Пример #1
func describeApp(app *cli.App, version string) {
	app.Name = "init-exporter"
	app.Usage = "exports services described by Procfile to systemd"
	app.Version = version

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "n, appname",
			Usage: "Application name (This name only affects the names of generated files)",
			Name:  "c, uninstall",
			Usage: "Remove scripts and helpers for a particular application",
			Name:  "config",
			Value: defaultConfigPath,
			Usage: "path to configuration file",
			Name:  "p, procfile",
			Usage: "path to procfile",
			Name:  "f, format",
			Usage: "Format of init files (upstart | systemd)",
Пример #2
func loadCommands(app *cli.App) {
	// Add top level flags and commands
	app.Action = mainCmd

	// Filters modify what type of pr to display
	filters := []cli.Flag{
		cli.BoolFlag{"no-merge", "display only prs that cannot be merged"},
		cli.BoolFlag{"lgtm", "display the number of LGTM"},
		cli.BoolFlag{"closed", "display closed prs"},
		cli.BoolFlag{"new", "display prs opened in the last 24 hours"},
	// Options modify how to display prs
	options := []cli.Flag{
		cli.BoolFlag{"no-trunc", "don't truncate pr name"},
		cli.StringFlag{"user", "", "display only prs from <user>"},
		cli.StringFlag{"comment", "", "add a comment to the pr"},
	app.Flags = append(filters, options...)

	// Add subcommands
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:   "repo",
			Usage:  "List information about the current repository",
			Action: repositoryInfoCmd,
			Name:   "auth",
			Usage:  "Add a github token for authentication",
			Action: authCmd,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.StringFlag{"add", "", "add new token for authentication"},
			Name:   "alru",
			Usage:  "Show the Age of the Least Recently Updated pull request for this repo. Lower is better.",
			Action: alruCmd,
			Name:   "merge",
			Usage:  "Merge a pull request",
			Action: mergeCmd,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.StringFlag{"m", "", "commit message for merge"},
				cli.BoolFlag{"force", "merge a pull request that has not been approved"},
			Name:   "checkout",
			Usage:  "Checkout a pull request into your local repo",
			Action: checkoutCmd,
			Name:   "approve",
			Usage:  "Approve a pull request by adding LGTM to the comments",
			Action: approveCmd,
Пример #3
func setBasicInfos(app *cli.App, appName string, version string) {
	app.Name = appName
	app.Version = version
	app.Usage = "Focus on your tasks and let your code flow."
	t := time.Now()
	app.Copyright = "TechMantra - " + strconv.Itoa(t.Year())
Пример #4
func SetupCPUProfile(app *cli.App) {
	app.Flags = append(app.Flags, cli.StringFlag{
		Name:   "cpuprofile",
		Usage:  "write cpu profile to file",
		EnvVar: "CPU_PROFILE",

	appBefore := app.Before
	appAfter := app.After

	app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		if cpuProfile := c.String("cpuprofile"); cpuProfile != "" {
			f, err := os.Create(cpuProfile)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		if appBefore != nil {
			return appBefore(c)
		return nil

	app.After = func(c *cli.Context) error {

		if appAfter != nil {
			return appAfter(c)
		return nil
Пример #5
func loadCommands(app *cli.App) {
	app.Action = mainCmd

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.StringFlag{"assigned", "", "display issues assigned to <user>. Use '*' for all assigned, or 'none' for all unassigned."},
		cli.BoolFlag{"no-trunc", "do not truncate the issue name"},

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:   "alru",
			Usage:  "Show the Age of the Least Recently Updated issue for this repo. Lower is better.",
			Action: alruCmd,
			Name:   "repo",
			Usage:  "List information about the current repository",
			Action: repositoryInfoCmd,
			Name:   "auth",
			Usage:  "Add a github token for authentication",
			Action: authCmd,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.StringFlag{"add", "", "add new token for authentication"},
Пример #6
func callCoreCommand(args []string, theApp *cli.App) {
	err := theApp.Run(args)
	if err != nil {
	gateways := gatewaySliceFromMap(deps.gateways)

	warningsCollector := net.NewWarningsCollector(deps.termUI, gateways...)
Пример #7
func newCmdPresenter(app *cli.App, maxNameLen int, cmdName string) (presenter cmdPresenter) {
	cmd := app.Command(cmdName)

	presenter.Name = presentCmdName(*cmd)
	padding := strings.Repeat(" ", maxNameLen-len(presenter.Name))
	presenter.Name = presenter.Name + padding
	presenter.Description = cmd.Description

Пример #8
func loadCommands(app *cli.App) {
	app.Action = mainCmd

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.StringFlag{"assigned", "", "display issues assigned to <user>. Use '*' for all assigned, or 'none' for all unassigned."},
		cli.StringFlag{"remote", "origin", "git remote to treat as origin"},
		cli.BoolFlag{"no-trunc", "do not truncate the issue name"},
		cli.IntFlag{"votes", -1, "display the number of votes '+1' filtered by the <number> specified."},
		cli.BoolFlag{"vote", "add '+1' to an specific issue."},

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:   "alru",
			Usage:  "Show the Age of the Least Recently Updated issue for this repo. Lower is better.",
			Action: alruCmd,
			Name:   "repo",
			Usage:  "List information about the current repository",
			Action: repositoryInfoCmd,
			Name:   "take",
			Usage:  "Assign an issue to your github account",
			Action: takeCmd,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.BoolFlag{"overwrite", "overwrites a taken issue"},
			Name:   "search",
			Usage:  "Find issues by state and keyword.",
			Action: searchCmd,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.StringFlag{"author", "", "Finds issues created by a certain user"},
				cli.StringFlag{"assignee", "", "Finds issues that are assigned to a certain user"},
				cli.StringFlag{"mentions", "", "Finds issues that mention a certain user"},
				cli.StringFlag{"commenter", "", "Finds issues that a certain user commented on"},
				cli.StringFlag{"involves", "", "Finds issues that were either created by a certain user, assigned to that user, mention that user, or were commented on by that user"},
				cli.StringFlag{"labels", "", "Filters issues based on their labels"},
				cli.StringFlag{"state", "", "Filter issues based on whether they’re open or closed"},
			Name:   "auth",
			Usage:  "Add a github token for authentication",
			Action: authCmd,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.StringFlag{"add", "", "add new token for authentication"},
Пример #9
// so we can catch panics
func run(app *cli.App) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			trace := make([]byte, 2048)
			count := runtime.Stack(trace, true)
			fmt.Println("Panic: ", r)
			fmt.Printf("Stack of %d bytes: %s", count, trace)

Пример #10
func GetByCmdName(app *cli.App, cmdName string) (cmd *cli.Command, err error) {
	cmd = app.Command(cmdName)
	if cmd == nil {
		for _, c := range app.Commands {
			if c.ShortName == cmdName {
				return &c, nil
		err = errors.New("Command not found")
Пример #11
func loadCommands(app *cli.App) {
	// default to listing a service
	app.Action = getAction

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.BoolFlag{"json", "output to json"},
		cli.StringFlag{"host", os.Getenv("SKYDNS"), "url to SkyDNS's HTTP endpoints (defaults to env. var. SKYDNS)"},
			func() string {
				if x := os.Getenv("SKYDNS_DNS"); x != "" {
					if strings.HasPrefix(x, "http") {
						return x
					return "http://" + x // default to http for now
				return ""
			}(), "DNS port of SkyDNS's DNS endpoint (defaults to env. var. SKYDNS_DNS)"},
			func() string {
				if x := os.Getenv("SKYDNS_DOMAIN"); x != "" {
					return x
				return "skydns.local"
			}(), "DNS domain of SkyDNS (defaults to env. var. SKYDNS_DOMAIN))"},
		cli.StringFlag{"secret", "", "secret to authenticate with"},

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:   "list",
			Usage:  "list a service from skydns",
			Action: getAction,
			Flags:  []cli.Flag{cli.BoolFlag{"d", "use DNS instead of HTTP"}},
			Name:   "add",
			Usage:  "add a new service to skydns",
			Action: addAction,
			Name:   "delete",
			Usage:  "delete a service from skydns",
			Action: deleteAction,
			Name:   "update",
			Usage:  "update a service's ttl in skydns",
			Action: updateAction,
Пример #12
func loadCommands(app *cli.App) {
	// default to listing a service
	app.Action = getAction

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.BoolFlag{"json", "output to json"},
		cli.StringFlag{"host", os.Getenv("SKYDNS"), "url to SkyDNS's HTTP endpoints (defaults to env. var. SKYDNS)"},
			func() string {
				x := os.Getenv("SKYDNS_DNSPORT")
				if x == "" {
					x = "53"
				return x
			}(), "DNS port of SkyDNS's DNS endpoint (defaults to env. var. SKYDNS_DNSPORT or 53)"},
			func() string {
				x := os.Getenv("SKYDNS_DNSDOMAIN")
				if x == "" {
					x = "skydns.local"
				return x
			}(), "DNS domain of SkyDNS (defaults to env. var. SKYDNS_DNSDOMAIN or skydns.local)"},
		cli.StringFlag{"secret", "", "secret to authenticate with"},

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:   "list",
			Usage:  "list a service from skydns",
			Action: getAction,
			Flags:  []cli.Flag{cli.BoolFlag{"d", "use DNS instead of HTTP"}},
			Name:   "add",
			Usage:  "add a new service to skydns",
			Action: addAction,
			Name:   "delete",
			Usage:  "delete a service from skydns",
			Action: deleteAction,
			Name:   "update",
			Usage:  "update a service's ttl in skydns",
			Action: updateAction,
Пример #13
func TestParseGenericFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_FOO", "99,2000")
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.GenericFlag{Name: "foos", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_FOO,APP_FOO"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("foos"), &Parser{"99", "2000"}) {
				t.Errorf("value not set from env")
Пример #14
func Run(app *cli.App) {
	app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		if c.GlobalString("key") == "" {
			log.Fatal("No aio key provided. Use --key KEY_HERE or export AIO_KEY=KEY_HERE")

		if c.GlobalBool("debug") {
			log.Debug("Debug Mode ON")
			log.Debug("AIO_KEY: ", c.GlobalString("key"))
		return nil
Пример #15
func cmdConsole(app *cli.App, c *cli.Context) {
	for {
		fmt.Printf("> ")
		bufReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		line, more, err := bufReader.ReadLine()
		if more {
			Exit("input is too long")
		} else if err != nil {

		args := []string{"tmsp"}
		args = append(args, strings.Split(string(line), " ")...)
Пример #16
func AddAdditinalFlags(a *cli.App) {
	// nop
	a.Flags = append(a.Flags,
		cli.StringFlag{memProfileFlagName, "", "If set, the given file will contain the memory profile of the previous run"},
		cli.StringFlag{cpuProfileFlagName, "", "If set, the given file will contain the CPU profile of the previous run"},
Пример #17
func setDefaultAction(app *cli.App) {
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) {
		// TODO: If in a focused directory show the list of tasks
		// If not show the app help or some basic direction to init it
Пример #18
func Mousetrap(app *cli.App) {
	oldBefore := app.Before
	app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		if mousetrap.StartedByExplorer() {
			cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], os.Args[1:]...)
			cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "MOUSETRAP=1")
			cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
			cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
			cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
			cmd = exec.Command("cmd.exe", "/K")
			cmd.Env = os.Environ()
			cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
			cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
			cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
			err := cmd.Run()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("Failed to execute sub-process. Error:", err)
		if oldBefore == nil {
			return nil
		return oldBefore(c)
Пример #19
func TestParseGeneric(t *testing.T) {
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.GenericFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Parser{}},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("serve"), &Parser{"10", "20"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("s"), &Parser{"10", "20"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
	a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10,20"})
Пример #20
func TestParseMultiBoolT(t *testing.T) {
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.BoolTFlag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if ctx.BoolT("serve") != true {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.BoolT("s") != true {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--serve"})
Пример #21
func TestParseMultiFloat64(t *testing.T) {
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.Float64Flag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if ctx.Float64("serve") != 10.2 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Float64("s") != 10.2 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
	a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10.2"})
Пример #22
func TestParseGenericFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_SERVE", "20,30")
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.GenericFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "APP_SERVE"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("serve"), &Parser{"20", "30"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("s"), &Parser{"20", "30"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
Пример #23
func TestParseMultiBoolTFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "0")
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.BoolTFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "APP_DEBUG"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if ctx.BoolT("debug") != false {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if ctx.BoolT("d") != false {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
Пример #24
func TestParseMultiFloat64FromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "15.5")
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.Float64Flag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if ctx.Float64("timeout") != 15.5 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Float64("t") != 15.5 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
Пример #25
func TestParseMultiInt(t *testing.T) {
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.IntFlag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) int {
			if ctx.Int("serve") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Int("s") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return 0
	a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10"})
Пример #26
func setupPingCommand(app *cli.App) {
	app.Commands = append(app.Commands, cli.Command{
		Name:    "ping",
		Aliases: []string{"p"},
		Usage:   "ping the cluster to see if it's available",
		Action:  ping,
Пример #27
func TestParseMultiIntFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "10")
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.IntFlag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "COMPAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if ctx.Int("timeout") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Int("t") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
Пример #28
func TestParseMultiBoolFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "1")
	a := cli.App{
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.BoolFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "COMPAT_DEBUG,APP_DEBUG"},
		Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) {
			if ctx.Bool("debug") != true {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if ctx.Bool("d") != true {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
Пример #29
func cmdBatch(app *cli.App, c *cli.Context) {
	bufReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
	for {
		line, more, err := bufReader.ReadLine()
		if more {
			Exit("input line is too long")
		} else if err == io.EOF {
		} else if len(line) == 0 {
		} else if err != nil {
		args := []string{"tmsp"}
		args = append(args, strings.Split(string(line), " ")...)
Пример #30
Файл: app.go Проект: rodaine/esu
func setupGlobalCommands(app *cli.App) {
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:    "help",
			Aliases: []string{"man"},
			Usage:   "prints this help message",
			Action:  cli.ShowAppHelp,