Пример #1
func main() {

	// Init mongo
	tracelog.STARTED("main", "Initializing Mongo")
	err := mongo.Startup(helper.MAIN_GO_ROUTINE)
	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, helper.MAIN_GO_ROUTINE, "initApp")


	tracelog.STARTED(helper.MAIN_GO_ROUTINE, "Website Shutdown")
Пример #2
// DecodeSlice decodes a JSON document array into a slice of Go native objects
func DecodeSlice(doc []byte, sliceObj interface{}, obj interface{}) (bool, error) {
	tracelog.STARTED("utils", "DecodeSlice")

	if IsArrayResponse(doc) == false {
		//decode as struct
		if err := Decode(doc, obj); err != nil {
			tracelog.ERROR(err, "utils", "DecodeSlice, Item Not Array, Unable to decode as struct")
			return false, err

		//return false since not an array
		return false, nil

	sliceMap := []map[string]interface{}{}

	if err := json.Unmarshal(doc, &sliceMap); err != nil {
		tracelog.ERROR(err, "utils", "DecodeSlice")
		return false, err

	if err := mapstructure.DecodeSlicePath(sliceMap, sliceObj); err != nil {
		tracelog.ERROR(err, "utils", "DecodeSlice, Decoding Slice Object")
		return false, err

	tracelog.COMPLETED("utils", "DecodeSlice")
	return true, nil
Пример #3
// FindStation retrieves the specified station
func FindStation(service *services.Service, stationId string) (buoyStation *buoyModels.BuoyStation, err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, service.UserId, "FindStation")

	tracelog.STARTED(service.UserId, "FindStation")

	queryMap := bson.M{"station_id": stationId}

	buoyStation = &buoyModels.BuoyStation{}
	err = service.DBAction(Config.Database, "buoy_stations",
		func(collection *mgo.Collection) error {
			tracelog.TRACE(service.UserId, "FindStation", "Query : %s", mongo.ToString(queryMap))
			return collection.Find(queryMap).One(buoyStation)

	if err != nil {
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found") == false {
			tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, service.UserId, "FindStation")
			return buoyStation, err

		err = nil

	tracelog.COMPLETED(service.UserId, "FindStation")
	return buoyStation, err
Пример #4
// CloseSession puts the connection back into the pool
func CloseSession(sessionId string, mongoSession *mgo.Session) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(nil, sessionId, "CloseSession")

	tracelog.STARTED(sessionId, "CloseSession")


	tracelog.COMPLETED(sessionId, "CloseSession")
Пример #5
// Decode takes a JSON document and decodes that into a Go native object
func Decode(doc []byte, obj interface{}) error {
	tracelog.STARTED("utils", "Decode")
	docMap := map[string]interface{}{}

	if err := json.Unmarshal(doc, &docMap); err != nil {
		tracelog.ERROR(err, "utils", "Decode, Building Mapped Doc")
		return err

	return DecodeMap(docMap, obj)
Пример #6
// init initializes all required packages and systems
func init() {

	// Init mongo
	tracelog.STARTED("main", "Initializing Mongo")
	err := mongo.Startup(helper.MAIN_GO_ROUTINE)
	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, helper.MAIN_GO_ROUTINE, "initTesting")
Пример #7
// Shutdown systematically brings the manager down gracefully
func Shutdown(sessionId string) (err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, sessionId, "Shutdown")

	tracelog.STARTED(sessionId, "Shutdown")

	// Close the databases
	for _, session := range _This.sessions {
		CloseSession(sessionId, session.mongoSession)

	tracelog.COMPLETED(sessionId, "Shutdown")
	return err
Пример #8
// IsArrayResponse validates if the specified JSON document
// is an array or slice
func IsArrayResponse(doc []byte) bool {
	tracelog.STARTED("utils", "IsArrayResponse")

	docString := string(doc)
	docSlice := strings.TrimLeft(docString, " ")

	if len(docSlice) > 0 && string(docSlice[0]) == "[" {
		tracelog.COMPLETEDf("utils", "IsArrayReponse", "Doc is Array")
		return true

	tracelog.COMPLETEDf("utils", "IsArrayResponse", "Doc is not Array")
	return false
Пример #9
// loadResponse parse a response.
func loadResponse(resp *http.Response) ([]byte, error) {
	tracelog.STARTED("http_client", "loadResponse")

	contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	defer resp.Body.Close()

	tracelog.INFO("yodlee_api", "loadResponse", "Api Response => \n\n %s \n\n", contents)

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return nil, errors.New(string(contents))

	tracelog.COMPLETED("http_client", "loadResponse")
	return contents, err
Пример #10
// FindRegion retrieves the stations for the specified region
func FindRegion(service *services.Service, region string) (buoyStations []*buoyModels.BuoyStation, err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, service.UserId, "FindRegion")

	tracelog.STARTED(service.UserId, "FindRegion")

	queryMap := bson.M{"region": region}
	tracelog.TRACE(service.UserId, "FindRegion", "Query : %s", mongo.ToString(queryMap))

	buoyStations = []*buoyModels.BuoyStation{}
	err = service.DBAction(Config.Database, "buoy_stations",
		func(collection *mgo.Collection) error {
			return collection.Find(queryMap).All(&buoyStations)

	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, service.UserId, "FindRegion")
		return buoyStations, err

	tracelog.COMPLETED(service.UserId, "FindRegion")
	return buoyStations, err
Пример #11
// IsTokenValid checks whether a token is valid for a Secure Entity.
func IsTokenValid(secureEntity SecureEntity, token string) error {
	tracelog.STARTED("Utils", "IsValidToken")

	decodedToken, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(token)
	if err != nil {
		tracelog.ERRORf(err, "Utils", "Utils.IsValidToken", "Error Decoding Passed In Token, %s", token)
		return err

	entityToken, tErr := secureEntity.TokenBytes()
	if tErr != nil {
		tracelog.ERRORf(tErr, "Utils", "Utils.IsValidToken", "Error Generating Token for Entity")
		return tErr

	if hmac.Equal(decodedToken, entityToken) == false {
		tracelog.ERRORf(err, "Utils", "Utils.IsValidToken", "Invalid Token Comparison,Tokens Are not the same, Invalid Token, entity[%s], decoded[%s]", string(entityToken), string(decodedToken))
		return errors.New("Invalid Token")

	tracelog.COMPLETED("Utils", "IsValidToken, Token Is Valid")
	return nil
Пример #12
// Startup brings the manager to a running state
func Startup(sessionId string) (err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, sessionId, "Startup")

	// If the system has already been started ignore the call
	if _This != nil {
		return err

	tracelog.STARTED(sessionId, "Startup")

	// Pull in the configuration
	config := mongoConfiguration{}
	err = envconfig.Process("mgo", &config)
	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, sessionId, "Startup")
		return err

	// Create the Mongo Manager
	_This = &mongoManager{
		sessions: map[string]*mongoSession{},

	// Log the mongodb connection straps
	tracelog.TRACE(sessionId, "Startup", "MongoDB : Hosts[%s]", config.Hosts)
	tracelog.TRACE(sessionId, "Startup", "MongoDB : Database[%s]", config.Database)
	tracelog.TRACE(sessionId, "Startup", "MongoDB : Username[%s]", config.UserName)

	hosts := strings.Split(config.Hosts, ",")

	// Create the strong and monotonic sessions
	err = CreateSession(sessionId, "strong", MASTER_SESSION, hosts, config.Database, config.UserName, config.Password)
	err = CreateSession(sessionId, "monotonic", MONOTONIC_SESSION, hosts, config.Database, config.UserName, config.Password)

	tracelog.COMPLETED(sessionId, "Startup")
	return err
Пример #13
// FindStation retrieves the specified station
func FindStation(service *services.Service, stationId string) (buoyStation *buoyModels.BuoyStation, err error) {
	defer helper.CatchPanic(&err, service.UserId, "FindStation")

	tracelog.STARTED(service.UserId, "FindStation")

	// Find the specified station id
	queryMap := bson.M{"station_id": stationId}
	tracelog.TRACE(service.UserId, "FindStation", "Query : %s", mongo.ToString(queryMap))

	// Execute the query
	buoyStation = &buoyModels.BuoyStation{}
	err = service.DBAction(Config.Database, "buoy_stations",
		func(collection *mgo.Collection) error {
			return collection.Find(queryMap).One(buoyStation)

	if err != nil {
		tracelog.COMPLETED_ERROR(err, service.UserId, "FindStation")
		return buoyStation, err

	tracelog.COMPLETED(service.UserId, "FindStation")
	return buoyStation, err