Пример #1
// Adds empty coverage entries for any files covered by the original query that we
// haven't discovered through tests to the overall report.
// The coverage reports only contain information about files that were covered during
// tests, so it's important that we identify anything with zero coverage here.
// This is made trickier by attempting to reconcile coverage targets from languages like
// Java that don't preserve the original file structure, which requires a slightly fuzzy match.
func AddOriginalTargetsToCoverage(state *core.BuildState, includeAllFiles bool) {
	// First we collect all the source files from all relevant targets
	allFiles := map[string]bool{}
	doneTargets := map[*core.BuildTarget]bool{}
	// Track the set of packages the user ran tests from; we only show coverage metrics from them.
	coveragePackages := map[string]bool{}
	for _, label := range state.OriginalTargets {
		coveragePackages[label.PackageName] = true
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		collectAllFiles(state, state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label), coveragePackages, allFiles, doneTargets, includeAllFiles)

	// Now merge the recorded coverage so far into them
	recordedCoverage := state.Coverage
	state.Coverage = core.TestCoverage{Tests: recordedCoverage.Tests, Files: map[string][]core.LineCoverage{}}
	mergeCoverage(state, recordedCoverage, coveragePackages, allFiles, includeAllFiles)