Exemplo n.º 1
func (bugger *Bugger) ChatHandler(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {

	if !msg.MentionsMe {

	if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"bug report", "bug count"}) && msg.ContainsAny([]string{"how", "help"}) {

		var report string

		if msg.Contains("bug report") {
			report = "bug report"
		} else {
			report = "bug count"
		mention := bugger.bot.MentionPrefix

		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf(
			`*Usage:* %s [give me a | insert demand]  <%s>  [from the | syntax filler] [last | past] [n] [days | weeks]
• %s please give me a %s over the last 5 days
• %s produce a %s   (7 day default)
• %s I want a %s from the past 2 weeks
• %s %s from the past week`, mention, report, mention, report, mention, report, mention, report, mention, report))

	} else {
		bugger.aggregateBugReporter(conv, msg)


Exemplo n.º 2
func (standup *Standup) ChatHandler(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {
	res := sectionRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(msg.Text, -1)
	if res != nil {
		for _, section := range extractSectionAndText(msg.Text, res) {
			standup.TriggerReminders(msg, section.name)
			err := standup.StoreLine(msg, section.name, section.text)
			if err != nil {
	} else if msg.MentionsMe && msg.Contains("standup report") {
		daysAgo := util.GetDaysFromQuery(msg.Text)
		smap, err := standup.getRange(getStandupDate(-daysAgo), getStandupDate(TODAY))
		if err != nil {
			conv.Reply(msg, standup.bot.WithMood("Sorry, could not retrieve your report...",
				"I am the eggman and the walrus ate your report - Fzaow!"))
		} else {
			if msg.Contains(" my ") {
				conv.Reply(msg, "```"+smap.filterByEmail(msg.FromUser.Profile.Email).String()+"```")
			} else {
				conv.Reply(msg, "```"+smap.String()+"```")
Exemplo n.º 3
func (bugger *Bugger) messageReport(days int, msg *plotbot.Message, conv *plotbot.Conversation, genReport func() string) {

	if days > 31 {
		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("Whaoz, %d is too much data to compile - well maybe not, I am just scared", days))

	conv.Reply(msg, bugger.bot.WithMood("Building report - one moment please",
		"Whaooo! Pinging those githubbers - Let's do this!"))

	conv.Reply(msg, genReport())

Exemplo n.º 4
func (dep *Deployer) ChatHandler(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {
	bot := conv.Bot

	if match := deployFormat.FindStringSubmatch(msg.Text); match != nil {
		if dep.lockedBy != "" {
			conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("Deployment was locked by %s.  Unlock with '%s, unlock deployment' if they're OK with it.", dep.lockedBy, dep.bot.Config.Nickname))
		if dep.runningJob != nil {
			params := dep.runningJob.params
			conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("@%s Deploy currently running: %s", msg.FromUser.Name, params))
		} else {
			params := &DeployParams{
				Environment:      match[3],
				Branch:           match[2],
				Tags:             match[8],
				DeploymentBranch: match[5],
				InitiatedBy:      msg.FromUser.RealName,
				From:             "chat",
				initiatedByChat:  msg,
			go dep.handleDeploy(params)

	} else if msg.Contains("cancel deploy") {

		if dep.runningJob == nil {
			conv.Reply(msg, "No deploy running, sorry friend..")
		} else {
			if dep.runningJob.killing == true {
				conv.Reply(msg, "deploy: Interrupt signal already sent, waiting to die")
			} else {
				conv.Reply(msg, "deploy: Sending Interrupt signal...")
				dep.runningJob.killing = true
				dep.runningJob.kill <- true
	} else if msg.Contains("in the pipe") {
		url := dep.getCompareUrl("prod", dep.config.DefaultStreambedBranch)
		mention := msg.FromUser.Name
		if url != "" {
			conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("@%s in %s branch, waiting to reach prod: %s", mention, dep.config.DefaultStreambedBranch, url))
		} else {
			conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("@%s couldn't get current revision on prod", mention))
	} else if msg.Contains("unlock deploy") {
		dep.lockedBy = ""
		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("Deployment is now unlocked."))
		bot.Notify(dep.config.AnnounceRoom, "#00ff00", fmt.Sprintf("%s has unlocked deployment", msg.FromUser.Name))
	} else if msg.Contains("lock deploy") {
		dep.lockedBy = msg.FromUser.Name
		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("Deployment is now locked.  Unlock with '%s, unlock deployment' ASAP!", dep.bot.Config.Nickname))
		bot.Notify(dep.config.AnnounceRoom, "#ff0000", fmt.Sprintf("%s has locked deployment", dep.lockedBy))
	} else if msg.Contains("deploy") || msg.Contains("push to") {
		mention := dep.bot.MentionPrefix
		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf(`*Usage:* %s, [please|insert reverence] deploy [<branch-name>] to <environment> [using <deployment-branch>][, tags: <ansible-playbook tags>, ..., ...]
• %s please deploy to prod
• %s deploy thing-to-test to stage
• %s deploy complicated-thing to stage, tags: updt_streambed, blow_up_the_sun
*Other commands:*
• %s, what's in the pipe? - show what's waiting to be deployed to prod
• %s lock deployment - prevent deployment until it's unlocked
• %s cancel deploy - cancel the currently running deployment`, mention, mention, mention, mention, mention, mention, mention))
Exemplo n.º 5
func (plotberry *PlotBerry) ChatHandler(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {
	if msg.MentionsMe && msg.Contains("how many user") {
		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("We got %d users!", plotberry.totalUsers))
Exemplo n.º 6
// Handler
func (healthy *Healthy) ChatHandler(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {
	log.Println("Health check. Requested by", msg.FromUser.Name)
	conv.Reply(msg, healthy.CheckAll())
Exemplo n.º 7
func (funny *Funny) ChatHandler(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {
	bot := conv.Bot
	if msg.MentionsMe {
		if msg.Contains("you're funny") {

			if bot.Mood == plotbot.Happy {
				conv.Reply(msg, "_blush_")
			} else {
				conv.Reply(msg, "here's another one")
				conv.Reply(msg, plotbot.RandomString("robot jokes"))

		} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"dumb ass", "dumbass"}) {

			conv.Reply(msg, "don't say such things")

		} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"thanks", "thank you", "thx", "thnks"}) {
			conv.Reply(msg, bot.WithMood("my pleasure", "any time, just ask, I'm here for you, ffiieeewww!get a life"))

		} else if msg.Contains("how are you") && msg.MentionsMe {
			conv.ReplyMention(msg, bot.WithMood("good, and you ?", "I'm wild today!! wadabout you ?"))
				ListenDuration: 60 * time.Second,
				WithUser:       msg.FromUser,
				InChannel:      msg.FromChannel,
				MentionsMeOnly: true,
				HandlerFunc: func(conv *plotbot.Conversation, msg *plotbot.Message) {
					conv.ReplyMention(msg, bot.WithMood("glad to hear it!", "zwweeeeeeeeet !"))
				TimeoutFunc: func(conv *plotbot.Conversation) {
					conv.ReplyMention(msg, "well, we can catch up later")

	if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"lot of excitement", "that's exciting", "how exciting", "much excitement"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/Japanese+kids+spongebob+toys_0ad21b_3186721.gif")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"what is your problem", "what's your problem", "is there a problem", "which problem"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://media4.giphy.com/media/19hU0m3TJe6I/200w.gif")

	} else if msg.Contains("force push") {

		url := plotbot.RandomString("forcePush")
		conv.Reply(msg, url)

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"there is a bug", "there's a bug"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "https://s3.amazonaws.com/pushbullet-uploads/ujy7DF0U8wm-9YYvLZkmSM8pMYcxCXXig8LjJORE9Xzt/The-life-of-a-coder.jpg")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"oh yeah", "approved"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW250/4496881920/h9C58F860.gif")

	} else if msg.Contains("ice cream") {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://i.giphy.com/IGyLuFXIGSJj2.gif")
		conv.Reply(msg, "I love ice cream too")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"lot of tension", "some tension", " tensed"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://thumbpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/funny-gif-meeting-strangers-girl-scared1.gif")
		conv.Reply(msg, "tensed, like that ?")

	} else if msg.Contains("quick fix") {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://blog.pgi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/jim-carey.gif")
		conv.Reply(msg, "make it real quick")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"crack an egg", "crack something", "to crack"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2012/11/8/18/anigif_enhanced-buzz-31656-1352415875-9.gif")
		conv.Reply(msg, "crack an egg, yeah")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"i'm stuck", "I'm stuck", "we're stuck"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://media.giphy.com/media/RVlWx1msxnf7W/giphy.gif")
		conv.Reply(msg, "I'm stuck too!")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"watching tv", "watch tv"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/495/040/9ab.gif")
		conv.Reply(msg, "like that ?")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"spider", "pee on", "inappropriate"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5626597120/hB2E11E61.gif")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"a meeting", "an interview"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "like this one")
		conv.Reply(msg, "https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6696664320/hFC69678C.gif")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"it's odd", "it is odd", "that's odd", "that is odd", "it's awkward", "it is awkward", "that's awkward", "that is awkward"}) {

		term := "awkward"
		if msg.Contains("odd") {
			term = "odd"
		conv.Reply(msg, fmt.Sprintf("THAT's %s", term))
		conv.Reply(msg, "https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8296294144/h7AC1001C.gif")

	} else if msg.Text == "ls" {

		conv.Reply(msg, "```deploy/      Contributors-Guide/ image_server/     sheep_porn/     streambed/\nstreamhead/  README.md```")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"that's really cool", "that is really cool", "really happy"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://media.giphy.com/media/BlVnrxJgTGsUw/giphy.gif")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"difficult problem", "hard problem"}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "naming things, cache invalidation and off-by-1 errors are the two most difficult computer science problems")

	} else if msg.Contains("in theory") {

		conv.Reply(msg, "yeah, theory and practice perfectly match... in theory.")
	} else if msg.Contains("dishes") {

		conv.Reply(msg, plotbot.RandomString("dishes"))

	} else if msg.Contains(" bean") {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://media3.giphy.com/media/c35RMDO6luMaQ/500w.gif")

	} else if msg.Contains("steak") {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me6r52h1md1r6nno1.gif")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"booze", "alcohol", "martini", " dog "}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "http://media2.giphy.com/media/ZmJBjPdd44gXS/200w.gif")

	} else if msg.ContainsAny([]string{"internet", " tube "}) {

		conv.Reply(msg, "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/By0J3YHCcAA4UBo.jpg:large")

