChangeLoop: desktops.Cycle(scrollUp, true) } // SeparatorDesktopLoop bool case icon.IsMultiAppli() || icon.IsStackIcon(): // Cycle between subdock applets list. showPrevNextInSubdock(icon, scrollUp) case icon.IsAppli() && icon.HasClass(): next := icon.GetPrevNextClassMateIcon(!scrollUp) if next != nil { next.Window().Show() } } return notif.AnswerLetPass }
// OnMiddleClick triggers a dock liddle click action on the icon. // func OnMiddleClick(icon gldi.Icon, container *gldi.Container) bool { if icon == nil || !gldi.ObjectIsDock(container) { log.Debug("notifMiddleClick", "ignored: no icon or dock target") return notif.AnswerLetPass } actmid := current.Taskbar.ActionOnMiddleClick() simple := icon.IsAppli() && !icon.IsApplet() multi := icon.IsMultiAppli() switch { case (simple || multi) && actmid == 3: // Launch new. if icon.GetCommand() != "" { // if (! gldi_class_is_starting (icon->cClass) && ! gldi_icon_is_launching (icon)) // do not launch it twice icon.LaunchCommand(log) } return notif.AnswerIntercept case simple && actmid == 1: // Close one. icon.Window().Close() return notif.AnswerIntercept case simple && actmid == 2: // Minimise one. if !icon.Window().IsHidden() { icon.Window().Minimize() } return notif.AnswerIntercept case multi && actmid == 1: // Close all. icon.CallbackActionSubWindows((cdglobal.Window).Close)() return notif.AnswerIntercept case multi && actmid == 2: // Minimise all. hideShowInClassSubdock(icon) return notif.AnswerIntercept } return notif.AnswerLetPass }
// OnLeftClick triggers a dock left click action on the icon. // func OnLeftClick(icon gldi.Icon, container *gldi.Container, btnState uint) bool { switch { case icon == nil || !gldi.ObjectIsDock(container): log.Debug("notifClickIcon", "ignored: no icon or dock target") return notif.AnswerLetPass // With shift or ctrl on an icon that is linked to a program => re-launch this program. case gdk.ModifierType(btnState)&(gdk.GDK_SHIFT_MASK|gdk.GDK_CONTROL_MASK) > 0: if icon.IsLauncher() || icon.IsAppli() || icon.IsStackIcon() { icon.LaunchCommand(log) } return notif.AnswerLetPass // scale on an icon holding a class sub-dock (fallback: show all windows). case icon.IsMultiAppli() && current.Taskbar.PresentClassOnClick() && // if we want to use this feature (!current.Docks.ShowSubDockOnClick() || // if sub-docks are shown on mouse over icon.SubDockIsVisible() && // or this sub-dock is already visible icon.DesktopPresentClass()): // we use the scale plugin if it's possible icon.CallbackActionSubWindows((cdglobal.Window).Show)() // in case the dock is visible or about to be visible, hide it, as it would confuse the user to have both. // cairo_dock_emit_leave_signal (CAIRO_CONTAINER (icon->pSubDock)); return notif.AnswerIntercept // // else handle sub-docks showing on click, applis and launchers (not applets). // icon pointing to a sub-dock with either "sub-dock activation on click" option enabled, // or sub-dock not visible -> open the sub-dock case icon.GetSubDock() != nil && (current.Docks.ShowSubDockOnClick() || !icon.SubDockIsVisible()): icon.ShowSubdock(container.ToCairoDock()) return notif.AnswerIntercept // icon holding an appli, but not being an applet -> show/hide the window. case icon.IsAppli() && !icon.IsApplet(): // ne marche que si le dock est une fenêtre de type 'dock', sinon il prend le focus. if icon.Window().IsActive() && current.Taskbar.MinimizeOnClick() && !icon.Window().IsHidden() && icon.Window().IsOnCurrentDesktop() { icon.Window().Minimize() } else { icon.Window().Show() } return notif.AnswerIntercept // icon holding a class sub-dock -> show/hide the windows of the class. case icon.IsMultiAppli(): if current.Docks.ShowSubDockOnClick() { hideShowInClassSubdock(icon) } return notif.AnswerIntercept // finally, launcher being none of the previous cases -> launch the command case icon.IsLauncher(): // if (! gldi_class_is_starting (icon->cClass) && ! gldi_icon_is_launching (icon)) {// do not launch it twice (avoid wrong double click) => if we want to launch it 2 times in a row, we have to use Shift + Click icon.LaunchCommand(log) return notif.AnswerIntercept // wasn't there in real dock. } // for applets and their sub-icons, let the module-instance handles the click; for separators, no action. // cd_debug ("no action here"); return notif.AnswerLetPass }
// OnDropData triggers a dock drop data action on the icon. // func OnDropData(icon gldi.Icon, container *gldi.Container, data string, order float64) bool { if !gldi.ObjectIsDock(container) { log.Debug("notifDropData", "ignored: container is not a dock") return notif.AnswerLetPass } receivingDock := container.ToCairoDock() switch { case strings.HasSuffix(data, ".desktop"): // -> add a new launcher if dropped on or amongst launchers. if !current.Taskbar.MixLauncherAppli() && icon.IsAppli() { log.Debug("notifDropData", "ignored: desktop file found but maybe bad location in dock (or need mix launchers)") return notif.AnswerLetPass } // drop onto a container icon. if order == gldi.IconLastOrder && icon.IsStackIcon() && icon.GetSubDock() != nil { // add into the pointed sub-dock. receivingDock = icon.GetSubDock() } // else, still try to consider it a file? case icon == nil || order != gldi.IconLastOrder: // dropped between 2 icons -> try to add it (for instance a script). case icon.IsStackIcon(): // sub-dock -> propagate to the sub-dock. receivingDock = icon.GetSubDock() // dropped on an icon case icon.IsLauncher() || icon.IsAppli() || icon.IsClassIcon(): // launcher/appli -> fire the command with this file. cmd := icon.GetCommand() if cmd == "" { log.Debug("notifDropData", "ignored: no command to trigger") return notif.AnswerLetPass } // Some programs doesn't handle URI. Convert it to local path. if strings.HasPrefix(data, "file://") { // gchar *cPath = g_filename_from_uri (cReceivedData, NULL, NULL); // data = bouine(data) } ok := icon.LaunchCommand(log, data) if ok { icon.RequestAnimation("blink", 2) log.Debug("notifDropData", "opened with", icon.GetName(), "::", data) } return notif.AnswerIntercept default: // skip any other case. log.Debug("notifDropData", "ignored: nothing to do with icon type", icon.GetName()) return notif.AnswerLetPass } if current.DockIsLocked() || current.Docks.LockAll() { log.Debug("notifDropData", "ignored: dock is locked, can't add icon") return notif.AnswerLetPass } // Still here ? Try to add to target dock. newicon := gldi.LauncherAddNew(data, receivingDock, order) if newicon == nil { log.Debug("notifDropData", "add icon failed ::", data) return notif.AnswerIntercept } log.Debug("notifDropData", "icon added:", icon.GetName()) return notif.AnswerLetPass }