// provisionNode allocates the IDs for one node, meant to be called from a tree
// traversal. If allocation fails, panic and expect to be recovered. The
// allocated IDs are stored in newIds so as to be collected in the recover
// routine.
func provisionNode(g canvas.Graph, this canvas.Node, newIds *[]canvas.NodeIfc) {
	Info.Printf("Provisioning %s (%d)\n", this, this.ID())
	for _, t := range g.From(this) {
		e := g.E(this, t)
		target := t.(canvas.Node)
		chain := computeChainFrom(this, target)
		fid, tid := e.F().Ifc(), e.T().Ifc()
		var err error
		if fid < 0 {
			if fid, err = e.From().(canvas.Node).NewInterfaceID(); err != nil {
				Error.Printf("Provisioning %s failed %s\n", e.From().(canvas.Node), err)
			*newIds = append(*newIds, canvas.NodeIfc{e.From().ID(), fid})
		if tid < 0 {
			if tid, err = e.To().(canvas.Node).NewInterfaceID(); err != nil {
				Error.Printf("Provisioning %s failed %s\n", e.To().(canvas.Node), err)
			*newIds = append(*newIds, canvas.NodeIfc{e.To().ID(), tid})
		if e.Update(chain, fid, tid) {