Exemplo n.º 1
func TestSystemdInitManager(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given a systemd implementation", t, func() {
		exec := sys.NewStubExecutor("", nil)
		sysd := &systemd.Implementation{
			UnitDir: os.TempDir(),
			Exec:    exec,

		Convey("Given a systemd unit", func() {
			testUnit := systemd.NewUnit("testUnit", "here")

			Convey("It should enable the component", func() {

				So(<-exec.Exec, ShouldEqual, "systemctl")
				So(<-exec.Args, ShouldConsistOf, "enable", "--system", testUnit.Name())

			Convey("It should disable the component", func() {

				So(<-exec.Exec, ShouldEqual, "systemctl")
				So(<-exec.Args, ShouldConsistOf, "disable", testUnit.Name())

			Convey("It should start the component", func() {

				So(<-exec.Exec, ShouldEqual, "systemctl")
				So(<-exec.Args, ShouldConsistOf, "start", testUnit.Name())

			Convey("It should stop the component", func() {

				So(<-exec.Exec, ShouldEqual, "systemctl")
				So(<-exec.Args, ShouldConsistOf, "stop", testUnit.Name())
Exemplo n.º 2
func TestAddingFirewallRules(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given an action, a target chain and a package filtering rule", t, func() {
		rule := &iptables.Rule{
			Source:        []string{"", ""},
			Destination:   []string{"", ""},
			FromInterface: "eth0",
			ToInterface:   "eth1",
			Protocol:      "tcp",
			IsSyncPackage: true,
			Target:        iptables.DropTarget,

		action := iptables.Append

		chain := firewall.Chain{
			Name:  "INPUT",
			Table: firewall.Filter,

		Convey("The firewall manager implementation should perform the action", func() {
			exec := sys.NewStubExecutor("", nil)
			fwllmgr := iptables.Implementation{exec}

			err := fwllmgr.Perform(action, chain, rule)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			So(<-exec.Exec, ShouldEqual, "iptables")
			So(<-exec.Args, ShouldBeSuperSetOf, []string{

	Convey("When performing an operation", t, func() {
		exec := sys.NewStubExecutor("", nil)
		fwllmgr := iptables.Implementation{exec}

		chain := firewall.Chain{
			Name:  "INPUT",
			Table: firewall.Filter,

		rule := &iptables.Rule{
			Protocol: "tcp",
			Target:   iptables.DropTarget,

		Convey("The xtables lock should be acquired to prevent multiple updates at the same time", func() {
			err := fwllmgr.Perform(iptables.Append, chain, rule)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			So(<-exec.Exec, ShouldEqual, "iptables")
			So(<-exec.Args, ShouldContain, "--wait")