Example #1
func (gui *Gui) processBlock(block *types.Block, initial bool) {
	name := block.Coinbase().Hex()
	b := xeth.NewBlock(block)
	b.Name = name

	gui.getObjectByName("chainView").Call("addBlock", b, initial)
Example #2
// Creates a new QML Block from a chain block
func NewBlock(block *types.Block) *Block {
	if block == nil {
		return &Block{}

	ptxs := make([]*Transaction, len(block.Transactions()))
		for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
			ptxs[i] = NewTx(tx)
	txlist := common.NewList(ptxs)

	puncles := make([]*Block, len(block.Uncles()))
		for i, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
			puncles[i] = NewBlock(types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncle))
	ulist := common.NewList(puncles)

	return &Block{
		ref: block, Size: block.Size().String(),
		Number: int(block.NumberU64()), GasUsed: block.GasUsed().String(),
		GasLimit: block.GasLimit().String(), Hash: block.Hash().Hex(),
		Transactions: txlist, Uncles: ulist,
		Time:     block.Time(),
		Coinbase: block.Coinbase().Hex(),
		PrevHash: block.ParentHash().Hex(),
		Bloom:    common.ToHex(block.Bloom().Bytes()),
		Raw:      block.String(),
func (sm *BlockProcessor) TransitionState(statedb *state.StateDB, parent, block *types.Block, transientProcess bool) (receipts types.Receipts, err error) {
	gp := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(block.Coinbase())

	// Process the transactions on to parent state
	receipts, err = sm.ApplyTransactions(gp, statedb, block, block.Transactions(), transientProcess)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return receipts, nil
Example #4
func makeHeader(parent *types.Block, state *state.StateDB) *types.Header {
	time := parent.Time() + 10 // block time is fixed at 10 seconds
	return &types.Header{
		Root:       state.Root(),
		ParentHash: parent.Hash(),
		Coinbase:   parent.Coinbase(),
		Difficulty: CalcDifficulty(int64(time), int64(parent.Time()), parent.Difficulty()),
		GasLimit:   CalcGasLimit(parent),
		GasUsed:    new(big.Int),
		Number:     new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number(), common.Big1),
		Time:       uint64(time),
Example #5
func env(block *types.Block, eth core.Backend) *environment {
	state := state.New(block.Root(), eth.StateDb())
	env := &environment{
		totalUsedGas: new(big.Int),
		state:        state,
		block:        block,
		family:       set.New(),
		uncles:       set.New(),
		coinbase:     state.GetOrNewStateObject(block.Coinbase()),

	return env
func (sm *BlockProcessor) TransitionState(statedb *state.StateDB, parent, block *types.Block, transientProcess bool) (receipts types.Receipts, err error) {
	gp := new(GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit())
	if glog.V(logger.Core) {
		glog.Infof("%x: gas (+ %v)", block.Coinbase(), gp)

	// Process the transactions on to parent state
	receipts, err = sm.ApplyTransactions(gp, statedb, block, block.Transactions(), transientProcess)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return receipts, nil
Example #7
func makeHeader(parent *types.Block, state *state.StateDB) *types.Header {
	var time *big.Int
	if parent.Time() == nil {
		time = big.NewInt(10)
	} else {
		time = new(big.Int).Add(parent.Time(), big.NewInt(10)) // block time is fixed at 10 seconds
	return &types.Header{
		Root:       state.IntermediateRoot(),
		ParentHash: parent.Hash(),
		Coinbase:   parent.Coinbase(),
		Difficulty: CalcDifficulty(time.Uint64(), new(big.Int).Sub(time, big.NewInt(10)).Uint64(), parent.Number(), parent.Difficulty()),
		GasLimit:   CalcGasLimit(parent),
		GasUsed:    new(big.Int),
		Number:     new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number(), common.Big1),
		Time:       time,
Example #8
func NewBlockRes(block *types.Block, td *big.Int, fullTx bool) *BlockRes {
	if block == nil {
		return nil

	res := new(BlockRes)
	res.fullTx = fullTx
	res.BlockNumber = newHexNum(block.Number())
	res.BlockHash = newHexData(block.Hash())
	res.ParentHash = newHexData(block.ParentHash())
	res.Nonce = newHexData(block.Nonce())
	res.Sha3Uncles = newHexData(block.UncleHash())
	res.LogsBloom = newHexData(block.Bloom())
	res.TransactionRoot = newHexData(block.TxHash())
	res.StateRoot = newHexData(block.Root())
	res.ReceiptRoot = newHexData(block.ReceiptHash())
	res.Miner = newHexData(block.Coinbase())
	res.Difficulty = newHexNum(block.Difficulty())
	res.TotalDifficulty = newHexNum(td)
	res.Size = newHexNum(block.Size().Int64())
	res.ExtraData = newHexData(block.Extra())
	res.GasLimit = newHexNum(block.GasLimit())
	res.GasUsed = newHexNum(block.GasUsed())
	res.UnixTimestamp = newHexNum(block.Time())

	txs := block.Transactions()
	res.Transactions = make([]*TransactionRes, len(txs))
	for i, tx := range txs {
		res.Transactions[i] = NewTransactionRes(tx)
		res.Transactions[i].BlockHash = res.BlockHash
		res.Transactions[i].BlockNumber = res.BlockNumber
		res.Transactions[i].TxIndex = newHexNum(i)

	uncles := block.Uncles()
	res.Uncles = make([]*UncleRes, len(uncles))
	for i, uncle := range uncles {
		res.Uncles[i] = NewUncleRes(uncle)

	return res