func main() { accountSid := "" authToken := "" twilio := gotwilio.NewTwilioClient(accountSid, authToken) from := "+" to := "+" callbackParams := gotwilio.NewCallbackParameters("") twilio.CallWithUrlCallbacks(from, to, callbackParams) }
func callDevTeam() { config := common.GetConfig() twilio := gotwilio.NewTwilioClient(config.TwilioSID, config.TwilioAuthToken) messageURL := "!" callbackParams := gotwilio.NewCallbackParameters(messageURL) for _, num := range config.Phones { fmt.Printf("!!! Calling %s\n", num) _, tException, err := twilio.CallWithUrlCallbacks(config.TwilioCallFrom, num, callbackParams) if tException != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Twilio error: %+v\n", tException)) } check(err) } }
func alertInit() { alertFuncs = make(map[string]AlertFunc) alertFuncs["email"] = func(data string, check *Check, result *CheckResult, db *sql.DB) error { subject := fmt.Sprintf("Check %s: %s", result.Status, check.Name) var body string if result.Status == StatusOnline { body = fmt.Sprintf("Check [%s] is now online.", check.Name) } else { body = fmt.Sprintf("Check [%s] is now %s: %s", check.Name, result.Status, result.Message) } body += fmt.Sprintf("\n\nID: %d\nName: %s\nType: %s\nData: %s\n\ngobearmon", check.Id, check.Name, check.Type, check.Data) return mail(subject, body, data) } alertFuncs["http"] = func(data string, check *Check, result *CheckResult, db *sql.DB) error { resp, err := http.PostForm(data, url.Values{ "check_id": {strconv.Itoa(int(check.Id))}, "name": {check.Name}, "type": {check.Type}, "data": {check.Data}, "status": {string(result.Status)}, "message": {result.Message}, }) if err != nil { return err } resp.Body.Close() return nil } alertFuncs["sms"] = func(data string, check *Check, result *CheckResult, db *sql.DB) error { var message string if result.Status == StatusOnline { message = fmt.Sprintf("Check [%s] is now online.", check.Name) } else { message = fmt.Sprintf("Check [%s] is now %s: %s", check.Name, result.Status, result.Message) } twilio := gotwilio.NewTwilioClient(cfg.Twilio.AccountSid, cfg.Twilio.AuthToken) resp, exception, err := twilio.SendSMS(cfg.Twilio.From, data, message, "", "") if err != nil { return err } else if exception != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error(%d/%d): %s (%s)", exception.Status, exception.Code, exception.Message, exception.MoreInfo) } db.Exec("INSERT INTO charges (check_id, type, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", check.Id, "sms", resp.Sid) return nil } alertFuncs["voice"] = func(data string, check *Check, result *CheckResult, db *sql.DB) error { message := fmt.Sprintf("This is a monitoring-related call from go bear mon . The check . %s . has been recorded . %s . Reason is . %s", check.Name, result.Status, result.Message) twilio := gotwilio.NewTwilioClient(cfg.Twilio.AccountSid, cfg.Twilio.AuthToken) params := gotwilio.NewCallbackParameters("" + url.QueryEscape(message)) resp, exception, err := twilio.CallWithUrlCallbacks(cfg.Twilio.From, data, params) if err != nil { return err } else if exception != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error(%d/%d): %s (%s)", exception.Status, exception.Code, exception.Message, exception.MoreInfo) } db.Exec("INSERT INTO charges (check_id, type, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", check.Id, "voice", resp.Sid) return nil } }