// childEnv creates a map of environment variables for child processes to have
// access to configurations in Consul Template's configuration.
func (r *Runner) childEnv() []string {
	var m = make(map[string]string)

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Consul.Address) {
		m["CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Consul.Address)

	if config.BoolVal(r.config.Consul.Auth.Enabled) {
		m["CONSUL_HTTP_AUTH"] = r.config.Consul.Auth.String()

	m["CONSUL_HTTP_SSL"] = strconv.FormatBool(config.BoolVal(r.config.Consul.SSL.Enabled))
	m["CONSUL_HTTP_SSL_VERIFY"] = strconv.FormatBool(config.BoolVal(r.config.Consul.SSL.Verify))

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Vault.Address) {
		m["VAULT_ADDR"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Vault.Address)

	if !config.BoolVal(r.config.Vault.SSL.Verify) {
		m["VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY"] = "true"

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Vault.SSL.Cert) {
		m["VAULT_CLIENT_CERT"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Vault.SSL.Cert)

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Vault.SSL.Key) {
		m["VAULT_CLIENT_KEY"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Vault.SSL.Key)

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Vault.SSL.CaPath) {
		m["VAULT_CAPATH"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Vault.SSL.CaPath)

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Vault.SSL.CaCert) {
		m["VAULT_CACERT"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Vault.SSL.CaCert)

	if config.StringPresent(r.config.Vault.SSL.ServerName) {
		m["VAULT_TLS_SERVER_NAME"] = config.StringVal(r.config.Vault.SSL.ServerName)

	// Append runner-supplied env (this is supplied programatically).
	for k, v := range r.Env {
		m[k] = v

	e := make([]string, 0, len(m))
	for k, v := range m {
		e = append(e, k+"="+v)
	return e
// newWatcher creates a new watcher.
func newWatcher(c *config.Config, clients *dep.ClientSet, once bool) (*watch.Watcher, error) {
	log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) creating watcher")

	w, err := watch.NewWatcher(&watch.NewWatcherInput{
		Clients:         clients,
		MaxStale:        config.TimeDurationVal(c.MaxStale),
		Once:            once,
		RenewVault:      config.StringPresent(c.Vault.Token) && config.BoolVal(c.Vault.RenewToken),
		RetryFuncConsul: watch.RetryFunc(c.Consul.Retry.RetryFunc()),
		// TODO: Add a sane default retry - right now this only affects "local"
		// dependencies like reading a file from disk.
		RetryFuncDefault: nil,
		RetryFuncVault:   watch.RetryFunc(c.Vault.Retry.RetryFunc()),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "runner")
	return w, nil
// Start begins the polling for this runner. Any errors that occur will cause
// this function to push an item onto the runner's error channel and the halt
// execution. This function is blocking and should be called as a goroutine.
func (r *Runner) Start() {
	log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) starting")

	// Create the pid before doing anything.
	if err := r.storePid(); err != nil {
		r.ErrCh <- err

	// Start the de-duplication manager
	var dedupCh <-chan struct{}
	if r.dedup != nil {
		if err := r.dedup.Start(); err != nil {
			r.ErrCh <- err
		dedupCh = r.dedup.UpdateCh()

	// Setup the child process exit channel
	var childExitCh <-chan int

	// Fire an initial run to parse all the templates and setup the first-pass
	// dependencies. This also forces any templates that have no dependencies to
	// be rendered immediately (since they are already renderable).
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] (runner) running initial templates")
	if err := r.Run(); err != nil {
		r.ErrCh <- err

	for {
		// Enable quiescence for all templates if we have specified wait
		// intervals.
		for _, t := range r.templates {
			if _, ok := r.quiescenceMap[t.ID()]; ok {
				continue NEXT_Q

			for _, c := range r.templateConfigsFor(t) {
				if *c.Wait.Enabled {
					log.Printf("[DEBUG] (runner) enabling template-specific quiescence for %q", t.ID())
					r.quiescenceMap[t.ID()] = newQuiescence(
						r.quiescenceCh, *c.Wait.Min, *c.Wait.Max, t)
					continue NEXT_Q

			if *r.config.Wait.Enabled {
				log.Printf("[DEBUG] (runner) enabling global quiescence for %q", t.ID())
				r.quiescenceMap[t.ID()] = newQuiescence(
					r.quiescenceCh, *r.config.Wait.Min, *r.config.Wait.Max, t)
				continue NEXT_Q

		// Warn the user if they are watching too many dependencies.
		if r.watcher.Size() > saneViewLimit {
			log.Printf("[WARN] (runner) watching %d dependencies - watching this "+
				"many dependencies could DDoS your consul cluster", r.watcher.Size())
		} else {
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] (runner) watching %d dependencies", r.watcher.Size())

		if r.allTemplatesRendered() {
			// If an exec command was given and a command is not currently running,
			// spawn the child process for supervision.
			if config.StringPresent(r.config.Exec.Command) {
				// Lock the child because we are about to check if it exists.

				if r.child == nil {
					env := r.config.Exec.Env.Copy()
					env.Custom = append(r.childEnv(), env.Custom...)
					child, err := spawnChild(&spawnChildInput{
						Stdin:        r.inStream,
						Stdout:       r.outStream,
						Stderr:       r.errStream,
						Command:      config.StringVal(r.config.Exec.Command),
						Env:          env.Env(),
						ReloadSignal: config.SignalVal(r.config.Exec.ReloadSignal),
						KillSignal:   config.SignalVal(r.config.Exec.KillSignal),
						KillTimeout:  config.TimeDurationVal(r.config.Exec.KillTimeout),
						Splay:        config.TimeDurationVal(r.config.Exec.Splay),
					if err != nil {
						r.ErrCh <- err
					r.child = child

				// Unlock the child, we are done now.

				// It's possible that we didn't start a process, in which case no
				// channel is returned. If we did get a new exitCh, that means a child
				// was spawned, so we need to watch a new exitCh. It is also possible
				// that during a run, the child process was restarted, which means a
				// new exit channel should be used.
				nexitCh := r.child.ExitCh()
				if nexitCh != nil {
					childExitCh = nexitCh

			// If we are running in once mode and all our templates are rendered,
			// then we should exit here.
			if r.once {
				log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) once mode and all templates rendered")

				if r.child != nil {

					log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) waiting for child process to exit")
					select {
					case c := <-childExitCh:
						log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) child process died")
						r.ErrCh <- NewErrChildDied(c)
					case <-r.DoneCh:


		select {
		case view := <-r.watcher.DataCh():
			// Receive this update
			r.Receive(view.Dependency(), view.Data())

			// Drain all dependency data. Given a large number of dependencies, it is
			// feasible that we have data for more than one of them. Instead of
			// wasting CPU cycles rendering templates when we have more dependencies
			// waiting to be added to the brain, we drain the entire buffered channel
			// on the watcher and then reports when it is done receiving new data
			// which the parent select listens for.
			// Please see https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/issues/168 for
			// more information about this optimization and the entire backstory.
			for {
				select {
				case view := <-r.watcher.DataCh():
					r.Receive(view.Dependency(), view.Data())
					break OUTER

		case <-dedupCh:
			// We may get triggered by the de-duplication manager for either a change
			// in leadership (acquired or lost lock), or an update of data for a template
			// that we are watching.
			log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) watcher triggered by de-duplication manager")
			break OUTER

		case err := <-r.watcher.ErrCh():
			// Push the error back up the stack
			log.Printf("[ERR] (runner) watcher reported error: %s", err)
			r.ErrCh <- err

		case tmpl := <-r.quiescenceCh:
			// Remove the quiescence for this template from the map. This will force
			// the upcoming Run call to actually evaluate and render the template.
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] (runner) received template %q from quiescence", tmpl.ID())
			delete(r.quiescenceMap, tmpl.ID())

		case c := <-childExitCh:
			log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) child process died")
			r.ErrCh <- NewErrChildDied(c)

		case <-r.DoneCh:
			log.Printf("[INFO] (runner) received finish")

		// If we got this far, that means we got new data or one of the timers
		// fired, so attempt to re-render.
		if err := r.Run(); err != nil {
			r.ErrCh <- err