Пример #1
func testStorage(t *testing.T, bucketDir string) {
	if *accountID == "" && *appKey == "" {
		t.Skip("Skipping test without --account-id or --application-key flag")

	rn := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())).Intn(1000000)
	bucket := fmt.Sprintf("camli-test-%d", rn)
	bucketWithDir := path.Join(bucket, bucketDir)

	storagetest.TestOpt(t, storagetest.Opts{
		New: func(t *testing.T) (sto blobserver.Storage, cleanup func()) {
			sto, err := newFromConfig(nil, jsonconfig.Obj{
				"bucket": bucketWithDir,
				"auth": map[string]interface{}{
					"account_id":      *accountID,
					"application_key": *appKey,
			if err != nil {
			if !testing.Short() {
				log.Printf("Warning: this test does many serial operations. Without the go test -short flag, this test will be very slow.")
			if bucketWithDir != bucket {
				// Adding "a", and "c" objects in the bucket to make sure objects out of the
				// "directory" are not touched and have no influence.
				for _, key := range []string{"a", "c"} {
					if _, err := sto.(*Storage).b.Upload(strings.NewReader(key), key, ""); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("could not insert object %s in bucket %v: %v", key, sto.(*Storage).b.Name, err)

			clearBucket := func(beforeTests bool) func() {
				return func() {
					var all []blob.Ref
					blobserver.EnumerateAll(context.TODO(), sto, func(sb blob.SizedRef) error {
						t.Logf("Deleting: %v", sb.Ref)
						all = append(all, sb.Ref)
						return nil
					if err := sto.RemoveBlobs(all); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("Error removing blobs during cleanup: %v", err)
					if beforeTests {
					if bucketWithDir != bucket {
						// checking that "a" and "c" at the root were left untouched.
						for _, key := range []string{"a", "c"} {
							fi, err := sto.(*Storage).b.GetFileInfoByName(key)
							if err != nil {
								t.Fatalf("could not remove object %s after tests: %v", key, err)
							if err := sto.(*Storage).cl.DeleteFile(fi.ID, fi.Name); err != nil {
								t.Fatalf("could not remove object %s after tests: %v", key, err)

					if err := sto.(*Storage).b.Delete(); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("could not remove bucket %s after tests: %v", sto.(*Storage).b.Name, err)
			return sto, clearBucket(false)
Пример #2
func testStorage(t *testing.T, bucketDir string) {
	if *bucket == "" && *configFile == "" {
		t.Skip("Skipping test without --bucket or --config flag")
	var refreshToken string
	if *configFile != "" {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configFile)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error reading config file %v: %v", *configFile, err)
		var conf Config
		if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &conf); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error decoding config file %v: %v", *configFile, err)
		*clientID = conf.Auth.ClientID
		*clientSecret = conf.Auth.ClientSecret
		refreshToken = conf.Auth.RefreshToken
		*bucket = conf.Bucket
	if *bucket == "" {
		t.Fatal("bucket not provided in config file or as a flag.")
	if *clientID == "" {
		if !metadata.OnGCE() {
			if *clientSecret == "" {
				t.Fatal("client ID and client secret required. Obtain from https://console.developers.google.com/ > Project > APIs & Auth > Credentials. Should be a 'native' or 'Installed application'")
		} else {
			*clientID = "auto"
	if *configFile == "" {
		config := &oauth2.Config{
			Scopes:       []string{storage.ScopeReadWrite},
			Endpoint:     google.Endpoint,
			ClientID:     *clientID,
			ClientSecret: *clientSecret,
			RedirectURL:  oauthutil.TitleBarRedirectURL,
		if !metadata.OnGCE() {
			token, err := oauth2.ReuseTokenSource(nil,
					Config:    config,
					CacheFile: *tokenCache,
					AuthCode: func() string {
						if *authCode == "" {
							t.Skipf("Re-run using --auth_code= with the value obtained from %s",
								config.AuthCodeURL("", oauth2.AccessTypeOffline, oauth2.ApprovalForce))
							return ""
						return *authCode
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("could not acquire token: %v", err)
			refreshToken = token.RefreshToken

	bucketWithDir := path.Join(*bucket, bucketDir)

	storagetest.TestOpt(t, storagetest.Opts{
		New: func(t *testing.T) (sto blobserver.Storage, cleanup func()) {
			sto, err := newFromConfig(nil, jsonconfig.Obj{
				"bucket": bucketWithDir,
				"auth": map[string]interface{}{
					"client_id":     *clientID,
					"client_secret": *clientSecret,
					"refresh_token": refreshToken,
			if err != nil {
			if !testing.Short() {
				log.Printf("Warning: this test does many serial operations. Without the go test -short flag, this test will be very slow.")
			// Bail if bucket is not empty
			ctx := context.Background()
			stor := sto.(*Storage)
			objs, err := stor.client.Bucket(stor.bucket).List(ctx, nil)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Error checking if bucket is empty: %v", err)
			if len(objs.Results) != 0 {
				t.Fatalf("Refusing to run test: bucket %v is not empty", *bucket)
			if bucketWithDir != *bucket {
				// Adding "a", and "c" objects in the bucket to make sure objects out of the
				// "directory" are not touched and have no influence.
				for _, key := range []string{"a", "c"} {
					w := stor.client.Bucket(stor.bucket).Object(key).NewWriter(ctx)
					if _, err := io.Copy(w, strings.NewReader(key)); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("could not insert object %s in bucket %v: %v", key, sto.(*Storage).bucket, err)
					if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("could not insert object %s in bucket %v: %v", key, sto.(*Storage).bucket, err)

			clearBucket := func(beforeTests bool) func() {
				return func() {
					var all []blob.Ref
					blobserver.EnumerateAll(context.TODO(), sto, func(sb blob.SizedRef) error {
						t.Logf("Deleting: %v", sb.Ref)
						all = append(all, sb.Ref)
						return nil
					if err := sto.RemoveBlobs(all); err != nil {
						t.Fatalf("Error removing blobs during cleanup: %v", err)
					if beforeTests {
					if bucketWithDir != *bucket {
						// checking that "a" and "c" at the root were left untouched.
						for _, key := range []string{"a", "c"} {
							rc, err := stor.client.Bucket(stor.bucket).Object(key).NewReader(ctx)
							if err != nil {
								t.Fatalf("could not find object %s after tests: %v", key, err)
							if _, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, rc); err != nil {
								t.Fatalf("could not find object %s after tests: %v", key, err)
							if err := stor.client.Bucket(stor.bucket).Object(key).Delete(ctx); err != nil {
								t.Fatalf("could not remove object %s after tests: %v", key, err)

			return sto, clearBucket(false)
Пример #3
func TestStorage(t *testing.T) {
	if (*parentId == "" || *parentId == "root") && *configFile == "" {
		t.Skip("Skipping test, refusing to use goodle drive's root directory. (you need to specify --parentDir or --config).")
	var refreshToken string
	if *configFile != "" {
		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configFile)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error reading config file %v: %v", *configFile, err)
		var conf Config
		if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &conf); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error decoding config file %v: %v", *configFile, err)
		*clientID = conf.Auth.ClientID
		*clientSecret = conf.Auth.ClientSecret
		refreshToken = conf.Auth.RefreshToken
		*parentId = conf.ParentDir
	if *parentId == "" || *parentId == "root" {
		t.Fatal("ParentDir must be specified, and not \"root\"")
	if *clientID == "" || *clientSecret == "" {
		t.Fatal("--client_id and --client_secret required. Obtain from https://console.developers.google.com/ > Project > APIs & Auth > Credentials. Should be a 'native' or 'Installed application'")
	if *configFile == "" {
		config := &oauth2.Config{
			Scopes:       []string{Scope},
			Endpoint:     google.Endpoint,
			ClientID:     *clientID,
			ClientSecret: *clientSecret,
			RedirectURL:  oauthutil.TitleBarRedirectURL,
		token, err := oauth2.ReuseTokenSource(nil,
				Config:    config,
				CacheFile: *tokenCache,
				AuthCode: func() string {
					if *authCode == "" {
						t.Skipf("Re-run using --auth_code= with the value obtained from %s",
							config.AuthCodeURL("", oauth2.AccessTypeOffline, oauth2.ApprovalForce))
						return ""
					return *authCode
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("could not acquire token: %v", err)
		refreshToken = token.RefreshToken

	storagetest.TestOpt(t, storagetest.Opts{
		New: func(t *testing.T) (sto blobserver.Storage, cleanup func()) {
			sto, err := newFromConfig(nil, jsonconfig.Obj{
				"parent_id": *parentId,
				"auth": map[string]interface{}{
					"client_id":     *clientID,
					"client_secret": *clientSecret,
					"refresh_token": refreshToken,
			if err != nil {
			if !testing.Short() {
				log.Printf("Warning: this test does many serial operations. Without the go test -short flag, this test will be very slow.")
			clearDirectory := func() {
				log.Printf("WARNING: no cleanup in %v directory was done.", *parentId)
			return sto, clearDirectory
		SkipEnum: true,