Example #1
// insert injects a new head block into the current block chain. This method
// assumes that the block is indeed a true head. It will also reset the head
// header and the head fast sync block to this very same block if they are older
// or if they are on a different side chain.
// Note, this function assumes that the `mu` mutex is held!
func (bc *BlockChain) insert(block *types.Block) {
	// If the block is on a side chain or an unknown one, force other heads onto it too
	updateHeads := GetCanonicalHash(bc.chainDb, block.NumberU64()) != block.Hash()

	// Add the block to the canonical chain number scheme and mark as the head
	if err := WriteCanonicalHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to insert block number: %v", err)
	if err := WriteHeadBlockHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to insert head block hash: %v", err)
	bc.currentBlock = block

	// If the block is better than out head or is on a different chain, force update heads
	if updateHeads {
		if err := WriteHeadHeaderHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("failed to insert head header hash: %v", err)
		bc.currentHeader = block.Header()

		if err := WriteHeadFastBlockHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("failed to insert head fast block hash: %v", err)
		bc.currentFastBlock = block
Example #2
// PutTransactions stores the transactions in the given database
func PutTransactions(db common.Database, block *types.Block, txs types.Transactions) {
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		rlpEnc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(tx)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Failed encoding tx", err)
		db.Put(tx.Hash().Bytes(), rlpEnc)

		var txExtra struct {
			BlockHash  common.Hash
			BlockIndex uint64
			Index      uint64
		txExtra.BlockHash = block.Hash()
		txExtra.BlockIndex = block.NumberU64()
		txExtra.Index = uint64(i)
		rlpMeta, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(txExtra)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Failed encoding tx meta data", err)
		db.Put(append(tx.Hash().Bytes(), 0x0001), rlpMeta)
Example #3
// BroadcastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of it's peers, or
// will only announce it's availability (depending what's requested).
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool) {
	hash := block.Hash()
	peers := pm.peers.PeersWithoutBlock(hash)

	// If propagation is requested, send to a subset of the peer
	if propagate {
		// Calculate the TD of the block (it's not imported yet, so block.Td is not valid)
		var td *big.Int
		if parent := pm.blockchain.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()); parent != nil {
			td = new(big.Int).Add(block.Difficulty(), pm.blockchain.GetTd(block.ParentHash()))
		} else {
			glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("propagating dangling block #%d [%x]", block.NumberU64(), hash[:4])
		// Send the block to a subset of our peers
		transfer := peers[:int(math.Sqrt(float64(len(peers))))]
		for _, peer := range transfer {
			peer.SendNewBlock(block, td)
		glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("propagated block %x to %d peers in %v", hash[:4], len(transfer), time.Since(block.ReceivedAt))
	// Otherwise if the block is indeed in out own chain, announce it
	if pm.blockchain.HasBlock(hash) {
		for _, peer := range peers {
			if peer.version < eth62 {
			} else {
				peer.SendNewBlockHashes([]common.Hash{hash}, []uint64{block.NumberU64()})
		glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("announced block %x to %d peers in %v", hash[:4], len(peers), time.Since(block.ReceivedAt))
Example #4
// insert spawns a new goroutine to run a block insertion into the chain. If the
// block's number is at the same height as the current import phase, if updates
// the phase states accordingly.
func (f *Fetcher) insert(peer string, block *types.Block) {
	hash := block.Hash()

	// Run the import on a new thread
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: importing block #%d [%x]", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4])
	go func() {
		defer func() { f.done <- hash }()

		// If the parent's unknown, abort insertion
		parent := f.getBlock(block.ParentHash())
		if parent == nil {
		// Quickly validate the header and propagate the block if it passes
		if err := f.validateBlock(block, parent); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: block #%d [%x] verification failed: %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4], err)
		go f.broadcastBlock(block, true)

		// Run the actual import and log any issues
		if _, err := f.insertChain(types.Blocks{block}); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("Peer %s: block #%d [%x] import failed: %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4], err)
		// If import succeeded, broadcast the block
		go f.broadcastBlock(block, false)

		// Invoke the testing hook if needed
		if f.importedHook != nil {
// PutTransactions stores the transactions in the given database
func PutTransactions(db ethdb.Database, block *types.Block, txs types.Transactions) error {
	batch := db.NewBatch()

	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		rlpEnc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(tx)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed encoding tx: %v", err)

		batch.Put(tx.Hash().Bytes(), rlpEnc)

		var txExtra struct {
			BlockHash  common.Hash
			BlockIndex uint64
			Index      uint64
		txExtra.BlockHash = block.Hash()
		txExtra.BlockIndex = block.NumberU64()
		txExtra.Index = uint64(i)
		rlpMeta, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(txExtra)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed encoding tx meta data: %v", err)

		batch.Put(append(tx.Hash().Bytes(), 0x0001), rlpMeta)

	if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed writing tx to db: %v", err)
	return nil
Example #6
// Creates a new QML Block from a chain block
func NewBlock(block *types.Block) *Block {
	if block == nil {
		return &Block{}

	ptxs := make([]*Transaction, len(block.Transactions()))
		for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
			ptxs[i] = NewTx(tx)
	txlist := common.NewList(ptxs)

	puncles := make([]*Block, len(block.Uncles()))
		for i, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
			puncles[i] = NewBlock(types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncle))
	ulist := common.NewList(puncles)

	return &Block{
		ref: block, Size: block.Size().String(),
		Number: int(block.NumberU64()), GasUsed: block.GasUsed().String(),
		GasLimit: block.GasLimit().String(), Hash: block.Hash().Hex(),
		Transactions: txlist, Uncles: ulist,
		Time:     block.Time(),
		Coinbase: block.Coinbase().Hex(),
		PrevHash: block.ParentHash().Hex(),
		Bloom:    common.ToHex(block.Bloom().Bytes()),
		Raw:      block.String(),
Example #7
// enqueue schedules a new future import operation, if the block to be imported
// has not yet been seen.
func (f *Fetcher) enqueue(peer string, block *types.Block) {
	hash := block.Hash()

	// Ensure the peer isn't DOSing us
	count := f.queues[peer] + 1
	if count > blockLimit {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: discarded block #%d [%x], exceeded allowance (%d)", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], blockLimit)
	// Discard any past or too distant blocks
	if dist := int64(block.NumberU64()) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: discarded block #%d [%x], distance %d", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], dist)
	// Schedule the block for future importing
	if _, ok := f.queued[hash]; !ok {
		op := &inject{
			origin: peer,
			block:  block,
		f.queues[peer] = count
		f.queued[hash] = op
		f.queue.Push(op, -float32(block.NumberU64()))

		if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
			glog.Infof("Peer %s: queued block #%d [%x], total %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], f.queue.Size())
Example #8
// enqueue inserts a new block into the final delivery queue, waiting for pickup
// by the processor.
func (q *queue) enqueue(origin string, block *types.Block) error {
	// If a requested block falls out of the range, the hash chain is invalid
	index := int(int64(block.NumberU64()) - int64(q.blockOffset))
	if index >= len(q.blockCache) || index < 0 {
		return errInvalidChain
	// Otherwise merge the block and mark the hash done
	q.blockCache[index] = &Block{
		RawBlock:   block,
		OriginPeer: origin,
	q.blockPool[block.Header().Hash()] = block.NumberU64()
	return nil
Example #9
func (self *GasPriceOracle) processBlock(block *types.Block) {
	i := block.NumberU64()
	if i > self.lastProcessed {
		self.lastProcessed = i

	lastBase := self.minPrice
	bpl := self.blocks[i-1]
	if bpl != nil {
		lastBase = bpl.baseGasPrice
	if lastBase == nil {

	var corr int
	lp := self.lowestPrice(block)
	if lp == nil {

	if lastBase.Cmp(lp) < 0 {
		corr = self.eth.GpobaseStepUp
	} else {
		corr = -self.eth.GpobaseStepDown

	crand := int64(corr * (900 + rand.Intn(201)))
	newBase := new(big.Int).Mul(lastBase, big.NewInt(1000000+crand))
	newBase.Div(newBase, big.NewInt(1000000))

	if newBase.Cmp(self.minBase) < 0 {
		newBase = self.minBase

	bpi := self.blocks[i]
	if bpi == nil {
		bpi = &blockPriceInfo{}
		self.blocks[i] = bpi
	bpi.baseGasPrice = newBase
	self.lastBase = newBase

	glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Processed block #%v, base price is %v\n", block.NumberU64(), newBase.Int64())
Example #10
// insert spawns a new goroutine to run a block insertion into the chain. If the
// block's number is at the same height as the current import phase, if updates
// the phase states accordingly.
func (f *Fetcher) insert(peer string, block *types.Block) {
	hash := block.Hash()

	// Run the import on a new thread
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: importing block #%d [%x]", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4])
	go func() {
		defer func() { f.done <- hash }()

		// If the parent's unknown, abort insertion
		parent := f.getBlock(block.ParentHash())
		if parent == nil {
		// Quickly validate the header and propagate the block if it passes
		switch err := f.validateBlock(block, parent); err {
		case nil:
			// All ok, quickly propagate to our peers
			go f.broadcastBlock(block, true)

		case core.BlockFutureErr:
			// Weird future block, don't fail, but neither propagate

			// Something went very wrong, drop the peer
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: block #%d [%x] verification failed: %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4], err)
		// Run the actual import and log any issues
		if _, err := f.insertChain(types.Blocks{block}); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("Peer %s: block #%d [%x] import failed: %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4], err)
		// If import succeeded, broadcast the block
		go f.broadcastBlock(block, false)

		// Invoke the testing hook if needed
		if f.importedHook != nil {
// PutTransactions stores the transactions in the given database
func PutTransactions(db ethdb.Database, block *types.Block, txs types.Transactions) {
	batch := new(leveldb.Batch)
	_, batchWrite := db.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase)

	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		rlpEnc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(tx)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Failed encoding tx", err)

		if batchWrite {
			batch.Put(tx.Hash().Bytes(), rlpEnc)
		} else {
			db.Put(tx.Hash().Bytes(), rlpEnc)

		var txExtra struct {
			BlockHash  common.Hash
			BlockIndex uint64
			Index      uint64
		txExtra.BlockHash = block.Hash()
		txExtra.BlockIndex = block.NumberU64()
		txExtra.Index = uint64(i)
		rlpMeta, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(txExtra)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Failed encoding tx meta data", err)

		if batchWrite {
			batch.Put(append(tx.Hash().Bytes(), 0x0001), rlpMeta)
		} else {
			db.Put(append(tx.Hash().Bytes(), 0x0001), rlpMeta)

	if db, ok := db.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase); ok {
		if err := db.LDB().Write(batch, nil); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("db write err:", err)
Example #12
// insert injects a block into the current chain block chain. Note, this function
// assumes that the `mu` mutex is held!
func (bc *ChainManager) insert(block *types.Block) {
	// Add the block to the canonical chain number scheme and mark as the head
	if err := WriteCanonicalHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to insert block number: %v", err)
	if err := WriteHeadBlockHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to insert block number: %v", err)
	// Add a new restore point if we reached some limit
	if bc.checkpoint > checkpointLimit {
		if err := bc.chainDb.Put([]byte("checkpoint"), block.Hash().Bytes()); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("failed to create checkpoint: %v", err)
		bc.checkpoint = 0
	// Update the internal internal state with the head block
	bc.currentBlock = block
Example #13
// diff takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them
// to be part of the new canonical chain.
func (self *ChainManager) diff(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) types.Blocks {
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Applying diff to %x & %x\n", oldBlock.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newBlock.Hash().Bytes()[:4])

	var newChain types.Blocks
	// first find common number
	for newBlock = newBlock; newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash()) {
		newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)

	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Found common number", newBlock.Number())
	for {
		if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() {
		newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)

		oldBlock, newBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()), self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash())

	return newChain
Example #14
// WriteTransactions stores the transactions associated with a specific block
// into the given database. Beside writing the transaction, the function also
// stores a metadata entry along with the transaction, detailing the position
// of this within the blockchain.
func WriteTransactions(db ethdb.Database, block *types.Block) error {
	batch := db.NewBatch()

	// Iterate over each transaction and encode it with its metadata
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		// Encode and queue up the transaction for storage
		data, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(tx)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err := batch.Put(tx.Hash().Bytes(), data); err != nil {
			return err
		// Encode and queue up the transaction metadata for storage
		meta := struct {
			BlockHash  common.Hash
			BlockIndex uint64
			Index      uint64
			BlockHash:  block.Hash(),
			BlockIndex: block.NumberU64(),
			Index:      uint64(i),
		data, err = rlp.EncodeToBytes(meta)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err := batch.Put(append(tx.Hash().Bytes(), txMetaSuffix...), data); err != nil {
			return err
	// Write the scheduled data into the database
	if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to store transactions into database: %v", err)
		return err
	return nil
Example #15
// diff takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them
// to be part of the new canonical chain.
func (self *ChainManager) diff(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) (types.Blocks, error) {
	var (
		newChain    types.Blocks
		commonBlock *types.Block
		oldStart    = oldBlock
		newStart    = newBlock

	// first reduce whoever is higher bound
	if oldBlock.NumberU64() > newBlock.NumberU64() {
		// reduce old chain
		for oldBlock = oldBlock; oldBlock != nil && oldBlock.NumberU64() != newBlock.NumberU64(); oldBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()) {
	} else {
		// reduce new chain and append new chain blocks for inserting later on
		for newBlock = newBlock; newBlock != nil && newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash()) {
			newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
	if oldBlock == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
	if newBlock == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	numSplit := newBlock.Number()
	for {
		if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() {
			commonBlock = oldBlock
		newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)

		oldBlock, newBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()), self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash())
		if oldBlock == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
		if newBlock == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		commonHash := commonBlock.Hash()
		glog.Infof("Chain split detected @ %x. Reorganising chain from #%v %x to %x", commonHash[:4], numSplit, oldStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4])

	return newChain, nil
Example #16
// reorgs takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them
// to be part of the new canonical chain and accumulates potential missing transactions and post an
// event about them
func (self *BlockChain) reorg(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) error {
	var (
		newChain    types.Blocks
		commonBlock *types.Block
		oldStart    = oldBlock
		newStart    = newBlock
		deletedTxs  types.Transactions

	// first reduce whoever is higher bound
	if oldBlock.NumberU64() > newBlock.NumberU64() {
		// reduce old chain
		for oldBlock = oldBlock; oldBlock != nil && oldBlock.NumberU64() != newBlock.NumberU64(); oldBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()) {
			deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)
	} else {
		// reduce new chain and append new chain blocks for inserting later on
		for newBlock = newBlock; newBlock != nil && newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash()) {
			newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
	if oldBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
	if newBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	numSplit := newBlock.Number()
	for {
		if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() {
			commonBlock = oldBlock
		newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
		deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)

		oldBlock, newBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()), self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash())
		if oldBlock == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
		if newBlock == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		commonHash := commonBlock.Hash()
		glog.Infof("Chain split detected @ %x. Reorganising chain from #%v %x to %x", commonHash[:4], numSplit, oldStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4])

	var addedTxs types.Transactions
	// insert blocks. Order does not matter. Last block will be written in ImportChain itself which creates the new head properly
	for _, block := range newChain {
		// insert the block in the canonical way, re-writing history
		// write canonical receipts and transactions
		if err := PutTransactions(self.chainDb, block, block.Transactions()); err != nil {
			return err
		receipts := GetBlockReceipts(self.chainDb, block.Hash())
		// write receipts
		if err := PutReceipts(self.chainDb, receipts); err != nil {
			return err
		// Write map map bloom filters
		if err := WriteMipmapBloom(self.chainDb, block.NumberU64(), receipts); err != nil {
			return err

		addedTxs = append(addedTxs, block.Transactions()...)

	// calculate the difference between deleted and added transactions
	diff := types.TxDifference(deletedTxs, addedTxs)
	// When transactions get deleted from the database that means the
	// receipts that were created in the fork must also be deleted
	for _, tx := range diff {
		DeleteReceipt(self.chainDb, tx.Hash())
		DeleteTransaction(self.chainDb, tx.Hash())
	// Must be posted in a goroutine because of the transaction pool trying
	// to acquire the chain manager lock
	go self.eventMux.Post(RemovedTransactionEvent{diff})

	return nil
Example #17
func (app *HtmlApplication) NewBlock(block *types.Block) {
	b := &xeth.Block{Number: int(block.NumberU64()), Hash: block.Hash().Hex()}
	app.webView.Call("onNewBlockCb", b)
Example #18
// Events
func (app *QmlApplication) NewBlock(block *types.Block) {
	pblock := &xeth.Block{Number: int(block.NumberU64()), Hash: block.Hash().Hex()}
	app.win.Call("onNewBlockCb", pblock)
Example #19
func ImportChain(chain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error {
	// Watch for Ctrl-C while the import is running.
	// If a signal is received, the import will stop at the next batch.
	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)
	defer signal.Stop(interrupt)
	defer close(interrupt)
	go func() {
		if _, ok := <-interrupt; ok {
			glog.Info("caught interrupt during import, will stop at next batch")
	checkInterrupt := func() bool {
		select {
		case <-stop:
			return true
			return false

	glog.Infoln("Importing blockchain", fn)
	fh, err := os.Open(fn)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fh.Close()
	stream := rlp.NewStream(fh, 0)

	// Run actual the import.
	blocks := make(types.Blocks, importBatchSize)
	n := 0
	for batch := 0; ; batch++ {
		// Load a batch of RLP blocks.
		if checkInterrupt() {
			return fmt.Errorf("interrupted")
		i := 0
		for ; i < importBatchSize; i++ {
			var b types.Block
			if err := stream.Decode(&b); err == io.EOF {
			} else if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("at block %d: %v", n, err)
			// don't import first block
			if b.NumberU64() == 0 {
			blocks[i] = &b
		if i == 0 {
		// Import the batch.
		if checkInterrupt() {
			return fmt.Errorf("interrupted")
		if hasAllBlocks(chain, blocks[:i]) {
			glog.Infof("skipping batch %d, all blocks present [%x / %x]",
				batch, blocks[0].Hash().Bytes()[:4], blocks[i-1].Hash().Bytes()[:4])

		if _, err := chain.InsertChain(blocks[:i]); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid block %d: %v", n, err)
	return nil
Example #20
// reorgs takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them
// to be part of the new canonical chain and accumulates potential missing transactions and post an
// event about them
func (self *BlockChain) reorg(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) error {
	var (
		newChain          types.Blocks
		oldChain          types.Blocks
		commonBlock       *types.Block
		oldStart          = oldBlock
		newStart          = newBlock
		deletedTxs        types.Transactions
		deletedLogs       vm.Logs
		deletedLogsByHash = make(map[common.Hash]vm.Logs)
		// collectLogs collects the logs that were generated during the
		// processing of the block that corresponds with the given hash.
		// These logs are later announced as deleted.
		collectLogs = func(h common.Hash) {
			// Coalesce logs
			receipts := GetBlockReceipts(self.chainDb, h)
			for _, receipt := range receipts {
				deletedLogs = append(deletedLogs, receipt.Logs...)

				deletedLogsByHash[h] = receipt.Logs

	// first reduce whoever is higher bound
	if oldBlock.NumberU64() > newBlock.NumberU64() {
		// reduce old chain
		for ; oldBlock != nil && oldBlock.NumberU64() != newBlock.NumberU64(); oldBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()) {
			oldChain = append(oldChain, oldBlock)
			deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)

	} else {
		// reduce new chain and append new chain blocks for inserting later on
		for ; newBlock != nil && newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash()) {
			newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
	if oldBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
	if newBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	numSplit := newBlock.Number()
	for {
		if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() {
			commonBlock = oldBlock

		oldChain = append(oldChain, oldBlock)
		newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
		deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)

		oldBlock, newBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()), self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash())
		if oldBlock == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
		if newBlock == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		commonHash := commonBlock.Hash()
		glog.Infof("Chain split detected @ %x. Reorganising chain from #%v %x to %x", commonHash[:4], numSplit, oldStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4])

	var addedTxs types.Transactions
	// insert blocks. Order does not matter. Last block will be written in ImportChain itself which creates the new head properly
	for _, block := range newChain {
		// insert the block in the canonical way, re-writing history
		// write canonical receipts and transactions
		if err := WriteTransactions(self.chainDb, block); err != nil {
			return err
		receipts := GetBlockReceipts(self.chainDb, block.Hash())
		// write receipts
		if err := WriteReceipts(self.chainDb, receipts); err != nil {
			return err
		// Write map map bloom filters
		if err := WriteMipmapBloom(self.chainDb, block.NumberU64(), receipts); err != nil {
			return err
		addedTxs = append(addedTxs, block.Transactions()...)

	// calculate the difference between deleted and added transactions
	diff := types.TxDifference(deletedTxs, addedTxs)
	// When transactions get deleted from the database that means the
	// receipts that were created in the fork must also be deleted
	for _, tx := range diff {
		DeleteReceipt(self.chainDb, tx.Hash())
		DeleteTransaction(self.chainDb, tx.Hash())
	// Must be posted in a goroutine because of the transaction pool trying
	// to acquire the chain manager lock
	if len(diff) > 0 {
		go self.eventMux.Post(RemovedTransactionEvent{diff})
	if len(deletedLogs) > 0 {
		go self.eventMux.Post(RemovedLogsEvent{deletedLogs})

	if len(oldChain) > 0 {
		go func() {
			for _, block := range oldChain {
				self.eventMux.Post(ChainSideEvent{Block: block, Logs: deletedLogsByHash[block.Hash()]})

	return nil