func (this *Mirror) Main() (exitCode int) { this.quit = make(chan struct{}) signal.RegisterHandler(func(sig os.Signal) { log.Info("received signal: %s", strings.ToUpper(sig.String())) log.Info("quiting...") this.once.Do(func() { close(this.quit) }) }, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) limit := (1 << 20) * this.BandwidthLimit / 8 if this.BandwidthLimit > 0 { this.bandwidthRateLimiter = ratelimiter.NewLeakyBucket(limit*10, time.Second*10) } log.Info("starting mirror@%s", gafka.BuildId) // pprof debugAddr := ":10009" go http.ListenAndServe(debugAddr, nil) log.Info("pprof ready on %s", debugAddr) z1 := zk.NewZkZone(zk.DefaultConfig(this.Z1, ctx.ZoneZkAddrs(this.Z1))) z2 := zk.NewZkZone(zk.DefaultConfig(this.Z2, ctx.ZoneZkAddrs(this.Z2))) c1 := z1.NewCluster(this.C1) c2 := z2.NewCluster(this.C2) this.runMirror(c1, c2, limit) log.Info("bye mirror@%s, %s", gafka.BuildId, time.Since(this.startedAt)) log.Close() return }
func main() { for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] { if arg == "-v" || arg == "-version" { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s-%s\n", gafka.Version, gafka.BuildId) return } } t0 := time.Now() bootstrap.Main() log.Info("actord[%s@%s] %s, bye!", gafka.BuildId, gafka.BuiltAt, time.Since(t0)) log.Close() }
func main() { go http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6786", nil) log.Info("pprof ready on http://localhost:6786/debug/pprof") cfg := disk.DefaultConfig() cfg.Dirs = []string{"hh"} s := disk.New(cfg) if err := s.Start(); err != nil { panic(err) } placeholder := strings.Repeat(".", 1<<10) i, j := 5, 1000 cluster, topic := "me", "app1.foobar.v1" var wg sync.WaitGroup for seq := 0; seq < i; seq++ { wg.Add(1) go func(seq int) { defer wg.Done() for loops := 0; loops < j; loops++ { if err := s.Append(cluster, topic, []byte("key"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<#%d/%d sent at: %s %s>", seq, loops+1, time.Now(), placeholder))); err != nil { panic(err) } } }(seq) } log.Info("%d sent, waiting Append finish...", i*j) wg.Wait() log.Info("all Append done") s.Stop() log.Info("service stopped") log.Info("Did you see %d messages? Inflight empty: %v", i*j, s.Empty(cluster, topic)) log.Info("bye!") s.FlushInflights() log.Close() }
func (this *Start) Run(args []string) (exitCode int) { cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("start", flag.ContinueOnError) cmdFlags.Usage = func() { this.Ui.Output(this.Help()) } cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.logfile, "log", defaultLogfile, "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&, "z", ctx.ZkDefaultZone(), "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.root, "p", defaultPrefix, "") cmdFlags.BoolVar(&this.debugMode, "d", false, "") cmdFlags.BoolVar(&this.forwardFor, "forwardfor", false, "") cmdFlags.IntVar(&this.pubPort, "pub", 10891, "") cmdFlags.IntVar(&this.subPort, "sub", 10892, "") cmdFlags.IntVar(&this.manPort, "man", 10893, "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.haproxyStatsUrl, "statsurl", "", "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.influxdbAddr, "influxaddr", "", "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.influxdbDbName, "influxdb", "", "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.httpAddr, "addr", ":10894", "monitor http server addr") if err := cmdFlags.Parse(args); err != nil { return 1 } lockFilename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.lock", this.root) if locking.InstanceLocked(lockFilename) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("locked[%s] by another instance", lockFilename)) } locking.LockInstance(lockFilename) err := os.Chdir(this.root) swalllow(err) this.command = fmt.Sprintf("%s/sbin/haproxy", this.root) if _, err := os.Stat(this.command); err != nil { panic(err) } this.setupLogging(this.logfile, "info", "panic") this.starting = true this.startedAt = time.Now() if this.haproxyStatsUrl != "" && this.influxdbAddr != "" && this.influxdbDbName != "" { rc, err := influxdb.NewConfig(this.influxdbAddr, this.influxdbDbName, "", "", time.Minute) if err != nil { panic(err) } telemetry.Default = influxdb.New(metrics.DefaultRegistry, rc) go func() { log.Info("telemetry started: %s", telemetry.Default.Name()) if err := telemetry.Default.Start(); err != nil { log.Error("telemetry: %v", err) } }() m := haproxyMetrics{ ctx: this, interval: time.Second * 30, uri: this.haproxyStatsUrl, } go m.start() } this.quitCh = make(chan struct{}) this.closed = make(chan struct{}) signal.RegisterHandler(func(sig os.Signal) { log.Info("ehaproxy[%s] got signal: %s", gafka.BuildId, strings.ToUpper(sig.String())) this.shutdown() log.Info("removing %s", configFile) os.Remove(configFile) log.Info("removing lock[%s]", lockFilename) locking.UnlockInstance(lockFilename) close(this.quitCh) if telemetry.Default != nil { log.Info("stopping telemetry and flush all metrics...") telemetry.Default.Stop() } log.Info("ehaproxy[%s] shutdown complete", gafka.BuildId) log.Info("ehaproxy[%s] %s bye!", gafka.BuildId, time.Since(this.startedAt)) close(this.closed) }, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) this.main() <-this.closed log.Close() return }
func main() { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) debug.PrintStack() } }() if gateway.Options.Debug { log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Llongfile) // TODO zk sdk uses this log.SetPrefix(color.Magenta("[log]")) } else { log.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) } if gateway.Options.KillFile != "" { if err := signal.SignalProcessByPidFile(gateway.Options.KillFile, syscall.SIGUSR2); err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println("kateway killed") os.Exit(0) } if gateway.Options.GolangTrace { // go tool trace kateway xxx.pprof f, err := os.Create(time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T150405.pprof")) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer f.Close() if err = trace.Start(f); err != nil { panic(err) } defer trace.Stop() } fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, strings.TrimSpace(logo)) if gateway.Options.PidFile != "" { pid := os.Getpid() if err := ioutil.WriteFile(gateway.Options.PidFile, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", pid)), 0644); err != nil { panic(err) } } gateway.SetupLogging(gateway.Options.LogFile, gateway.Options.LogLevel, gateway.Options.CrashLogFile) // load config if gateway.Options.ConfigFile == "" { ctx.LoadFromHome() } else { _, err := os.Stat(gateway.Options.ConfigFile) if err != nil { panic(err) } ctx.LoadConfig(gateway.Options.ConfigFile) } gw := gateway.New(gateway.Options.Id) if err := gw.Start(); err != nil { glog.Error(err.Error()) glog.Info("kateway[%s@%s] bye!", gafka.BuildId, gafka.BuiltAt) glog.Close() os.Exit(1) } t0 := time.Now() gw.ServeForever() glog.Info("kateway[%s@%s] %s, bye!", gafka.BuildId, gafka.BuiltAt, time.Since(t0)) glog.Close() if gateway.Options.PidFile != "" { syscall.Unlink(gateway.Options.PidFile) } }
func (this *Monitor) ServeForever() { defer this.zkzone.Close() this.startedAt = time.Now() log.Info("kguard[%s@%s] starting...", gafka.BuildId, gafka.BuiltAt) signal.RegisterHandler(func(sig os.Signal) { log.Info("kguard[%s@%s] received signal: %s", gafka.BuildId, gafka.BuiltAt, strings.ToUpper(sig.String())) this.Stop() close(this.quit) }, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) // start the api server apiServer := &http.Server{ Addr: this.apiAddr, Handler: this.router, } apiListener, err := net.Listen("tcp4", this.apiAddr) if err == nil { log.Info("api http server ready on %s", this.apiAddr) go apiServer.Serve(apiListener) } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("api http server: %v", err)) } backend, err := zookeeper.New(this.zkzone.ZkAddrList(), &store.Config{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } ip, _ := ctx.LocalIP() this.candidate = leadership.NewCandidate(backend, zk.KguardLeaderPath, ip.String(), 25*time.Second) electedCh, errCh := this.candidate.RunForElection() if err != nil { panic("Cannot run for election, store is probably down") } for { select { case isElected := <-electedCh: if isElected { log.Info("Won the election, starting all watchers") this.Start() } else { log.Warn("Fails the election, watching election events...") this.Stop() } case err := <-errCh: if err != nil { log.Error("Error during election: %v", err) } case <-this.quit: apiListener.Close() log.Info("api http server closed") log.Info("kguard[%s@%s] bye!", gafka.BuildId, gafka.BuiltAt) log.Close() return } } }