Example #1
// Process processes the state changes according to the Ethereum rules by running
// the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both
// the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.
// Process returns the receipts and logs accumulated during the process and
// returns the amount of gas that was used in the process. If any of the
// transactions failed to execute due to insufficient gas it will return an error.
func (p *StateProcessor) Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config) (types.Receipts, vm.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
	var (
		receipts     types.Receipts
		totalUsedGas = big.NewInt(0)
		err          error
		header       = block.Header()
		allLogs      vm.Logs
		gp           = new(GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit())
	// Mutate the the block and state according to any hard-fork specs
	if p.config.DAOForkSupport && p.config.DAOForkBlock != nil && p.config.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(block.Number()) == 0 {
	// Iterate over and process the individual transactions
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)
		receipt, logs, _, err := ApplyTransaction(p.config, p.bc, gp, statedb, header, tx, totalUsedGas, cfg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, totalUsedGas, err
		receipts = append(receipts, receipt)
		allLogs = append(allLogs, logs...)
	AccumulateRewards(statedb, header, block.Uncles())

	return receipts, allLogs, totalUsedGas, err
func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransactions(gp GasPool, statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block, txs types.Transactions, transientProcess bool) (types.Receipts, error) {
	var (
		receipts      types.Receipts
		totalUsedGas  = big.NewInt(0)
		err           error
		cumulativeSum = new(big.Int)
		header        = block.Header()

	for i, tx := range txs {
		statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)

		receipt, txGas, err := self.ApplyTransaction(gp, statedb, header, tx, totalUsedGas, transientProcess)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Core).Infoln("TX err:", err)
		receipts = append(receipts, receipt)

		cumulativeSum.Add(cumulativeSum, new(big.Int).Mul(txGas, tx.GasPrice()))

	if block.GasUsed().Cmp(totalUsedGas) != 0 {
		return nil, ValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("gas used error (%v / %v)", block.GasUsed(), totalUsedGas))

	if transientProcess {
		go self.eventMux.Post(PendingBlockEvent{block, statedb.Logs()})

	return receipts, err
Example #3
// insert injects a new head block into the current block chain. This method
// assumes that the block is indeed a true head. It will also reset the head
// header and the head fast sync block to this very same block if they are older
// or if they are on a different side chain.
// Note, this function assumes that the `mu` mutex is held!
func (bc *BlockChain) insert(block *types.Block) {
	// If the block is on a side chain or an unknown one, force other heads onto it too
	updateHeads := GetCanonicalHash(bc.chainDb, block.NumberU64()) != block.Hash()

	// Add the block to the canonical chain number scheme and mark as the head
	if err := WriteCanonicalHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to insert block number: %v", err)
	if err := WriteHeadBlockHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to insert head block hash: %v", err)
	bc.currentBlock = block

	// If the block is better than out head or is on a different chain, force update heads
	if updateHeads {
		if err := WriteHeadHeaderHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("failed to insert head header hash: %v", err)
		bc.currentHeader = block.Header()

		if err := WriteHeadFastBlockHash(bc.chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("failed to insert head fast block hash: %v", err)
		bc.currentFastBlock = block
Example #4
// ContractCall implements ContractCaller.ContractCall, executing the specified
// contract with the given input data.
func (b *SimulatedBackend) ContractCall(contract common.Address, data []byte, pending bool) ([]byte, error) {
	// Create a copy of the current state db to screw around with
	var (
		block   *types.Block
		statedb *state.StateDB
	if pending {
		block, statedb = b.pendingBlock, b.pendingState.Copy()
	} else {
		block = b.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
		statedb, _ = b.blockchain.State()
	// Set infinite balance to the a fake caller account
	from := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(common.Address{})

	// Assemble the call invocation to measure the gas usage
	msg := callmsg{
		from:     from,
		to:       &contract,
		gasPrice: new(big.Int),
		gasLimit: common.MaxBig,
		value:    new(big.Int),
		data:     data,
	// Execute the call and return
	vmenv := core.NewEnv(statedb, b.blockchain, msg, block.Header(), nil)
	gaspool := new(core.GasPool).AddGas(common.MaxBig)

	out, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(vmenv, msg, gaspool)
	return out, err
Example #5
// returns the lowers possible price with which a tx was or could have been included
func (self *GasPriceOracle) lowestPrice(block *types.Block) *big.Int {
	gasUsed := new(big.Int)
	recepits, err := self.eth.BlockProcessor().GetBlockReceipts(block.Hash())
	if err != nil {
		return self.eth.GpoMinGasPrice

	if len(recepits) > 0 {
		gasUsed = recepits[len(recepits)-1].CumulativeGasUsed

	if new(big.Int).Mul(gasUsed, big.NewInt(100)).Cmp(new(big.Int).Mul(block.Header().GasLimit,
		big.NewInt(int64(self.eth.GpoFullBlockRatio)))) < 0 {
		// block is not full, could have posted a tx with MinGasPrice
		return self.eth.GpoMinGasPrice

	if len(block.Transactions()) < 1 {
		return self.eth.GpoMinGasPrice

	// block is full, find smallest gasPrice
	minPrice := block.Transactions()[0].GasPrice()
	for i := 1; i < len(block.Transactions()); i++ {
		price := block.Transactions()[i].GasPrice()
		if price.Cmp(minPrice) < 0 {
			minPrice = price
	return minPrice
Example #6
func CalculateTD(block, parent *types.Block) *big.Int {
	if parent == nil {
		return block.Difficulty()

	td := new(big.Int).Add(parent.Td, block.Header().Difficulty)

	return td
Example #7
// WriteBlock serializes a block into the database, header and body separately.
func WriteBlock(db ethdb.Database, block *types.Block) error {
	// Store the body first to retain database consistency
	if err := WriteBody(db, block.Hash(), block.Body()); err != nil {
		return err
	// Store the header too, signaling full block ownership
	if err := WriteHeader(db, block.Header()); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
func (sm *BlockProcessor) TransitionState(statedb *state.StateDB, parent, block *types.Block, transientProcess bool) (receipts types.Receipts, err error) {
	coinbase := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(block.Header().Coinbase)

	// Process the transactions on to parent state
	receipts, err = sm.ApplyTransactions(coinbase, statedb, block, block.Transactions(), transientProcess)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return receipts, nil
func (sm *BlockProcessor) RetryProcess(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
	// Processing a blocks may never happen simultaneously
	defer sm.mutex.Unlock()

	header := block.Header()
	if !sm.bc.HasBlock(header.ParentHash) {
		return nil, ParentError(header.ParentHash)
	parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(header.ParentHash)

	return sm.processWithParent(block, parent)
Example #10
// enqueue inserts a new block into the final delivery queue, waiting for pickup
// by the processor.
func (q *queue) enqueue(origin string, block *types.Block) error {
	// If a requested block falls out of the range, the hash chain is invalid
	index := int(int64(block.NumberU64()) - int64(q.blockOffset))
	if index >= len(q.blockCache) || index < 0 {
		return errInvalidChain
	// Otherwise merge the block and mark the hash done
	q.blockCache[index] = &Block{
		RawBlock:   block,
		OriginPeer: origin,
	q.blockPool[block.Header().Hash()] = block.NumberU64()
	return nil
Example #11
func (self *CpuAgent) mine(block *types.Block) {
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("(re)started agent[%d]. mining...\n", self.index)

	// Reset the channel
	self.quitCurrentOp = make(chan struct{}, 1)

	// Mine
	nonce, mixDigest := self.pow.Search(block, self.quitCurrentOp)
	if nonce != 0 {
		block.Header().MixDigest = common.BytesToHash(mixDigest)
		self.returnCh <- block
	} else {
		self.returnCh <- nil
Example #12
func AccumulateRewards(statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block) {
	reward := new(big.Int).Set(BlockReward)

	for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
		num := new(big.Int).Add(big.NewInt(8), uncle.Number)
		num.Sub(num, block.Number())

		r := new(big.Int)
		r.Mul(BlockReward, num)
		r.Div(r, big.NewInt(8))

		statedb.AddBalance(uncle.Coinbase, r)

		reward.Add(reward, new(big.Int).Div(BlockReward, big.NewInt(32)))

	// Get the account associated with the coinbase
	statedb.AddBalance(block.Header().Coinbase, reward)
// GetLogs returns the logs of the given block. This method is using a two step approach
// where it tries to get it from the (updated) method which gets them from the receipts or
// the depricated way by re-processing the block.
func (sm *BlockProcessor) GetLogs(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
	receipts, err := sm.GetBlockReceipts(block.Hash())
	if err == nil && len(receipts) > 0 {
		// coalesce logs
		for _, receipt := range receipts {
			logs = append(logs, receipt.Logs()...)

	// TODO: remove backward compatibility
	var (
		parent = sm.bc.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash)
		state  = state.New(parent.Root(), sm.db)

	sm.TransitionState(state, parent, block, true)

	return state.Logs(), nil
func (sm *BlockProcessor) RetryProcess(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
	// Processing a blocks may never happen simultaneously
	defer sm.mutex.Unlock()

	header := block.Header()
	if !sm.bc.HasBlock(header.ParentHash) {
		return nil, ParentError(header.ParentHash)
	parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(header.ParentHash)

	// FIXME Change to full header validation. See #1225
	errch := make(chan bool)
	go func() { errch <- sm.Pow.Verify(block) }()

	logs, err = sm.processWithParent(block, parent)
	if !<-errch {
		return nil, ValidationError("Block's nonce is invalid (= %x)", block.Nonce)

	return logs, err
Example #15
// ValidateBlock validates the given block's header and uncles and verifies the
// the block header's transaction and uncle roots.
// ValidateBlock does not validate the header's pow. The pow work validated
// separately so we can process them in parallel.
// ValidateBlock also validates and makes sure that any previous state (or present)
// state that might or might not be present is checked to make sure that fast
// sync has done it's job proper. This prevents the block validator form accepting
// false positives where a header is present but the state is not.
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBlock(block *types.Block) error {
	if v.bc.HasBlock(block.Hash()) {
		if _, err := state.New(block.Root(), v.bc.chainDb); err == nil {
			return &KnownBlockError{block.Number(), block.Hash()}
	parent := v.bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
	if parent == nil {
		return ParentError(block.ParentHash())
	if _, err := state.New(parent.Root(), v.bc.chainDb); err != nil {
		return ParentError(block.ParentHash())

	header := block.Header()
	// validate the block header
	if err := ValidateHeader(v.config, v.Pow, header, parent.Header(), false, false); err != nil {
		return err
	// verify the uncles are correctly rewarded
	if err := v.VerifyUncles(block, parent); err != nil {
		return err

	// Verify UncleHash before running other uncle validations
	unclesSha := types.CalcUncleHash(block.Uncles())
	if unclesSha != header.UncleHash {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid uncles root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.UncleHash, unclesSha)

	// The transactions Trie's root (R = (Tr [[i, RLP(T1)], [i, RLP(T2)], ... [n, RLP(Tn)]]))
	// can be used by light clients to make sure they've received the correct Txs
	txSha := types.DeriveSha(block.Transactions())
	if txSha != header.TxHash {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.TxHash, txSha)

	return nil
// Process processes the state changes according to the Ethereum rules by running
// the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both
// the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.
// Process returns the receipts and logs accumulated during the process and
// returns the amount of gas that was used in the process. If any of the
// transactions failed to execute due to insufficient gas it will return an error.
func (p *StateProcessor) Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config) (types.Receipts, vm.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
	var (
		receipts     types.Receipts
		totalUsedGas = big.NewInt(0)
		err          error
		header       = block.Header()
		allLogs      vm.Logs
		gp           = new(GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit())

	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)
		receipt, logs, _, err := ApplyTransaction(p.config, p.bc, gp, statedb, header, tx, totalUsedGas, cfg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, totalUsedGas, err
		receipts = append(receipts, receipt)
		allLogs = append(allLogs, logs...)
	AccumulateRewards(statedb, header, block.Uncles())

	return receipts, allLogs, totalUsedGas, err
Example #17
// ValidateState validates the various changes that happen after a state
// transition, such as amount of used gas, the receipt roots and the state root
// itself. ValidateState returns a database batch if the validation was a success
// otherwise nil and an error is returned.
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateState(block, parent *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, receipts types.Receipts, usedGas *big.Int) (err error) {
	header := block.Header()
	if block.GasUsed().Cmp(usedGas) != 0 {
		return ValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("gas used error (%v / %v)", block.GasUsed(), usedGas))
	// Validate the received block's bloom with the one derived from the generated receipts.
	// For valid blocks this should always validate to true.
	rbloom := types.CreateBloom(receipts)
	if rbloom != header.Bloom {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to replicate block's bloom=%x vs calculated bloom=%x", header.Bloom, rbloom)
	// Tre receipt Trie's root (R = (Tr [[H1, R1], ... [Hn, R1]]))
	receiptSha := types.DeriveSha(receipts)
	if receiptSha != header.ReceiptHash {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid receipt root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.ReceiptHash, receiptSha)
	// Validate the state root against the received state root and throw
	// an error if they don't match.
	if root := statedb.IntermediateRoot(); header.Root != root {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid merkle root: header=%x computed=%x", header.Root, root)
	return nil
Example #18
func NewBlockRes(block *types.Block, fullTx bool) *BlockRes {
	if block == nil {
		return nil

	res := new(BlockRes)
	res.fullTx = fullTx
	res.BlockNumber = newHexNum(block.Number())
	res.BlockHash = newHexData(block.Hash())
	res.ParentHash = newHexData(block.ParentHash())
	res.Nonce = newHexData(block.Nonce())
	res.Sha3Uncles = newHexData(block.Header().UncleHash)
	res.LogsBloom = newHexData(block.Bloom())
	res.TransactionRoot = newHexData(block.Header().TxHash)
	res.StateRoot = newHexData(block.Root())
	res.Miner = newHexData(block.Header().Coinbase)
	res.Difficulty = newHexNum(block.Difficulty())
	res.TotalDifficulty = newHexNum(block.Td)
	res.Size = newHexNum(block.Size().Int64())
	res.ExtraData = newHexData(block.Header().Extra)
	res.GasLimit = newHexNum(block.GasLimit())
	res.GasUsed = newHexNum(block.GasUsed())
	res.UnixTimestamp = newHexNum(block.Time())

	res.Transactions = make([]*TransactionRes, len(block.Transactions()))
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		res.Transactions[i] = NewTransactionRes(tx)
		res.Transactions[i].BlockHash = res.BlockHash
		res.Transactions[i].BlockNumber = res.BlockNumber
		res.Transactions[i].TxIndex = newHexNum(i)

	res.Uncles = make([]*UncleRes, len(block.Uncles()))
	for i, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
		res.Uncles[i] = NewUncleRes(uncle)

	return res
Example #19
func (sm *BlockProcessor) GetLogs(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
	if !sm.bc.HasBlock(block.Header().ParentHash) {
		return nil, ParentError(block.Header().ParentHash)

	sm.lastAttemptedBlock = block

	var (
		parent = sm.bc.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash)
		state  = state.New(parent.Root(), sm.db)

	sm.TransitionState(state, parent, block, true)

	return state.Logs(), nil
Example #20
// block time is fixed at 10 seconds
func newBlockFromParent(addr common.Address, parent *types.Block) *types.Block {
	block := types.NewBlock(parent.Hash(), addr, parent.Root(), common.BigPow(2, 32), 0, nil)

	header := block.Header()
	header.Difficulty = CalcDifficulty(block.Header(), parent.Header())
	header.Number = new(big.Int).Add(parent.Header().Number, common.Big1)
	header.Time = parent.Header().Time + 10
	header.GasLimit = CalcGasLimit(parent)

	block.Td = parent.Td

	return block
Example #21
func (self *ChainManager) CalcTotalDiff(block *types.Block) (*big.Int, error) {
	parent := self.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash)
	if parent == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to calculate total diff without known parent %x", block.Header().ParentHash)

	parentTd := parent.Td

	uncleDiff := new(big.Int)
	for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
		uncleDiff = uncleDiff.Add(uncleDiff, uncle.Difficulty)

	td := new(big.Int)
	td = td.Add(parentTd, uncleDiff)
	td = td.Add(td, block.Header().Difficulty)

	return td, nil
Example #22
func (self *ImportMaster) importBlock(block *types.Block) {
	blockHash := block.Header().Hash().Hex()
	txAmount := uint64(len(block.Transactions()))

	glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Importing block", blockHash, "Hash with ", txAmount, "transactions")
	extData := string(block.Header().Extra[:])

	err := self.blockCollection.Insert(&Block{blockHash, block.ParentHash().Hex(), block.Header().UncleHash.Hex(), block.Header().Coinbase.Hex(), block.Header().Root.Hex(), block.Header().TxHash.Hex(), block.Header().ReceiptHash.Hex(), block.Header().Number.String(), block.Header().Difficulty.String(), block.Header().GasLimit.String(), block.Header().GasUsed.String(), block.Header().Time, txAmount, extData, string(block.Nonce()), block.Size().String(), block.Header().MixDigest.Hex(), false, nil})
	if err != nil {
	result := Block{}
	err = self.blockCollection.Find(bson.M{"block_hash": blockHash}).One(&result)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalf("Could not find the block we just added, saving faild: %v", err)
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		self.importTx(tx, result.Id)
Example #23
func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
	sm.lastAttemptedBlock = block

	// Create a new state based on the parent's root (e.g., create copy)
	state := state.New(parent.Root(), sm.db)

	// Block validation
	if err = sm.ValidateHeader(block.Header(), parent.Header()); err != nil {

	// There can be at most two uncles
	if len(block.Uncles()) > 2 {
		return nil, ValidationError("Block can only contain one uncle (contained %v)", len(block.Uncles()))

	receipts, err := sm.TransitionState(state, parent, block, false)
	if err != nil {

	header := block.Header()

	// Validate the received block's bloom with the one derived from the generated receipts.
	// For valid blocks this should always validate to true.
	rbloom := types.CreateBloom(receipts)
	if rbloom != header.Bloom {
		err = fmt.Errorf("unable to replicate block's bloom=%x", rbloom)

	// The transactions Trie's root (R = (Tr [[i, RLP(T1)], [i, RLP(T2)], ... [n, RLP(Tn)]]))
	// can be used by light clients to make sure they've received the correct Txs
	txSha := types.DeriveSha(block.Transactions())
	if txSha != header.TxHash {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.TxHash, txSha)

	// Tre receipt Trie's root (R = (Tr [[H1, R1], ... [Hn, R1]]))
	receiptSha := types.DeriveSha(receipts)
	if receiptSha != header.ReceiptHash {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid receipt root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.ReceiptHash, receiptSha)

	// Verify UncleHash before running other uncle validations
	unclesSha := block.CalculateUnclesHash()
	if unclesSha != header.UncleHash {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid uncles root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.UncleHash, unclesSha)

	// Verify uncles
	if err = sm.VerifyUncles(state, block, parent); err != nil {
	// Accumulate static rewards; block reward, uncle's and uncle inclusion.
	AccumulateRewards(state, block)

	// Commit state objects/accounts to a temporary trie (does not save)
	// used to calculate the state root.
	if header.Root != state.Root() {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid merkle root. received=%x got=%x", header.Root, state.Root())

	// Calculate the td for this block
	//td = CalculateTD(block, parent)
	// Sync the current block's state to the database

	// Remove transactions from the pool

	// This puts transactions in a extra db for rpc
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		putTx(sm.extraDb, tx, block, uint64(i))

	return state.Logs(), nil
Example #24
func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, receipts types.Receipts, err error) {
	// Create a new state based on the parent's root (e.g., create copy)
	state := state.New(parent.Root(), sm.chainDb)
	header := block.Header()
	uncles := block.Uncles()
	txs := block.Transactions()

	// Block validation
	if err = ValidateHeader(sm.Pow, header, parent.Header(), false, false); err != nil {

	// There can be at most two uncles
	if len(uncles) > 2 {
		return nil, nil, ValidationError("Block can only contain maximum 2 uncles (contained %v)", len(uncles))

	receipts, err = sm.TransitionState(state, parent, block, false)
	if err != nil {

	// Validate the received block's bloom with the one derived from the generated receipts.
	// For valid blocks this should always validate to true.
	rbloom := types.CreateBloom(receipts)
	if rbloom != header.Bloom {
		err = fmt.Errorf("unable to replicate block's bloom=%x", rbloom)

	// The transactions Trie's root (R = (Tr [[i, RLP(T1)], [i, RLP(T2)], ... [n, RLP(Tn)]]))
	// can be used by light clients to make sure they've received the correct Txs
	txSha := types.DeriveSha(txs)
	if txSha != header.TxHash {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.TxHash, txSha)

	// Tre receipt Trie's root (R = (Tr [[H1, R1], ... [Hn, R1]]))
	receiptSha := types.DeriveSha(receipts)
	if receiptSha != header.ReceiptHash {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid receipt root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.ReceiptHash, receiptSha)

	// Verify UncleHash before running other uncle validations
	unclesSha := types.CalcUncleHash(uncles)
	if unclesSha != header.UncleHash {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid uncles root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.UncleHash, unclesSha)

	// Verify uncles
	if err = sm.VerifyUncles(state, block, parent); err != nil {
	// Accumulate static rewards; block reward, uncle's and uncle inclusion.
	AccumulateRewards(state, header, uncles)

	// Commit state objects/accounts to a temporary trie (does not save)
	// used to calculate the state root.
	if header.Root != state.Root() {
		err = fmt.Errorf("invalid merkle root. received=%x got=%x", header.Root, state.Root())

	// Sync the current block's state to the database

	return state.Logs(), receipts, nil
Example #25
func blockErr(block *types.Block, err error) {
	h := block.Header()
	glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Bad block #%v (%x)\n", h.Number, h.Hash().Bytes())