Пример #1
// readString reads a NUL-terminated string from z.r.
// It treats the bytes read as being encoded as ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) and
// will output a string encoded using UTF-8.
// This method always updates z.digest with the data read.
func (z *Reader) readString() (string, error) {
	var err error
	needConv := false
	for i := 0; ; i++ {
		if i >= len(z.buf) {
			return "", ErrHeader
		z.buf[i], err = z.r.ReadByte()
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if z.buf[i] > 0x7f {
			needConv = true
		if z.buf[i] == 0 {
			// Digest covers the NUL terminator.
			z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, z.buf[:i+1])

			// Strings are ISO 8859-1, Latin-1 (RFC 1952, section 2.3.1).
			if needConv {
				s := make([]rune, 0, i)
				for _, v := range z.buf[:i] {
					s = append(s, rune(v))
				return string(s), nil
			return string(z.buf[:i]), nil
Пример #2
// Read implements io.Reader, reading uncompressed bytes from its underlying Reader.
func (z *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	if z.err != nil {
		return 0, z.err

	n, z.err = z.decompressor.Read(p)
	z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, p[:n])
	z.size += uint32(n)
	if z.err != io.EOF {
		// In the normal case we return here.
		return n, z.err

	// Finished file; check checksum and size.
	if _, err := io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:8]); err != nil {
		z.err = noEOF(err)
		return n, z.err
	digest := le.Uint32(z.buf[:4])
	size := le.Uint32(z.buf[4:8])
	if digest != z.digest || size != z.size {
		z.err = ErrChecksum
		return n, z.err
	z.digest, z.size = 0, 0

	// File is ok; check if there is another.
	if !z.multistream {
		return n, io.EOF
	z.err = nil // Remove io.EOF

	if _, z.err = z.readHeader(); z.err != nil {
		return n, z.err

	// Read from next file, if necessary.
	if n > 0 {
		return n, nil
	return z.Read(p)
Пример #3
// crc implements the checksum specified in section 3 of
// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt
func crc(b []byte) uint32 {
	c := crc32.Update(0, crcTable, b)
	return uint32(c>>15|c<<17) + 0xa282ead8
Пример #4
func (c CRC) Update(b []byte) CRC {
	return CRC(crc32.Update(uint32(c), table, b))
Пример #5
// Write writes a compressed form of p to the underlying io.Writer. The
// compressed bytes are not necessarily flushed until the Writer is closed.
func (z *Writer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	if z.err != nil {
		return 0, z.err
	var n int
	// Write the GZIP header lazily.
	if !z.wroteHeader {
		z.wroteHeader = true
		z.buf[0] = gzipID1
		z.buf[1] = gzipID2
		z.buf[2] = gzipDeflate
		z.buf[3] = 0
		if z.Extra != nil {
			z.buf[3] |= 0x04
		if z.Name != "" {
			z.buf[3] |= 0x08
		if z.Comment != "" {
			z.buf[3] |= 0x10
		le.PutUint32(z.buf[4:8], uint32(z.ModTime.Unix()))
		if z.level == BestCompression {
			z.buf[8] = 2
		} else if z.level == BestSpeed {
			z.buf[8] = 4
		} else {
			z.buf[8] = 0
		z.buf[9] = z.OS
		n, z.err = z.w.Write(z.buf[:10])
		if z.err != nil {
			return n, z.err
		if z.Extra != nil {
			z.err = z.writeBytes(z.Extra)
			if z.err != nil {
				return n, z.err
		if z.Name != "" {
			z.err = z.writeString(z.Name)
			if z.err != nil {
				return n, z.err
		if z.Comment != "" {
			z.err = z.writeString(z.Comment)
			if z.err != nil {
				return n, z.err
		if z.compressor == nil {
			z.compressor, _ = flate.NewWriter(z.w, z.level)
	z.size += uint32(len(p))
	z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, p)
	n, z.err = z.compressor.Write(p)
	return n, z.err
Пример #6
// readHeader reads the GZIP header according to section 2.3.1.
// This method does not set z.err.
func (z *Reader) readHeader() (hdr Header, err error) {
	if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:10]); err != nil {
		// RFC 1952, section 2.2, says the following:
		//	A gzip file consists of a series of "members" (compressed data sets).
		// Other than this, the specification does not clarify whether a
		// "series" is defined as "one or more" or "zero or more". To err on the
		// side of caution, Go interprets this to mean "zero or more".
		// Thus, it is okay to return io.EOF here.
		return hdr, err
	if z.buf[0] != gzipID1 || z.buf[1] != gzipID2 || z.buf[2] != gzipDeflate {
		return hdr, ErrHeader
	flg := z.buf[3]
	hdr.ModTime = time.Unix(int64(le.Uint32(z.buf[4:8])), 0)
	// z.buf[8] is XFL and is currently ignored.
	hdr.OS = z.buf[9]
	z.digest = crc32.ChecksumIEEE(z.buf[:10])

	if flg&flagExtra != 0 {
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:2]); err != nil {
			return hdr, noEOF(err)
		z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, z.buf[:2])
		data := make([]byte, le.Uint16(z.buf[:2]))
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, data); err != nil {
			return hdr, noEOF(err)
		z.digest = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, data)
		hdr.Extra = data

	var s string
	if flg&flagName != 0 {
		if s, err = z.readString(); err != nil {
			return hdr, err
		hdr.Name = s

	if flg&flagComment != 0 {
		if s, err = z.readString(); err != nil {
			return hdr, err
		hdr.Comment = s

	if flg&flagHdrCrc != 0 {
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, z.buf[:2]); err != nil {
			return hdr, noEOF(err)
		digest := le.Uint16(z.buf[:2])
		if digest != uint16(z.digest) {
			return hdr, ErrHeader

	z.digest = 0
	if z.decompressor == nil {
		z.decompressor = flate.NewReader(z.r)
	} else {
		z.decompressor.(flate.Resetter).Reset(z.r, nil)
	return hdr, nil