//Fetch all datas for the given day and given user //return a json stream with calls on success otherwise http status 500 func (c Daily) PeerDatas(day string, user string) revel.Result { revel.TRACE.Printf("[Daily PEERDATAS] Get incomming call for the given date [%s].\r\n", day) results := bson.M{} inCalls := mongo.GetPeerInCallsForUser(day, user, c.MongoDatabase) revel.TRACE.Printf("[Daily PEERSDATAS] Get outgoing call for the given date [%s].\r\n", day) outCalls := mongo.GetPeerOutCallsForUser(day, user, c.MongoDatabase) hourlyInCalls := mongo.GetPeerInCallsByHoursAndPeer(day, user, c.MongoDatabase) hourlyOutCalls := mongo.GetPeerOutCallsByHoursAndPeer(day, user, c.MongoDatabase) results["inCalls"] = inCalls results["outCalls"] = outCalls results["hourlyInCalls"] = hourlyInCalls results["hourlyOutCalls"] = hourlyOutCalls revel.TRACE.Printf("[Daily PEERDATAS] Send to the client response of %d records.\r\n", len(results)) return c.RenderJson(results) }
//Fetch all incomming calls for given day and user //return a json stream with calls on success otherwise http status 500 func (c Daily) IncommingCallsByDayUser(day string, user string) revel.Result { revel.TRACE.Printf("[Daily] Get incomming call by day for the date [%s] and caller [%s].\r\n", day, user) results := mongo.GetPeerInCallsForUser(day, user, c.MongoDatabase) revel.TRACE.Printf("[Daily] send to the client response of %d records.\r\n", len(results)) return c.RenderJson(results) }