// StdLenColorized returns the colorized standard length label for console
// output using ANSI escape sequences.
func (l Label) StdLenColorized() string {
	if l.level == LEVEL_PRINT {
		return l.StdLenName()
	return rgbterm.String(l.StdLenName(), l.colorRGB[0], l.colorRGB[1],
func ExampleString() {
	var r, g, b uint8
	// pick a color
	r, g, b = 252, 255, 43
	// choose a word
	word := "=)"
	// colorize it!
	coloredWord := rgbterm.String(word, r, g, b)

	fmt.Println("Oh!", coloredWord, "hello!")

	// Output:
	// Oh! =) hello!
var date = "Mon 20060102 15:04:05"

var fprintOutputTests = []struct {
	template   string
	prefix     string
	level      level
	dateFormat string
	flags      int
	text       string
	expect     string
	expectErr  bool
	// Test with color prefix
		template:   logFmt,
		prefix:     rgbterm.String("TEST>", 0, 255, 0),
		level:      LEVEL_PRINT,
		dateFormat: date,
		flags:      LstdFlags,
		text:       "test number 1",
		// The %s format specifier is the placeholder for the date.
		expect:    "%s \x1b[38;5;46mTEST>\x1b[0;00m test number 1",
		expectErr: false,
	// Test output with coloring turned off
		template:   logFmt,
		prefix:     "TEST>",
		level:      LEVEL_PRINT,
		dateFormat: date,
		flags:      Ldate | Lprefix,
// Fprint is used by all of the logging functions to send output to the output
// stream.
// flags sets the output flags to use when writing the output.
// logLevel is the level of the output.
// calldepth is the number of stack frames to skip when getting the file
// name of original calling function for file name output.
// text is the string to append to the assembled log format output. If the text
// is prefixed with newlines, they will be stripped out and placed in front of
// the completed output (test with template applied) before writing it to the
// stream.
// stream will be used as the output stream the text will be written to. If
// stream is nil, the stream value contained in the logger object is used.
// Fprint returns the number of bytes written to the stream or an error.
func (l *Logger) Fprint(flags int, logLevel level, calldepth int,
	text string, stream io.Writer) (n int, err error) {

	if (logLevel != LEVEL_PRINT && l.level != LEVEL_PRINT) &&
		logLevel < l.level {

	// Check for string excludes
	if len(l.excludeStrings) > 0 {
		for _, val := range l.excludeStrings {
			if strings.Contains(text, val) {

	now := time.Now()
	var pgmC uintptr
	var file, fName string
	var line int
	var id string
	var indentCount int

	defer l.mu.Unlock()

	if flags&(LlongFileName|LshortFileName|LfunctionName|Lid|Ltree) != 0 ||
		len(l.excludeFuncNames) > 0 {
		// release lock while getting caller info - it's expensive.

		pgmC, file, line, _ = runtime.Caller(calldepth)

		if flags&Ltree != 0 {
			pc := make([]uintptr, 32)
			pcNum := runtime.Callers(4, pc)
			for i := 1; i < pcNum; i++ {
				pcFunc := runtime.FuncForPC(pc[i])
				funcName := pcFunc.Name()
				if funcName == "runtime.goexit" {
				indentCount += 1

		if flags&Lid != 0 {
			fAtPC := runtime.FuncForPC(pgmC)
			fName = fAtPC.Name()
			var idNum int
			if _, ok := l.ids[fName]; ok {
				idNum = l.ids[fName]
			} else {
				l.ids[fName] = l.lastId
				idNum = l.lastId
				l.lastId += 1
			id = fmt.Sprintf("[%02.f]", float64(idNum))

		if flags&LshortFileName != 0 {
			short := file
			for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
				if file[i] == '/' {
					short = file[i+1:]
			file = short

		if flags&LfunctionName != 0 || len(l.excludeFuncNames) > 0 {
			fAtPC := runtime.FuncForPC(pgmC)
			fName = fAtPC.Name()
			for i := len(fName) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				if fName[i] == '.' {
					fName = fName[i+1:]


	// Check excludes and skip output if matches are found
	var iId int
	if flags&(Lid) != 0 {
		for _, eId := range l.excludeIDs {
			iId, _ = strconv.Atoi(id[1 : len(id)-1])
			if iId == eId {

	// Check func name excludes and return if matches are found
	if len(fName) > 0 {
		for _, name := range l.excludeFuncNames {
			if strings.Contains(fName, name) {

	// Reset the buffer
	l.buf = l.buf[:0]

	trimText := strings.TrimLeft(text, "\n")
	trimedCount := len(text) - len(trimText)
	if trimedCount > 0 {
		l.buf = append(l.buf, trimText...)
	} else {
		l.buf = append(l.buf, text...)

	var date string
	var prefix string

	if flags&Ldate != 0 {
		date = now.Format(l.dateFormat)

	if flags&Lprefix != 0 {
		prefix = l.prefix

	if flags&LlineNumber == 0 {
		line = 0

	if flags&(LshortFileName|LlongFileName) == 0 {
		file = ""

	if flags&LfunctionName == 0 {
		fName = ""

	var indent string
	if indentCount > 0 || flags&Lindent != 0 {
		for i := 0; i < indentCount+l.indent; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < l.tabStop; j++ {
				if flags&LshowIndent != 0 && j == l.tabStop-1 {
					indent += "|"
				} else if flags&LshowIndent != 0 {
					indent += "."
				} else {
					indent += " "
		if len(indent) > 0 && string(indent[0]) != " " {
			indent = rgbterm.String(indent, defaultIndentColor[0],
				defaultIndentColor[1], defaultIndentColor[2])

	var label string
	if flags&Llabel != 0 {
		if flags&Lcolor != 0 {
			label = logLevel.AnsiLabel()
			if flags&Ltree != 0 {
				label = logLevel.AnsiStdLenLabel()
		} else {
			label = logLevel.Label()
			if flags&Ltree != 0 {
				label = logLevel.StdLenLabel()

	f := &format{
		Prefix:       prefix,
		LogLabel:     label,
		Date:         date,
		FileName:     file,
		FunctionName: fName,
		LineNumber:   line,
		Indent:       indent,
		Id:           id,
		Text:         string(l.buf),

	var out bytes.Buffer
	var strippedText, finalText string

	err = l.template.Execute(&out, f)
	if err != nil {

	if flags&Lcolor == 0 {
		strippedText = stripAnsi(out.String())

	if trimedCount > 0 && flags&Lcolor == 0 {
		finalText = strings.Repeat("\n", trimedCount) + strippedText
	} else if trimedCount > 0 && flags&Lcolor != 0 {
		finalText = strings.Repeat("\n", trimedCount) + out.String()
	} else if flags&Lcolor == 0 {
		finalText = strippedText
	} else {
		finalText = out.String()

	if stream == nil {
		n, err = l.Write([]byte(finalText))
	} else {
		n, err = stream.Write([]byte(finalText))

// Colorized returns the colorized label for console output using ANSI escape
// sequences.
func (l Label) Colorized() string {
	if l.level == LEVEL_PRINT {
		return l.name
	return rgbterm.String(l.name, l.colorRGB[0], l.colorRGB[1], l.colorRGB[2])
	// at all.

	// LEVEL_CRITICAL messages are used when something is completely broken
	// and unrecoverable. Critical messages are usually followed by
	// os.Exit().

	// LEVEL_PRINT shows output for the standard Print functions and above.

var (
	defaultDate        = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 MST 2006"
	defaultPrefix      = "::"
	defaultPrefixColor = rgbterm.String("::", 0, 255, 135) // Green
	defaultIndentColor = []uint8{0, 135, 175}              // Grayish blue

// Flags are used to control the formatting of the logging output.
const (
	// These flags define which text to prefix to each log entry generated
	// by the Logger. Bits or'ed together to control what's printed.
	Ldate = 1 << iota

	// Full file name and line number: /a/b/c/d.go:23

	// Base file name and line number: d.go:23. overrides LshortFileName
文件: main.go 项目: jmptrader/go-rst
import (


var APP_NAME = rgbterm.String("progress-dump", 255, 255, 135)
var APP_DESC = rgbterm.String("Dumps progress output", 0, 215, 95)
var APP_USAGE = APP_NAME + " - " + APP_DESC + `

  progress-dump [--progress-yml <PATH>] [-h | --help]

  -h --help                        Show the help message.
  --progress-yml <PATH>  The path to progress.yml [default: ../../progress.yml]
  --readme <PATH>        The path to README.rst

type Item struct {
	Item      string
	Done      string
// This code is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for more info.

package log

import (


var colorTests = []struct {
	escapeCodes string
	output      string
	{rgbterm.String("red foreground color", 255, 0, 0),
		"\x1b[38;5;196mred foreground color\x1b[0;00m"},
	{rgbterm.String("green foreground color", 0, 255, 0),
		"\x1b[38;5;46mgreen foreground color\x1b[0;00m"},
	{rgbterm.String("blue foreground color", 0, 0, 255),
		"\x1b[38;5;21mblue foreground color\x1b[0;00m"},

func TestColors(t *testing.T) {
	for i, v := range colorTests {
		if out := v.escapeCodes; out != v.output {
			t.Errorf("Test Number: %d\nGot:\t%q\nExpect:\t%q\n", i,
				v.escapeCodes, v.output)